
About six years ago I was eating lunch in a restaurant in New York City when a woman and a young boy sat down at the next table, I couldn't help overhearing parts of their conversation. At one point the woman asked, “So, how have you been?” And the boy—who could not have been more than seven or eight years old—replied. “Frankly, I've been feeling a little depressed lately.”
This incident stuck in my mind because it confirmed my growing belief that children are changing. As far as I can remember, my friends and I didn't find out we were “depressed”, that is, in low spirits, until we were in high school.
Undoubtedly a change in children has increased steadily in recent years. Children don't seem childlike anymore. Children speak more like adults, dress more like adults and behave more like adults than they used to.
Whether this is good or bad is difficult to say, but it certainly is different. Childhood as it once was no longer exists. Why?
Human development depends not only on born biological states, but also on patterns of gaining social knowledge. Movement from one social role to another usually involves learning the secrets of the new social positions. Children have always been taught adult secrets, but slowly and in stages; traditionally, we tell sixth graders things we keep hidden from fifth graders.
In the last 30 years, however, a secret-revelation(揭示) machine has been equipped in 98 percent of American homes. It is called television. Television passes information to all viewers alike, whether they are children or adults. Unable to resist the temptation (诱惑),  many children turn their attention from printed texts to the less challenging, more attractive moving pictures.
Communication through print, as a matter of fact, allows for a great deal of control over the social information which children will gain. Children must read simple books before they can read complex materials.
小题1: According to the author, feeling depressed is ____________.
A.a sure sign of a mental problem in a child
B.a mental state present in all humans, including children
C.something that cannot be avoided in children's mental development
D.something hardly to be expected in a young child
小题2:According to the author, that today's children seem adult-like results from ____________.
A.the widespread influence of television
B.the poor arrangement of teaching content
C.the fast pace of human scientific development
D.the rising standard of living
小题3: What does the author think of communication through print for children?
A.It enables children to gain more social information.
B.It develops children's interest in reading and writing.
C.It helps children to read and write well.
D.It can control what children are to learn.
小题4:What does the author think of the change in today's children?
A.He feels their adult-like behavior is so funny.
B.He thinks the change worthy of note.
C.He considers it a rapid development.
D.He seems to be upset about it.
When I was in the final year of my graduation studies, I visited a friend’s home for lunch. The moment I reached his house, I found the staircases of his building were not so good and his home was not painted very well. I couldn’t  36  in words but it was not even the type of house in which a typical middle-class Indian family lives.
The greatest things I did find there were his parents. We sat on the ground for lunch because they didn’t have a dining  37 . His mother served us very delicious food, smiled throughout and showed care for the  38  lunch session. I can never forget that.
His father worked as a normal  39  and I wondered if he earned enough money to support their two sons. While we were taking lunch, his father returned home to meet us. When he entered their home, his hands were dark black and his clothes were very dirty. My friend had no  40  about his father and made the introductions.
As soon as his father came in, my friend asked me if I wanted “Papad”(a typical Indian food)to eat. Before I could say anything, the father very gently and kindly  41  it for me, after going through many staircases even though he was looking  42 .
Today, my friend is a leader in a big company. He is able to  43  high rent in Hyderabad and have a new beautiful home. Not only that, he helped his brother  44  in his studies and is still helping.
What I want to say is that I consider  45  as richness in a poor family. The amount of money you make won’t  46  other’s hearts; the only way is with love and kindness. Struggle and bad periods are needed for everyone’s life, as they make us strong. If you have strong willpower, goals and also the attitude of hard and smart work, you can  47  be a successful person in some areas of life.
A.describe B.takeC.talkD.speak
“But what if I break my arm again?” My five-year-old daughter asked. I knew how much she wanted to learn to  41 .Yet ever since she fell off her bicycle and broke her arm, she’d been  42_ .
“Oh, honey,” I said. “I don’t think you’ll break  43  arm.”
“But I could, couldn’t I?”
“Yes,” I  44  and found myself struggling for the right thing to say. At times like this, I  45 I had someone who might help me find the right words to make my girl’s problems disappear. But after a painful  46  , I’d decided to remain single.
“ I don’t want to ride,” she said and got off her bike.
“ You know, honey,” I said. “ Almost everything you do comes with  47  . You could break your arm jumping rope. You  48 break your arm at gymnastics. Do you want to stop going to gymnastics?”
