
Lying in Victoria,Australia,Phillip Island Nature Park is a beautiful seaside holiday destination.Phillip Island provides a relaxing,adventurous and memorable costal holiday.Full of family attractions,friendly wildlife,sheltered swimming spots and beautiful beaches and bays,it really is hard to find a reason not to take a holiday.

Koala Conservation Centre and Churchill Island Heritage Farm

A trip to Phillip Island wouldn't be complete without visiting the Koala Conservation Centre and Churchill Island Heritage Farm.This amazing native wildlife attraction provides the opportunity to experience wild koalas in their natural environment.You will also enjoy very impressive water views,ancient buildings and lovely gardens. Perfect for a family day out!

Penguin Parade

The Penguin Parade on Phillip Island is Australia's most popular wildlife attraction.Every sunset,wild little penguins appear from the sea and walk across the beach to their sand holes.Here you can experience this natural view that you will find nowhere else in the world.


CLOSING TIME: Varies.Closed on Christmas Day

3 Parks Pass

This ticket gives you entry to the Penguin Parade at Phillip Island Nature Park,as well as entry to the Koala Conservation Centre and Churchill Island Heritage Farm.

All tickets will have 12 months validity(有效期)from time of buying.

Tickets will be delivered to your email box within 60 minutes of buying.Please print out all tickets and take them along with you to the attraction.

1.What can be enjoyed in Phillip Island Nature Park? .

A. Fierce wildlife.

B. Charming beaches.

C. Outdoor swimming spots.

D. Various modem buildings.

2.According to the passage,Penguin Parade .

A. opens at 10 a.m.every day

B. is opened to us all year around

C. is the most popular wildlife attraction

D. provides the chance to see wild penguins

3.In the Koala Conservation Centre and Churchill Island Heritage Farm we can appreciate .

A. wild koalas and penguins

B. water views and penguins'holes

C. wild koalas and lovely gardens

D. wild penguins and ancient buildings

4.If you buy a 3 Parks Pass online, .

A. you must use it within a year

B. you must print it out in 60 minutes

C. you can have it delivered to your house

D. you can take your family along to the park


I came to study in the United States a year ago .Yet I did not know the real American society until I was injured in a car accident because after the accident I had to see a doctor and go to court.

After the accident, my roommate called a doctor for me. I was very grateful and determined to repay him one day. But the next day, he asked me to pay him $200 for what he had done. I was astonished. He had good reason to charge me, he said. And if I wanted to collect money from the person who was responsible for my injury, I’d have to have a good lawyer. And only a good doctor can help me get a good lawyer .Now that he had helped me find a good doctor, it was only fair that I should pay him.

But every day I went to see the doctor, I had to wait about 50 minutes. He would see two or three patients at the same time, and often stop treating one so as to see another. Yet he charged me $115 each time .The final examination report consisted of ten lines, and it cost me $215.

My lawyer was all smiles the first time we met. But after that he avoided seeing me at all. He knew very well the other party was responsible for the accident, yet he hardly did anything. He simply waited to collect his money. He was so irresponsible that I decided to dismiss him. And he made me pay him $770.

Now I had to act as my own lawyer. Due to my inexperience, I told the insurance company the date I was leaving America. Knowing that, they played for time...and I left without getting a cent.

1.The author’s roommate offered to help him because________.

A. he felt sorry for the author

B. he knew the doctor was a very good one

C. he thought it was a chance to make some money

D. he wanted the author to have a good lawyer

2.A good doctor is necessary for the author to________.

A. be properly treated.

B. talk with the person responsible for the accident.

C. eventually get the responsible party to pay for his injury.

D. recover before he leaves American.

3.The word “charge” in the third paragraph means_________ .

A. ask as a price B. accuse

C. be responsible D. claim

4.Both the doctor and the lawyer in this passage are very__________.

A. friendly B. busy

C. professional D. selfish

5.What conclusion can you draw from the story?

