
Once in a television interview, I was chatting with the host about stay – at – home athers. I made the point that one reason why we’re seeing more stay – at – homw dads may be hat it’s no longer definite that a man makes more money than his wife. Many families now ake earning power into account when deciding which parent will stay home.
At that point, one of the male crew members pointed out, almost to himself but loud nough for my benefit, “It should be the better parent who stays home.” A lot of guys say hings like that. Usually it’s a code for “My wife, or any woman is the better parent.”
I was a stay – at – home father for 8 years, so his words made me excited. It implied that our family’s choice could only have been correct if I was a “better” parent than my wife.
I suppose an argument could have been made that when I began staying home my wife was the “better” parent if she spent more time with Jack. She would be able to read him wetter and calm him more quickly. But as the more employable one, my wife went out to work and I looked after our son.
because of the increased time I spent with Jack. I soon knew him well, understood that he needed and could look after him more or less as well as my wife could. Actually, he experience helped me unlock one of the world’s great secrets; Women are good at booking after children because they do it. It is not because of any innate (先天的) female talent. It is because they put in the time and attention required to become good at the job.
Woman obviously get a biological head starting from giving birth and nursing, but ever the long term experience is more important. When I got the experience myself. I was people are able to look after them as well besides their moms.
小题1:The first paragraph implies          .
A.more and more men like staying at home
B.the author works at a TV station as a host
C.more women are earning money than before
D.dad is the better parent in a family
小题2:The author stayed at home to look after their son for 8 years because         .
A.he thought he was the better parent
B.he was afraid of working outside now
C.their son liked him better than his Mom
D.he was less likely to find a job than his wife
小题3:Women are good at taking care of children because         .
A.they devote their time and attention to children
B.they would rather stay at home than work outside
C.they are born with the ability to look after children
D.they’ve learn to take care of children from their parents
小题4:What does the author concluded?
A.A man can take better care of children than his wife.
B.A man with experience can take good care of children.
C.A child prefers to stay with his or her mother.
D.A child prefers to stay with his or her father.


第三节  完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
A group of graduates, highly established in their careers, got together to visit their old university professor.
Soon they began to complain about   21  in work and in life. While the guests were
talking, the professor went to the    22   and prepared coffee. Then he  23   with a large
pot of coffee and a  24   of cups made of porcelain (瓷) , plastic, glass or crystal. Some were
plain-looking, some delicate (精致) and   25   ,some. .. The professor told them to   26 
themselves to the coffee.
When all the students had a cup of coffee  27  hand, the professor said, "If you took
careful   28 , all the nice-looking, expensive cups were  29  , leaving behind the plain
and cheap ones. While it is  30  for you to choose the best for yourselves, that is the  31   of your problems and pressure.  32   what all of you really wanted was coffee, not the cup, you  33   the best cups directly and were  34   each other' s cups. "
The professor paused and then went on, " Now consider this: Life is the coffee and the
jobs, money and   35   in society are the  36 . They are just tools to hold and  37   life
and they do not change the   38   of life. Sometimes, if we are concentrating only on the cup,
we   39   to enjoy the coffee. So, don't let the cup   40  you too much and just enjoy the
coffee instead.
