
Beijing plans to build huge free or low-cost parking lots beyond the Fourth and Fifth Ring Roads to encourage more car owners to take buses or subways to the downtown area.

The plan is just one of the many measures the city plans to take to reduce its traffic congestion. Low or no parking fees would be used as economic leverage to reduce growing parking demands from urban areas.

Car owners living in the suburbs will be encouraged to park their cars beyond the Fourth and Fifth Ring Roads and take buses or subways to the downtown area. Statistics show that nearly one quarter of the city’s traffic flow is concentrated in the 62-square-kilometre downtown area within the Second Ring Road, which makes up only 12 percent of the city’s total area.

The Beijing Traffic Management Bureau receives between 400 and 500 calls reporting traffic jams every day and more than 90 percent of the roads are filled to capacity during rush hour every morning and evening. Part of the problem is the lack of easy links between bus routes, subways and cars.

According to the communication commission, half of the city’s investment in transportation will go towards public transit construction in the next few years, making a jump from the current only 20 percent. Moreover, Beijing plans to change its layout by building new city centers, such as at Yizhuang, Tongzhou, Shunyi and Changping, in a bid to reduce the traffic flow to the downtown.

The current layout of Beijing-expanded ring roads around the same center of the Forbidden City, is seen as the root cause of the endless traffic jams. The downtown area is crowded with three business centers and one financial centre, as well as nearly 400 government organs and institutions.

Traffic experts say building more urban centers around Beijing may reduce the number of residents living in the suburbs and traveling long distances to work downtown every day, thus reducing traffic flow.


64. In the coming years, if a man beyond the Fourth Ring Road goes to work in the downtown of Beijing, he is encouraged to         .

   A. take buses or subways                    B. take a taxi

   C. drive the car quickly                       D. park his car in a place which asks for no fees

65. According to this passage, while more and more people drive to work in rush hour in Beijing, it is likely to         .

A. save time                                   B. cause traffic jams

C. cause traffic accidents                D. reduce air pollution

66. The aim in building new city centers is to         .

A. make it convenient for people to go shopping

B. develop its local resources

C. reduce the traffic flow to the downtown

D. solve the problem of more laid-off workers

67. The passage suggests the author        .

A. is tired of driving to work

B. finds it costs less to take subways than to drive

C. is for the plan to reduce Beijing’s traffic congestion

D. has benefited a lot by driving to the downtown every day



  Beijing is to spend up to US $20 billion to change the Chinese capital into a 21th century one for the 2008 Olympics.

  The government managed to host the 2008 games.The general aim is for Beijing to have the same environmental standards as Paris, London or Washington by 2008.

  Hundreds of millions of dollars will be spent to pipe natural gas to the city’s home, taking away dirty coal burning gradually while 60 000 buses will be changed to liquefied gas.

  The money also will be used for relocating the polluting factories and building green belts.By 2008 around 90 percent of Beijing’s waste will be treated, compared to only 40 percent at present.

  Olympic officials have already announced that around 50 large projects are being dealt with to improve traffic congestion and cut down pollution.They include construction of Beijing’s first light railway, a 40.5kilometer line which is expected to be completed in 2005.

  Beijing besides, plans to build an 82.25-kilometer-long subway to add to the existing 53 kilometres.Nine major roads will be rebuilt or widened.

Beijing also plans to build a 70-meter-wide green belt along the waterways to protect water quality as well as increase the green areas.


The government will pipe natural gas to the city’s home in order to ________.

[  ]


solve the problem of being short of fuel


bring down the cost of daily life


reduce the pollution of our capital


keep up with the development of modern society


From the last three paragraphs we know the fact that ________.

[  ]


lengthening the existing 53-kilometer subways is among the 50 large projects.


a 40.5 kilometre line will be added to Beijing’s first light railway


the length of the subway will be up to135.25 kilometres in 2005


a 70meter wide green belt will supply us with enough water


Which of the following is true according to the passage?

[  ]


The environment of London is better than Toronto.


In the first paragraph “a 21st century one” refers to a modern and advanced capital.


Beijing is badly polluted mainly by coal burning.


Liquefied gas is more expensive than petrol.


This news report mainly talks about ________.

[  ]


how Beijing is becoming a 21st century city


how many projects are being dealt with to improve traffic of Beijing


how Beijing is being built into first class Olympic host city


the use of the 20 billion US dollars


In how many ways in general does Beijing plan to improve it for the host of the 28th Olympics?

[  ]









A 25-five-year student from Hubei was admitted into Tsinghua University, China’ most famous university, after an eight-year ___21___.Li Jun comes from a small village of Hubei Province.He first ____22____ going to college in year 2000 ___23__he was admitted by a local school after __24___ from a secondary technical school at 17.As a ___25___ art student, he passed the exam again the next year but __26_____ school due to economic pressure in September 2002.Life seemed ___27___ but Li didn’t give in.He earned a _28_____ by working part-time in Wuhan’s art rooms and tutoring students.But he never lost sight of his lifelong dream of __29___ the Academy of Arts & Design of Tsinghua University.Li __30____ the college entrance examination for five continuous years from 2003.____31___, he missed making the cut one mark last year.

