

The History of Air Conditioners

The first practical cooling system for use in industry 1. (invent) in 1902 by Willis Carrier in New York, the USA. He continued to improve 2. (he) invention and, in 1928, developed the first air conditioner for home use. In 1939, an American car company introduced the first air conditioner for cars, 3. (make) driving more comfortable.

After World War II many American 4. (company) began making air conditioners and, beginning in 1950, many homes in the USA were equipped 5. central air conditioning. Central air conditioning uses a single unit6. (heat) or cool a whole house. With this, people could escape the heat of summer and the cold of winter no matter 7. they were in the house.

In the 1970s, electricity 8. (become) more expensive, so people developed 9.(good) air conditioners to save money. Later, the cooling gas in air conditioners was found to pollute the environment, so engineers have been working to produce air conditioners more friendly to the environment 10. the 1980s.



A lovely little girl was holding two apples with both hands.Her mum came in and.______ asked her little daughter with a smile:“my sweetie,could you give your mum one of your two apples?”The girl looked ______at her mum for some seconds,then she suddenly took a quick ______ on one apple,and then quickly on the other.

The mum feIt the smile on her face ______.She tried hard not to show her______.Then the little girl handed one of her ______ apples to her mum,and said:mummy,here you are.This is the ______ One.

No matter who you are,how experienced you are,and how knowledgeable you think you are,always ______ judgment.Give others the privilege to ______ themselves.What you see may not be the ______.Never conclude for others.Which is why we should never only ______the surface and judge others without understanding them ______.

Those who like to pay the bill,do so not because they are loaded,but because they value______ above money.

Those who ______first after a fight,do so not because they are wrong but because they value the people around them.

Those who often text you,do so not because they have ______ better to do but because you are in their heart.

One day,all of us will get______from each other;we will miss our conversations of everything &nothing;the ______that we had.Days will pass by,months,years,______this contact becomes rare…One day our children will see our ______and ask“Who are these people?”And we will smile with invisible tears because a heart is touched with a strong word and you will say:“______ WAS THEM THAT I HAD THE BEST DAYS OF MY LIFE WITH”

1.A.quickly B.softly C.curiously D.sadly

2.A.up B.down C.out D.around

3.A.look B.taste C.bite D.try

4.A.remain B.rise C.speed D.freeze

5.A.satisfaction B.disappointment C.amusement D.confusion

6.A.rotten B.deserted C.split D.bitten

7.A.sweeter B.bigger C.fresher D.juicier

8.A.offer B.delay C.stop D.pass

9.A.criticize B.reflect C.explain D.introduce

10.A.result B.purpose C.attempt D.reality

11.A.work out B.hold up C.focus on D.give up

12.A.first B.last C.wrong D.little

13.A.friendship B.material C.bill D.surface

14.A.sacrifice B.suffer C.survive D.apologize

15.A.something B.nothing C.everything D.anything

16.A.lost B.retired C.separated D.divorced

17.A.talks B.argument C.dreams D.contradict

18.A.until B.when C.though D.after

19.A.articles B.stories C.telephones D.pictures


Have you ever wondered?

1. Why do airplanes take longer to fly west than east?

It can take five hours to go west-east from New York (NY) to London but seven hours to travel east-west from London to NY. The reason for the difference is an atmospheric phenomenon known as the jet(喷射) stream. The jet stream is a very high altitude wind which always blows from the west to the east across the Atlantic. The planes moving at a constant air speed thus go faster in the west-east direction when they are moving with the wind than in the opposite direction.

2. What would happen if the gravity on Earth was suddenly turned off?

Supposing we could magically turn off gravity. Would buildings and other structures float away? What happened would depend on how strongly the things were attached to the Earth. The Earth is moving at quite a speed, moving at over a thousand miles per hour. If you turn something round your head on a string, it goes around in a circle until you let go of the string. Things not attached to the Earth would fly off in a straight line. People in buildings would suddenly shoot upwards at a great speed until they hit the ceiling. Most things would fly off into space.

