

1. We hope your suggestion will contribute _________ solving the problem.

2.The only thing I can tell you ________ certainty is that Master Meredith hasn't been riding since the accident.

3.Kate doesn’t lack money and experience, but she is lacking __________ confidence.

4. ___________ (give) that she was very interested in the activity, finally Lily’s mother allowed her to take part.

5. ____________ (expose) to harmful radiation has caused serious damage to his health.

6. The band, __________ (consist) of four handsome boys, is very popular among the teenagers.

7. ___________ (absorb) in her own affairs, she didn’t have any idea what was going on.

8.Her cousin steals money from his company and tells lies—he is very _______(honest)

9.The old law could sentence a woman to an/a _____________(bear) marriage, but now this is changing.

10.We were shocked at the case ________ a man who had killed his colleague got away with the crime.


If you want to live longer and lower the risk of heart disease, a move to the mountains may help. Research by scientists in Greece shows that living in the mountains is good for the heart and longevity(长寿). People living at higher altitude(海拔) have lower possibility of dying from heart disease than those closer to sea level, even if they have factors that could increase their risk. "Residence in mountainous areas seems to have a ‘protective effect’ from heart disease," said Dr Nikos Baibas of the University of Athens. He and his colleagues suspect that the increased exercise from walking up mountainous area gives the heart a good workout and enables it to cope with lower levels of oxygen.

Researchers studied the health records and death rates of 1,150 Greeks who lived in three villages near Athens over 15 years. One village was 1,000 meters above sea level and the other two were in low-lying areas. Although men and women living in the mountainous village had higher blood pressure rates and other risk factors than people in the other villages, they had a lower rate of death from heart disease and other causes after a fifteen year follow-up." The contrast was more evident among men than among women," Baibas added in a report in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. Heart disease is one of the world's top killers. Smoking, high blood pressure, raised cholesterol levels, being overweight and a family history of the illness increase the possibility of developing the disease.

1.The first sentence in the passage is used to ________.

A. give a very good guessing

B. tell readers what the passage focuses on

C. warn people of the risk of heart disease

D. name a new unknown illness

2.According to the passage, a person ________ may have less possibility of having heart attack.

A. from higher altitude

B. with a better living habit

C. with more money

D. in a happier mood

3.How long does the research of the Greeks last?

A. At most 10 years.B. Not mentioned.

C. More than 20 years.D. About 15 years.

4.Apart from altitude, how many factors raise the chance of developing heart disease?

A. threeB. fourC. fiveD. six

Make new friends, but keep the old. One is silver, and the other gold.

This song expresses a nice rule: increasing friends. Sometimes things actually work out that way. I’ve met adults who’ve said, “We’ve been friends since kindergarten!” A friend who has known you forever is a treasure. But friendships don’t always last — especially for children.

When I was growing up, my family moved about every three years. The advantage of this was that I got to see different parts of the world, and it made my family very close. I also learned to be pretty good at making new friends, and, to keep in touch with old friends, I became a great letter writer. But I always admired those kids who stayed in one place and kept their friends for a long time. I didn’t learn that children’s friendships can disappear even when no one moves until I was much older, with children of my own.

Sometimes friendships end in quarrels and hurt feelings. But perhaps the most painful end to a friendship is the one-sided rejection — one friend turns away, or chooses someone else as a close friend, and the other child is left feeling sad and wondering why this thing happened. The end of a friendship is often sad, but it’s not necessarily a bad thing. Often the end of one friendship makes more room for other friendships to grow.

1.What does the children’s song really mean?

A. Friendships don’t last forever.

B. New friends are more important.

C. Only old friends are important.

D. Old friends are as important as new ones.

2.When his family moved often, the author couldn’t .

A. make friends easily

B. become a good letter writer

C. stay with his friends for a long time

D. see many different places

3.What is the most painful end to a friendship?

A. Friends quarrel with each other.

B. Friends each have grown up.

C. Friends stand apart.

D. One friend ends friendship himself.

Get ready to cycle your heart out at these local and overseas destinations perfect for cycling.

1. Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

With more bikes than people, the city has a large number of cyclists. Low speed limits in the centre control the impact of cars, while bike racks( 自行车停放架) on public transport make it easy to travel long distances. You can also find rental shops everywhere.

2. Berlin, Germany.

With over 1000 km of bike paths, the vast majority of which are protected lanes, it's no wonder Berliners love to get around by bike. For the traveller, the major sights are within easy reach on a bicycle. The “Call A Bike” share system allows you to simply lock the bike to any fixed object and call in a code to return it.

3. Paris, France.

Home to the Velib' public bike sharing system that has over 20, 000 bikes, and with 500km of bike paths, Paris cyclists can enjoy the city safe from motorists. A Velib' station is almost always within sight, or just around the next corner.

4. Tokyo, Japan.

Despite being home to one of the most developed public transportation networks on the planet, Tokyo residents still cycle in large numbers. Though the extent of bike lanes is limited, safe drivers ease the tension between car and cyclist. Unique automatic underground bike parking garages are provided when you need to store your bicycle.

5. Perth, Australia.

A large part of Perth's intelligent basic facilities are made up of bike paths, which allow commuters to get into and around their city with ease. There are free bike lockers and racks across the city. For the visitor, numerous scenic routes line the coastline and the local Swan River.

1. In which country can you find the “Call A Bike” system?

A. The Netherlands. B. France.

C. Germany. D. Australia.

2.Where can you store your bicycle in Tokyo?

A. Underground bike parking garages.

B. In protected lanes.

C. In a Velib's station.

D. In free bike lockers and racks across the city.

3. What is the best title of the passage?

A. Why People Love cycling

B. Ways to Rent a Bicycle in Different Countries

C. Bicycles----the Best Means of Transportation

D. 5 Bike-----Friendly Cities


Universities are doing everything they can to become a green campus. But there are also items students can do to make your campus more eco-friendly.

1. Recycle everything, especially paper!

There is a large amount of paper a college student goes through every term. 1. We know that these things can’t be avoided, but the way you handle the use of all the paper can really help create a better green campus.

2. Buy green.

2. Paper, cleaning products and water are products that can be bought as recycled goods. They’re slightly more expensive than the normal products, but it’s worth it to make a green campus.

3. Walk and bike to school.

Most campuses, especially those that are trying to become a more eco-friendly campus, have pretty good public transit (公共交通系统). 3. Walking or biking will help make your campus a green university.

4. 4.

A water bottle can be refilled at any water fountain and can easily be drunk in class or while riding a bike. This will save the environment by decreasing the amount of plastic waste on your campus.

5. Buy used clothing.

It is usually thought of as something to do to save money. 5. Recycling clothes minimizes the use of resources to make clothing and puts a dent in the problem of worldwide sweatshops.

A. Carry a water bottle.

B. It is also good for the environment!

C. Buy recycled goods as much as possible.

D. Paper made of this kind of wood is much stronger.

E. On top of that, almost all universities are pedestrian (步行者) friendly.

F. It includes class notes, term papers, student newspapers and so on.

G. Universities call on all the students to learn to recycle all the waste paper.

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