21. A. condition           B. pressure            C .relation            D. communication
22. A. kitchen                 B. bedroom           C. study                D. lab
23. A. went                  B. got                   C. returned           D. turned
24. A. sort                   B. kind                 C. type                  D. variety
25. A. expensive           B. cheap                      C. common            D. rough
26. A. enjoy                 B. turn                 C. wish                 D. help
27. A. for                    B. by                    C. in                   D. with
28. A. sight                  B. notice               C. look                 D. view
29. A. brought                     B. carried            C. fetched              D. taken
30. A. natural                B. formal            C. necessary          D. important
31. A. answer                      B. cause               C. result                D. reason
32. A. Though              B. When         C. If                  D. Since
33. A. cared for            B. looked for     C. went for          D. called for
34. A. facing                B. eyeing            C. smelling           D. tasting
35. A. wealth                      B. attitude           C. position            D. situation
36. A. plates                B. bowls             C. pots                D. cups
37. A. control                      B. include           C. contain             D. experience
38. A. quality                      B. color        C. cost            D. style
39. A. manage         B. start               C. hope                D. fail
40. A. surprise                     B. drive               C. worry               D. move
Most young architects ----particularly those in big cities ----can only dream about working in a building of their own. And marking that dream come true often means finding a building no one else seems to want, which is exactly what happened to David Yocum and his partner, Brain Bell. Their building is a former automobile electrical –parts firm in Atlanta. Form the outside, it looks too old, even something horrible, but open the door and you are in a wide, open courtyard, lined on three sides with rusting(生锈的) walls.
In 2000, Yocum and Bell found this building in the city’s West End. Built in 1947, the structure had been abandoned years earlier and the roof of the main building had fallen down. But the price was right, so Yocum bought it. He spent eight months of his off-hours on demolition(拆除), pulling rubbish out through the roof, because it was too dangerous to go inside the building, The demolition was hard work, but it gave him time to think about what he wanted to do, and “to treasure what was there – the walls, the rust, the light,” Yocum said.” Every season, more paint falls off the walls and more rust develops. It’s like an art installation(装置) in there-a slow-motion show.”
Since the back building had been constructed without windows, an all-glass front was added to the building to give it a view of the courtyard, and skylights were installed in the roof. The back of the building is a working area and a living room for Yocum and his wife. A sort of buffer(缓冲) zone between the front and the back contains a bathroom, a kitchen and a mechanical room, and the walls that separate these zones have openings that allow views through to the front of the studio and the courtyard beyond.
Yocum and Bell, who have just completed an art gallery for the city, feel that the experience from decoration of their building, focusing on the inside rather than the outside, has influenced their work. It has also given these architects a chance to show how they can make more out of less.
小题1: According to the passage, it is      for most young architects in big cities to work in a building of their own.
小题2:Yocum bought the old building because  __.
A.it was a bargain to himB.it was still in good condition
C.it was located in the city centerD.it looked attractive from the outside
小题3: Working on the old building, Yocum and Bell_.
A.pulled rubbish out through the roofB.removed the skylights from the bathroom
C.presented a slow–motion show in an art gallery
D.built a kitchen at the back part of the old building
小题4:It can be inferred from the passage that Yocum and Bell __.
A.benefited a lot from pulling down the roofB.turned more old buildings into art galleries
C.got inspiration from decorating their old building
D.paid more attention to the outside of the gallery
小题5:The main idea of the passage is that __.
A.people can learn a lot from their failures
B.it is worthwhile to spend money on an old building
C.people should not judge things by their appearance
D.creative people can make the best of what they have
One day my teacher said, “ Life is a game of chess, and the other player is time.” From that moment, I knew I had to enjoy my life. Do not waste time, because, you know, time will not come back. You cannot buy it. It is one of those things in life that you must really, really value.
When you see an opportunity, take it. You might not get it back. Never let an opportunity pass. And if it is too hard, remember that in the middle of every difficulty lies an opportunity.
Remember, you cannot choose how you' re going to die, or when. You can only decide how you' re going to live. Study as if you were going to live forever; live as if you were going to die tomorrow. Don' t just think of the present, but also think of your future. Your future is yet another chapter in your life and another way to live it.
Every single living thing has a purpose in life. "The purpose of life is a life of purpose," said Robert Byme.   
Learn to use time wisely, take opportunities, and enjoy life. We can discover the meaning of life in three different ways: (1) by doing a deed;  (2) by experiencing a value;  (3) by suffering life. So, what are you buying with yours?                               
小题1:The underlined part suggests that___________.
A.if life is a game of chess, time is also a game of chess
B.if life is a game of chess, both you and time are the players
C.if life is one player in a game of chess, time is the other player
D.if time is a game of chess, both life and you are the players
小题2:According to the author, what can you decide?
