

Family members become closer during such a trip, therefore make sure to bring every family member with you — needless to say, your pet dog as well. Enjoy the fresh air and beautiful sunshine with your pet and you will feel much closer to it.

If you have decided to take your dog on a self-driving holiday, a full and detailed preparation is needed.

When reaching the destination, dogs need comfortable and cozy places to rest, but they are sometimes banned from some hotels and restaurants. Therefore it is of great importance to make sure the place you are going is dog-friendly.

Dogs like Golden Retrievers, Schnauzers, Labradors and Cocker Spaniels are quite lively and outgoing in nature so are suitable for a trip. But some canines are not, such as those which are too young or too old.The old dog lets you know quickly about being uncomfortable with unfamiliar circumstances, while the young ones are easy to get hurt.

Many people wrongly believe that holiday trips are beneficial to animals, strengthening their ability to deal with strange environments. But experts say that it’s not as effective as they think and the ability to adapt to different environments needs to be trained into the dogs before they come across such challenges. A sudden trip can be too much of a burden for many dogs which will feel stressed and scared.Only those more naturally friendly dogs will feel happy on a trip with owners by their side.

Special attention should be paid to animal insurance because in a strange environment dogs can be easily frightened by other animals and run away. Keeping them well tied up is advisable.

Another important point that requires your attention is the possibility of attacks by other dogs in rural areas where immunity(免疫力) from disease cannot be guaranteed.

64.The underlined word “canines ” in Para.4 refers to ________.

A.destinations             B.dogs         C.  hotels and restaurants            D.people

65.People should pay special attention to animal insurance because ________.

    A.there are too many young dogs

    B.dogs have the ability to adapt to new environments

    C.  dogs are easily attacked by other dogs in rural areas

    D.dogs are easily afraid of other animals and run away in a strange place

66.The main reason why people bring their dogs on holiday is that ________.

    A.they are not safe at home    

B.they are members of the family

    C.  their dogs can learn a lot outside

    D.people can build a better relationship with them

67.What’s the best title of the passage?

    A.Bring Your Pet on Holiday            B.Take Care of Your Pet

    C.  A Special Member of the Family   D.Animal Insurance











Maggie was very glad that James was not a frequent visitor to the house. So far as the children were concerned, they had a mystery about him that stirred their imagination. He stirred Maggie’s anger, however, so that she often said to her husband, “It’s mercy that brother of yours doesn’t come oftener.”

In fact James came once a year, unexpectedly, around eight o’clock in the evening, and he stayed for six hours of close discussion with his brother. His arrival was a signal to the children that their bedtime would be delayed. Not that he ever spoke to them or played with them. He took no notice of them, as if he was unable to see children, at least until the time came for him to go. Instead, after his first greeting and a careless kiss, James took no notice of Maggie either, except to add, “You’ll be getting on with the supper, Maggie.” Such was his regard for her.

Maggie paid him back in her own way. She kept the children up, the four of them, to keep her company, she said, but of course they sang and made a noise and broke the endless sound of James’s voice. Very late, they dropped off to sleep in their chairs. Then, when James was about to go, Maggie woke them up and so more or less forced him to part with four shillings before he left. That gave her some satisfaction, for James, though rich, was mean. He always went home by the last train, just after two o’clock.

Maggie’s children secretly stared at their uncle. They could not forget that he had, in their mother’s words, “lost two wives and taken a third, ” They wondered about those two unfortunate lost ladies. They asked each other what their fate had been, and if neither could ever be found again. James never brought his third wife with him nor ever mentioned her. The children decided that he must be so frightened of losing her that he never allowed her outside the door.

11. The underlined word “mercy” in the text most probably means _______.

A. loss       B. wonder    C. lucky thing         D. terrible thing

12. Maggie never prepared anything special for James because _______.

A. he was a man difficult to please

B. she never knew when he was coming

C. she was too busy looking after her children

D. he never stayed long enough for a meal

13. What do we know about James’ behavior?

A. He was a kind man, with love for the family.

B. He was generous, especially towards his brother.

C. He was anxious to please the family, especially the kids.

D. He was rude to his sister-in-law.

14. Maggie felt pleased when _______.

A. she paid James the money that she owed him

B. James gave some money to the children

C. she had to wake James up to catch his train

D. James thanked her for the nice supper

15. The children did not realize that two of James’ wives _______.

A. had been dead               B. suffered from loss of memory

C. had run away from him      D. might appear again one day

Is veg food healthier than non-veg food? I feel this is a very common topic that people speak on.Please give me your opinions on this topic.



