
8. is the Great Wall of China from where you live?

   A. How long   B. How soon

   C. How often   D. How far

8. D

8. D解析:howfar多远,提问距离,符合 句意。how long多长;how soon多快,多 久;how often多久一次。


 Weight loss can be difficult. One of the reasons is that you are misguided by some popular beliefs that sound reasonable but can actually work against you. Don’t eat desserts (甜品) .

The truth is that there's room in your diet for any kind of food,especially the ones you love most—as long as you control the total amount of calories (卡路里) you take in. Often refusing to eat your favourite foods can lead to overeating.

Skipping meals makes you lose weight fast.

Actually,studies show that people who don't have breakfast are likely to be heavier than people who do it. Furthermore,skipping meals will make you want to eat more later. If you have diabetes (糖尿病) ,it's important to have the right amount of food throughout the day as it will help to control your blood-sugar level.

If you work out,you can eat whatever you want. That's stealing from Peter to pay Paul. You can't lose weight if you reduce calories in one way but increase them in another.

What you eat matters more than how much.

Both matter,but recent research finds that the number of calories in your food is more important than where they come from. For example,biscuits might seem healthier than doughnuts (甜甜圈) ,but a lot of biscuits will have more calories than a doughnut.

You should never eat fast food.

Never say never. Fast food can be worked into your meal plan if you choose well. Choose barbecued (烧烤 的) instead of fried foods,avoid high-fat fast food and share those French fries whenever you can.

1. The underlined words Skipping meals ” means

   A. not eating three regular meals a day

   B. reducing how much you eat during each meal

   C. eating three meals at a time

   D. paying attention to eating the right amounts

2. The author says “ That's stealing from Peter to pay Paul” in the 4th paragraph to indicate that.

   A. the exercise will make you want to eat more later

   B. the exercise will kill the calories you get from the food

   C. it is not necessary for you to eat too much after exercise

   D. the food you eat later will balance out with the exercise you did

3. Which of the following statements is NOT true?

   A. A person with diabetes should eat the right amount of food.

   B. It is not necessary to say no to your favourite foods.

   C. What you eat is just as important as how much you eat.

   D. You will lose weight quickly if you eat fewer meals.

4. You can eat fast food.

   A. because it can help you eat more later

   B. because it doesn’t lead to overeating

   C. as long as you choose the proper type

   D. as long as you don't eat it frequently

5. This passage was written to.

   A. advise us to lose weight quickly

   B. tell us how to prepare food

   C. give us advice on how to lose weight

   D. point out some false ideas on losing weight

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