
1. We'll send it to your room right away and give you 20% __________. (折扣)
2. I wonder what kind of c__________ would the editor like on this page of the newspaper?
3. Trees supply s__________ in summer.
4. The a__________ surrounds the earth like a blanket.
5. I can still remember her because she i__________ me with her ability to deal with any problem.
6. The king held a __________ (盛宴) for us.
7. The dictionary which is full of pictures is i__________ for children.
8. I cannot stand by and let a man ___________ (淹死) because it is none of my business.
9. You should learn how to e__________ yourself and enjoy your life.
10. Can you __________ (测量) accurately?
1. discount  2. content  3. shade  4. atmosphere  5. impressed/impresses
6. feast  7. intended  8. drown  9. entertain  10. measure

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