So far as veg food is concerned, it is also proved to be a healthy and nutritious diet, but has very few items which can provide us with proteins, but if you see non-veg food like eggs, chicken, and many more, such foods have a large content of proteins in them.



Man basically is herbivorous(食草的). If we look at the animal kingdom

We can see that all the herbivorous animals have the similar dental(牙齿的)

structure, which clearly shows that the human being also ought to be vegetarian

by birth. It is only the living conditions that make man carnivorous(食肉的).

The vegetarian foods are easily digestible.



Non-veg food items are better than veg items. A healthy person requires complete diet and veg+ meat makes the diet complete. The only caution that needs to be taken is not to have non-veg items on a daily basis. Once in a week or couple of weeks will be best.



When we eat non-veg, we are all veg by nature. The chicken that we eat feeds on grains, the mutton that we eat feeds on grass, and the fish that we eat feeds on simple plants. So non-veg food by logic(逻辑)is better and suited for hauman beings.



Non-veg food is equally important in our diet as it helps in many ways, especially fish and other seafood as fish contains omega 3 which makes our immune system(免疫系统)stronger. Do you know that most of the veg food put together does not contain as much omega 3 as fish alone contains!

68.According to Rao, what is the problem with veg food?

         A.It damages our immune system.

         B.It has few nutrients.

         C.It contains too much omega 3.

         D.It is lacking in protein.

69.In the opinion of Sai, humans are born vegetarian because humans        .

         A.have the same teeth structure as plant-eating animals

         B.believe that veg foods are good for their teeth

         C.belong to the plant-eating animal family

         D.can adapt to the living conditions like plant-eating animals

70.What advice is given by Santos?

         A.To have a saily veg+ meat diet.

         B.Not to eat non-veg food every day.

         C.To eat digestible food every day.

         D.Not to eat food without protein.

Summer Holiday Fun 2010 !

The summer holidays are upon us again. Here is our guide to summer holiday fun in Peterborough!

Peterborough Museum

The Age of the Dinosaurs’ is the museum’s main attraction this summer.Get up close to prehistoric creatures via some great hands— on exhibits! Watch out for monsters lurking around every ember! The museum is open from 10:00am to 5:00pm Monday to Saturday,and from 12:00pm to 4:00 pm on Sundays in August.

Call 01733 864663 for details.

Saxon Youth Club

    School holiday fun:Young people aged 13—19 will be able to produce their own music, compete in sports activities,or try their hand at cooking at Saxon Youth Club,Saxon Community Centre, Norman Road.Peterborough every Monday and Wednesday from 3:00pm.PLUS an aero ball tournament will take place on Thursday 12th August between 3:30pm and 6:30pm.

Call 01 353 720274 for details.

Houghton Mill   

Alice through the Looking Class—a new production of the family favorite on Monday 30th August.Bring rugs or chairs to sit on and a picnic if you wish to eat during the play.Gates open 5:30pm,performance 6:30pm—8:30pm.Tea room will be open until end of the interval.Adult £10.Child£7.Family £20.

Booking advisable on 0845 4505157.

Farmland Museum and Denny Abbey

Farmland Games:From Wellie Wanging to Pretend Ploughing matches,come and join the Farmland Team.Collect your sporting stickers and create a colorful rosette that is fit for a winner!No need to book,just turn up between 12:00pm and 4:00pm on Thursday 19th August. Suitable for children aged four and above,each child should be accompanied by an adult and all activities are included in the normal admission price. Tickets Cost£7 per child.

For further information,call 01223 810080.

If you are interested in cooking, you can go to __________.

A.Peterborough Museum   B.Houghton Mill

C.Saxon Youth Club   D.Farmland Museum

You want to watch the new play with your parents,so it will cost you __________.

A.£7        B.£17     C.£27        D.£20

Which of the following activities needs parents’ company?

A.Playing farmland games        B.Watching a new play.

C.Competing in sports activities.     D.Visiting the dinosaur exhibition.

If Tom comes to Peterborough for amusement on August 19,he will have __________ to choose from for himself.

A.one activity                 B.two activities       

C.three activities               D.four activities

My husband hasn't stopped laughing about the thing that happened to me. It's _1 now but it wasn't at that time.

