Shang RongjieÊÇÎÒ¹úäÈËרÓüÆËã»ú·½ÃæµÄһλר¼Ò£¬Çë¸ù¾ÝÏÂÃæµÄÌáʾ£¬ÓÃÓ¢ÓïÐðÊöËûµÄһЩÇé¿ö¡£

1. ËûÔø¾Í¶ÁÓÚ¹ú¼Ê¹ØϵѧԺ£¨Institute of International Relations£©,ѧϰӢÎÄ£¬1967Äê±ÏÒµ£¬28Ëêʱ²»ÐÒÑÛ¾¦Ê§Ã÷¡£

2. ËûÏÖÔÚÔÚÖйúäÎijö°æÉ磨the China Braille Publishing House£©¹¤×÷¡£³ö°æÉçÔÚ±±¾©Î÷Äϲ¿£¬´ÓËûµÄ¼Òµ½³ö°æÉ磬;Öе¹Á½´Î³µ¡£

3. Ëû¿á°®ÔĶÁ£¬µ«ººÓï²¼À³¶ûäÎÄ£¨braille£©Ó¡Ë¢µÄÊé²»¶à£¬ÓÚÊÇÊÕÒô»ú¾Í



Shong Rongjie is an expect in the field of special computers for the blind in our country. He studied English at the Institute of International Relations and graduated in 1967. He was blinded at the age of 28.

Shang is now working in the China Braille Publishing House. The publishing house is in the southwest of Beijing, which is two hours¡¯ ride from his home. He walks to the bus stop at 6:30 in the morning and it is usually at about six o¡¯clock in the evening that he arrives back home. On the way to the publishing house, he has to change buses twice.

He loves reading, but there is not much printed in Chinese braille. So radio is his best companion. He listens to all sorts of programmes day and night, whenever he is at home.

¡¾½âÎö¡¿±¾ÎıȽϼòµ¥¡£ÊÇһƪÈËÎï´«¼Ç¡£Shang RongjieµÄËùÓÐÐÅÏ¢¶¼ÒѾ­¸øÁ˳öÀ´£¬¿¼ÉúÖ»ÐèÒª·­Òë¼´¿É£¬ÔÚд×÷µÄʱºò£¬²»Òª×ÜÊÇʹÓóÂÊö¾ä£¬¿ÉÒԱ任ʹÓÃÇ¿µ÷¾ä£¬È磺it is usually at about six o¡¯clock in the evening that he arrives back homeÆíʹ¾äµÈ£¬Ê¹ÎÄÕ³äÂú±ä»¯¡£ÈçThe publishing house is in the southwest of Beijing, which is two hours¡¯ ride from his home.ÔÚÑ¡´ÊµÄʱºòҲҪעÒâÑ¡ÓÃһЩÏà¶ÔÓÐÄѶȵĴÊÀ´ÌáÉýÎÄÕµIJã´Î¡£Ò²ÒªÊ¹ÓúÏÊʵÄÁ¬½Ó´ÊÈçµÈÈø÷¸öÒªµã³ÉΪÕûÌå¡£


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Faye Wong

Faye Wong(Wang Fei) is set to finally release her long-awaited new Mandarin album(¹úÓï ר¼­).

¡°Future Love¡± is Wong's debut(Ê×´ÎÑݳö) album for Sony, and is set to launch a spectacular(¾ªÈ˵Ä) attack on the charts by the Beijing-born star.

Wong could not have picked a better time to release her new record. She won the title of Asia's best female singer at the CCTV-MTV awards¡ªin spite of not having had a new record for two years.

Born in Beijing, Wong moved to Hong Kong at the age of 18 and released her first album, the gold-selling ¡°Wang Jingwen¡± the following year.

¡°Coming Home¡± though, was the album that shot her to stardom(Ã÷ÐǵØλ)¡ªseveral of its songs becoming big hits, notably(ÖøÃûµÄ) ¡°Fragile Woman¡±(Rong Yi Shou Shang de N¨¹ Ren).

