
We hear a lot about ten pregnancies and abortions. The word “abortion” brings varied images but the word “pregnancy” paints a baby. Everyone knows what a baby is but the difficult question is, when is a baby a baby?

In the first months of pregnancy, called the first trimester, vital organs are being formed. Three months after fertilization, the egg has already divided and is securely attached to the mother. Two weeks later, a simple brain, spine, nervous system and the beginning of some major organs are formed. By week seven, the face and other organs are forming and the heart starts to pump blood. A week later, the face is recognizable, and all the major internal organs are developed in their simple forms. The tongue is formed and fingers are distinct. It moves a lot but many women may not even know they are pregnant. By week twelve, all the internal organs are formed and most are working. Tiny little fingernails and toenails are growing and the baby can curl his toes, make a fist, frown, purse his lips, open and close his mouth, suck, swallow and urinate. Most abortion occurs during this stage of pregnancy.

In the second three months, the second trimester, eyebrows, eyelashes and hair are growing. The heart can be heard with a special device. Arms and legs are well developed. The baby is very active and can respond to noises outside the womb. By the end of this trimester, the limbs are well-developed and the baby tries them out regularly. He can also cough and hiccup. Some abortion are still performed at this stage of pregnancy.

In the final stretch before birth, the third trimester, the baby can already feel and respond very much like a full term baby. Born now, it can survive with special care. In some cases, abortions are still performed at this stage. In fact, in certain countries, partial birth aborted is practiced in which the baby is aborted prior to birth.

Killing a baby outside a mother’s womb, newborn or older, healthy or sickly, is a crime called infanticide. Thus arises the question of when does a baby’s life begin? When is abortion the scraping away of unwanted cells and when is it the snuffing out the flame of life? Is there a magical point somewhere in which a mass of cells becomes a rightful individual? Does birthing somehow mysteriously and instantly confer personhood to a fetus? Moreover, on whose definition and authority does a baby receive the right to complete its quest for life outside the womb? Truly, these are heart questions that each must answer.

The word “pregnancy”         .

is a painting of a baby.            B. brings to mind the image of a baby.

C. is a famous painting of a baby.        D. is the art of drawing a baby.

Which of the following is true within the first months of pregnancy?         .

A. All the vital organs are formed.

B. The egg becomes fertilized.

C. The egg becomes securely attached to the womb.

D. The egg has become more than one egg.

The first trimester of pregnancy represents         .

A. the final preparation for the birth of the baby.

B. the most important stage for developing al the vital organs.

C. the determining of whether the baby will be a boy girl.

D. the addition of details and refinement to the baby.

The second trimester of pregnancy represents         .

the final preparation for the birth of the baby.

the most important stage for developing all the vital organs.

the determining of whether the baby will be a boy or a girl.

the addition of details and refinement to the baby.

The third trimester of pregnancy represents         .

the final preparation for the birth of the baby.

the most important stage for developing all the vital organs.

the determining of whether the baby will be a boy or girl.

the addition of details and refinement to the baby.








These days we hear a lot about how air pollution is changing temperatures on the earth. New evidence from a mountaintop in China now suggests that pollution can also change the amount of rain and snow that falls in some places.

       Usually, more rain falls in mountainous places than in flat areas upwind from the mountains. That’s because air can hold a lot of water. When wind blows wet air up a mountainside, the air gets colder. This temperature change often forces water to fall as rain or snow.

       In recent years, however, many mountainous areas in the western United States have been getting less rain than normal. Mountains that are downwind from cities have experienced the biggest drops.

       Some scientists have theorized(推理)that pollution drifts (趋势)from the cities into the mountains, affecting rainfall, but proving this link has been difficult.

       Searching for answers, a team led by a scientist from the Hebrew University went to s mountain in China called Mount Hua, which is 2,060 meters tall and lies about 120 kilometers east of the Chinese city Xi’an. Since 1954, scientists have been collecting details about rainfall, humidity(湿度), and visibility(能见度)in the area.

       Using this data, the scientists compared rainfall on Mount Hua to rainfall in the nearest city, Huayin, on days with different levels of visibility. When the air was clear and people could see as far as 20 km, the scientists found that 65% more rain fell on the mountain than in the city.

       But when the air was smoggy, allowing only 8 km of visibility through the mist, the mountain received just 20% more rain than the city. The new data supports the theory that pollution affects rainfall.

       Some scientists believe that there are other explanations for the numbers. It’s possible, for example, that natural particles(微粒)in the air, rather than particles produced by pollution, are affecting visibility.

According to the 1st paragraph, air pollution is changing the following EXCEPT ______.

       A.the temperature             B.the amount of rain

C.the habit of eating           D.the amount of snow

According to the passage, what will probably happen when the wet air in the sky gets colder?

       A.It will probably rain or snow  B.It will probably be cloudy.

       C.It will probably wind      D.It will probably become dry.

Why did the team led by a scientist go to Mount Hua?

       A.They wanted to pay a visit to Mount Hua.

       B.They wanted to collect the data for their theory.

       C.They wanted to measure Mount Hua.

       D.They wanted to have a good rest on Mount Hua.

You can most probably read the passage in _______.

       A.a travel guide         

B.a telephone book           

C.a cartoon book       

D.a science book


第三部分 阅读理解 (共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)


Nowadays, we hear a lot about the growing threat of globalization, accompanied by those warnings that the rich pattern of local life is being undermined(破坏), and many dialects and traditions are becoming extinct. But stop and think for a moment about the many positive aspects that globalization is bringing. Read on and you are sure to feel comforted, ready to face the global future

    Consider the Internet, that good example of our shrinking world. Leaving aside the worries about political extremism, even the most narrow-minded must admit that the net offers a lot of benefits, not just in terms of education, the sector(部分)for which it was originally designed, but more importantly on a global level, the spread of news and comment. It will be increasingly difficult for politicians to misinform the public, as the oppressed(被压迫的)will not only find support and comfort, but also be able to organize themselves more effectively.

     MTV is another global provider that is often criticized for imposing(强加)popular culture on the unsuspecting millions around the world. Yet the viewers’ judgment on MTV is undoubtedly positive; it is regarded as necessary by most of the global teenage generation who watch it, a vital part of growing up. And in the final analysis, what harm can a few songs and videos cause?

 Is the world dominance(绝对优势)of brands like Nike and Coca-Cola so bad for us, when all is said and done? Sportswear and soft drinks are harmless products when compared to the many other things that have been globally available for a longer period of time----heroin and cocaine, for example. In any case, just because Nike shoes and Coke cans are for sale, it doesn’t mean you have to buy them----even globalization cannot take away people’s free will.

    Critics of globalization can stop presenting their doom and gloom statements. Life goes on, and has more to offer for many citizens of the world than it did for their parents’ generation.

56.Some people feel sad about globalization because they believe it will ____________.

A.affect the rich local life

B.bring threat to the world peace 

C.change their present easy lifestyle 

D.increase the size of people speaking dialects

57.Internet was originally designed ______________. 

A.to spread news and comment

B.to get support and comfort 

C.to organize the oppressed more effectively

D.to promote education

58. Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A. The Internet makes people worried about political extremism.

B. Nike and Coca-cola shouldn’t have caused so much worry.

C. All of the global teenage generation think that MTV is a necessary and important part for their growing up.

D. Sportswear and soft drinks cannot be compared with drug.

59.Which of the following could be the best title of the passage?

A.Globalization is Standardization(标准化)

B.Globalization: Don’t Worry, Be Happy

C.Globalization: Like it or change it

D.Globalization Brings Equality


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