
In a low voice she ________ that someone was moving about upstairs.







shout喊叫,tell告诉,speak说,whisper悄悄说,只有D与前面的in a low voice相配



October 31, 2009, California
Tsien Hsue-shen, PhD'39, one of the founders of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, died on October 31, He was 98.
Tsien, born in the eastern Chinese city of Hangzhou, graduated from the National Qinghua University in 1934 and in August of 1935 he left China to study at the Massachusetts Institute Technology. In 1936 he went to the California Institute of Technology to commence graduate studies .Tsien obtained his doctor degree in 1939 and would remain at Caltech for 20 years, becoming the Goddard Professor and establishing a reputation as one of the leading rocket scientists in the United States.
In 1943, Tsien and two others in the Caltech rocketry group drafted the first document to use the name Jet Propulsion Laboratory. During the Second World War, he was amongst the other scientists participated the "Manhattan Project" .After World War II he served as a consultant to the  United States Army Air Force. During this time, Conlonel Tsien worked on designing an intercontinental space plane. His work would inspire the X--20Dyna-Soar which would later be the inspiration for the Space Shuttle. In1945 Tsien Hsue--shen married Jiang Ying, the daughter of Jiang Baili--one of the Chinese nationalist leader Chiang Kai--shen's leading military strategists. But in 1950, the Chinese-born scientist was accused of harboring Communist sympathies and stripped of his security clearance.
In September 1955 he was permitted to leave for China, where Tsien resumed his research, founded the Institute of Mechanics, and went on to become the father of China's missile program, a trusted member of the government and Party's inner circle, and the nation's most honored scientist, Tsien retired in 1991 and has maintained a low public profile in Beijing, China. The PRC government launched its manned space program in 1992 and used Tsien's research as the basis for the Long March rocket which successfully launched the Shenzhou V mission in October of 2003.The elderly Tsien was able to watch China's first manned space mission on television from his hospital bed.
In his late years, since the 1980s, Tsien devoted himself to spirituality research, and advocated scientific investigation of traditional Chinese medicine, Qigong and "special human body functions".
【小题1】          The underlined word "commence" in this passage probably means ____

A.make upB.getC.beginD.promise
【小题2】          Tsien Hsue--shen got married at the age of ______
【小题3】          What is the right order of the events related to Tsien Hsue--shen ?
a. his later life   
b. return to China   
c. career in the U.S.A 
d. his early life and education 
【小题4】          Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A.Tsien Hsue--shen got a doctor's degree in 1939.
B.Tsien Hsue--shen married Jiang Ying, the daughter of Chinese nationalist leader Chiang Kai-shen.
C.Tsien Hsue-shen has made a contribution to the Space Shuttle.
D.Tsien Hsue-shen was interested in traditional Chinese medicine, qigong and "special human body functions" in his later life.

October 31, 2009, California
Tsien Hsue-shen, PhD'39, one of the founders of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, died on October 31, He was 98.
Tsien, born in the eastern Chinese city of Hangzhou, graduated from the National Qinghua University in 1934 and in August of 1935 he left China to study at the Massachusetts Institute Technology. In 1936 he went to the California Institute of Technology to commence graduate studies .Tsien obtained his doctor degree in 1939 and would remain at Caltech for 20 years, becoming the Goddard Professor and establishing a reputation as one of the leading rocket scientists in the United States.
In 1943, Tsien and two others in the Caltech rocketry group drafted the first document to use the name Jet Propulsion Laboratory. During the Second World War, he was amongst the other scientists participated the "Manhattan Project" .After World War II he served as a consultant to the  United States Army Air Force. During this time, Conlonel Tsien worked on designing an intercontinental space plane. His work would inspire the X--20Dyna-Soar which would later be the inspiration for the Space Shuttle. In1945 Tsien Hsue--shen married Jiang Ying, the daughter of Jiang Baili--one of the Chinese nationalist leader Chiang Kai--shen's leading military strategists. But in 1950, the Chinese-born scientist was accused of harboring Communist sympathies and stripped of his security clearance.
In September 1955 he was permitted to leave for China, where Tsien resumed his research, founded the Institute of Mechanics, and went on to become the father of China's missile program, a trusted member of the government and Party's inner circle, and the nation's most honored scientist, Tsien retired in 1991 and has maintained a low public profile in Beijing, China. The PRC government launched its manned space program in 1992 and used Tsien's research as the basis for the Long March rocket which successfully launched the Shenzhou V mission in October of 2003.The elderly Tsien was able to watch China's first manned space mission on television from his hospital bed.
In his late years, since the 1980s, Tsien devoted himself to spirituality research, and advocated scientific investigation of traditional Chinese medicine, Qigong and "special human body functions".
【小题1】The underlined word "commence" in this passage probably means ____

A.make upB.getC.beginD.promise
【小题2】Tsien Hsue--shen got married at the age of ______
【小题3】What is the right order of the events related to Tsien Hsue--shen ?
a. his later life    b. return to China    c. career in the U.S.A  d. his early life and education 
【小题4】Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A.Tsien Hsue--shen got a doctor's degree in 1939.
B.Tsien Hsue--shen married Jiang Ying, the daughter of Chinese nationalist leader Chiang Kai-shen.
C.Tsien Hsue-shen has made a contribution to the Space Shuttle.
D.Tsien Hsue-shen was interested in traditional Chinese medicine, qigong and "special human body functions" in his later life.

