



1£®What is the woman going to do this weekend?

A£®To have dinner with her friends£®

B£®To join in a birthday party£®

C£®To have a birthday party for her son£®

2£®Where's the woman?

A£®In London£®

B£®At the airport£®

C£®On a bus£®

3£®What can we learn about Mr£®White?

A£®He's a good teacher£®

B£®He's not a good teacher£®

C£®He's not feeling well£®

4£®What does the woman mean?

A£®Her doctor told her not to drink tea£®

B£®She'll bring some tea to the doctor£®

C£®She would really like some tea£®

5£®What can we know about Tom?

A£®He is hard to get along with£®

B£®He is easy to get along with£®

C£®He is lovely£®




6£®What does the man need?

A£®A taxi£®

B£®A time table£®

C£®A bag£®

7£®When will the man leave home?




8£®What does the man want the driver to do?

A£®Drive carefully£®

B£®Charge less money£®

C£®Carry his bags£®


9£®Why didn't Mary take an examination yesterday?

A£®Because she didn't want to do so£®

B£®Because she got sick£®

C£®Because she was asked not to£®

10£®What did the professor permit Mary to do?

A£®To have an examination at home£®

B£®To have an exam some time later when she got better£®

C£®To have no exam at all£®

11£®Why didn't Mary drive her car?

A£®Because the doctor asked her not to£®

B£®Because she liked walking£®

C£®Because she didn't think she was able to£®


12£®Why does the woman want Robert to join them?

A£®He used to play the guitar£®

B£®It's a good chance for him to meet people£®

C£®She needs him to play the guitar at her wedding at the weekend£®

13£®Why is Robert not sure whether he wants to join the group?

A£®He didn't play the guitar in the past£®

B£®He doesn't think he is good enough£®

C£®He doesn't have time to practice£®

14£®What kind of event will the group play at?

A£®Concert halls£®

B£®School events£®

C£®Weddings and parties£®


15£®When will Jerry's wife go to hospital?

A£®Next Thursday£®


C£®Next Monday£®

16£®Who is going to take care of the baby while Jerry's wife is in hospital?


B£®The nurse£®

C£®Jerry's wife£®

17£®What do you think of Mrs£®Sherwood?

A£®She is cold-blooded£®

B£®She is kind£®

C£®She is efficient£®




Are Cars Like the Drivers?





1£®What's the possible relationship between the two speakers?



C£®Teacher and students

2£®Where does the conversation most probably take place?

A£®In an office

B£®In a bank

C£®In a hospital

3£®What will the man drink?

A£®Coco Cola


C£®Soda water

4£®What does the man want to order?

A£®TV sets£®


C£®Personal computers£®

5£®What is the man's problem?

A£®He is tired£®

B£®He is sick£®

C£®He is homesick£®




6£®What happened to the man?

A£®He found his house broken into£®

B£®He locked himself out£®

C£®He was knocked down by a car£®

7£®What is the woman probably?

A£®A driver£®

B£®A policewoman£®

C£®A doctor£®

8£®What is the woman most probably going to do?

A£®Look round the house£®

B£®Talk to the man's wife£®

C£®Lock all the windows£®


9£®What's the possible relationship between the two speakers?

A£®Interviewer and interviewee£®

B£®Employer and employee£®

C£®Professor and students£®

10£®Where do the woman's foreign teachers come from?




11£®How many hours will the woman work every day if she is employed?

A£®Four hours£®

B£®Five hours£®

C£®Six hours£®


12£®Why does the woman mention the Sahara Desert?

A£®She watched a TV program about it last night£®

B£®She thinks it is the largest desert in the world£®

C£®She knows that the man likes foreign things£®

13£®What kind of film does the woman like actually?

A£®Love films

B£®Travel films

C£®Horror films

14£®What can we learn about the man?

A£®He doesn't like eating lunch with the woman£®

B£®He likes to try new food£®

C£®He gets sick of chips£®


15£®How did Rebecca lose much weight?

A£®She was on a diet and exercising£®

B£®She had too much work£®

C£®She had too much sport£®

16£®What sport does Rebecca like best?




17£®What can we learn from the conversation?

A£®The man was on the school football team£®

B£®Team work is of great importance in the match£®

C£®The football team practiced five hours a day£®


18£®What were dogs mainly used for in the old days?




19£®Why do people in cities keep dogs now?

A£®They want friendship£®

B£®They want them to watch house£®

C£®They love animals£®

20£®What can we learn from the text?

A£®Most people in the West still keep dogs for protection£®

B£®The dog is useful for both children and adults£®

C£®People feel more and more lonely£®




Example£ºHow much is the shirt?





1£®How long will the man be on holiday in Hong Kong?

