
Call it proof of how carefully students court (讨好)college admissions offices these days: thank-you notes have become the new trend .

Tank the one that came with M &Ms (一种巧克力)to match Lehigh University’s school colors of brown and white ,and with the applicant’s name inscribed (刻上)on the candy .She thanked officials for her interview adding, ”Keep me on the tip of your tongue when reviewing applications.”

Leon Washington ,the dean of admissions and financial aid at Lehigh ,said that Lehigh received 50or 60 thank-you notes in just one day last week ,The notes are directed not just to admission officers ,but also to college tour guide and alumni(校友)who are often the ones conducting college interviews these days .

Parents also get in on the act, such as the couple that thanked Mr. O’Cain of Furman for a “most positive” campus visit .Then they put in a plug (随附一句) for their son, saying that he had always been “ a high achiever and a hard worker ”and that they knew Furman would be just the place to “help him reach his potential ”

At other campuses, like Williams College and Princeton, the motes go into applicants’ files “Is it necessary to write a thank–you note?” said Janet Rapelye, dean of admissions at Princeton “No, in and of itself .it’s not going to change a decision, But I’m still in favor of them, Expressing gratitude (感恩)is a lovely quality ”

Sometimes they are lovely .Carolyn Lawrence in California, who advises students and their parents on college admissions, recalls a note she received from a student admitted early to her first-choice college, It came on a postcard of the Eiffel Tower, It said :

“I spent my spring break -----on last –minute college visits in a month-long anxiety attack waiting to her back from colleges vacationing in Paris with my family and being forever grateful to Carolyn Lawrence for her help The answer is C.Thank you ”

1.The text is written mainly _____________

A.to analyze how fierce the competition is to get in a good college

B.to teach you how to court college admissions office

C.to report on a recent trend in college admissions in the US

D.to give information about different top American colleges

2.From the first and last examples of thank-you notes ,we can see that _________

A.they are addressed only to the admissions officers

B.students took care writing and designing them

C.thank-you notes are often sent together with little gifts

D.e-mail tank-you notes are not so impressive as hand –written ones

3.Who are the thank-you notes directed to ?

       A.student advisors                        

       B.admissions officer

       C.applicants’ parents        

       D.those who interview college applicants these days

       A.ab                    B.bd                C.bcd                      D.abd

4.The underlined phrase “ get in on ”in Paragraph 4 means ___________

       A.benefit from                                     B.take part in    

       C.become friendly with                     D.back up

5.What can be inferred from the text?

       A.You will be admitted early into a top college if you are good at writing thank-you notes.

       B.The writer doesn’t think writing a note will help anyone get admitted into a good college.

       C.Even if the thank—you notes may not be a determining factor in getting into a good college they put you in good light.

       D.There is no need to spend your spring break on last- minute college visits.

At 2:30 on December 5, 1945, five US Navy training planes took off in clear weather from the base Lauderdale, FloridaThe planes flew east over the coast… and disappearedThe group was Flight 19, on a run between Florida and Bahamas. Tailor was the group leader.  At about3∶40, Tailor reported that his compasses were not reading properly. The other planes followed their leaders aimlessly, first east, then west, then northeast over the ocean, as Tailor tried to make sure of the direction by radio. Then, suddenly Tailor was heard to give orders to dive…

Quickly, Two giant Martin seaplanes were sent up to search for Flight 19. Several hours later, the wind became strong and visibility (能见度) droppedA return to base was orderedBut only one of the Martin seaplanes landedFore days later, the Navy and Coast Guard combed a100, 000 square miles area with more than 100 planes and ships. No sign was ever shown of the missing planes.

Today, people have noted the disappearance of many ships and planes in the southwest part of the North Atlantic and began to call this area the Bermuda Triangle(百慕大三角区).

The points of the triangle are Bermuda, Puerto Rico and a spot in the Gulf of Mexico, west of FloridaIt is a twofaced water world of tiny islands, bright beaches and beautiful waters. Yet thick fogs, powerful currents (激流) and sudden storms are hidden behind this smiling surface.

1. Why did Flight 19 disappear?

ABecause the wind became strong and visibility dropped

BBecause Tailor was given wrong orders to dive.

CBecause Tailor couldn’t reed his compasses correctly.

DBecause something unknown made the compasses unable to work as usual.

2. In what position did Flight 19 disappear?

AIn the southeast part of the Atlantic Ocean.

BIn the northeast part of the Atlantic Ocean.

CTo the southwest of Bermuda in the Atlantic Ocean.

DTo the northeast of Bermuda in the Atlantic Ocean.

3. How many planes disappeared altogether that day?




DOnly one.

4. The word comb in the passage means________.

Acover with  

Bfly over

Cdo up one’s hair with a comb

Dsearch all over

5. Which of the following shows the correct position of the Bermuda Triangle?

(F = Florida, Bm = Bermuda, PR = Puerto Rico, Bh= Barhamas, MG = the Gulf of Mexico, Atl= the Atlantic Ocean, B= Base)two primary means of transportation




At 2:30 on December 5, 1945, five US Navy training planes took off in clear weather from the base Lauderdale, FloridaThe planes flew east over the coast… and disappearedThe group was Flight 19, on a run between Florida and Bahamas. Tailor was the group leader.  At about3∶40, Tailor reported that his compasses were not reading properly. The other planes followed their leaders aimlessly, first east, then west, then northeast over the ocean, as Tailor tried to make sure of the direction by radio. Then, suddenly Tailor was heard to give orders to dive…

Quickly, Two giant Martin seaplanes were sent up to search for Flight 19. Several hours later, the wind became strong and visibility (能见度) droppedA return to base was orderedBut only one of the Martin seaplanes landedFore days later, the Navy and Coast Guard combed a100, 000 square miles area with more than 100 planes and ships. No sign was ever shown of the missing planes.

