
Manhattan Island is surrounded on the east by the East and Harlem Rivers and on the west by the North and Hudson Rivers.It links with the other four towns which make up New York City and with New Jersey are by means of subways,underground tunnels and bridges which lead into Manhanttan from the surrounding area.
The Brooklyn Bridge was the first suspension bridge to link Brooklyn to Manhanttan.It is also the second oldest bridge in New York.The architect was John Augustus Roebling,who was the chief engineer of the suspended Railroad Bridge at Niagara Falls.
Misfortune accompanied the building of the bridge,which took place from 1869 to 1883.The architect died as a result of an accident early during the construction.His son,Washington Roebling,carried on his father’s work,using the most advanced engineering techniques of the day.He also fell ill during the construction of the bridge and was obliged to direct the work on it from an apartment window overlooking the site.
Since its construction the Brooklyn Bridge has remained a busy and important passage in New York.
The Brooklyn Bridge is 6775 feet long and 1595 feet wide.The suspended part is 3450 feet long and 85 feet wide.It has a clearance of 133 feet above water level.Four huge cables extend across the bridge,supported by two towers,each 272 feet high.Each of these cables is made up of 5700 wires.

  1. 1.

    If you want to go to Princeton University in New Jersey from Manhattan,you_________.

    1. A.
      must drive across a bridge
    2. B.
      must take a Metro train
    3. C.
      have to go through a tunnel
    4. D.
      can use any of the above means
  2. 2.

    The Brooklyn Bridge is _________.

    1. A.
      the first suspended railway bridge in the USA
    2. B.
      the first oldest bridge in New York
    3. C.
      the first suspension bridge between Manhattan Island and Brooklyn
    4. D.
      the first suspension bridge built in the USA
  3. 3.

    In the course of the construction of the bridge_________.

    1. A.
      the chief engineer was in short of money
    2. B.
      misfortune fell on the chief engineer
    3. C.
      John Augustus Roebling fell ill
    4. D.
      Washington Roebling met with an accident
  4. 4.

    Washington Roebling was forced to_________.

    1. A.
      direct the building work on the bridge
    2. B.
      lead the builders of the bridge in a hospital
    3. C.
      give his directions to the workers from a flat nearby
    4. D.
      direct the construction of the bridge by radio

   When Lew Alcindor was 13, and obviously still growing, a group of schools began offering him scholarships(奖学金). The Alcindors decided to send their only child to Power Memorial Academy, a small school on Manhattan’s West Side.

   At Power. Alcindor came under the control of Coach Jack Donohue, a strict young man who already gained his fame as one of the best coaches in the city. Donohue brought Alcindor along slowly. As a first-year student, the boy was not able to do much but wave his long skinny arms and shoot a basket now and then. But by the second year, when he was 15 years old and nearly 7 feet tall, Alcindor was quick and skillful enough to make the high school All American team and to lead Power to an undefeated season.

   From then on be simply got better. Some rival coaches(对方教练)used to take their teams quickly away from the floor before Power warmed up so that their players would not see him any sooner than they had to. Wearing size 16D shoes and sucking a lollipop(棒棒糖), Alcindor would loosen up by starting his leaping lay-ups(擦板球). Then he would casually shoot the ball with either hand, to the delight of the fans.

   When reporters and photographers began to follow Alcindor closely, Donohue protected his boy firmly. He simply ordered Lew to talk to no member of the press, and this suited Lew fine. He was not comfortable talking to grownups, perhaps because he towered over them. Discouraged photographers began following him in secret as though he were an easily-frightened giraffe. “People want you not for yourself,” Donohue warned him, “but because you’re a basketball player. Don’t forget that.”