A£®Three weeks

B£®One month

C£®Two weeks

2£®What¡¯s the occupation of the man?

A£®An actor

B£®A writer

C£®A soldier

3£®Why did the woman get a ticket?

A£®She sped

B£®She ran a red light

C£®She parked at the wrong place

4£®What do we know about the chair?

A£®It is damaged

B£®It is blue and yellow

C£®The salesman is charging $ 159 for it

5£®What¡¯s the relationship between the two speakers?







6£®Where does the conversation probably take place?

A£®In the street

B£®In the hospital

C£®In a car

7£®How did the man break his leg?

A£®An attacker hit him

B£®He had a car accident

C£®The doctors had it broken


8£®Why does the many have only a few minutes to talk?

A£®Because he will have a test£®

B£®Because he has a training course£®

C£®Because he will attend an important meeting

9£®What does a student usually have to do before taking Anderson¡¯s course?

A£®To pass a test

B£®To attend an interview

C£®To meet the headmaster

10£®When will the man give the woman a reply?

A£®Right now


C£®Next week


11£®Who is most probably sitting together with Danny?

A£®His new girlfriend

B£®His classmate

C£®His mother

12£®When is Danny¡¯s mother coming to visit him?

A£®In a few days

B£®Next week

C£®This weekend

13£®What are Fiona and Rex going to do?

A£®Say hi to Danny

B£®Go back to the college for a rest

C£®Attend a lecture at the college


14£®What is James probably doing at present?

A£®Taking part in a sailing competition

B£®Watching a dolphin show

C£®Driving to a nearby country

15£®What will James do first when he arrives?

A£®Have a big dinner

B£®Have a date with Rachel

C£®Take a hot bath and have his hair cut

16£®Where is the conversation probably taking place?

A£®In a plane

B£®On the phone

C£®In a studio


18£®Who is the speaker most probably talking to?

A£®Some tourists

B£®Some students

C£®Some researchers

19£®When will the group of people probably get up tomorrow?

A£®At 5¡Ã00 am£®

B£®At 5¡Ã30 am£®

C£®At 6¡Ã00 am£®

20£®What shouldn¡¯t they take tomorrow?

A£®The map

B£®Warm clothes

C£®Video cameras




1£®Which restaurant will the speakers most likely choose?




2£®What does the man mean?

A£®He'll go to the park with the woman£®

B£®The weather report is not always true£®

C£®They'd better stay indoors tomorrow£®

3£®What's most important for the woman?

A£®Living environment£®

B£®Convenient transportation£®

C£®Job opportunities£®

4£®Why is the man complaining?

A£®He dislikes filing documents£®

B£®His work is always the same£®

C£®His co£­worker was careless£®

5£®How did Adam probably get the football?

A£®He bought it himself£®

B£®He borrowed it from someone else£®

C£®It was given to him as a birthday gift£®




6£®What does the man want the woman to do?

A£®Attend an art course£®

B£®Paint a portrait of her mother£®

C£®Pay for the portrait£®

7£®How does the woman feel in the end?





8£®What does the woman show the man?

A£®Some clothes£®

B£®A magazine£®

C£®A new store£®

9£®What is the problem at the store?

A£®The clothes are too expensive£®

B£®The clothes are not the right size£®

C£®The clothes are not available£®

10£®What will happen next Tuesday?

A£®There will be a party£®

B£®The man can get what he wants£®

C£®The clothes will be delivered to the man£®


11£®What did the woman do for the man?

A£®She cleaned his house£®

B£®She made him breakfast£®

C£®She said something nice about him£®

12£®What does the man think the woman wants to do?

A£®Something bad£®

B£®Something nice£®

C£®Something funny£®

13£®What do we know about the woman?

A£®She is fond of shopping£®

B£®She wants to borrow some money£®

C£®She took up a new hobby£®


14£®What are the speakers mainly talking about?

A£®An online service£®

B£®The woman's favorite TV shows£®

C£®The quality of TV shows nowadays£®

15£®What does the woman like to watch?

A£®Current TV shows£®

B£®Movies rented from stores£®

C£®Old TV shows£®

16£®What does the man want to do?

A£®Buy a TV£®

B£®Join Netflix£®

C£®Watch a movie£®


17£®What's the speaker's suggestion in the talk?

A£®Getting a variety of clothes£®

B£®Taking an umbrella in summer£®

C£®Drinking plenty of water£®

18£®What is summer like in the United States?

A£®It lasts for about 5 months£®

B£®It often rains in most areas£®

C£®The temperature almost keeps the same£®

19£®Why are many homes and buildings cool even in summer?

A£®They are built with special materials£®

B£®Doors and windows are kept open£®

C£®They often have fans or air conditioners£®

20£®Where might the talk take place?

