
A busy public square in the Chinese city of Nanjing is home to an unusual experiment.

For almost two months, the country’s first “honesty bookshop” has occupied(占据) a sidewalk on HanZhong Road in the city’s Gulou District.

With no cashier or other staff, the store relies on trust for payment.

Making money isn’t the company’s main goal and they don’t punish those who take books without paying.

“If they can really finish the books, it doesn’t matter if they took the books for free,” Zhu Yu, the marketing director of the company says.

“In fact, we are really happy to witness so many people taking books from the honesty bookshop.”

After browsing the four wooden bookshelves, customers must drop their money in a locked box.

Prices are set at 30% of the usual cover price.

Zhu hopes that his sidewalk store, which sells, on average, 60 books a day, will make more people interested in reading.

Like elsewhere, e-books are affecting sales of traditional books, and traditional books and many independent booksellers are struggling.

Zhu got permission from the city government to use the sidewalk and says he’s determined to make it a long-term project.

He says the store is open every day, except when it rains, and it’s locked up each night.

In September last year, the company laid out 1,000 books and reading lamps on the ground and encouraged people “to go on a date” with a book.

“Independent bookshops represent the well-being of the city.” Zhu told CNN in 2013, “when a city is losing its bookshops, it’s actually losing something in its soul.”

If the success of the Honesty Bookstore is any guide, Nanjing’s soul is in pretty good shape.

1.How is the bookstore different from other bookstores?

A. There is no cashier in it.

B. There are no paper books in it.

C. None of the customers need to pay for the books.

D. Only honest customers can visit the shop.

2.What does Zhu Yu say about customers who take away books without paying?

A. They will be forbidden from visiting the bookstore again.

B. They will have to pay a lot of money next time they visit the shop.

C. They are not doing wrong if they finish reading the books.

D. They will not be allowed to take books away next time.

3.What is one of the purposes of opening the bookstore?

A. To encourage people to read.

B. To make customers honest.

C. To check whether customers are honest.

D. To help people learn about Nanjing.

4.What can we learn from the text?

A. The shop is only open on weekends.

B. The books in the shop are more expensive than shoes in other shops.

C. 30% of the normal cover price is charged for each book.

D. The shop is not locked at night.


Tuy Sereivathana was born in 1970. In 1975 his family fled from the city to rural village where Tuy’s parents, both well-educated, taught school in the mornings to the local children and farmed in the afternoons to make ends meet.During his childhood, Tuy developed a deep respect for nature and elephants. ___1.____

After graduation from university, he returned to Cambodia to save his country’s natural resources. ____2.__ Its most famous building, the Angkor Wat temple, was built out of stone with the help of elephants.However, with their habitat decreasing, elephants were destroying farms as they looked for food.__3.__

As a ranger(国家公园管理员) in Cambodia’s national parks, Tuy worked throughout the country, connecting with rural communities and learning more about elephant migration and ecosystem.In Prey Proseth and Trang Troyeng, there lived 30,000 people on the forest’s edge, where he was aware of the lack of capacity within these communities to manage the human-elephant conflict._4.__ More importantly, he taught the farmers to work together, encouraging them to organize overnight guard groups to protect the fields.Tuy also informed the communities of the national and religious pride attached to the elephants.

___5.__ As a result of Tuy’s involvement with the project, there wasn’t a single confirmed elephant death due to human-elephant conflict since 2005.

A.The elephant there are in danger of dying out.

B.More and more farmers had to kill them to protect their crops.

C.Later, he majored in forestry in Belarus University.

D.Since his work began, Tuy has been a significant success.

E.Cambodia has a long history of peaceful coexistence between people and elephants.

F.Now the villagers have begun to realize the importance of protecting animals.

G.Tuy began to teach villagers how to use fences, fireworks and fog horns to keep off elephants.


Flora was a carnivorous(食肉的) plant. She lived in a supermarket, next to her friend, Porky, who worked there. Porky ________ her with great affection and attention, and always gave her some meat at the end of each day. But one day, Porky didn’t give her meat any more. Flora got so worried that she decided to ________ why Porky did this to her.

After several days, she found out that Porky ________ lots of meat in a big yellow box. ________ not to know anything about it, Flora asked Porky if she could have a little of the food that was ________ in the yellow box. He responded very ________that she could not.

