
 In the Netherlands,cycling isn't seen as eccrfriendly exercise; it's part of everyday life, as it's people's top choice to school and work. There are more bicycles than residents in the Netherlands. In cities like Amsterdam and The Hague, up to 70 percent of all journeys are made by bike.

    So how did cycling become such a popular means of transportation in the European country?

    In the 1970s, the Dutch government began to improve its cycling infrastructure(基础设施)due to both a social movement demanding safer cycling condition for children and the oil crisis in the Middle East, when oil producing countries stopped their exports to Western Europe.

    To make cycling safer and more appealing, the Dutch have built the widest cycling net- work in the world. The country has over 40,000 kilometers of bicycle lanes and paths,which are clearly marked. They have smooth surfaces,separate signs and lights for those on two wheels. The lanes are wide enough to allow side-by-side cycling and passing.

    In many cities the bike lanes are completely segregated(隔离的)from motorized traffic. And in many traffic situations cyclists are given priority(优先权)over drivers. Sometimes, where space is limited and both must share, you can see signs showing an image of a cyclist with a car behind accompanied by the words "Bike Street:Cars are guests".

    As young people aren't allowed to drive alone until they are 18,cycling offers Dutch teen- agers an alternative form of freedom. The government also makes cycling training lessons a compulsory part of the Dutch school curriculum(课程).

    Bike parking facilities are ubiquitous in the country. Cyclists are accommodated in the way motorists are elsewhere. Take Groningen, a city in the northeastern part of the Netherlands,for example. The city's central train station has underground parking for 10,000 bikes.

1.We can conclude that in the Netherlands cycling is____.

A. regarded as eco-friendly exercise

B. thought of as part of people's life

C. looked on as a way to lose weight

D. considered as a way to entertain

2.What can we learn about the Netherlands from the first paragraph?

A. Most vehicles the Dutch use are buses.

B. The native people cycle the best in the world.

C. Everyone has one bike on average in the Netherlands.

D. The number of bikes is larger than the population there.

3.Which of the following made the government improve the cycling infrastructure?

A. A large number of bikes.

B. Hope for healthy life style.

C. People's preference to bikes.

D. Children's safety demand and lack of oil.

4.The underlined word "ubiquitous" in the last paragraph means“_,,.

A. high quality B. unique C. very common D. special

5.What does the Dutch government do about teenagers cycling?

A. It makes cycling covered by school education.

B. It encourages teenagers to cycle alone.

C. It will watch over teenagers who ride bikes.

D. It suggests teenagers cycling before driving.











1.细节题:从第一段的句子:In the Netherlands,cycling isn't seen as eccrfriendly exercise; it's part of everyday life, as it's people's top choice to school and work. 可知在荷兰骑车是生活的一部分,选B

2.细节题:从第一段的句子:There are more bicycles than residents in the Netherlands. 可知在荷兰自行车的数量比人口多,选D

3.细节题:从第三段的句子:In the 1970s, the Dutch government began to improve its cycling infrastructure(基础设施)due to both a social movement demanding safer cycling condition for children and the oil

crisis in the Middle East 可知因为孩子安全的考虑和缺乏油,荷兰政府改善自行车的基础设施,选D

4.猜词题:从最后一段的句子:The city's central train station has underground parking for 10,000 bikes.可知荷兰的自行车停放设施是很普遍的,选C。

5.. 细节题:从倒数第二段的句子:The government also makes cycling training lessons a compulsory part of the Dutch school curriculum(课程).可知荷兰政府把骑自行车变成一个课程,选A。




       Scientists in the United States say plant life has increased on Earth in the past twenty years and that in every area of plant growth the increase is the result of weather conditions.

       Eight scientists from across the United States did the study. The space agency NASA and the Department of Energy paid for it. The findings were published in the magazine Science.

       The researchers spent one and a half years examining weather satellite information. The information was recorded from 1982 to 1999. That period was one of the warmest on record. Researchers found that rainfall generally increased during that time.

       The satellites measured the number of leaves on plants and the amount of sunlight taken in. The scientists used that information to estimate what is called net primary production. This is total amount of carbon stored in land plants.

