I think it is time that we do something to help 1._________
animals.Firstly, the fur farms should be close. 2.________
Animals should not be kept in small places, and 3.________
treated cruel.They should be given the right to 4._________
live in the wild where they are belong.Secondly, 5._________
the general public should not sel! fur coats.If there 6._________
is no longer a demand at the coats, factories will 7._________
stop making it.This would save the lives of many 8._________
animals, some of that have almost died out as a 9._________
result of what we have done them.Please give them a chance. 10._________
改错:1.do改为did或we后加should 2.close 改为closed 3.本行正确
4.cruel→cruelly 5.去掉are 6.sell→buy 7.at→for 8.it改为them 9.that→which 10.done后加 to