Flora felt hurt, as well as ________, and she couldn’t stop ________ who Porky was keeping all that delicious-looking meat for. She was filling up with anger. That night, when the shop was ________, she went over to the box, opened it, and ________ the meat.

The next morning, Porky arrived and found the meat had gone. Flora felt terrible. He asked her several times ________ she had taken the meat. At first she ________ it, but seeing Porky’s worried face, she ________ to admit to it.

“What have you done?” Porky ________. “I told you not to touch it! All that meat was ________!That’s why I haven’t been able to give you ________ for days. They sent us a spoiled(变质的)delivery.”

Without delay, Flora was taken to a hospital, and the doctors there ________ to save Flora’s life. Flora was very ________ and it taught her a big lesson. She learnt to stick to the ________ set by those who loved her, because that was much ________. than doing whatever she wanted.

1.A. missedB. treatedC. taughtD. waited

2.A. figure outB. pull outC .give outD. turn out

3.A. stoleB. cutC. putD. wasted

4.A. PretendingB. SupposingC. RememberingD. Promising

5.A. protectedB. keptC. hungD. prepared

6.A. carelesslyB. sadlyC. seriouslyD. confidently

7.A. thirstyB. lonelyC. tiredD. hungry

8.A. wonderingB. doubtingC. askingD. proving

9.A. crowdedB. closedC. quietD. open

10.A. threwB. ateC. bitD. stored

11.A. whyB. whereC. whetherD. when

12.A. refusedB. deniedC. forgotD. reminded

13.A. forcedB. decidedC. informedD. hesitated

14.A. warnedB. whisperedC. shoutedD. requested

15.A. poisonousB. freshC. cheapD. common

16.A. everythingB. nothingC. anythingD. something

17.A. failedB. managedC. triedD. expected

18.A. disappointedB. surprised

C. sorryD. embarrassed

19.A. examplesB. rulesC. limitsD. comments

20.A. simplerB. fasterC. saferD. stronger

Inside the classroom, some learners seem to take ________ of what’s going on more than others. It looks as if they are more engaged with the process of ________ than their classmates. Teachers are ________ of this too. They will ________ say that successful students possess some or all of the following characteristics.

A willingness to ________: good learners listen to what’s gong on—not just in the sense of paying attention, but also in terms of really listening to the English that is being used, soaking(吸收) it up with ________ and intelligence.

A willingness to experiment: many good learners are not ________ to “have a go”. They are ________ to take risks, to try things out and see how it works. Of course, not all successful language learners are extroverts(性格外向的人), but the ________ to use the language is an important one.

A willingness to put forward questions: ________ some teachers can become irritated by students who are constantly ________ difficult question, the urge to ________ why is part of a successful learner’s equipment. Good teacher frequently invite students to ask if they don’t ________ something. Good learners do this, judging when it is ________ to do so and when it is not.

A willingness to accept correction: good learners are prepared to be corrected if it ________ them. They are keen to get feedback from the ________ and act upon what they are ________. But this only works where teachers can offer constructive criticism ________ castigating(惩罚) them for being wrong. Giving feedback involves ________ students for things they do well, and offering them the ability to do things better where they were less ________. It involves teachers in judging their students’ responses to correction so that they can act accordingly.

1.A. chargeB. controlC. advantageD. place

2.A. travellingB. learningC. shoppingD. working

3.A. sickB. tiredC. awareD. proud

4.A. frequentlyB. suddenlyC. graduallyD. immediately

5.A. reviewB. listenC. writeD. repeat

6.A. worryB. angerC. eagernessD. surprise

7.A. anxiousB. confidentC. afraidD. lucky

8.A. preparedB. ashamedC. disappointedD. puzzled

9.A. ideaB. reasonC. opinionD. urge

10.A. unlessB. untilC. althoughD. since

11.A. solvingB. answeringC. discussingD. asking

12.A. carry outB. find outB. make sureD. make up

13.A. understandB. explainC. predictD. remember

14.A. strangeB. easyC. expensiveD. appropriate

15.A. bothersB. helpsC. changesD. hurts

16.A. teacherB. deskmateC. parentD. assistant

17.A. blamedB. announcedC. toldD. persuaded

18.A. less thanB. other thanC. rather thanD. more than

19.A. comfortingB. greetingC. ignoringD. praising

20.A. successfulB. importantC. attractiveD. popular

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