57. Many schools offered Alcindor scholarships because_______.

A. he was young                         B. he was hardworking

C. he was tall for his age                   D. he was skillful at playing basketball

58. Which of the following best describes Donohue as a young coach?

A. serious, popular and slow          B. tall, skillful and successful

C. kind, powerful and undefeated      D. well-known, strict and experienced

59. Why did some rival coaches take their teams away from the floor before Power warmed up?

A. Their teams refused to play Power.        B. Their teams feared to see Alcindor.

C. Their teams would lose courage.      D. Their teams would lose interest.

60. What does the last paragraph mainly discuss?

A. How Donohue protected Alcindor from the press.

B. How Alcindor disliked meeting reporters.      

C. Why the press followed Alcindor closely.              D. Why the public wanted Alcindor badly.

Ellis Island is located in New York Harbor. Ellis Island is open daily year-round from 9:30am to 5:00pm, with extended hours during summer. It is closed on December 25. There is no admission charge to Ellis Island; donations are gratefully accepted.
At Your Fingertips
Park information      (212) 363- 7620
Emergencies         (212 ) 363- 3260
Ferryboat information  (212) 269- 5755
Lost and found       (212) 344- 7620
Dining, gifts, & audio tour  (212) 344- 0996
Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island Ferry: Boats leave from Battery Park, Manhattan, and from Liberty State Park, New Jersey. They run about every 30 to 45 minutes beginning at 9: 15 am(ferry schedule subject to change).
Hours: May vary; call the number below
Closed: December 25
Ferry fees (Includes Liberty and Ellis Islands): adults, $ 7; senior citizens, $6; children(age 3 to 17), $ 3. (lower group rates are available for 25 or more adults)
Ticket & schedule information: (212) 269- 5755
【小题1】 In summer, visitors will have ___________ to visit Ellis Island.

A.no enough moneyB.a longer timeC.a shorter timeD.a wonderful time
【小题2】Which number would you call if your friends were suddenly ill?
A.(212) 344- 0996B.(212) 363- 7620 C.(212 ) 363- 3260D.(212) 269- 5755
【小题3】 Which of the following is NOT true?
A.People can visit Ellis Island free of charge.
B.The boats departure time from Battery Park is at 9:15 a.m. all the year round.
C.Ferry fees for children are cheaper than for adults.
D.Ferry fees for group visitors can be reduced.
【小题4】 We may infer from the passage that _____________.
A.visitors prefer to go to Ellis Island by boatB.there are more visitors in winter
C.Ellis Island is open every dayD.Boat is the only transportation to Ellis Island

Do you know soon eleven biggest food and drink companies of the nations will adopt new rules to limit advertising to children under the age of 12, a move that restricts ads for products such as McDonald’s Happy Meals and the use of popular cartoon characters.
The companies announced their new rules ahead of a Federal Trade Commission hearing on Wednesday that steps up pressure on the companies to help solve the growing child obesity problem through more responsible marketing. The self-given rules include promises by seven companies who will no longer use licensed characters, such as those made popular through movies or TV shows, to advertise online or in print media unless they’re promoting their healthier products. Four other companies said they do not advertise at all to children under 12.
“I think this is a very good step forward. It’s not the end of the journey but it’s a good way down the road,” said Margo Wootan, Nutrition Policy Director at the nonprofit Center for Science in the Public Interest.
Since the FTC first publicly raised the issue in 2005, many of the companies have started selling products with better nutrition in mind. The companies hope their self-regulation efforts — organized through the Council of Better Business Bureaus — will fend off any new and more strict federal regulation.
Parents are happy to see new rules that restrict the use of cartoon characters such as Shrek, Dora the Explorer and SpongeBob SquarePants. “It catches their eyes when you’re shopping,” said Josephine Thomas, a mother of three boys who lives in Manhattan. “As soon as they see a Shrek or Mickey Mouse, they automatically look at that and they don’t see what they really need. That’s one of the biggest problems when you go shopping.” That’s one reason the food companies have said they will now only use licensed characters to advertise their “better for you” products.
【小题1】The reason why the food and drink companies will take action is that they want to___________