A. Going to court is something very common in America.

B. One must be very careful while driving a car.

C. There are more bad sides in America than good sides.

D. Money is more important than other things in the US.

New research, attempting to throw light upon how male and female brains differ, has found that timing is everything. American Vanderbilt University researchers Stephen Camarata and Richard Woodcock discovered that females have a significant advantage over males in timed tests and tasks. The study involved more than 8,000 males and females ranging in age from 2 to 90 from across the US.

“We found hardly any differences in overall intelligence. But we discovered that females performed better than men in time limited situations,” Camarata said, “It is very important for teachers to understand this difference in males and females when it comes to assigning work and tests.”

Many males can do a better job without strict time limits, added Camarata.

“Consider that many classroom activities, including testing, are directly or indirectly related to processing speed,” the researchers wrote in their report. “The higher performance in females may contribute to a classroom culture that favors females, not because of teacher bias(偏见)but because of inherent(与生俱来的)differences in gender processing speeds.”

The researchers found that males scored lower than females in all age groups in tests measuring processing speed. However, the study also found that males consistently outperformed females in some language abilities, such as identifying objects and knowing antonyms(反义词)and synonyms(同义词). The research contradicts the popular belief that girls develop all communication skills earlier than boys.

The researchers found no significant overall intelligence differences between males and females in any age groups.

“We believe there are fundamental differences in how male and female brains end up getting organized,” Camarata said, “Our next studies will give us some insight into where these processing differences are occurring.”

1.The new research referred to in the passage is intended to ________.

A. find whether age has something to do with people's intelligence

B. help teachers to assign work and arrange tests for students

C. find what's the differences between male and female brains

D. prove the differences in processing speed between males and females

2.The underlined word “outperformed” in the fifth paragraph probably means “________”.

A. to achieve better results than someone

B. to perform worse in some aspect than someone

C. to do something as well as someone

D. to be not so good at something as someone

3.People usually believe that ________.

A. there're hardly any differences between males' and females' overall intelligence

B. teachers favor girl students instead of boy students in schools

C. girls develop their language skills earlier than boys

D. females have a significant advantage over males in all subjects

4.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A. The researchers interviewed more than 8,000 males and females all over the world.

B. Generally speaking, males can do better jobs with strict time limits than females.

C. Females scored higher than males in any age groups in any situations.

D. The differences in gender processing speeds occur when people are born.

5.Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?

A. The researchers will continue to study how the gender differences in timing occur.

B. A female mathematician will make greater achievements than a male one.

C. School teachers have already known about these processing differences before.

D. If a girl has a higher processing speed than a boy, she must be more intelligent than him.

One day I was walking to the mailbox with my dad,when I saw something drop from a tree.I couldn't____what it was,so I kept my eyes on the spot as we came near.It was a baby bird,which had fallen from its nest.It had long, awkward wings and feet,and____that fought to stay open.It was____,so I sat next to it watching while my dad got the mail.I____its nest and mother,____what would happen to it.

My dad said we had to____it;there was nothing we could do.He said if the bird mother smelled any traces(踪迹)of____,she wouldn't go near the____again.

As we began to walk away,a woman____."Did it fall out of a nest?"she asked.

"Yeah."I answered.

"It____a lot.Not much we can do,"she said."Try not to think about it when you go to sleep tonight."

I walked____the mailbox the next day.The baby bird lay____in the grass.

I realize that "Try not to think about it" is the____of many people towards things which____to provide them with perfect excuses____not bothering.The woman wasn't being____;she was actually quite nice.But when everyone says "there's____I can do—just try not to think about it,"where will we finally____?When billions of people____try not to think about it when they go to bed at night,there might be millions of fallen birds lying dead and____in the grass the next morning.

