
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)



1.Whose birthday is it today?




2.What are the speakers talking about?

A.A red light.

B.A running race.

C.A traffic accident.

3.Where are the man and the woman now?

A.At an airport.

B.In a heavy fog.

C.At a railway station.

4.What will the speakers probably do?

A.Start to play.

B.Stay at home.

C.Set out right now.

5.What does the woman ask the man to do?

A.Look after something for her.

B.Tell her some travel information.

C.Show her the way to the left-luggage office.




6.Where are the speakers talking?

A.In Cheetam Cable Company.

B.At the woman's house.

C.On the phone.

7.What does the man really want to do?

A.Sell something to the woman.

B.Offer a gift to the woman.

C.Give the woman some advice.

8.What can be concluded about the woman?

A.She can not make herself clear.

B.She is annoyed with the man.

C.She is too rude to others.


9.What happened to the man speaker?

A.A little boy wanted to steal his bike.

B.A little boy hurt him.

C.He fell off his bike.

10.According to the doctor, what's wrong with the man speaker?

A.His left arm has broken.

B.His right hand is hurt seriously.

C.His right arm is swollen(肿的).

11.Why does the man speaker say it's a pity?

A.He wants that little boy to pay for his X-ray.

B.He has to go to school.

C.He wants that little boy to buy a new bike for him.


12.What happened to South Florida last night?

A.There was an earthquake.

B.There was a storm.

C.There was a typhoon.

13.When is the program Star Trek broadcast?

A.Every Friday night.

B.Every Saturday night.

C.Every Sunday night.

14.What opinion does the man share with the woman?

A.Many programs are interesting.

B.Star Trek is not a very interesting program.

C.Some programs are too violent.


15.What do the man and the woman want to do?

A.To buy an apartment.

B.To rent a house.

C.To prepare for their wedding.

16.What kind of house do they want?

A.With two bedrooms.

B.With a big kitchen.

C.With a living room for the TV.

17.Why doesn't the man want to live far away from the downtown?

A.He doesn't want to get up too early in the morning.

B.Apartments will be more expensive there.

C.The traffic is too busy to get to work.


18.How many people took part in the research?

A.More than 400.

B.More than 500.

C.More than 200.

19.Which of the following statement is true?

A.Almost half of American people have high blood pressure.

B.There is no evidence that salt affects blood pressure.

C.People in the study ate different amounts of salt.

20.According to the study, what kind of people decreased(降低)their blood pressure?

A.People who ate less salt and not healthful food.

B.People who ate healthful food.

C.Both A andB.



  Text 1

  W:How about holding a birthday party for Matt this evening?

  M:Sounds great! Let's invite Joan, Bob and Maria.

  Text 2

  M:now, please tell me exactly how this happened, madam?

  W:Well, I stopped immediately when the light turned red, but he ran into me from behind.

  Text 3

  W:Excuse me, sir.I'm waiting for Flight UA 188 from Sydney.It's one hour later than usual.What's wrong?

  M:I'm sorry about that.As you know, it's sometimes foggy.

  W:I see.They should have taken the rain.But thanks anyway.

  Text 4

  M:I think that the game starts at eight.

  W:Good.We have just got enough time to get there.

  Text 5

  W:Excuse me, sir, could I leave this here for a few hours, please?

  M:Well, it's a bit… er… unusual, isn't it? Why not go to the left-luggage office over there?

  Text 6


  M:Hello, may I speak to the lady of the house?

  W:What are you calling for?

  M:I'm calling from Cheetam Cable Company and we have a very special offer.This month only, you can get a package of services for the low price of $69.99! This offer…

  W:Thank you, but I'm not interested.

  M:But that's because you haven't heard the rest of the offer yet.If you sign up today, you will get it at no extra charge.

  W:As I said, I'm not interested.I don't want to hear your sales tricks and I don't want to get any more calls from your company.

  M:Is that a “no” on the special offer?

  W:Yes, that's a “no” on the special offer and a “no” on getting any more calls from your company.Do I make myself clear?

  M:Yes, very clear.If you’re not interested in our special offer, I can tell you about our other services…

  W:No, you can't!

  Text 7

  M:Doctor, my right arm hurts so bad that I can't even move it.

  W:How did it happen?

  M:I was riding along on my bike.When a little boy ran toward me, I turned the handlebar immediately to avoid hitting him.When I did, I knocked into a wall and fell off.