A.promote sales across the country
B.limit advertising to children under the age of 12
C.meet increasing demands from kids
D.adapt to the new federal regulations
【小题2】What can we learn from the text that the seven companies ____.
A.may still use cartoon characters in advertising
B.are going to stop advertising to children under 12
C.Would like to continue the cooperation with entertainment media
D.will make food and drink specially for fat kids
【小题3】What of the following can best describe the underlined words “fend off”?
A.prevent ... from happeningB.draw up or work out
C.pay attention toD.give a warm welcome to
【小题4】What does Josephine Thomas advise in the last paragraph?
A.kids spend too much on unhealthy food
B.parents are strict about their kids’ food choice
C.“better for you” products are popular with kids
D.ads with cartoon characters mislead kids

My First Trip in the United States
I still remember my first day in the U. S. very clearly. My friend was waiting for me when my plane   36  at Kennedy Airport at three o’clock in the afternoon. The weather was very  37 and it was snowing, but I was too excited to   38  . From the airport, my friend and I took a taxi to my    39   .On the way, I saw the skyline of Manhattan for the   40  time and I looked in surprise at the famous skyscrapers(摩天大楼) and their man-made   41  .  42   me unpack at the hotel, my friend left and promised to return the next day.
  43  my friend had left, I went to a   44   near the hotel to get something   45    . Since I couldn’t speak a single word of English, I couldn’t tell the    46   what I wanted. I was very worried and started to make some   47   ,but he didn’t understand me. Finally, I ordered the    48  thing as the man at the next table was   49   . After dinner, I started to walk along Broadway   50   I came to Times Square with its theatres, neon lights, and crowds of people. I did not feel tired, so I   51  to walk around the city. I wanted to see   52  on my first day, although I knew it was impossible.
When I returned to the hotel, I couldn’t fall asleep, lay    53  and thought about New York. It was a very big and amazing city with many high-rise buildings and streams of cars, and full of   54  and busy people. I also decided right then that I had to learn to    55  .

A.took offB.landedC.droppedD.reached
A.HelpedB.HelpingC.Had helpedD.Being helped
A.Before longB.Shortly afterC.SoonD.Then
A.to drinkB.to readC.to eatD.to listen
A.similarB.differentC.same D.right
A.anythingB.everythingC.somethingD.some things
A.drive a carB.cook mealsC.teach ChineseD.speak English

One dark stormy night, an elderly couple hurried into a hotel and asked whether they could be put up for the night. “I’ m very   36   ,” the clerk on night shift said politely, “we are all    37 tonight. But you could stay in my room if you don’t    38 . As I’m on duty, I’ll be staying up in the office anyway,” The young man gave the    39 _ advice.

The elderly couple    40  his offer with gratitude(感激). They    41  for the inconvenience they had caused him. The next day, the rain stopped and it cleared up. When the old gentleman went to pay his   42 , the clerk behind the counter was that same helpful young man. “The room you and your wife stayed in is not a proper guest room in this hotel,  43  you don’t need to pay,” said the clerk, with the same friendly smile.

The old gentleman nodded in    44 , “You are an employee that every boss in the hotel business would    45 . Perhaps   46  I’ll build a hotel for you. ” The clerk was amazed but, deciding that the guest must have been joking, he gave the remark no more    47 .

Two years later, the young man received a registered letter(挂号信) from the old gentleman, in which he   48 the experience of that dark stormy night. The letter also enclosed(附上) a formal    49  and a round-trip air ticket to New York, asking the young man to pay a visit.

At a street comer in Manhattan, the young man met his   50  guest. The old gentleman, pointing to a magnificent new    51  towering over the crossroads, said, “Look, that is the hotel I    52 to build for you. I hope you will manage it for me. Remember what I said then? Well, I was serious about it.”

“But…will there be any conditions, sir? Why do you choose me? And who are you?”

“My name is William Aster. There’s not any condition.   53  I told you before, you are the best employee…!”

This building was none    54 the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel. Starting business in 1931, this hotel has been a symbol of supreme status and honor in the city of New York. The young man who became its first    55  was George Boldt, the man who turned Waldorf into one of the most glamorous hotels in the world.
























































A.give up

B.dream of

C.devote to

D.fight for



A.any time

B.another day

C.the other day

D.some day









A.called on

B.called at

C.called for

D.called up

































A.other than

B.more than

C.rather than

D.less than








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