
DEAR AMY: Last year I got a full-time job as a baby-sitter for a wonderful family with two amazing kids. They have come to treat me as one of their own. But my boyfriend and I are attempting to save much more money for the life we want to build, including marriage, a house and kids. Much as I love my “babies,” I’m looking forward to beginning a challenging career in a big company. Should I tell the family that I am looking for a new job? I don’t want to find one that requires me to begin work immediately, leaving them without child care, but I also don’t want them to assume that I’m leaving right away.              

Up-in-the-Air Au Pair

DEAR AU PAIR: Whatever your arrangement, it is reasonable for them to expect you to be honest and to keep them in the loop. They see that you are making changes in your life, and surely they will also understand your desire to advance in a career. Tell them frankly and they should be happy to employ you as long as you are available.


DEAR AMY: I am a freshman in a high school. Last summer my best friend was diagnosed with skin cancer. It isn’t very serious, but she seems to be becoming more and more depressed. How can I help her be happy again?

                                                           Best Friend

DEAR FRIEND: Your best role is to prop up and encourage your friend when she seems down, and to be supportive and kind to her. You're doing a great job with that, and your friend is lucky to have you in her life.


1.What is Au Pair’s problem according to the first paragraph?

A. She has no idea whether to tell the family her plan or not.

B. She has no idea whether the family will hate her or not.

C. She has no idea where to find a new good job.

D. She has no idea how to save more money.

2.From the underlined phrase“ to keep them in the loop”, we can infer that Amy advises Au Pair_____.

A. to keep it secret to the family

B. to cheat the family for the time being

C. to tell her true impression of the family

D. to let the family know what’s going on

3. In which column of a newspaper can we probably find the passage?

A. Jobs             B. culture          C. Life             D. Entertainment









1.考查细节理解。根据文章第一段中的Much as I love my “babies,” I’m looking forward to beginning a challenging career in a big company. Should I tell the family that I am looking for a new job?可知,Au Pair是问题是:她应该不应该告诉那个家庭她在找新的工作。所以A正确。

2.考查推测短语的含义。根据it is reasonable for them to expect you to be honest可知,他们期望你是诚实的。又根据并列连词and可知,前后内容一致,她应该让那个家庭知道要发生的事情。所以选D。

3.考查推理判断。根据文章内容可知,这是生活答疑栏目,所以选C。Jobs找工作栏目; culture文化栏目; Entertainment娱乐栏目。这三项都不符合文意。








修改:在错的词下划一个横线( ),并写出修改后的词。

注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从十一处起)不计分。

Dear Amy,

I have a problem, but I’m writing to ask you for                  71. ______

an advice. This is a secret, so don’t tell anyone                   72. ______

else. My cousin and I used to getting                           73. ______

along very well in each other and we were                       74. ______

good friend. Last week we talked about our plan                  75. ______

and we are planning to spend the summer holidays                76. ______

together, but now I don’t think I want invite him home.             77. ______

Recently I has discovered that he’s started to tell lies.               78. ______

When I told him it was wrong to tell lies, but she just laughed       79. ______

at me. “Should I keep quietly or tell his parents?”                80. ______




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