“No,” she said. And with a  49  spirit, she agreed to try it again. I held on to her bike until she found the  50 to say, “Let’s go!” I spent the rest of the afternoon watching a brave little girl overcome a  51  .
As we walked home, she  52  me about a conversation I had. “Why were you and grandma arguing last night?”
My mother wanted me to marry again,  53  I told her I didn’t want to meet the Mr. Perfect she  54  for me. She said she knew Steve was the man for me.
“It’s nothing,” I told her.
She shrugged, “Grandma said she just wanted you to find someone to 55  .”
“What grandma wants is for some guy to break my  56  again!” I lost control.
She was  57  for several minutes. Then she said something 58  me to think about. “So I think love isn’t like a broken arm.”
Unable to answer, we walked in silence. Later I did what my brave girl did that afternoon. I 59 to meet Steve.
Steve was the man for me. We married soon. It turned out mother and my daughter were 60  .
A.bothB.the other
A.referred toB.set sideC.gave awayD.picked out
完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
I was standing on stage before 200 people, dressed up as George Washington. I had the lead role in my sixth grade  36  and, for the past two months, I had walked back and forth in my room  37  to say my lines.
Now it was time to give a  38  , and my heart was beating rapidly. At my  39 , I began to speak smoothly and clearly, but then it  40  : I stuttered(口吃). I knew I would, and I did.
From that moment on, I  41  that my role in that play would be my first and my last. My speech problem affected  42  .
As a child, I struggled to say a full sentence, repeatedly hearing the  43  comments of my parents. “Take a deep breath and think about what you’re going to say.” I was too  44 to admit I had a problem.
 45  my school career progressed my speech problem became less noticeable, but it never 46  . It held me back.
After realizing that class officers had to speak in front of the entire student body, I  47 running in class elections . I feared reading aloud and meeting new people.
I would  48  sit in my room and cry, imagining what it would be like to be  49 , like everyone else.
Finally, I came to my senses. I read articles about famous people who 50  their speech problems. I  51  the fact that I do have a problem that will always be with me.
It has made me a 52  person and, with time, I know I’ll gain the confidence to stand up and 53  to myself that it will never hold me back.  54  , I know that I’m not the only one who  55 , because nobody is perfect.
A.play B.game C.danceD.concert
A.desiring B.waiting C.strugglingD.hesitating
A.sightB.angleC.news D.turn
A.urgedB.promised C.admitted D.repeated
A.nothing B.somethingC.everythingD.anything
A.excitingB.surprisingC.puzzling D.annoying
A.ashamed B.willingC.weak D.eager
A.insisted on B.put offC.approved ofD.gave up
A.neverB.seldomC.sometime D.constantly
A.normalB.special C.usualD.alive
A.realizedB.refusedC.overcame D.avoided
A.On the contrary B.On the other handC.Above allD.At most
A.attempts B.arguesC.suffers D.risks
Everybody has had at least one experience from which he knows the meaning of life. This time, which took place several years ago, but seems as if it just happened.
On an afternoon several years ago, my brother-in-law opened the bottom drawer of my sister’s dress and picked out a beautiful skirt. “ Jan bought this the first time we went to New York, at least 8 or 9 years ago. She never wore it. She was saving it for a special occasion.” he said.I guess this was the occasion: it was the funeral of my sister, after her unexpected death.
He took the shirt and put it on bed, with the other clothes we were taking to the funeral. Then he closed the drawer and turned to me, “Don’t ever save anything for a special occasion. Every day you’re alive is a special occasion.”
I’m thinking about his words, and they’ve changed the way I live my life. I’m spending more time with my family and friends and less time in committee meetings. Whenever possible, life should be a kind of experience to enjoy, not to suffer. “Someday ”and “one of these days ”are losing their importance  on my vocabulary. If it’s worth seeing or hearing or doing, I want to see and hear and do it now.
Ever since that day, I have been trying very hard not to put off, hold back or save anything that would add laughter and color to our lives. Every morning when I open my eyes, I tell myself that every day, every minute, every breath, truly is a gift. So cherish every day and find the true meaning of your life.
小题1:Why did Jan buy the beautiful skirt but didn’t wear it?
A.She waited for a special occasion to wear it on.
B.She wanted to keep it for someone else.
C.She saved it till she grew up.
D.She would give it to herself as a gift some day.
小题2:What does the underlined word “cherish” mean?
小题3:From his experience, the author learns that_______.