Directions: Read the following passage. Fill in the numbered blanks by using the information for the passage. Write NO MORE THAN 3 WORDS for each answer.

A Low-Carbon Economy (LCE) refers to an economy which has a minimal emission of greenhouse gas (GHG), namely, carbon dioxide into the biosphere(生物圈). Recently, most of the scientists and the public hold the opinion that the climate is changing because there is such an accumulation of CO2 in the atmosphere due to human activities. The over-concentration of these gases is producing global warming that affects long-term climate, with negative impacts on humanity in the foreseeable future. LCE, therefore, is proposed as a means to avoid catastrophic climate change.

All nations which are considered carbon intensive societies and societies which are heavily populated should become zero-carbon societies and economies. Several of these countries have promised to become 'low carbon' but not entirely zero carbon, and claim that emissions will be cut by 100% by balancing emissions rather than ceasing all emissions.

Nuclear power and the strategies of carbon capture and storage (CCS) have been proposed as the primary means to achieve a LCE while continuing to exploit non-renewable resources. Scientists are afraid, however, whether the spent-nuclear-fuel can be stored, and whether it is secure. Also they are not certain about the costs and time needed to successfully implement CCS worldwide and whether the stored emissions will leak into the biosphere or not. Alternatively, many have proposed renewable energy should be the main basis of a LCE, but, they have their associated problems of high-cost and inefficiency; this is changing, however, since investment and production have been growing significantly in recent times. Furthermore, it has been proposed that to make the transition to an LCE economically attractive we would have to attach a cost (per unit output) to GHGs through means such as emissions trading and/or a carbon tax.

A LCE is aimed to integrate all aspects of itself from its manufacturing, agriculture, transportation to power-generation around technologies that produce energy and materials with little GHG emission and thus around populations, buildings, machines and devices which use those energies and materials efficiently and dispose of or recycle its wastes so as to have a minimal output of GHGs.

Title:        1       

I.          2        : an economy with a minimal output of GHG

II.         3         of the present economy:

● global warming

● long-term climate change

           4            on humanity

III.           5           :

●  to produce energy and materials with little GHG emission

● to use those energies and materials efficiently

● to have          6             of GHGs

IV.            7             to achieve a LCE:

● nuclear power  

● the strategies of carbon capture and storage

● renewable energy    


● a carbon tax

V.           9          :

● spent-nuclear-fuel storage / storage of spent-nuclear-fuel


● uncertainty about the costs and time needed



Having one of those days or weeks----when everything seems to annoy you? Even

if you do nothing about it, your bad mood will probably go away after some time. But with a little effort, you can forget it much faster---often within a day or two.

   Walk it off

   Exercise is the most popular bad-mood buster(破坏者). A person who is in bad mood has low energy and high tension. Taking a fast ten-minute walk, or doing some quick exercises can do wonders towards changing that bad mood.

Tune it out

Listening to your favorite music for a while can also make tension go away quickly, because music starts associations with past positive experiences we’ve had.

     Give yourself a pep talk

Stop and listen to what is on your mind. Bad moods are often started by too many negative thoughts. Write them all down on paper; the pessimistic (悲观的) messages you’ve been giving yourself and then give optimistic answers. (“ I still don’t have a job” v.s “ I have two interviews next week.”)

      Reduce your stress

Relaxation techniques are wonderful mood-lifters. These include deep breathing, stretching and visualizing (想象),all of which sound complicated but aren’t. One easy way to visualize: close your eyes and picture a favorite place, such as the beach. Another simple way to against distress is to make a to-do list. One reason for being in a bad mood is feeling you have no choices. By taking control over certain areas, you realize you’re not helpless. You can make changes in your mood and life.

     Avoid things that won’t improve your mood

TV may not help much: You need to increase your energy level and stimulate(刺激) your mind -----something that the TV show “Neighbors” won’t do. And before you reach for that piece of cake and coffee, think about how mood and food are linked. Sugar and caffeine(咖啡因) contribute to depressed moods. The better choice? Research shows that carbohydrates, such as potatoes and pasta, produce a calming effect in people who have a desire for them.

65. We learn from the text that it might help rid us of a bad mood________.

A. to do nothing about it                   B. to take a long walk on the beach

C. to do some exercises with light music      D. to talk it to neighbors

66. Why is it suggested that you close your eyes and picture the beach?

A. It is not complicated to do so               B. It is an area to be easily controlled

C. It helps beat a bad mood                      D. It brings us a new technique

67. TV may not improve your mood because _____.

A. it sometimes shows what happens around you

B. it keeps you stay unmoved

C. it reminds you of eating and drinking

D. it produces a calming effect

68. This text most probably appears in _______

A. a book on physical exercises                 B. a doctor’s handbook

C. a notice                                  D. a magazine


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