1.A. say B. talk C. speak D. tell

2.A. eyes B. arms C. feathers D. claws

3.A. bored B. stupid C. lovely D. clever

4.A. turned back B. stared at C. pointed to D. looked for

5.A. suggesting B. deciding C. wondering D. finding

6.A. help B. leave C. catch D. kill

7.A. children B. humans C. animals D. insects

8.A. tree B. grass C. baby D. person

9.A. returned B. interrupted C. approached D. left

10.A. happens B. cries C. suffers D. changes

11.A. from B. beyond C. past D. into

12.A. asleep B. dead C. still D. alive

13.A. attitude B. feeling C. consideration D. understanding

14.A. fail B. prove C. refuse D. seem

15.A. from B. of C. about D. for

16.A. cruel B. kind C. silly D. friendly

17.A. something B. nothing C. everything D. anything

18.A. start out B. come from C. settle down D. end up

19.A. possibly B. simply C. particularly D. luckily

20.A. forgotten B. buried C. eaten D. remembered

How to change the world

You want to change the world, but you aren’t sure where to start. First, remember that changing the world can mean so many different things.

Understand what's wrong.

1.The world is such a big place, so you won't be able to change much if you don't understand what's going on out there. Try to learn about what is happening both home and abroad.

Know that change doesn't come overnight.

2.Try to live your values each day, even if you don't see much appreciable change on a day-to-day level. Work hard and don't give up.
Start small.

Find ways to make a difference every day. It may feel as though you are just one tiny part of a huge system. At first, you almost certainly will be. Be patient.3.. Try to put your activism into practice and make it a reality.


Write letters to newspapers; post an article, video, or idea on the internet; wear a T-shirt. If you think that it is important and worthy of attention, try to raise awareness(意识) by telling as many people as you can.

Consider a career.

Think about which sort of job might put you in the best position to change the world. 5.There are a lot of ways to get paid for adding value to the world. Start researching to find jobs in fields that feel valuable.

A. Read the news.

B. Spread the word.

C. All things begin small

D. Remember that you don’t need to do it alone

E. You could be a teacher, a reporter, or something else.

F. There are other, less public ways to show your support!

G. Don’t expect to change the world with one big heroic act.

Falling off a box car and landing on my head, I lost my sight when I was four years old. Now I am thirty-two. I can _________ remember the brightness of sunshine. It would be wonderful to see again, _________a tragedy can do strange things to people.

It _________ to me that I might not have come to love life as I do now if I hadn’t been blind. My parents and my teacher saw something _________ me , and they made me want to __________ against blindness.

The hardest _________ I had to learn was to believe in myself. If I hadn’t been able to do that, I would have ________ down and become a chair rocker for the rest of my life. When I say _________in myself I am not talking about _________ the kind of self-confidence that _________ me down an unfamiliar staircase (楼梯)alone. But I mean something bigger than that : an assurance that I am a real positive person _________ imperfections.

It took me years to obtain this ________ . It had to start with the ________ . Once a man gave me an indoor _________ . “ I can’t use this.” I said. “ Take it with you,” he ________ me , “ and roll it around.” The _________ stuck in my head. “ Roll it around !” By rolling the ball I could hear where it went. This gave me an idea how to achieve a goal I had thought _________ . At the School for the Blind I ________ a new kind of baseball called ground ball. All my life I have set a series of goals and then tried to reach them, one at a time. I had to learn my _________ . I would fail sometimes anyway but on the average I made _________ .

1.A. randomly B. abruptly C. roughly D. completely

2.A. so B. but C. thus D. and

3.A. occurred B. referred C. brought D. turned

4.A. of B. for C. to D. in

5.A. get B. fight C. find D. drop

6.A. method B. experience C. lesson D. manner

7.A. broken B. put C. settled D. lay

8.A. courage B. ambition C. belief D. power

9.A. firmly B. simply C. fairly D. slightly

10.A. stops B. helps C. finds D. gives

11.A. despite B. besides C. without D. unlike

12.A. description B. existence C. intelligence D. recognition

13.A. intelligence B. incident C. trouble D. determination

14.A. chair B. baseball C. game D. design

15.A. urged B. blamed C. greeted D. teased

16.A. goals B. words C. baseballs D. ideas

17.A. valuable B. reasonable C. impossible D. unbearable

18.A. discovered B. equipped C. formed D. invented

19.A. limitations B. Advantages C. puzzles D. personalities

20.A. sense B. progress C. mistakes D. friends[

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