A.everybody can have a happy life through efforts
B.every day in our lives is worth cherishing
C.enjoying ourselves is the most important thing in our lives
D.everybody will have some things left to do after his death
小题4:What’s the best title for this passage?
A.Every Day IS a Gift
B.My Sister Jan
C.What Is the Meaningful Life like
D.The Most Important Time in Your Life
“Be nice to people.” This sounds like a platitude(老生常谈),but I’ll never forget my father’s words. I was 10, and I had been mean to someone. He said, “There is no point in being mean to anyone at any time. You never know who you’re going to meet later in life. And by the way, you don’t change anything by being mean. Usually you don’t get anywhere.”
“Remember you can do anything you want to do. Don’t let anyone say, ‘You’re not smart enough, it’s too hard, it’s a foolish idea, no one has done that before, girls don’t do that.’ ”My mom gave me that advice in 1973. And it allowed me to never worry what others were saying about my career direction.
“Always do the best job you can do at whatever you’re assigned(分派),even if you think it’s boring.” Jerry Parkinson, my boss at P&G, told me this in 1979. Here I was fresh out of Harvard Business School(HBS), and I was assigned to determine how big the hole in the Ivory shampoo bottle should be: 3/8 of an inch or 1/8 of an inch. I did research, focus groups and I would come home at night wondering how I had gone from HBS to this. But later I realized any job you’re given is an opportunity to prove yourself.
“Don’t be a credit hog. If you’re constantly in the neighborhood of good things, good things will happen to you.” Tom Tierney, who was my boss at Bain in 1981 and is now on the eBay board, told me this. It’s true that you get ahead by praising other people.
Finally, in 1998, I was in New York watching the ticker as eBay went public. My husband is a surgeon(外科医生).I called him and told him the great news. And he said, “That’s nice. But Meg, remember that it’s not brain surgery.”
小题1: We can learn that ______ from the passage.
A.“Be nice to people” is the topic that people like
B.it’s not necessary for us all to be too mean at any time
C.I never forget any word that father spoke to me
D.we won’t be successful if we are too mean to others
小题2: How many pieces of advice were given by her family?
小题3:This passage was written by _____ order.
A.story developmentB.timeC.working conditionsD.ideas
小题4: The author’s husband is more concerned _____ than eBay’s going public.
A.his successB.opportunity to prove himself
C.brain surgeryD.his career
小题5: What’s the main idea of the whole passage?
A.Advice in life really made a difference to us.
B.We should be nice to people around us.
C.People can succeed by praising others.
D.Too mean persons will get nothing from life.
As I was thinking about language learning the other day, the image of baking bread came into my mind. I compared some of the exercises and drills that we put ourselves through in order to learn a language to the various ingredients (原料) that go into baking a loaf of fresh bread.
Real language learning takes place in human relationships. No one sits down and eats a cup of flour, even if he is hungry and in a hurry. You don' t become bilingual (双语的) by learning lists of vocabulary. You don' t become a speaker of a language by memorizing grammatical rules. You become bilingual by entering a community that uses that other language as its basic means of communication.
I am not suggesting that we can make bread without ingredients. Flour is necessary, as are yeast (酵母), salt, water and other ingredients. Vocabulary is part of any language and will have to be learned. Grammatical rules exist in every language and cannot be ignored. But merely combining the appropriate ingredients in the recommended proportions does not result in bread. At best, you only end up with a ball of dough (面团).
In order to get bread, you have to apply heat to the dough. And in language learning, that heat comes from the community. Anyone who has learned a second language has experienced that heat. It creeps up your neck when you ask the babysitter, “Have you already been eaten?” when you meant to say, ‘‘Have you already eaten?” When you try to say something quite innocent and the whole room bursts into laughter, you are experiencing the heat that turns raw dough into good bread.
Remember the old saying, “If you can’ t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen". This is where language learning often breaks down because we find the heat uncomfortable and we stop the baking process. In other words, we can' t stand the heat, so we get out of the kitchen.
However, the language learner who stays in the kitchen—in the heat—until the combined
ingredients are thoroughly transformed will enjoy the richness of a quality loaf of bread. He is glad that he did not "get out of the kitchen” at the important moment when the oven seemed too hot.
Now the baker enjoys good bread, seated at the table with family members and guests. However, he does not focus on "bread" but rather on enjoying the whole feast: fine salads, pastas, fresh vegetables, rich desserts and so on. And the language learner has arrived when he no longer needs to focus on language. Language merely becomes one element in the "feast" of membership in his chosen community.
