
To the teacher’s surprise, the boy had no ________ out the ________ maths problem.

  1. A.
    difficulty to work; difficult
  2. B.
    difficult working; difficulty
  3. C.
    difficulty working; difficult
  4. D.
    difficulty in working; difficulty

Here in the hills were buffaloes (野牛). I had even, in my very young days — when I could not live till I had killed one of each kind of African animal — shot a bull out there. Later on, when I was not so interested to shoot as to watch the wild animals, I had been out to see them again. But twice I had to go back without success.
But one afternoon as I was having tea with some friends outside the house, Denys came flying from Nairobi and went over our heads westwards; a little while after he turned and came back and landed on the farm. I drove down to the plane to bring him back, but he would not get out of his plane.
“The buffaloes are out feeding in the hills,” he said, “come out and have a look at them.”
“I cannot come,” I said. “I have got a tea-party up at the house.”
“But we will go and see them and be back in a quarter of an hour,” he said.
This sounded to me like the suggestions which people make to you in a dream. So I went up with him. It did not take us long to see the buffaloes from the air; we counted them as they peacefully mixed and separated on the open ground closed in by bushes. There was one very old big black bull, and a number of young ones; if a stranger had come near to them they would have heard or smelt him at once, but they were not prepared for something from the air. They heard the noise of our machine and stopped feeding, but they did not seem to be able to look up. In the end they realized that something very strange was about; the old bull first walked out in front of the others. Suddenly he began to go down the valley side and after a moment he broke into a run. The whole group now followed him, rushing hurriedly down into the buses. In a small wood of low trees they stopped and kept close together. Here they believed themselves to be out of sight. We flew up and away. It was like having been taken there by a secret unknown route.
When I came back to my tea-party the teapot on the stone was still so hot that I burned my fingers on it.
【小题1】The writer drove to the plane ________.

A.to pick Denys up and take him back to the tea-party
B.to have a talk with Denys
C.to do some repairs for Denys
D.because they wanted to go up in the plane
【小题2】 Denys said it would only take a quarter of an hour to go and see the buffaloes ________.
A.but it took much longer than that B.and he was right
C.if they went by a secret routeD.but it wasn’t a serious suggestion
【小题3】When the buffaloes heard the noise of the plane, they ________.
A.looked up at itB.ran away immediately
C.continued feedingD.were uncertain what to do



We drink tea every day. But more than three hundred years ago, most of the people in Europe did not know anything about tea, because it was grown in Asia. There is a story about an English sailor(水手). Once he went to India and China. When he came home, he brought some tea as a present for his mother. She told her friends about the present and asked them to a tea party.  When her friends came to the tea party, the old woman brought out some leaves and asked them to eat tea. Of course, nobody liked the tea leaves.

Just then the sailor came in.  He looked at the tea leaves on the table and asked his mother,“What have you done with the tea?”

“I boiled it as you said.”

“I threw it away, of course.” answered the woman.

“Now, you may throw away the leaves, too.” said her son.

56. Who first grew tea?

A. People in Europe.                                        B. People in Asia.

C.People in China only.                                D. People in India only.

57. The woman’s friends ________.

A. enjoyed the tea leaves very much                   B. didn’t like drinking tea

C. didn’t like the tea leaves                           D. threw away all the tea leaves

58. Before the old woman boiled the tea, ________.

A. she had learned how to enjoy it

B. her son had taught her how to drink tea

C. her son had not told her to drink the boiled water only

D. her son had not told how to eat the tea leaves 


Here in the hills were buffaloes (野牛). I had even, in my very young days — when I could not live till I had killed one of each kind of African animal — shot a bull out there. Later on, when I was not so interested to shoot as to watch the wild animals, I had been out to see them again. But twice I had to go back without success.

But one afternoon as I was having tea with some friends outside the house, Denys came flying from Nairobi and went over our heads westwards; a little while after he turned and came back and landed on the farm. I drove down to the plane to bring him back, but he would not get out of his plane.

“The buffaloes are out feeding in the hills,” he said, “come out and have a look at them.”

“I cannot come,” I said. “I have got a tea-party up at the house.”

“But we will go and see them and be back in a quarter of an hour,” he said.

This sounded to me like the suggestions which people make to you in a dream. So I went up with him. It did not take us long to see the buffaloes from the air; we counted them as they peacefully mixed and separated on the open ground closed in by bushes. There was one very old big black bull, and a number of young ones; if a stranger had come near to them they would have heard or smelt him at once, but they were not prepared for something from the air. They heard the noise of our machine and stopped feeding, but they did not seem to be able to look up. In the end they realized that something very strange was about; the old bull first walked out in front of the others. Suddenly he began to go down the valley side and after a moment he broke into a run. The whole group now followed him, rushing hurriedly down into the buses. In a small wood of low trees they stopped and kept close together. Here they believed themselves to be out of sight. We flew up and away. It was like having been taken there by a secret unknown route.

When I came back to my tea-party the teapot on the stone was still so hot that I burned my fingers on it.

1.The writer drove to the plane ________.

A.to pick Denys up and take him back to the tea-party

B.to have a talk with Denys

C.to do some repairs for Denys

D.because they wanted to go up in the plane

2. Denys said it would only take a quarter of an hour to go and see the buffaloes ________.

A.but it took much longer than that

B.and he was right

C.if they went by a secret route

D.but it wasn’t a serious suggestion

3.When the buffaloes heard the noise of the plane, they ________.

A.looked up at it

B.ran away immediately

C.continued feeding

D.were uncertain what to do


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