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My gratitude to a classmate

The classmate I should show my gratitude to is Li Hua.








The human body is an amazing and complex machine. It is very tough, and we usually recover from illness or injury on our own, without the help of a doctor. But what happens when we need medical treatment? In the past, some people went to a clinic or hospital to see a medical doctor. Other people trusted ancient traditions and chose treatments such as herbal(药草的) medicine or acupuncture(针灸). These two types of medicine----one modern and Western and the other ancient and Eastern----used to have nothing to do with each other.

In recent years, however, people around the world have begun to recognize and accept both modern medical science and more traditional therapies. This new kind of medicine can be called integrative medicine (because it integrates, or combines, different types of medicine), or complementary medicine. Some of the principles of this type of medicine include preventing illness by helping people stay healthy, integrating different types of therapies according to the needs of each patient, and considering the health of the whole person rather than concentrating on a particular illness or injury.

One health maintenance organization (HMO) in Madison, Wisconsin, has opened its Complementary Medicine and Wellness Center. At the center, HMO members are offered a variety of services. If you are suffering a sore back, try some massage treatments to relax your muscles and encourage the flow of healing energy in your body. If you have allergies or asthma, you could try homeopathy, which uses tiny amounts of allergens to stimulate your body’s natural immune response. And if you’re not ill, but just want to improve your strength and focus your mind, try a tai chi or yoga class.

Patients who use these complementary medicine services appreciate having an alternative to surgery or to drugs and their side effects. They also enjoy activities and therapies that make them feel better even if they’re not sick. And from the financial point of view of the HMO, preventing illness whenever possible is much less expensive than a hospital stay.

According to Dr. Andrew Weil, founder of the Program in Integrative Medicine at the University of Arizona, integrative medicine combines the best parts of Western medicine with complementary therapies such as acupuncture and nutrition. And because both doctor and patient are working to prevent illness, they become partners with the same goal instead of strangers who see each other only when the patient is sick.

1. The article is about____________.

A. Western medicine

B. acupuncture and herbal medicine

C. advances in medical technology

D. integrative medicine

2.Why does the author mention “preventing illness by helping people stay healthy” in the second paragraph?

A. to inform readers about a principle of integrative medicine

B. to explain why most people don’t believe in integrative medicine

C. to give readers advice about staying healthy

D. to recommend modern medicine rather than traditional therapies

3.What would be an example of integrative medicine?

A. taking penicillin for a headache

B. performing surgery to treat heart disease

C. acupuncture

D. using herbal treatments after surgery

4.Which of the following is NOT mentioned as an advantage of complementary medicine?

A. It costs less than medical care in hospitals.

B. Patients can choose between complementary medicine and drugs or surgery.

C. It helps patients feel healthier even when they are not sick.

D. It focuses mainly on a particular illness or injury.

Your car is a necessary part of your life. You use it every day. Of course, you want to hold on to it so you make sure it has the latest alarm and immobilizer. But despite all these, cars like yours are still stolen every day. In fact, in this country, one car is stolen almost every minute! And if your car is stolen, you only have a 50:50 chance of seeing it again.

Each year, car crime costs nearly £3 billion. Of course, if you’re insured, you won’t lose out, or will you? Firstly, you will have to pay extra insurance later on, and then you may not be offered the full amount by the agent. You will probably have to hire a car and you will also lose the value of the contents and accessories (配件) in the car.

Now comes the solution. An RAC Trackstar system, hidden in one of 47 possible secret locations in your car, is the key of our system. If your car is stolen, radio signals are sent at twenty-second intervals from the car to the RAC Trackstar National Control Center via a satellite network. Then a computer gives the vehicle’s exact location, speed and direction.

The RAC Trackstar National Control Center, which operates 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, will immediately inform the police in the area where the car is located. Because the police receive information every twenty seconds, they will always know the vehicle’s location. Once the thief has been arrested, your car will be returned to you.

RAC Trackstar is unique in being able to provide the National Control Center with details of the exact location of your car, its speed and direction. And speed is the key to successful recovery of a stolen vehicle. RAC Trackstar Control will immediately tell the police if you report your car stolen and under the 24-hour Guardian Option. It will also tell you if your car has been stolen. RAC Trackstar’s constant updates mean the police are kept informed of the car’s location. All these greatly improve your chances of seeing your car again.

1.If your car is stolen, you will have to ______.

A. pay more insurance

B. hire a new car

C. buy a RAC Trackstar system

D. inform the National Control Center

2.The Trackstar system can tell the police ______.

A. how the car is stolen

B. who the thief is

C. where the car is

D. what brand the car is

3.The underlined word “It” in the last paragraph refers to ______.

A. the local police station

B. the RAC Trackstar Control

C. the Guardian Option

D. the insurance company

4.According to the passage, people with RAC Trackstar ______.

A. automatically find directions

B. seldom get their vehicles damaged

C. are more likely to get the stolen cars back

D. have less chance of being in an accident


You probably know you should say “please” and “thank you” at restaurants. You probably know the rules of a library. You know you should respect and be nice to your classmates. 1. In fact, there are some rules about playing music.

·Keep it down.

2. You should not play your music so loud that everyone around you can hear it. Some people might even get angry. Usually, when you play music loud on an MP3 player, other people can’t hear the words of the song. They just hear a loud sound. No one wants to listen to this. Very loud music can also be bad for your ears.

·Turn it off.