Last Friday, after doing all the family shopping in town, I __2__ a rest before catching the train, so I bought a __3__ and some chocolate and went to the station coffee shop that was a cheap, self-service place with long __4___ to sit at. I put my heavy bag down on the floor, put the newspaper and chocolate on the table to __5__ a place, and went to get a cup of coffee.

When I came back with the coffee, there was someone in the ___6__ seat. It was one of those __7__ young man, with dark glasses and torn clothes, and hair coloured bright__8__ at the front, not so unusual these days. What did __9__ me was he'd started to eat my chocolate!

Naturally, I was annoyed(恼火). However, to avoid trouble-then really I was rather uneasy about him-I just __10__ down at the front page of the newspaper, tasted my coffee, and took a bit of chocolate. The boy looked at me __11___ . Then he took another piece of my chocolate. I could hardly ___12___ it. Still I didn't want to start an argument. When he took a __13__ piece, I felt more __14__ than annoyed. I thought, "Well, I shall have the last piece. "And I __15__ it.

The boy gave me a __16__ look, and then stood up. As he left he shouted out, "This woman's mad!" Everyone __17__ . That really made me feel silly, but it was __18__ when I finished my coffee and got ready to leave. My face went red-as red as his hair when I

__19__ I'd made a mistake. It wasn't my chocolate he'd been taking. There was mine, __20__ , just under my newspaper.

A. serious   B. wonderful   C. funny       D. exciting

A. enjoyed   B. took        C. had         D. wanted

A. cake      B. newspaper   C. magazine    D. bag

A. chairs    B. tables       C. benches      D. beds

A. order     B. find        C. keep         D. do

A. very      B. same       C. free         D. next

A. wild-looked  B. wild-looking  C. good-looked  D. good-looking

A. red        B. black       C. brown       D. white

A. interest    B. surprise     C. frighten      D. hurt

A. looked    B. lay         C. sat          D. put

A. eagerly     B. friendly     C. closely      D. shyly

A. believe    B. bear        C. notice       D. stop

A. last       B. big         C. single       D. third

A. angry      B. content      C. happy       D. pleased

A. covered     B. threw       C. got         D. wrapped

A. strange      B. terrible      C. disappointed   D. curious

A. agreed       B. promised    C. stared        D. followed

A. better      B. worse       C. later         D. easier

A. wondered    B. realized     C. decided       D. recognized

A. tasted        B. split        C. tied          D. unopened

A child's birthday party doesn't have to be a hassle; it can be a basket of fun, according to Beth Anaclerio, an Evaston mother of two, ages 4 and 18 months.

  "Having a party at home usually requires a lot of running around on the part of the parents, and often the birthday boy or girl gets lost in wild excitement. But it really doesn't have to be that way," said Anaclerio. Last summer, Anaclerio and her friend Jill Garlisle, a Northbrook mother of a 2-year-old, founded a home party-planning business called "A Party in a Basket." Their goal is to help parents and children share in the fun part of party planning, like choosing the subject or making a cake, while they take care of everything.

  Drawing on their experiences as mothers, they have created(制作)10 ready-to-use, home party packages. Everything a family needs to plan a party, except the cake and ice cream, is delivered to the home in a large basket.

  "Our parties are aimed for children 2 to 10."Anaclerio said, "and they're very interactive(互动)and creative in that they build a sense of drama based on a subject. For example, at the Soda Shoppe party the guests become waiters and waitresses and build wonderful ice cream creations."

  The standard $200 package for eight children includes a basket filled with invitations, gifts, games and prizes, paper goods, a party planner and the like. For more information, call Anaclerio at 708-864-6584 or Carlisle at 708-205-9141.

72. The main purpose of writing this text is ____.

  A. to share information about party planning

  B. to introduce the joys of a birthday party

  C. to announce a business plan

  D. to sell a service

73. The most important idea behind the kind of party planning described here is that ____.

  A. it brings parents and children closer together

  B. guests play a part in the preparation of a party

  C. parents are spared the trouble of sending invitations

  D. it provides a subject of conversation

74. What does the underlined word "hassle"(Paragraph 1) probably mean?

  A. a party designed by specialists

  B. a plan requiring careful thought

  C. a situation causing difficulty or trouble

  D. a demand made by guests

75. Which of the following is most likely to be a party planner?


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