  W:Let me take a look at your left arm first… Now your right… Your right arm is swollen a little.

  M:I think it's probably broken and I'd like to have an X-ray taken if you think it's necessary.

  W:Yes.Let me take the X-ray for you.

  M:Is it serious?

  W:Oh… I'm happy to tell you that you didn't break your arm at all.According to the X-ray, it's not serious.

  M:What a pity! If I had broken my arm, I needn't go to school.

  Text 8

  M:Did you watch television last night? A violent storm hit South Florida.It's terrible.

  W:No, I didn't.To tell you the truth, I seldom watch TV.


  W:There are few programs that I find interesting enough to watch.

  M:Well, there are some shows that I will never miss.Don't you ever watch Star Trek?

  W:Yes, I watch it now and then but it isn't something I can't live without.

  M:I am a big fan of it.And every week I expect the coming of Friday night.I love the host and the characters in that program.

  W:I know there are some good programs on TV, but there are also many programs which include too much violence in them.

  M:I agree with you there.

  Text 9

  W:So Peter, what kind of apartment should we get? I'm really looking forward to getting a place of our own.

  M:Yeah, it will be great thing.Well, I want to find us a nice place, but our salary isn't very high so we might need to find some place a bit less expensive.

  W:The way I figure it, we can both put between 200 and 250 dollars a month into rent.That leaves enough for food and other expenses, right?

  M:That sounds good.I'm afraid if we spend anything else on housing, we'll be like living in a rat trap.

  W:So we must have a house of one bedroom, a living room for the TV, a bathroom an a little kitchen.Anything else?

  M:Also, I don't want to be too far away from downtown.The traffic is just too heavy to get to work.Wouldn't it be great if we could walk to work every day?

  W:We'll see what we can find.Apartments closer to downtown are more expensive.

  M:Don't worry.We certainly can find a good one.

  Text 10

  Almost fifty-million Americans have high blood pressure.It's a kind of dangerous illness which can cause heart disease.Most doctors have long believed that reducing salt can decrease blood pressure.A new American study suggests this is true even when people do not eat the healthiest food.A team in Boston did this study.More than four hundred people took part in the research.Almost half of them had high blood pressure.They all ate food with different amounts of salt.Salt contains sodium.There is strong evidence that sodium affects blood pressure.Half the people ate an average American diet.The study showed that the people who ate healthful food while eating less salt lowered their blood pressure.However, blood pressure decreased for both groups when they ate less salt.


第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)

第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)


1.What's the possible relationship between the two speakers?



C.Teacher and students

2.Where does the conversation most probably take place?

A.In an office

B.In a bank

C.In a hospital

3.What will the man drink?

A.Coco Cola


C.Soda water

4.What does the man want to order?

A.TV sets.


C.Personal computers.

5.What is the man's problem?

A.He is tired.

B.He is sick.

C.He is homesick.




6.What happened to the man?

A.He found his house broken into.

B.He locked himself out.

C.He was knocked down by a car.

7.What is the woman probably?

A.A driver.

B.A policewoman.

C.A doctor.

8.What is the woman most probably going to do?

A.Look round the house.

B.Talk to the man's wife.

C.Lock all the windows.


9.What's the possible relationship between the two speakers?

A.Interviewer and interviewee.

B.Employer and employee.

C.Professor and students.

10.Where do the woman's foreign teachers come from?




11.How many hours will the woman work every day if she is employed?

A.Four hours.

B.Five hours.

C.Six hours.


12.Why does the woman mention the Sahara Desert?

A.She watched a TV program about it last night.

B.She thinks it is the largest desert in the world.

C.She knows that the man likes foreign things.

13.What kind of film does the woman like actually?

A.Love films

B.Travel films

C.Horror films

14.What can we learn about the man?

A.He doesn't like eating lunch with the woman.

B.He likes to try new food.

C.He gets sick of chips.


15.How did Rebecca lose much weight?

A.She was on a diet and exercising.

B.She had too much work.

C.She had too much sport.

16.What sport does Rebecca like best?




17.What can we learn from the conversation?

A.The man was on the school football team.

B.Team work is of great importance in the match.

C.The football team practiced five hours a day.


18.What were dogs mainly used for in the old days?




19.Why do people in cities keep dogs now?

A.They want friendship.

B.They want them to watch house.

C.They love animals.

20.What can we learn from the text?