Today, people have noted the disappearance of many ships and planes in the southwest part of the North Atlantic and began to call this area the Bermuda Triangle(百慕大三角区).

The points of the triangle are Bermuda, Puerto Rico and a spot in the Gulf of Mexico, west of FloridaIt is a twofaced water world of tiny islands, bright beaches and beautiful waters. Yet thick fogs, powerful currents (激流) and sudden storms are hidden behind this smiling surface.

1. Why did Flight 19 disappear?

ABecause the wind became strong and visibility dropped

BBecause Tailor was given wrong orders to dive.

CBecause Tailor couldn’t reed his compasses correctly.

DBecause something unknown made the compasses unable to work as usual.

2. In what position did Flight 19 disappear?

AIn the southeast part of the Atlantic Ocean.

BIn the northeast part of the Atlantic Ocean.

CTo the southwest of Bermuda in the Atlantic Ocean.

DTo the northeast of Bermuda in the Atlantic Ocean.

3. How many planes disappeared altogether that day?




DOnly one.

4. The word comb in the passage means________.

Acover with  

Bfly over

Cdo up one’s hair with a comb

Dsearch all over

5. Which of the following shows the correct position of the Bermuda Triangle?

(F = Florida, Bm = Bermuda, PR = Puerto Rico, Bh= Barhamas, MG = the Gulf of Mexico, Atl= the Atlantic Ocean, B= Base)



  At 2∶30 December 5, 1945, five US Navy training planes took off in clear weather from the base Lauderdale, Florida.The planes flew east over the coast…and disappeared.The group was Flight 19, on a run between Florida and Bahamas.Tailor was the group leader.At about 3∶40, Tailor reported that his compasses(指南针)were not reading properly.The other planes followed their leaders aimlessly, first east, then west, then northeast over the ocean, as Tailor tried to make sure of the direction by radio.Then, suddenly Tailor was heard to give orders to dive…

  Quickly, two giant Martin seaplanes were sent up to search for Flight 19.Several hours later, the wind became strong and visibility(能见度)dropped.A return to base was ordered.But only one of the Martin seaplanes landed.Four days later, the Navy and Coast Guard combed a 100,000 square-mile area with more than 100 planes and ships.No sign was ever shown of the missing planes.

  Today, people have noted the disappearance of many ships and planes in the southwest part of the North Atlantic and began to call this area the Bermuda Triangle.

  The points of the triangle are Bermuda, Puerto Rico and a particular place in the Gulf of Mexico, west of Florida.It is a two-faced water world of tiny islands, bright beaches and beautiful waters.Yet thick fogs, powerful currents(激流)and sudden storms are hidden behind this smiling surface.


In what position did Flight 19 disappear?

[  ]


In the southeast part of the Atlantic Ocean.


In the northeast part of the Atlantic Ocean.


To the southwest of Bermuda in the Atlantic Ocean.


To the northeast of Bermuda in the Atlantic Ocean.


How many planes disappeared altogether that day?

[  ]








Only one.


The word "comb" in the passage means _______.

[  ]


cover with


fly over


do up one's hair with a comb


search all over


Which of the following shows the correct position of the Bermuda Triangle?(F=Florida, Bm=Bermuda, PR=Puerto Rico, Bh=Barhamas, MG=the Gulf of Mexico, Atl=the Atlantic Ocean, B=Base)

[  ]






     At 2:30 December 5, 1945, five US Navy training planes took off in clear weather from the base Lauderdale, Florida. The planes flew east over the coast… and disappeared. The group was Flight 19, on a run between
Florida and Bahamas. Tailor was the group leader. At about 3:40, Tailor reported that his compasses (指南针)
were not reading properly. The other planes followed their leaders aimlessly, first east, then west, then
northeast over the ocean, as Tailor tried to make sure of the direction by radio. Then, suddenly Tailor was
heard to give orders to dive…
     Quickly, two giant Martin seaplanes were sent up to search for Flight 19. Several hours later, the wind
became strong and visibility (能见度) dropped. A return to base was ordered. But only one of the Martin
seaplanes landed. Four days later, the Navy and Coast Guard combed a 100,000 square-mile area with more
than 100 planes and ships. No sign was ever shown of the missing planes.
     Today, people have noted the disappearance of many ships and planes in the southwest part of the North
 Atlantic and began to call this area the Bermuda Triangle.
     The points of the triangle are Bermuda, Puerto Rico and a particular place in the Gulf of Mexico, west of
Florida. It is a two-faced water world of tiny islands, bright beaches and beautiful waters. Yet thick fogs,
powerful currents (激流) and sudden storms are hidden behind this smiling surface.

1. In what position did Flight 19 disappear?
A. In the southeast part of the Atlantic Ocean.
B. In the northeast part of the Atlantic Ocean.
C. To the southwest of Bermuda in the Atlantic Ocean.
D. To the northeast of Bermuda in the Atlantic Ocean.
2. How many planes disappeared altogether that day?
A. Five
B. Six
C. Two
D. Only one.
3. The word "comb" in the passage means _____.
A. cover with
B. fly over
C. do up one's hair with a comb
D. search all over
4. Which of the following shows the correct position of the Bermuda Triangle?
   (F = Florida, Bm = Bermuda, PR = Puerto Rico, Bh = Barhamas, MG =the Gulf of Mexico,
   Atl = the Atlantic Ocean, B=Base)

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