A.How you die.B.How you live.C.When you die.D.When you succeed.
小题3:This article is most probably from__________.
A.an explanation of time in the universe
B.an essay about time and life
C.an argument that time is the most important thing in life
D.a description of an important class
Are the lives of city kids the same as those in villages? In lots of ways, they are very different. But what are those differences?
Hu Peng from Wuhan and four of his friends decided to find out. Earlier this month, they went to live for a week in Caidian, a village near Wuhan. Hu and his Junior l classmates went door to door in Caidian and asked kids lots of questions. They want to learn more about village kids' everyday lives, so they asked questions like this: Do your parents teach you how to do the housework? How much money do you usually spend on dinner? What would you do if a thief came into your house? They also asked 150 city kids the same questions.
On April 12, the team gave a report to their class. They told about many differences between children's lives in cities and those of children in villages. The biggest difference is about independence. Hu's team found that 60 percent of city kids can't do much housework, but 90 percent of village kids can care for themselves.
City kids told Hu they care about schoolwork a lot, and they have no time for washing clothes or making their beds. Village kids said they help their parents a lot : cooking, cleaning the houses and feeding pigs. Hu's team  also found that village kids have less pocket money. Many have never used computers. They like playing in rivers or on mountains. Some don't even like to make new friends.
Hu and his friends said their trip gave them more self- confidence (自信) because they have done something by themselves. But it also worried them a bit because they found they still have a lot to learn. "When we grow up, our parents can't take care of us," Hu said. "We have to learn to take care of ourselves. "  Shen Guanquan, one of Hu's friends said, "When people learn to care for themselves, they learn to do lots of difficult things. "
小题1:How many city kids went to learn about village kids' everyday lives?
小题2:Their report showed that most city kids __.
A.help their parents a lotB.have less pocket money
C.can take care of themselvesD.still have a lot to learn
小题3:The underlined word "it" in the last paragraph means __.
A.their tripB.their reportC.a village kidD.a city kid
小题4: Hu Peng and his friends finished their report by __. 
A.visiting schools in the village
B.questioning village and city kids from door to door
C.watching village and city kids' everyday lives
D.questioning village and city kids' parents
My mother-in-law, Dorothy, is showing me the red notebook that’s almost as precious to her as my husband’s baby pictures. Inside the notebook is a list of the books she has read since 2007. For some people waking up in the middle of the night is a terrible thing. But for my mother-in-law, that time is a gift. At 87, she is getting the education she never had by working her way through great literature. She has now read close to 100 books, including every single novel by Anthony Trollope, Charles Dickens, Jane Austen, Edith Wharton, Henry James and Thomas Mann.
My mother-in-law discusses her passion with the enthusiasm of a young girl, although she can also be a very tough critic, writing “VG’ for “ very good” in the margins next to her favorites. So far, only a handful of books have received the top prize.
Born in Ridgefield, Conn, Dorothy was the youngest daughter of an Italian gardener. She taught herself English by reading The New York Times. Eager to come to Manhattan, she became a nurse, married a dentist and spent the next several decades keeping the house and raising a family. In her later years, she put her nursing skills to good use by taking care of my father-in-law, who had lung cancer. There were many trips to the emergency room in the middle of the night and then a long hospital stay. She stayed awake to watch over him for 15 hours a day. Always a light sleeper, she developed sleeplessness as a result of the stress.
It worsened after he died. Deeply sad and lonely for the first time in her life, she began waking up around 2am. Julian and Sylvia, the elderly couple next door suggest she read literature. And so Julian, a great lover of literature, became her “professor”, providing books from his large library. Suddenly the terrifying hole turned onto a world of amazing characters.
小题1:Why is Dorothy considered a tough critic?
A.Because no books are inspiring enough in her eyes.
B.Because only a few books are thought highly of by her.
C.Because she only reads books by famous writers.