A.Most people in the West still keep dogs for protection.

B.The dog is useful for both children and adults.

C.People feel more and more lonely.

第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)



1.What could the man be doing?

A.Giving a lesson.

B.Practising typing.

C.Surfing the internet.

2.The woman won’t go ________.

A.to the cinema

B.to the concert

C.to the bank

3.What time will Sally be able to meet Mr.White?

A.At 3p. m.

B.At 3∶30 P. m.

C.At 2∶30 p. m.

4.What does the man advise the woman to do?

A.Take the dictionary away.

B.Buy a dictionary for herself.

C.Use the dictionary at home.

5.What’s the speakers’ problem?

A.They can’t find a place to drink in

B.They have no money to buy a drink.

C.They don’t know how to use the machine.



6.Where does the conversation take place?

A.In the theatre.

B.At the entrance.

C.At the box-office.

7.Why is the woman allowed into the theatre with her dog?

A.Her dog is very clever.

B.She has a special ticket for it.

C.There are few people there.


8.What is the relationship between the two speakers?

A.Boss and secretary.

B.Father and daughter.

C.Manager and customer.

9.What is David Brown’s phone number?




10.Where is the phone number?

A.On Miss Grey’s desk.

B.On Mr.Banks’ desk

C.On Mr.Brown’s desk


11.How long did the man study in England?

A.For two years.

B.For three years.

C.For four years.

12.When did the man return to his old company?

A.In 1985

B.In 1989.

C.In 1995.

13.What job does the man do now?

A.He is a clerk.

B.He is a salesman.

C.He is a sales manager.


14.What is the man interested in?

A.Light music.

B.Love stories.

C.American songs.

15.What does the man think of most plays?

A.They are badly written.B.They are too expensive.

C.They are hard to understand.

16.Where do the two speakers finally decide to go?

A.To a concert.

B.To the library.

C.To the theatre.


17.Vicki is ________.

A.a host

B.an English learner

C.a soccer mom

18.You’re listening to ________.

A.a piece of news

B.a story

C.a teaching program

19.A “soccer mom” is a mother who often takes her children ________.

A.to watch soccer games

B.to play soccer

C.to do various sports

20.There are ________.

A.more soccer moms in the UK than in the US

B.more soccer moms in the US than in the UK

C.as many soccer moms in the US as in the UK

第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)



1.What do we know about the man?

A.He shows little interest in the “Chang’e II” satellite.

B.He knows a lot about the “Chang’e II” satellite.

C.He once saw the “Chang’e II” satellite.

2.What's the probable relationship between the two speakers?

A.Mother and son

B.Teacher and student

C.Boss and secretary

3.What is the man doing?

A.Giving advice

B.Making a speech

C.Judging the woman

4.When did Suzy leave home?

A.At 5∶10


C.At 40∶30

5.What do we know about Bill?

A.He is a student of science.

B.He has talked to the man.

C.He is not interested in English.




6.Where does the woman come from?




7.What can we learn from the conversation?

A.The woman has been to China several times.

B.The man will take the woman to the Summer Palace.

C.The Summer Palace is far from where the two speakers are.


8.How does the woman want to become?




9.What will the two speakers do next?

A.Buy some clothes.

B.Cut hair.

C.Work out.


10.Why does the woman always go to Beijing?

A.To look after her children.

B.To deal with her business.

C.To visit her grandparents.

11.How long will it take with the fastest train to get to Beijing?

A.3 hours.

B.5 hours

C.7 hours

12.Where are the two speakers going next?

A.To a bookstore.

B.To a restaurant

C.To the train station.


13.Who told the woman there was no salt in the grocery stores?

A.The man

B.Her parents.

C.Her neighbor

14.What do the two speakers think of people hurrying to buy salt?




15.Which city does the woman live in?




16.What do we know about the two speakers?

A.They are on the phone.

B.They don't live in the same city

C.They have the same opinion about the mobile phone.


17.What did the woman wear the first day?


B.A suit.

C.A dress.

18.Why did the assistant say that the dress was sold?

A.Because he was too tired to serve the woman.

B.Because he knew the woman was hard to please.

C.Because he thought the woman couldn't afford it.

19.What did the woman bring the following morning?

A.A handbag and a long umbrella.

B.A handbag and a pair of sunglasses.

C.A beautiful dog and a pair of sunglasses.

20.What did the woman buy at last?

A.All the dresses in the shop.