A£®In a classroom£®

B£®On TV£®

C£®On the radio£®




1£®What is probably the woman?

A£®A policewoman

B£®A shopkeeper

C£®A waitress

2£®How much less did the man pay for the vase?




3£®What do we know about the man?

A£®He likes driving very much£®

B£®He lives far from the subway£®

C£®He used to have a car£®

4£®What is the man advised to do?

A£®Have a rest

B£®Have a check£­up

C£®Drink a lot of water

5£®What are the two speakers talking about?

A£®An animal

B£®A baby

C£®A story




6£®Why does the man want to redo his bedroom?

A£®To rent it out£®

B£®To match the furniture£®

C£®To repair the furniture£®

7£®What color does the woman suggest?




8£®What do we know about the man?

A£®He will change the bed£®

B£®He will change the sofa£®

C£®He will change the wallpaper£®


9£®What is Mr£®Carson doing when Mr£®Prince calls him?

A£®He is having a talk with his customer£®

B£®He is having a meeting£®

C£®He is out for lunch£®

10£®What's Mr£®Prince's number?

A£®Hong Kong 68261427 extension 4063£®

B£®Hong Kong 86261427 extension 4036£®

C£®Hong Kong 68261427 extension 4036£®

11£®What's the relationship between the woman and Mr£®Carson?

A£®Teacher and student£®

B£®Husband and wife£®

C£®Boss and secretary


12£®What do we know about the factory leaders?

A£®They will build another factory to recycle the wastes£®

B£®They've gained the respect of local people£®

C£®They've promised to do something against the pollution£®

13£®What will the special machine be used to do?

A£®Recycle the wastes into useful things£®

B£®Take in the fine dust in the smoke£®

C£®Filter the waste water£®

14£®Where does the man's family live?

A£®Near a river

B£®Near a factory

C£®Near a school


15£®How many more credits does the woman take than the man?




16£®Why does the woman want to know more students?

A£®To borrow books from them£®

B£®To know the teachers better£®

C£®To make friends with them£®

17£®What will the woman do next?

A£®Go to the bookstore£®

B£®Go to the library£®

C£®Go to meet someone£®


18£®What do some international students do during their gap year?

A£®Take this chance to travel£®

B£®Perform their military duty£®

C£®Meet other educational requirements£®

19£®What are the parents concerned about?

A£®Students may miss their friends at collage£®

B£®Students may not want to continue their studies£®

C£®It goes against the schedule of some colleges

20£®What is Holly Bull's job?

A£®To provide tutorship to students£®

B£®To call the media's attention to the gap year£®

C£®To help students plan their gap year£®






1£®Is the shopping center far away?

A£®Yes, it is too far to walk£®

B£®No, it is within walking distance£®

C£®No, but it is too far to walk£®


2£®How many students did the man believe had taken the exam?

A£®Fifty students

B£®Forty students

C£®Twenty-five students


3£®Can the woman buy a carpet?

A£®Yes, but not a special low prize

B£®Yes, at a special low price

C£®No£®they are not for sale£®


4£®Where did this conversation most probably take place?

A£®In railroad station

B£®In an airport

C£®In Miami


5£®What does the man think about Paul?

A£®He is not hungry

B£®He wants something to eat

C£®He is angry


6£®What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?

A£®Teacher and student

B£®Salesgirl and customer

C£®Doctor and patient

7£®What does the man feel will help the woman?

A£®Some medicine

B£®Breathing slowly

C£®Some tests£®


8£®What happened to the man's bike?

A£®It was hit by a car

B£®It was hit by a truck

C£®It was broken on a street

9£®How was the bike after the accident?

A£®There was nothing wrong with it

B£®It was completely damaged except the wheels

C£®The wheels were both damaged

10£®When did the accident happen?

A£®When was the man riding on it

B£®When the bike was in front of the man's house

C£®When the man was getting off the bike£®


11£®where is the woman?

A£®At home

B£®At Doctor's Smith's office

C£®In Doctor Smith's room

12£®What's wrong with the man?

A£®He hurt himself

B£®There's something wrong with his leg

C£®He broke his leg

13£®What's the woman going to do?

A£®To help Mr£®Green in his home

B£®To ask Dr£®Smith to see him right away

C£®o go and bring Mr£®Green back to Dr£®Smith's office


14£®Where is the boy going to spend his holiday?

A£®In the city

B£®In the country


15£®What will he do there?

A£®To do some farm work

B£®To study at home

C£®To do some homework

16£®Which of the following is true?

A£®The boy's grandparents live in the country£®

B£®The boy's school is in the city

C£®The girl knows how to farm, too£®



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