       In 2008, his fifth try, Li’s efforts ___32_____.He finished the qualifying exam in his province and was finally admitted as a sculpture major in Tsinghua University.Every year, Li took art __33___ in Beijing and took exams from December to March.He then took cultural courses in his school till June.The rest of the year he spent on __34____ work.Li said he hadn’t ____35___any money from his family since he graduated from the technical secondary school.Li said the reason he maintained for eight years was that he wanted to change his __36_____ through knowledge.

       _____37___ by his contribution, Li Jun’s university __38____ him 9,000 yuan out of his tution fees of 11,450 yuan.An eight-year struggle may have come to an end for Li Jun, but a new ___39__ has now begun.Li said he would not worry about repaying loans at present.He wants to study well and __40___ more scholarships.

A.research     B.struggle            C.service              D.expectation

A.talked of           B.told of             C.dreamt of          D.knew of

A.where        B.when             C.that               D.since

A.learning     B.separating         C.dating               D.graduating

A.gifted        B.surprised           C.interested          D.easy-going

A.went on with B.watched out for      C.dropped out of        D.looked forward to

A.unfair        B.happy               C.practical           D.busy 

A.value         B.respect              C.freedom           D.living

A.entering     B.visiting             C.supporting               D.pursing

A.turned to     B.applied for           C.called for           D.adapted to

A.Instead     B.At times           C.However           D.Besides

A.took off      B.paid off            C.gave off            D.sent off

A.ways        B.programmes         C.success             D.courses

A.full-time     B.part-time          C.out-of door          D.all

A.asked for     B.looked for         C.prayed for         D.waited for

A.plan         B.ideal              C.fate               D.opinion

A.Encouraged B.Influenced               C.Accused            D.Impressed

A.funded     B.gave                C.paid              D.cost

A.challenge     B.life                C.case               D.relationship

A.spend       B.win               C.care               D.use

BEIJING — China’s education authority will tighten the widely criticized policy of “extra credits” for the national college entrance examination to ensure a fairer chance for all exam-takers.
Under the policy, high school students who win awards in national Olympic competitions could get ‘‘extra credits’ up to 20 points for the national college entrance exam. Students with talent in sports and students who are from ethnic groups can also benefit from this policy. The extra credits have increased these students’ chances of being admitted by famous universities. Some parents were found to have helped their children fabricate(伪造)award experiences or falsify qualifications to get extra credits.
“It has harmed education equality,” the ministry said.
Xiong Bingqi, vice-chief of the 21st Century Education Research Institute, said the policy is designed to help students who have special talents but may be weak in academic performance to have a chance to receive higher education. uIt will still be needed but it is time to make the rules fairer," he said.
The ministry said it will reduce the range of competitions whose winners can get extra credits, and limit the winners, privileges(优先权).
The new policy will apply to students who begin high school in 2011, it said.
Chen Lei, a mother of a 10-year-old girl, said she welcomed the ministry's policy adjustment as she does not want her daughter to become an Olympic competition geek.
But not all the Chinese parents welcomed the new policy. “It is like a thunderbolt for me. My - 13-year-old son has spent so much time studying Olympic math,and participated in so many technological competitions during vacations. It is useless now,” said Dong Wen, a 43-year-old mother.
A student said, “Many students have changed the current study plan, and they can abandon the competition. I will be interested in learning the courses which can improve my abilities.”   
Yuan Guiren, minister of education, told China Daily that the reform is an attempt to consider  the overall quality of an applicant. “But the country will not stop the national college entrance  examination as it is still the most objective way to evaluate talent in China,” lie said.
【小题1】It can be inferred from the passage that_____.

A.high school students with talent in sports are weak in academic performance
B.students who win awards in Olympic competitions can’t get extra credits in 2011
C.the number of competitions whose winners can get extra credits will be smaller
D.the extra credits have reduced students' chances of being admitted by famous colleges
【小题2】What does the underlined word “geek” probably mean?
A.a winnerB.a smart learnerC.a competitorD.a dull student
【小题3】Which person in the passage was strongly against the new policy?
A.Xiong BingqiB.Chen LeiC.Dong WenD.Yuan Guiren
【小题4】What might be the best title for the text?
A.“Extra credits policy in China to be adjusted
B.Promotion of national Olympic competitions
C.Advice on the national college entrance exam
D.Chinese government to push education reform