D.Because she finds fault with every book she reads.
小题2: It can be inferred from the passage that _____.
A.the books Dorothy has read were bought by her husband.
B.the couple next door are college professors.
C.the author loves literature too.
D.Dorothy was a great wife.
小题3:The underlined part “the terrifying hole” in the last paragraph refers to _____.
A.the frightening death
B.Dorothy’s lack of education
C.waking up in the middle of the night
D.a hole in a book that Dorothy read
小题4: What helped Dorothy get over the sadness and loneliness of losing her husband?
A.Living with her son.
B.Reading literature.
C.Seeing her son’s baby pictures.
D.Talking with neighbors.
If you thought sports stars Yao Ming and Liu Xiang or Internet entrepreneurs Zhang Chaoyang and Ding Lei would automatically be on the list of the” Men of Our Time”,then you could be behind the times.
The surprise in the list of 10 men released by the All-China Women’s Federation yesterday is that it contains no celebrities- and the guiding factors seem to be care and sympathy for the opposite sex.
In fact,Liu and Yao,as well as actor Pu Cunxin—the image ambassador for China’s anti-HIV,AIDS campaign—appeared in a booklet given out at the contest’s launch ceremony in January.The federation wouldn’t say why they are not in the final list.
The winners,with an average age of 47.5,were selected by women officials and journalists of the nine women’s newspapers in China,whose standard was men promoting equality between the sexes.
Li Zhong hua, a 46-year—old air force officer who test-flies planes,said he thought he was chosen because” he takes good care of his family,and is a gentleman”.
”Gentlemen get more respect in our society.They should be like those in the movie Titanic,who let women and children lave first in life rafts。”he told China Daily.
Shi Hua shan,a 48-year-old policeman in Gui xi of Jiangxi Province,said that he became a”man in the eyes of women” because” women love stories of heroes saving beauties".
His team has rescued more than 180 women who were taken away by force and sold as wives in the mountain regions of Fujian Province.
Some other” Men of Our Time” are:
Lang Jinghe,67,gynecologist at the Peking Union Medical College Hospital in Beijing,who has made breakthroughs in ovarian cancer;
Ma Li,33,official in Xuzhou of Jiangsu Province,whose shelter has helped 196 victims of domestic violence;Li Mingshull,43,lawyer in Beijing,who is active in campaigns against family violence;Liu Ri,51,a mine worker in Lu’an of Shanxi Province,who took care of his paralyzed
parents·in-law for 23 years with his wife.
小题1:Which of the following statements is right?
A.Liu Xiang, a sports star, was on the list of the “Men of Our Time”.
B.LiZhonghua was a man in the eyes of women because he was an excellent air force officer.
C.Shi Huashan rescued women from forced marriages
D.The honor was given to Pu Cunxin at the launch ceremony in January.
小题2:Who is among the“Men of Our Time”?
A.Yao MingB.Ma LiC.Pu Cunxin D.Liu Xiang
小题3:The underlined word “celebrities” in the second paragraph most probably means______.
A.famous scientistsB.famous actors
C.well-known peopleD.well.known sports stars
小题4:This passage is most probably taken from——.
A.a science magazineB.an advertising booklet
C.a travel brochureD.a newspaper

Christmas was an exciting season for my six-year-old son. For weeks, he’d been memorizing   36  for the “Winter Ceremony” in his kindergarten class. I went to  37  their rehearsal(排演).
As I waited, students were led into the room. Each class,  38  by their teacher, sat cross-legged on the floor. Then, each group, one by one  39  to perform their song. I didn’t expect anything other than fun.
My son’s class rose to sing “Christmas Love”. Those in the front row on the center stage held up large  40 , one by one, to spell out the  41  of the song. When the class sang: “C is for Christmas,” a child would hold up the letter C, then another would hold up “H” for happy, and on and on,  42  each child was holding up a letter, presenting the  43  message, “Christmas Love”.