You need to know when to turn your MP3 off and put it away. Libraries and schools don’t allow MP3 players. There are other places, like museums, that don’t have rules, but it would be rude to have your MP3 player on. Sometimes, it doesn’t make sense to listen on your MP3 player at an event. 3. You would miss what is going on and others would wonder why you even came.

·Take one out.

Once in a while it’s okay just to take out one earphone and not the other. 4. It would not be rude to take out one earphone, tell him the way, and put back the earphone and continue listening. You can also do this when you order food at a fast food restaurant or when you answer the telephone and it’s not for you.

· 5.

There are times when you need to decide what is best. For example, some people can listen to music on their MP3 players when reading books, while others think it is disturbing. In cases like this, you need to do what seems right for you.

A. It’s your choice.

B. Don’t make your voice disturb others.

C. But do you have music manners?

D. You have to notice the amount of sound of your music.

E. Why would you listen to music at a play, a movie or a sporting event?

F. Imagine you are listening on your MP3 player when someone asks you the way.

G. The music is active and inspiring as long as you can feel energetic when you are listening to it.

The Christmas season is often considered the season of giving. Many of us spend a lot of effort and money in an attempt to give our friends and loved ones the best possible gift. But what is the best gift you could possibly give?

Imagine that your bank gave you an account with $86,400 every morning of every day. You could use this amount of money for anything you want. But at the end of every day, the bank tells you that money in the account can only be used within that day. How would you choose to spend this money?

This is the attitude we should take towards the time. Time can never get back. It is the only resource that no one can get more than another person.

Around the holiday season, we find ourselves very busy. It is a point in the year where how you spend your time is crucial. Spending this valuable time to help another human being in need is one of the greatest gifts we can give. We never know when even giving a short amount of time to help or listen to a stranger, could make the rest of their day much more pleasant.

However, the saying that money is time is one of the truest statements ever made. By the act of donating money to a non profit organization which helps — for example, you are allowing that single mother to spend more time looking after her children, instead of being forced to spend time looking for a temporary second job. By donating some money, you have helped someone else use their time for a better cause.

One organization I personally would encourage you to consider spending your time and/or money would be Eva Initiatives, an organization created for the homeless. I have volunteered there twice. It was a very positive experience, and being able to learn more about who lived there really gave me a perspective on the real struggles of the people around us.

1.What is the function of the first paragraph?

A. To imply choosing the proper gifts for others.

B. To introduce the theme of the passage.

C. To arouse attention from the readers.

D. To show giving gifts is a common practice.

2.What can we conclude from the 2nd and 3rd paragraphs?

A. Lost time never returns.

B. Time is sure to tell the truth.

C. Time tries friends as fire tries gold.

D. Time can create great wonders.

3.What do you think of the author in the passage?

A. Warm-hearted.

B. Responsible.

C. Encouraging.

D. Strong-minded.


阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

The young woman was feeling a little down on that Sunday in May. ________, it was Mother's Day ... and 800 miles________ her from her parents in Ohio. She had called her mother that morning to wish her a ________ Mother’s Day, and her mother had mentioned how ________the yard was now that spring had arrived. As they talked, the young woman could ________ smell the peaceful purple lilacs (丁香花) hanging on the big bush outside her parents' back door.

Later, when she mentioned to her husband how she ________ those lilacs, he immediately drove her and two children to a hill ________ with purple lilacs. With a smile, the young woman buried her ________in the flowers, drinking in the sweet smell and the ________ it brought back. And then, carefully, she picked a lilac here, another one there until her arms full of them.

_________, they returned to their car for the trip home. While the kids ________ talked and the man attentively drove, the woman sat with a smile, surrounded by her flowers, a ________ look in her eyes. They stopped at a nursing home, where an elderly ________ was sitting in her wheel-chair, ________, head bowed, her back to most of the other patients. ________, across went the flowers to the old woman. She slowly ________ her head , and smiled.

For a few moments, the two women chatted, and both ________with happiness. As they drove back for home, the kids asked, "Mom, who was that? Why did you give her our flowers? Is she somebody's mother? "

The mother said she didn't know the old woman, ________ it was Mother's Day, and she seemed so lonely, and who wouldn't be________ by flowers? "Besides," she added, "I have all of you, and I still have mother, _____she is faraway. That woman needed those flowers more than I did. "

1.A. Above allB. At leastC. What's moreD. After all

2.A. freedB. tookC. separatedD. blocked

3.A. sadB. happyC. clearD. busy

4.A. colorfulB. largeC. dullD. noisy

5.A. thusB. almostC. simplyD. hardly

6.A. valuedB. forgotC. missedD. respected

7.A. coveredB. filledC. piledD. wrapped

8.A. feetB. faceC. eyesD. mouth

9.A. memoriesB. wishesC. dreamsD. imagination

10.A. SuddenlyB. FinallyC. NaturallyD. Certainly

11.A. impatientlyB. gentlyC. calmlyD. excitedly

12.A. farawayB. lonelyC. tiredD. sleepy

13.A. nurseB. doctorC. patientD. professor

14.A. unfortunateB. satisfiedC. helplessD. alone

15.A. SuddenlyB. HappilyC. HopefullyD. Eventually

16.A. noddedB. shookC. liftedD. touched

17.A.calmed downB. showed offC. came throughD. lit up

18.A. whileB. butC. asD. although

19.A. cheeredB. movedC. encouragedD. surprised

20.A. and yetB. in caseC. even ifD. as though

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