1. What information can we get from the first passage?

A. The jet stream always blows from the east to the west across the Atlantic.

B. Planes go slower when they are moving with the wind.

C. It takes more time to fly from NY to London than from London to NY.

D. It is the jet stream that affects how fast airplanes fly.

2. The word “shoot” underlined in the 2nd passage probably means“ ______”.

A. send for B. come out

C. move quickly D. grow quickly

3. It can be inferred that without gravity _________.

A. trees and buildings would not so easily fly off

B. buildings and other structures would float away

C. something around your head would not float away

D. everything outside buildings would fly off into space

4. Where can we most probably read this text?

A. In a student’s book B. In a short story

C. In a travel magazine D. In a research paper

When I was a kid, my siblings(兄弟姐妹) and I used to have ice cream for dessert.Every day, we would choose which ice cream flavor to have, whether to eat it in a cone or a bowl. Then we would happily wolf down our treat(款待) as fast as we could.

Once, though, when I was probably about 10 0r 11, our grandpa came to visit. Grandpa always had a unique view on things. On this particular occasion, my sister and I were making bets as to who could finish their ice cream first. With a smile, Grandpa said, "Why would you want to finish first? If you eat slowly, it will last longer. You should have acompetition to see who can finish last." Even now, I always try to taste my ice cream, but of course this is about more than just dessert.

Too often, kids want to scramble(争夺) for more, whether it's more ice cream, more toys, or more friends. This habit persists into our adult years, and we end up constantly scrambling for more. We never develop the skill of appreciating what we have. If we learn to recognize this pattern and change it, we can raise our kids a little differently, giving them the tool of tasting their proverbial dessert, which could lead to a happier life for them.

What my grandpa taught me that day was really that if you take the opportunity to enjoy what's in front of you, the pleasure will last longer and be more rewarding than if you rush through life always trying to get the next treat. It's a lesson that, I think, has made my adult life happier, as well. These days, when I want something, I wait as long as I can before I allow myself to have it. Then, when I finally get it, I make sure to treasure it as long as possible, because I know that, no matter what it is, it will be gone all too soon.

1.The author's grandfather advised her sister and her to _ .

A. eat ice cream as slowly as possible

B. stop eating ice cream

C. stop the competition between them

D. learn something from their way of eating

2. Which of the following best describes the author's grandfather?

A. Wise. B. Humorous. C. Strict. D. Careful.

3.What advice does the author give us in the passage?

A. Keep longing for more.

B. Value what you have.

C. Have a balanced diet.

D. Save for the future.

4.We can infer from the last paragraph that author

A. longs for the days when they ate ice cream

B. doesn't like ice cream as much as before

C. benefits a lot from her grandfather's advice

D. just starts to understand her grandfather

George Gershwin was born in New York City in 1898. His parents were Russian Jews who had immigrated to the United States. George and his two brothers and sister had a close, happy family life. George liked playing games on the streets of New York. He liked exploring the city. He did not like school or studying.

While exploring the city, George heard jazz and blues music in and out of public drinking places. However, he did not become seriously interested in music until he heard another boy playing the violin in a concert at his school. George began to take piano lessons. His teacher was a fine classical musician. He immediately recognized George's unusual ability. The teacher wrote about him to a friend: "I have a student who will make his mark in music, if anybody will. The boy is a genius, without doubt. "

George studied classical piano. But his strongest interest continued to be jazz and popular music. At the age of fifteen, he left school and went to work in the music business. At that time, the New York City street where most music publishers had their offices was called "Tin Pan Alley." The piano players played the songs all day long to interested singers and other performers. George Gershwin was one of the youngest piano players in Tin Pan Alley. Soon, he was considered one of the finest there. He was already writing his own songs. He succeeded in getting one published when he was only eighteen years old.

George Gershwin was now a real composer. The rest of his life was an unbroken record of success. He wrote song after song. His ideas were so endless that he was not even troubled when he once lost some music he had been writing. "There is plenty more where that came from," he said.

George Gershwin had his first big hit in 1919, when he was twenty-one years old. It was a song called "Swanee." A popular entertainer, Al Jolson, sang the song. "Swanee" was made into one of the first musical recordings. George Gershwin was suddenly famous.

1.When did George Gershwin take music as an interest?

A. When he was exploring the city.

B. When he played games on the streets.

C. When he heard a boy playing piano.

D. When he heard the violin at a school concert.

2.We know from the passage that______.

A. George Gershwin was born in Russia.

B. George Gershwin’s parents had 5 children.

C. His teacher believed in his musical gift.

D. Classical piano was his favorite music.

3.What made George Gershwin become famous in his twenties?

A. He played the piano in Tin Pan Alley

B. He wrote a song named "Swanee."

C. He sang the song "Swanee."with Al Jolson

D. He lost some music he was writing.

4.What was George Gershwin’s reaction when some music he was writing got lost?