Wong's charm lies not only in her artistic talent(ÒÕÊõ¼ÒµÄ²ÅÄÜ), but in her in-and-cool style. ¡°She is just too  different¡ªher voice, her manner of dressing and her persistence(¼á³Ö) in her own way of life, ¡±says Xiao Liao, one of Wong's fans, ¡°she is now more a pop-culture idol(żÏñ) than a talented singer. ¡±

Wong is indeed a unique(¶ÀÌصÄ), down-to-earth(ÆÓʵµÄ) idol. ¡°I¡¯m lazy and I smoke, ¡±she says, ¡°I¡¯m a straightforward(̹ÂÊ) person and often offend(ð·¸) people. I throw my temper around. I¡¯m not motivated(Óлý¼«ÐÔµÄ), and I¡¯m always thinking of holidays. I¡¯m not an idol, so please don¡¯t treat me as one!¡±

1. Faye Wong achieved success as a singer with her album ________________.

A. ¡°Future Love¡±

B. ¡°Wang Jingwen¡±

C. ¡°Coming Home¡±

D. ¡°Fragile Woman¡±

2. Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A. ¡°Future Love¡± is her first album since Faye Wong signed up Sony.

B. Faye Wong moved to Hong Kong at the age of 18 and released her first album, the gold-selling ¡°Wang Jingwen¡±.

C. With ¡°Coming Home¡± Faye Wong made a big success in her career.

D. Her Fans regard Faye Wong as a pop-culture idol.

3. Which of the following doesn¡¯t describe Faye Wong?

A. She is frank.

B. She often offends people.

C. She is talented.

D. She is warmhearted.


Faye Wong

Faye Wong(Wang Fei) is set to finally release her long-awaited new Mandarin album(¹úÓï ר¼­).

¡°Future Love¡± is Wong's debut(Ê×´ÎÑݳö) album for Sony, and is set to launch a spectacular(¾ªÈ˵Ä) attack on the charts by the Beijing-born star.

Wong could not have picked a better time to release her new record. She won the title of Asia's best female singer at the CCTV-MTV awards¡ªin spite of not having had a new record for two years.

Born in Beijing, Wong moved to Hong Kong at the age of 18 and released her first album, the gold-selling ¡°Wang Jingwen¡± the following year.

¡°Coming Home¡± though, was the album that shot her to stardom(Ã÷ÐǵØλ)¡ªseveral of its songs becoming big hits, notably(ÖøÃûµÄ) ¡°Fragile Woman¡±(Rong Yi Shou Shang de N¨¹ Ren).

Wong's charm lies not only in her artistic talent(ÒÕÊõ¼ÒµÄ²ÅÄÜ), but in her in-and-cool style. ¡°She is just too  different¡ªher voice, her manner of dressing and her persistence(¼á³Ö) in her own way of life, ¡±says Xiao Liao, one of Wong's fans, ¡°she is now more a pop-culture idol(żÏñ) than a talented singer. ¡±

Wong is indeed a unique(¶ÀÌصÄ), down-to-earth(ÆÓʵµÄ) idol. ¡°I¡¯m lazy and I smoke, ¡±she says, ¡°I¡¯m a straightforward(̹ÂÊ) person and often offend(ð·¸) people. I throw my temper around. I¡¯m not motivated(Óлý¼«ÐÔµÄ), and I¡¯m always thinking of holidays. I¡¯m not an idol, so please don¡¯t treat me as one!¡±

1. Faye Wong achieved success as a singer with her album ________________.

A. ¡°Future Love¡±

B. ¡°Wang Jingwen¡±

C. ¡°Coming Home¡±

D. ¡°Fragile Woman¡±

2. Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A. ¡°Future Love¡± is her first album since Faye Wong signed up Sony.

B. Faye Wong moved to Hong Kong at the age of 18 and released her first album, the gold-selling ¡°Wang Jingwen¡±.

C. With ¡°Coming Home¡± Faye Wong made a big success in her career.

D. Her Fans regard Faye Wong as a pop-culture idol.

3. Which of the following doesn¡¯t describe Faye Wong?

A. She is frank.

B. She often offends people.

C. She is talented.

D. She is warmhearted.


Î¥·¨ºÍ²»Á¼ÐÅÏ¢¾Ù±¨µç»°£º027-86699610 ¾Ù±¨ÓÊÏ䣺58377363@163.com
