At the age of seven I started taking violin lessons. I practised half an hour every day,went to lessons once a week,and occasionally played in a group concert. Like most kids,I always thought practising was boring. If my par?ents hadn't been there to make me practise,I probably would have put down my violin and never have picked it up again.

  I met Moira when I was 11 at an Irish music party. Moira hosted the par?ty that night,playing the violin,singing and dancing. She made sure that everyone in the room got involved and had a great time. I immediately fell in love with the music she played and the energy that she brought to it. Just a few days after that party,I took my first lesson with Moira,and I continued taking lessons with Moira throughout middle school.

  When I started playing the violin with Moira,playing music became something that I loved. She introduced me to so many types of music,from Irish to Old Time,to Cajun. Moira also taught me to play the guitar. Soon we started performing together and were shocked to discover that people actually wanted to hear us!When I began to play the violin,practising was something that I did at home in my living room,but with Moira's influence it quickly be?came something that I did everywhere. I played on street corners, at festivals,at the beach,at parties,at weddings,and late at night in my friends' kitchens.

  Moira took the music out of the classroom and brought it to life. Her pas-sion (激情) was not only for playing music,but also for sharing it. My time with Moira allowed me to grow both musically and personally. I have met so many special people and had so many invaluable experiences. Moira has proven to be the most important influence on my musical development,and also my invaluable friend.

1. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

   A. The writer had her violin lessons every day.

   B. The writer was unlike the kids who hated playing the violin.

   C. The writer usually played music in school concerts.

   D. At first the writer was not active in learning the violin.

2. The passage doesn't say directly but we can learn that .

   A. Moira was a good neighbour

   B. the writer was a good singer

   C. Moira was a good organizer

   D. the writer was a music teacher

3. What can we know from the last paragraph?

   A. Moira didn't like to play music in the classroom.

   B. Moira helped the writer a lot with her personal life.

   C. Moira had a great influence on the writer's life.

   D. Moira was very thankful for the writer's support.

4. What would be the best title for the passage?

   A. My way to success

   B. My invaluable friend

   C. My middle school life

   D. How I learned the violin

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