
13.-I am leaving for the States tomorrow,Caroline!
-          (  )
A.Take your timeB.All the best!C.Go aheadD.Congratulations

分析 -明天我就要去美国了,Caroline!

解答 答案:B
A.慢慢来;  B.一切顺利;  C. 请便吧;D.祝贺你;   根据上一句"我"就要动身去美国了,可知此处表达的应是祝福祝愿的话;故选B

点评 做语言交际类的题目时,通常应根据题目中的问句及答语,判断出空缺处所表达的意思;另外,还应掌握选项中各习语的意思.

8.The Lost Rules of Etiquette
Etiquette,or good manners,used to be the glue that held society together.(36)DSadly,these days it has mostly gone by the wayside.This list is several best rules of etiquette that have now disappeared.
Opening the Door
In days gone by,a gentleman would always open doors for ladies.(37)F This h8s now almost entire-ly disappeared-and it is pot entirely the fault of the men.I have seen women laugh at men for opening a door for them.They seem to be confusing manners with chauvinism(大男子主义).
Writing Thank-You Notes
In days gone by,whenever a person received a gift,they would write a thank-you note as soon as possible.(38)E Parents would sit children down after a birthday or Christmas and coach them in their first thank-you note.It is a shame that gift giving has now become a virtual obligation and the idea of a thank-you note would be laughed at.
We seem to have completely lost the concept of correct timing when it comes to parties these days.
(40)C After all,a party normally has a guest of honor-this is usually the oldest woman present.It was considered extremely rude in the past to leave a party before the guest of honor-and once the guest of honor left,it was a signal to all that they should begin their own preparations to leave.

A.Arriving on Time.
B.Leaving at the Right Time.
C.People leave with various excuses.
D.It enabled people  to get on well、with each other.
E.This rule was true even if the giver was a relative.
F.It could be the lady they were driving,or a stranger.
G.We've thrown away the concept of a guest of honor at will.
Thursday,January 3,2012
Book a Librarian
One-on-One Computer or Internet Training Session[
Location:Main Library Training Center (5th F 1.)
Address:100 Larkin St.(at Grove)
Library Sponsored Public Program
Event Time:4 p.m.-6 p.m.
Do you need personalized help using a computer or the Internet?
During the month of January,the library is offering limited one-on-one training sessions(培训课程).Sessions are limited to 30 minutes and require signing up in advance.Call (415)557-4400 to book an appointment or for more information.
Friday,January 4,2012
Beyond Journal Writing for TeensLocation:Main Library Paley Rm.(3rd F 1.)
Address:100 Larkin St.(at Grove)
Library Sponsored Public Program
Event Time:4 p.m.-5:30 p.m.
In this nine-week (January 4 through February 29)class,you will have the opportunity to develop and share your writing (poetry,biography and more) in a supportive group led by a Writers Corps teacher.Open to teen writers aged 13-19.
For information,communicate with Betsy Levine,Teen Librarian,at
(415)557-4497 or e-mail blevine@sfpl.org.
Tuesday,January 8,2012
Power Panels and Films by World SavvyLocation:Main Library Koret Auditorium
Address:100 Larkin St.(at Grove)
Library Sponsored Public Program
Event Time:5 p.m.-8 p.m.
World Savvy,The Global Film Initiative team up to take you on a world tour through explorations of art,media and film.Come reflect and share how film and media affect youth,education and our global community at large.To book a position,communicate with Jennifer Collins at (415)
557-4268 or jennifercollins@sfpl.org.
Wednesday,January 9,2012
Business Counseling(咨询) sessionsLocation:Main Library (Fourth Floor Business Center)
Address:100 Larkin St.(at Grove)
Library Sponsored Public Program
Event Time:10 a.m.-3 p.m.
SCORE (Service Corps of Retired Executives(主管领导)) offers free,one-hour business counseling sessions from 10 a.m.to 3 p.m.To schedule an appointment with a SCORE counselor,call (415)744-6827.Cosponsored by the Business,Science and Technology Center.
69.A boy who likes writing poems can attend an event onC.
A.January 2    B.January 3    C.February 20   D.March 1
70.Who would be most likely to attend the event held on Wednesday,January 9,2012?D
A.Ascienceteacher.     B.A retired worker.
C.Aschoolheadmaster.   D.A supermarket owner.
71.Which event doesn't need booking in advance?B
A.One-on-One Computer or Internet Training Session.
B.Beyond Journal Writing for Teens.
C.Power Panels and Films by World Savvy.
D.Business Counseling Sessions.

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