A. He became rather angry.

B. He went to his teacher for help.

C. He stopped composing music.

D. He remained calm and confident.



I quit my office job in 2012. At that time , a strong sense of ______ bothered me. I didn’t have a clue what I wanted to do with my life. So I committed myself to ____. I took acting classes, traveled, volunteered on farms, and so forth. After a period of time, I realized my problem had ______ changed. My idea bank was full of ______. I had countless ideas for what I could perform to ______ a meaningful life. However, the number of the choices I had made me ______. Being passionate(热情的) about so many things, I didn’t know what I should _______ to find a way forward.

By chance, I read a book written by Stephen Covey, in which he _____ that people “ begin with the end in mind ” when they need to make choices. The idea means knowing your final goal_____, and then you can more_____ make the choices and take the steps _______ to reach your goal. Thanks to Covey, I knew what I should ________. I showed an interest in ______ at an early age, and I hoped to make a difference some day. So my interest ______ my final goal. And fortunately, after about two years of effort, now I have devoted myself to this ______work ----a professional dancer.

In daily life, a large number of people may have the same______---- not knowing which to choose when they have lots of ______ for many things. According to my own experience, I have realized that in order to _______ the uncertainty about choosing, knowing the final goal first really matters. Not only did it help me know________ what I should pursue(追求), but it also functioned as a firm belief that _______ me to take action to make it.

1.A .selfishnessB. aimlessnessC. weaknessD. madness

2.A. waitingB. complainingC. exploringD. escaping

3.A. slightlyB. completelyC. hardlyD. frequently

4.A. pressureB. conclusionsC. disappointmentD. choices

5.A. createB. understandC. keepD. control

6.A. satisfiedB. shockedC. excitedD. confused

7.A. agree withB. take inC. focus onD. get through

8.A. advisesB. refusesC. observesD. predicts

9.A. in detailB. on purposeC. in advanceD. by accident

10.A. easilyB. casuallyC. strangelyD. normally

11.A. convenientB. necessaryC. amazingD. obvious

12.A. acceptB. observeC. reflectD. pick

13.A. travelingB. speakingC. teachingD. dancing

14.A. changedB. separatedC. determinedD. replaced

15.A. difficultB. idealC. worthlessD. popular

16.A. discussionB. assignmentC. opportunityD. challenge

17.A. passionsB. regretsC. excusesD. requirements

18.A. considerB. removeC. believeD. criticize

19.A. graduallyB. rarelyC. clearlyD. probably

20.A. expectedB. forbadeC. inspiredD. commanded

More perhaps than any other European nation, the Swiss have got used to looking after foreign travelers. As early as the 18th century, wealthy French, Germans and Italians were treating the country as an amusement center while, in the 19th century, it became the major holiday playground for the British nobles. Today, it attracts visitors from all over the world.

The Swiss are clear about the importance of tourism to their economy, which contributes about eight percent of Gross National Product, and helps the industry greatly. Managers of hotels from all over the world go to Switzerland to learn how to do the job, and a generally high standard can be expected from the great majority of the country’s hotels, most of which are small and pride themselves on a personalized service. Public transport is the best in Europe. Both the Swiss Federal railways and the private railways are fully electrified, and the total network is made up of about 5000 kilometers of track.

Under the Fly Baggage system passengers can check luggage in at 116 railway stations and have it automatically carried to their flight. The national highway system is equally well planned, and the mountain roads offer views of some of the country’s most breathtaking scenery. Also serving the mountains is an effective system of railways and cable ways, while more than 160 passenger cars cross the lakes and rivers to and fro. Hiking in the mountains is equally popular with Swiss nationals and foreign visitors. For those who want to view the country from a height without having to climb the mountain themselves, it is always possible to take in the view from a balloon.

1.Compared with other European countries, Switzerland _______.

A. places more importance on entertainment

B. thinks more about foreign travelers

C. has more convenient public transport

D. has more five-star hotels

2.According to the passage, Switzerland is now visited by _____.

A. wealthy French people

B. rich Germans and Italians

C. British nobles

D. people from various countries

3.According to the passage we learn that _____.

A. most of the hotels in Switzerland are big

B. all the hotels in Switzerland offer exactly the same service

C. most of the hotels in Switzerland offer first class service

D. the hotels in Switzerland are used to learning from the rest of the world

4.The passage mainly tells us about _____.

A. scenery in Switzerland

B. the life in Switzerland

C. tourism in Switzerland

D. the transportation in Switzerland

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