BEIJING, March 1 (Xinhua)-China's top economic planning body has confirmed the government will take concrete actions to develop a low-carbon economy after it promised to considerably reduce carbon emission (排放) at  last year's Copenhagen Climate Conference.
China would include the low-carbon targets in the 12th five-year plan for national economic development (2011-2015) to build an energy-saving, ecologically friendly society, the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) said in a report to the Standing Committee of the 11th National People's Congress (NPC).
The report said the government would launch a series of technological and financial support policies to promote the use of non-fossil, renewable energies including wind, solar, biomass, geothermal (地热) and nuclear power, aiming to increase its percentage of primary energy consumption to about 15 percent by 2020 from 9.9 percent at the end of last year.
China's installed wind power capacity (容量) reached 15 million kilowatts, with 10 million kilowatts under construction at the end of June 2009, while nuclear power under construction, installed hydro-electric power capacity and solar heating collection areas were the highest in the world, it said.
The commission was also planning to make a catalog (目录) of emissions of greenhouse gases in an effort to build a monitoring and checking system to cut carbon emissions.
The economic planner decided to control unnecessary construction and industries with surplus (多余的)production capacities, such as steel, cement and electrolytic aluminum, to promote the energy efficiency and environmental protection.
The government had drafted a plan on regional development to transfer industries in eastern areas to central and western regions.
The State Council announced in November that China would reduce the intensity of carbon dioxide emissions per unit of GDP in 2020 by 40 to 45 percent compared with the level of 2005.
67.Which of the following best summarizes the low-carbon economy China is to develop?
A.Energy-saving and ecologically friendly.
B.Promoting the use of clean energy.
C.Developing the industry in the wild west.
D.Reducing carbon emissions per unit of GDP by 40 to 50 percent.
68.Which of the following does NOT belong to China's low-carbon measures mentioned in the text?
A.Limiting the use of nuclear power and other primary energy.
B.Setting up a system to monitor and check carbon emission.
C.Controlling unnecessary construction and industries with extra production capacities.
D.Planning to move industries from eastern areas to central and western regions.
69.If you are planning to start your own business in line with the low-carbon economy, which is the best choice?
A. An iron and steel plant.     B. A petrochemical works.
C. A solar heating company.  D. A construction company.
70.The passage is mainly about     .
A. China's plan of economy development in the 12th five-year plan
B. China's efforts to build up a low-carbon economy
C. NDRC's reaction to Copenhagen Climate Conference
D. NDRC's plan handed over to the Standing committee of 11th NPC

Imagine, one day,getting out of bed in Beijing and being at your office in Shanghai in only a couple of hours,and then,after a full day of work,going back home to Beijing and having dinner there.
Sounds unusual,doesn't it? But it's not that unrealistic,with the development of China’s high-speed railway system.And that’s not all.China has an even greater high-speed railway plan — to connect the country with Southeast Asia,and eventually Eastern Europe.
China is negotiating to extend its own high-speed railway network to up to 17 countries in 10 to 15 years,eventually reaching London and Singapore.
China has proposed three such projects.The first would possibly connect Kunming with Singapore via Vietnam and Malaysia.Another could start in Urumqi and go through Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan,and possibly to Germany.The third would start in the northeast and go north through Russia and then into Western Europe.
If China’s plan for the high-speed railway goes forward,people could zip over from London to Beijing in under two days.
The new system would still follow China’s high-speed railway standard.And the trains would be able to go 346 kilometers an hour.
China’s bullet train(高速客车),the one connecting Wuhan to Guangzhou,already has the World’s fastest average speed.It covers 1,069 kilometers in about three hours.
Of course,there are some technical challenges to overcome.There are so many issues that need to be settled,such as safety,rail gauge(轨距),maintenance of railway tracks.So,it’s important to pay attention to every detail.
But the key issue is really money.China is already spending hundreds of billions of yuan on domestic railway expansion.
China prefers that the other countries pay in natural resources rather than with capital investment.Resources from those countries could stream into China to sustain development.
It’ll be a win-win project. For other countries,the railway network will definitely create more opportunities for business,tourism and so on,not to mention the better communication among those countries.
For China,such a project would not only connect it with the rest of Asia and bring some much-needed resources,but would also help develop China’s far west.We foresee that in the coming decades,millions of people will migrate to the western regions,where the land is empty and resources unused.With high-speed trains,people will set up factories and business centers in the west once and for all.And they’ll trade with Central Asian and Eastern European countries.
【小题1】China’s new high-speed railway plan will be a win-win project because ________.

A.China will get much-needed resources and develop its western regions
B.China and the countries involved will benefit from the project in various ways
C.China will develop its railway system and communication with other countries
D.The foreign countries involved will develop their business and tourism
【小题2】According to the passage,the greatest challenge to the new high-speed railway plan is ________.
A.technical issuesB.safety of the system
C.financial problemsD.maintenance of railway tracks
【小题3】Which of the following words best describes the author’s attitude towards China’s high-speed railway plan?
【小题4】Which of the following might be the best title for the passage?
A.New Railway Standards.B.Big Railway Dreams.
C.High-speed Bullet Trains. D.International Railway Network

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