B.The dress she had first asked for.

C.The most expensive dress in the shop.

第一部分 听力(共两节,满分20分)




A.He is sowing the seeds in the garden.

B.He's playing behind the house.

C.He's working in the field.


A.He wants to play tennis now.

B.He likes to play tennis, but he doesn't want to play now.

C.He does not like to play tennis.


A.The chairman is speaking in the living room.

B.We are going to improve our living situations.

C.We need another chair in the living room.


A.Nancy and Dan were busy last Saturday.

B.Neither Nancy nor Dan was busy last Saturday.

C.Nancy was busy last Saturday


A.Jane had an animal hospital.

B.Jane gave all of her money to an animal hospital.

C.Jane opened the door of an animal hospital.




A.How much is the green one?




7.How many new coats does the woman have?




8.How old is the woman?

A.Thirty years old

B.Thirty-three years old

C.Thirty-seven years old

9.What does the woman mean?

A.She thinks that it's better to wait.

B.She thinks that they should go on.

C.She doesn't agree with the man.

10.Where is the woman going?

A.The post office

B.Her parents’ home

C.A park


11.What do you learn about the two swimming pools from the conversation?

A.The big pool in Park Road is much bigger and more modern than the one in town.

B.The pool in town is much bigger and more modern than the big one in Park Road.

C.The two pools are almost the same.

12.What are they going to do on Thursday?

A.They are going to swim.

B.They are going to eat at a French restaurant.

C.They are going to a Chinese restaurant.


13.Where did Miss Li come from?




14.On which day did the talk take place?




15.What do you think Miss Li came here for?

A.She came for her holiday

B.She came to meet her friend.

C.She will work in the foreigner's company.


16.What kind of man was the artist?

A.Not rich but kind

B.Rich and kind

C.Neither rich nor kind

17.Where did his last few coins go?

A.He lost them

B.He gave them to a beggar

C.He used them to pay for his taxi home.

18.Who paid the bill for the lunch?

A.The artist

B.The beggar

C.Neither of them

19.What did the man do after lunch?

A.He asked the beggar to another lunch

B.He asked the beggar to spend the night in his home.

C.He wanted to take the beggar home and gave him back the money.

20Why didn't the beggar go with the artist?

A.He didn't want to pay for the taxi.

B.He had no money to pay for the taxi.

C.He didn't want the artist to pay for the taxi.

第一部分 听力技能(共2节,满分20分)

第一节 听力理解(共16小题;每小题1分,满分16分)




1.Is the shopping center far away?

A.Yes, it is too far to walk.

B.No, it is within walking distance.

C.No, but it is too far to walk.


2.How many students did the man believe had taken the exam?

A.Fifty students

B.Forty students

C.Twenty-five students


3.Can the woman buy a carpet?

A.Yes, but not a special low prize

B.Yes, at a special low price

C.No.they are not for sale.


4.Where did this conversation most probably take place?

A.In railroad station

B.In an airport

C.In Miami


5.What does the man think about Paul?

A.He is not hungry

B.He wants something to eat

C.He is angry


6.What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?

A.Teacher and student

B.Salesgirl and customer

C.Doctor and patient

7.What does the man feel will help the woman?

A.Some medicine

B.Breathing slowly

C.Some tests.


8.What happened to the man's bike?

A.It was hit by a car

B.It was hit by a truck

C.It was broken on a street

9.How was the bike after the accident?

A.There was nothing wrong with it

B.It was completely damaged except the wheels

C.The wheels were both damaged

10.When did the accident happen?

A.When was the man riding on it

B.When the bike was in front of the man's house

C.When the man was getting off the bike.


11.where is the woman?

A.At home

B.At Doctor's Smith's office

C.In Doctor Smith's room

12.What's wrong with the man?

A.He hurt himself

B.There's something wrong with his leg

C.He broke his leg

13.What's the woman going to do?

A.To help Mr.Green in his home

B.To ask Dr.Smith to see him right away

C.o go and bring Mr.Green back to Dr.Smith's office


14.Where is the boy going to spend his holiday?

A.In the city

B.In the country


15.What will he do there?

A.To do some farm work

B.To study at home

C.To do some homework

16.Which of the following is true?

A.The boy's grandparents live in the country.

B.The boy's school is in the city

C.The girl knows how to farm, too.

第二节 笔录要点(共4小题;每小题1分,满分4分)


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