       The scientists report a 6% increase in stored carbon since 1982. They say gains were high in equatorial areas, especially around the Amazon River in South America. The area alone had a 1% increase in the net primary production.

Ramakrishna Nemani of the University of Montana in Missoula headed the study. He says reduced cloud cover led to growth in Amazon area. He also says the lack of clouds allowed more sunlight to get through. More sunlight meant increases in photosynthesis(光合作用). That is the process by which plants use energy from sunlight to produce the chemicals they need to grow.

       Northern Canada, the north-central United States and northern Europe were second in increased plant growth. Ramakrishna Nemani says a rise in temperature helped plants there.

       All together, the report says 25% of areas of plant life on Earth experienced increases. But the scientists also note increase in the number of people on Earth and carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere. Ranga Myneni of Boston University in Massachusetts, another study scientist says humans use about half the net primary production on Earth. And he notes that the world population grew by 36% during the period of time studied.

Which of the following is in charge of the study?

       A. The space agency NASA of the US.

       B. The Department of Energy of the US.

       C. Ramakrishna Nemani in Missoula.

       D. Ranga Myneni in Massachusetts.

What’s the main cause of the plant growth put forward by the study?

       A. Growth in population.

       B. Regional features.

       C. Seasonal variation.

       D. Weather conditions

Why do scientists believe that reduced cloud cover has led to the plant growth in       the Amazon area?

       A. Because plants could take in more sunlight.

       B. Because plants could get more rainfall.

       C. Because plants could enjoy cooler air.

       D. Because plants suffer less from natural disasters.

Which of the following descriptions about the years from 1982 to 1999 is TRUE?

       A. It was the warmest on record.

       B. Rainfall decreased little by little.

       C. World population grew by 25%.

       D. Stored carbon increased by 6%.

Several years ago, I had a huge falling out with one of my best friends. So huge, in fact, that now I can’t even remember what happened.
In the past nine years, I’ve seen her twice, and each time we’ve been polite but distant. And that troubles me because we were once that close to each other. I’d like nothing more than to go back nine years, and continue our friendship. But how? How do you reconnect with friends you’ve lost throughout the years?
Linking to your past
The desire to reconnect with lost friend isn’t unusual. Why? Because friends link us to the past. Friends from years ago are custodians(监护人) of our past, says Sandy Sheehy, author of Connecting” The Enduring Power of Female Friendship.
Although you can’t share information about your past with friends you’ve met recently, you don’t have a shared history with them. So you wind up only telling them about your past, rather than sharing it with them.
But many people never try to reconnect. Women especially have trouble taking the first step. Shyness or fear that the other person doesn’t want to reconnect often stops many women. And that shouldn’t be. Your friends probably want to be in touch with you as much as you want to be in touch with them.
Searching for friends
Fortunately, finding lost friends isn’t as difficult as it once was, thanks to tools like the Internet. Our experts offer these suggestions for locating contact information:
Search Internet sites designed to locate people like classmates.com and switchboard.com.
Contact your high school or college alumni(校友)office to request current address information.
Surf online yellow pages. Check current phone records from your friend’s hometown.
Network with other friends who might have known your friend.
Get in touch with any of her relatives(亲戚), if you know where they live. If you know where she works, find the company’s web site and search the directory of personnel.
【小题1】What ‘s the subject discussed in the passage?

A.How to make new friends.B.How to rediscover friendships.
C.How to develop healthy friendshipsD.How to keep in touch with friends.
【小题2】The underlined sentence “Friends from years ago are custodians of our past” means _____.
A.many years ago old friends kept something for us
B.in the past old friends took care of us
C.old friends are part of our life history
D.old friends know what wrong things we did in the past
【小题3】What makes us unwilling to reconnect old friends?
A.Lack of moneyB.Shortage of time
C.Regret and shameD.Fear and shyness
【小题4】How can we make contact with the lost friends?
A.By asking other friends of the information on your lost friends.
B.By searching your friends’ telephone number in the net.
C.By asking the local post office about your friends’ new address.
D.By putting an ad in your friends’ local town.

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