My father was a foreman of a sugar-cane plantation in Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico. My first job was to drive the oxen(牛) that ploughed the cane fields. I would walk behind an ox, guiding him with a broomstick. For $ 1 a day, I worked eight hours straight, with no food breaks.
It was very tedious work, but it prepared me for life and taught me many lasting lessons. Because the plantation owners were always watching us, I had to be on time every day and work as hard as I could. I’ve never been late for any job since. I also learned about being respectful and faithful to the people you work for. More important, I earned my pay; it never entered my mind to say I was sick just because I didn’t want to work.
I was only six years old, but I was doing a man’s job. Our family needed every dollar we could make because my father never earned more than $ 18 a week. Our home was a three-room wood shack with a dirty floor and no toilet. Nothing made me prouder than bringing home money to help my mother, father, two brothers and three sisters. This gave me self-esteem(自尊心), one of the most important things a person can have.
When I was seven, I got work at a golf course near our house. My job was to stand down the fairway and spot the balls as they landed, so the golfers could find them. Losing a ball meant you were fired, so I never missed one. Some nights I would lie in bed and dreamt of making thousands of dollars by playing golf and being able to buy a bicycle.
The more I dreamed, the more I thought. Why not? I made my first golf club out of guava limb(番石榴树枝) and a piece of pipe. Then I hammered an empty tin can into the shape of a ball. And finally I dug two small holes in the ground and hit the ball back and forth. I practiced with the same devotion and intensity. I learned working in the field — except now I was driving golf balls with club, not oxen with a broomstick.
小题1:The word “tedious” in Paragraph 2 most probably means _______.
A.difficultB.boringC.interesting D.unusual
小题2:The writer learned that_______ from his first job.
A.he should work for those who he liked most
B.he should work longer than what he was expected
C.he should never fail to say hello to his owner
D.he should be respectful and faithful to the people he worked for
小题3:_______ gave the writer self-esteem.
A.Having a family of eight people
B.Owning his own golf course
C.Bringing money back home to help the family
D.Helping his father with the work on the plantation
小题4:Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?
A.He wanted to be a successful golfer.
B.He wanted to run a golf course near his house.
C.He was satisfied with the job he got on a plantation.
D.He wanted to make money by guiding oxen with a broomstick.
  On Christmas morning, I went to the Cockhedge Mall. People there were all busy buying their last minute requirements. I needed to buy a birthday card for my son-in-law whose birthday is the 29th of December. Picking up a few more things as well as my cared I went to join the line for the express checkout which was for people who only had a few items in a basket and not a trolley load. This line was next to the Customer Service desk.
Seemingly waiting quite a long time, I was jogged out of my thoughts by a voice behind me making comments on the things I bought.
It was so funny when I realized that she was describing the contents of my basket. The owner of the voice was a very pretty young lady. I said to her that I was going to buy a box of Christmas cookies but the only ones left were not to my liking. The lady told me that just opposite Cockhedge in Superdrug they had lots of cookies. I said, “I’m not going to bother now. I had enough of shops and I’m going home.”
The assistant from the Customer Service came across at this time saying “If there is anyone in the line with a few items in their basket, none of which needed to be weighed, I will check out their groceries at the desk.” Because I had the sprouts which needed to be weighted, the young lady accepted the offer and walked away waving goodbye.
Eventually my turn came at the checkout. I was walking away when I met my new friend once again who handed me a beautiful box of Christmas cookies. With a big hug she said “Hope you have a lovely Christmas.” She had been into Superdrug to buy me the cookies while I was still queuing in Cockhedge.
What a generosity to a stranger! I was so surprised you could have knocked me down with a feather. My Good Samaritan would never know what a joyful Christmas day I had with my family. Telling them this story, as we ate around the table, kept everyone spellbound.
小题1:The underlined word “spellbound” in the last paragraph probably means         .
小题2:Which of the following could be the best title of the story?
A.A Piece of Lucky FeatherB.A Surprise Christmas Gift
C.The Boring Shopping ExperienceD.The Unforgettable Big Hug
小题3:How does the writer feel about the pretty young lady?
小题4:What can we learn from the story?
A.Nobody is sure what will happen the next moment.
B.A simple action can bring other people happiness.
C.Being patient will decrease the waiting time.
D.Life without hope and faith is a full thing.

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