The performance was going  44 , until suddenly we noticed her, a small, quiet girl in the  45  row holding the letter “M” upside down-totally  46  that her letter “M” appeared as a “W”. The audience began to laugh at this little girl’s  47 . But she had no idea that they were laughing at her, so she stood tall,  48  holding her “W”.  49  many teachers tried to quiet the children, the  50  continued until the last letter was raised, and we all saw it together. A  51  came over the audience and eyes began to  52 . In that instant we understood the  53  why we were there, and even though it was such a busy holiday, there was a(n)  54  for celebrating Christmas. When the  55  letter was held high, the message read loud and clear: “ CHRIST WAS LOVE”. And I believe that this is why Christmas is so important.
36. A. songs                  B. message                   C. texts                        D. performance
37. A. direct                 B. celebrate                  C. design                      D. attend
38. A. led                            B. accompanied             C. looked                            D. pulled
39. A. stood                  B. turned                      C. rose                         D. came
40. A. letters                 B. words                      C. names                    D. boards
41. A. topic                  B. title                         C. idea                         D. theme
42. A. when                  B. after                        C. until                        D. while
43. A. exact                  B. complete                  C. proper                      D. right
44. A. smoothly            B. happily                    C. heatedly                   D. joyfully
45. A. back                   B. middle                            C. left                          D. front
46. A. ignoring                B. unknown                  C. unaware                   D. recognizing
47. A. action                 B. play                         C. mistake                    D. joke
48. A. highly                B. proudly                    C. clearly                            D. bravely
49. A. Unless                B. As                           C. Although                  D. In spite of
50. A. performance        B. laughter                   C. audience                   D. message
51. A. fear                    B. worry                      C. pride                        D. silence
52. A. widen                 B. close                        C. rise                          D. wink
53. A. cause                  B. reason                      C. way                         D. place
54. A. purpose                     B. excuse                      C. reward                            D. song
55. A. seventh               B. middle                            C. last                         D. full

In a family where the roles of men and women are not sharply separated and where many household tasks are shared to a greater or lesser extent, notions (观念) of male superiority are hard to maintain.
The pattern of sharing in tasks and in decisions makes for equality, and this in turn leads to further sharing. In such a home, the growing boy and girl learn to accept that equality more easily than their parents did and to prepare more fully for participation in a world characterized by cooperation rather than by the “battle of the sexes”.
If the process goes too far and man's role is regarded as less important and that has happened in some cases 一 we are as badly off as before, only in reverse.
It is time to reassess (重新确定) the role of the man in the American family. We are getting a little tired of“Momism”一 but we don't want to exchange it for a “neopopism”. What we need, rather, is the recognition that bringing up children involves a partnership of equals. There are signs that psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, and specialists on the family are becoming more aware of the part men play and that they have decided that women should not receive all the credits 一 nor all the blame. We have almost given up saying that a woman's place is in the home. We are beginning, however, to analyze man's place in the home and to insist that he does have a place in it. Nor is that place irrelevant(不相关的 ) to the healthy development of the child.
The family is a cooperative enterprise for which it is difficult to lay down rules, because each family needs to work out its own way for solving its own problems.
Excessive authoritarianism (权力主义 ) has unhappy consequences, whether it wears skirts or trousers, and the ideal of equal rights and equal responsibilities is pertinent (有关系的 ) not only to a healthy democracy (民主 ) but also to a healthy family.
73. Sharing the tasks and decisions in the home leads to        
A. A masculine (男子气的) women  B. inequality    C. effeminate men  D. further sharing
74. The danger in the sharing of the household tasks by the mother and father is that __
A. the role of the father may become an inferior (次要的) one
B. the role of the mother may become an inferior one
C. the children will grow up believing that life is a battle of the sexes
D. the father will be less capable in his profession
75. The author states that bringing up children        
A. is primarily the mother' s job            B. belongs among the duties of the father
C. belongs to the one who is free more often   D. involves partnership of equals

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