11£®What do the students write to Martin for£¿
A£®They hope to talk to him£®
B£®They want him to teach them£®
C£®They want his records£®
12£®What's Martin£¿
A£®He's a successful reporter£®
B£®He's nice athlete£®
C£®He's a pop star£®
13£®Why did none of the teachers like Martin£¿
A£®He often failed to do well£®
B£®He didn't like the teachers£®
C£®He was often late for school£®


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2£®In our hyper-technolo gical age£¬the way we interact with others face-to-face tells others how well we work with others£¬as well as our ability to maintain good interpersonal relations£®
£¨36£©GHere are five job interview mistakes that millennials £¨Ç§ìûÒ»´ú£©often make£¬so you can be sure not to make them too£®
1£®Overusing the word"Like"
Even though we all have problems with inserting the word into our everyday speech£¬giving our every other word with"like"has implications millennials may not even be aware of£®£¨37£©A
2£®Forgetting to put your phone on silent
If your phone constantly pings and makes other noises during your interview£¬the person you're talking to will not be impressed£®You are a generation that always has a phone in hand£®£¨38£©F
3£®Dressing inappropriately
Although work attire now tends more toward casual than a three-piece business suit£¬it's still incredibly unprofessional to show up in clothing that's clearly not suitable for the office£®
4£®Talking too proudly
In a generation that values the individual above anything else£¬it can feel almost like second nature to talk too much about oneself£®£¨39£©D
A preliminary Google search regarding the company you want to work for takes no more than 5 minutes£¬but the knowledge goes a long way£®Even though we live in an age of extreme connectivity and Internet knowledge overload£¬don't forget to brush up on your facts before meeting up with your interviewer£®

A£®It can make us appear like we're guessing ourselves£¬not confident£®
B£®Forgetting the knowledge£®
C£®Talking too much is a disadvantage£¬sometimes£®
D£®Remember to find the balance between saying too little and saying too much£®
E£®Not doing the research£®
F£®Not taking seconds to make sure it won't disturb others is a sure sign of carelessness£®
G£®This makes the job interview especially critical£®

Î¥·¨ºÍ²»Á¼ÐÅÏ¢¾Ù±¨µç»°£º027-86699610 ¾Ù±¨ÓÊÏ䣺58377363@163.com
