
Most nutrition education isn’t very effective. People know that an apple is better than a Snickers bar, but they often eat the Snickers bar anyway. After conducting hundreds of studies on the psychology of how and why we eat, I’ve seen that it’s good to understand nutrition, but it’s much better to change your eating environment. Doing so can help you make better choices without even thinking about it.

Part 1

We all know children can be stubbornly habitual in what they want to eat. If kids had French fries yesterday, they want them again today. We came up with a simple way to interrupt this default. Instead of asking kids what they want, what if we ask them about someone they admire?

We studied this with elementary school–aged children one summer. We treated 22 kids to apple slices or fries at a fast-food restaurant. The first week, 20 of them ordered French fries, and two ordered apple slices. But the next week, we asked, “What would Batman eat: apple slices or French fries?” After they answered for Batman, we asked them what they wanted. This time, the number of kids who ordered apple slices jumped from two to ten— almost half of them.

If you ask yourself before deciding between the salad and the cheesy bacon fries, “What would my role model choose?” you’ll be a lot less tempted. Thinking about what a well-liked person would do makes us less indulgent.

Part 2

If we knew what a skinny person’s kitchen looked like, we could set up our own kitchens in a similar way. Once we got into people’s homes, we took pictures of everything: their dishes, sinks, refrigerator shelves, counters, snacks, pet-food dishes, tables, lighting — even random items held up by magnets on their refrigerators. Then we spent eight months coding these kitchens to see what thin people do differently.

We wondered if big kitchens turn us into big people. But it turns out that kitchen size isn’t the problem. It’s what you see in the kitchen. The average woman who kept potato chips on the counter weighed eight pounds more than her neighbor who didn’t. “In sight, in stomach.” We eat what we see, not what we don’t.

1.Which of the following is closest in meaning to the underlined part “less indulgent”?

A. self-confident B. self-controlled

C. self-estimated D. self-centered

2.What’s the writer’s purpose of writing this passage?

A. To give advice on how to become slim.

B. To warn people that nutrition education is important for our daily life.

C. To tell us that someone children admire may influence their eating habits.

D. To introduce some innovative ways to help us eat healthier.

3.Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?

A. Changing your eating environment is more effective than understanding nutrition in order to eat healthier.

B. The role model way has no effect on children at all when they choose what to eat.

C. Setting up our kitchens just like the slim person’s will help us eat healthier.

D. It is not the size of the kitchen but what we see in the kitchen that turns us into big people.

4.What is the best title for part 2?

A. The Slim Person’s Kitchen

B. How to decorate your Kitchen

C. Kitchen size makes a difference

D. Big kitchens are more popular








1.you’ll be a lot less tempted.... Thinking about what a well-liked person would do”可知,想一下崇拜的偶像会选择吃什么食物,将会让我们变得不再那么经不住诱惑,即更有自制力,故选B。

2.but it’s much better to change your eating environment. Doing so can help you make better choices without even thinking about it.”和Part 1与Part 2可知,文章介绍了一些很有创意的方法来帮助人们吃得更健康,故选D。

3.After they answered for Batman, we asked them what they wanted. This time, the number of kids who ordered apple slices jumped from two to ten— almost half of them.”可知,当问到孩子们的偶像会吃什么时,有更多的人选择了苹果沙拉,说明偶像对孩子的选择产生了影响,B项错误,故选B。

4.If we knew what a skinny person’s kitchen looked like, we could set up our own kitchens in a similar way. ...“In sight, in stomach.” We eat what we see, not what we don’t.”可知,厨房的大小与体重无关,有关的是厨房里所放的东西,人们倾向于吃那些他们所看到的食物,而不是心中所想的,因此,想要吃得健康,就要看看健康的人的厨房都放了些什么食物,故选A。



The end of the World Cup does not mean the end of international competition, in Brazil this year. A major football event will happen in the South American country later this month, but with teams of robots playing the game, which is known as soccer in the United States. The robot teams are guided by teams of humans from around the world. The event is known as RoboCup.

Technology students at the University of Pennsylvania are trying for their fourth victory at the competition, which is held this year in the coastal city Joao Pessoa. The students have won the last three RoboCup competitions.

Watching robots play football is similar to watching children play the game. The kicks are not good, there's a lot of falling down, and people are there to guide and support the team members. Jian Qiao Li is one of the leaders of the University of Pennsylvania team.

He says one goal he has for the robot team is to make sure the machines can find the goal and the ball. He also wants the robots to be able to know where they are on the playing field. And he wants the team to be able to better control the walking and kicking abilities of the robots.

Qin He is another leader of the robot team. She says the abilities of the robots increase every year. Ms. He says the US team is meeting its goals. The robots know the differences between the colors green and red, and they can decide where to go and where the ball is on the playing field. She says if there are three robot players on the field at the same time, they will communicate with each other to decide the different responsibilities for each robot.

U. S. Team member Christopher Akatusuka hopes for another victory in Brazil. The team has won the RoboCup the past three years in the Netherlands, Mexico and Turkey.

“They have every good team player right now. As long as their detection is good, I think they'll be very competitive; we just hope to compete against the real good German teams eventually, because the Germans always do very well, ” says Akatsuka.

Mr Akatsuka says RoboCup is an exciting technology competition.

“Each team develops their own software; basically it's a competition of who has the best software, who has the best decision—making at a given point... it’s really exciting, ” says Akatsuka.

The event begins July 19th and ends July 25th. Some RoboCup participants hope to develop a team of robots that can play against humans by 2050.

1.According to the first paragraph, Robocup _____.

A. is held every four years

B. is played by robots

C. is a symbol of World Cup's ending

D. is a celebration of World Cup

2.The robots' performance of playing the game is _______ .

A. marvelous B. awkward

C. flexible D. awesome

3.The same goal for the robots that Jian Qiao Li and Qin He mention is _______ .

A. to locate the ball B. to communicate with each other

C. to play at will D. to distinguish colors

4. Akatsuka's final hope for his robot team is ______ .

A. to invent the best software

B. to win the championship in Brazil

C. to make the best decision

D. to compete with humans


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