
  Like any other American 18-year-old, Michael Sessions will attend high school from 8 a. m.to 3 p. m.and after 6 p. m. he will do his homework.But from 3 p. m. -6 p. m., he will carry out his new job as the elected Mayor of Hillsdale, Michigan.

  Although he was too young to celebrate his success over the 51-year-old rival-by two votes-with champagne or any other alcoholic drink, the youngest elected official in America is determined to discharge(履行)his civic duties seriously.

  Mr.Sessions, who turned 18 in September ran for Mayor on a budget(预算)of $700 earned from a summer job and on a promise of working to increase Hillsdale’s contingent(分谴队)of full-time firefighters from three to four.

  His rival was defeated by an energetic door-to-door campaign made all more remarkable because Mr.Sessions was a “write-in” candidate.He was too young to register(登记)as a candidate(候选人)before nominations closed for the printed ballots(选票), so his supporters had to write in his name on election day.

  “Obviously, the people of Hillsdale took me seriously, ”the teenager said.“A lot of older people really enjoyed talking to me.I look at them in the eye.Young people could relate to me.”

  He told the reporter, “It’s just a state of trying to believe it-especially that 670 people took the time to write my name in.My heart’s racing.”


After his success in the election, Mr.Sessions didn’t celebrate with alcoholic drinks because ________.

[  ]


he didn’t want to hurt his rival


he was not all allowed to have that sort of drink at his age


he had no time


he didn’t believe he had won


From the passage, we can know a “write-in” candidate is a candidate ________.

[  ]


who is only 18-year-old


who wins in the election


who hasn’t registered in the election


who visits people door-to-door before the election


People selected Michael Sessions Mayor because ________.

[  ]


he was younger than his rival


he had only $70 as his budget and they showed their pity to him


he promised to reform the fire safety condition


they enjoyed talking to him

Dear Mom and Dad,

I'm afraid I have some very bad news for you. I have been very naughty and the school master is very angry with me. She is going to write to you. You must come and take me away from here. She does not want me in the school any longer. The trouble started last night when I was smoking a cigarette in bed. As I was smoking, I heard footsteps coming towards the room .I did not want a teacher to catch me smoking, so I threw the cigarette away. Unfortunately, the cigarette fell into the waste-paper basket. It caught fire.

There was a curtain near the waste-paper basket. It caught fire too. Soon the whole room was burning. The master phoned the fire brigade. The school is a long way from the town and before the fire brigade arrived, the whole school was on fire. The master said that the fire was all my fault and I must pay for the damage. She will send you a bill for about a million dollars.

I'm very sorry for this.

                                                 Much love   


Why did Sarah write to his parents?

A.He missed them very much for they hadn’t seen each other for a long time.

B.He told his parents what he had done in school.                              

C.He was tired of studying, and wanted to leave school.

D.He thought he was old enough to help them do something.

Where did Sarah smoke?

A.In the classroom     B.In the Dinning hall  

C.In the street        D.In the dormitory

Why was the school master angry with him?

A.Because he was too naughty      

B.Because he was too lazy

C.Because he caused a big fire        

D.Because he stole something from the school

According to the passage, what should the students not do?

A.They should not smoke, because smoking is dangerous to them

B.They should not dance, because dancing would waste a lot of money

C.They should not make friends, because making friends would take them absent

D.They should not wear expensive clothes because they would waste a lot of money

Don’t smoke in bed ------it causes 1000 fires a year, many with fatal (致命的)results.
Don’t overload your electrical points: the right way is “one appliance(电器), one socket”(插座).
Don’t use an electric underblanket over you or an overblanket under you. An underblanket , unless of the low- voltage type, MUST be switched off before you get into bed.
Never let furniture or clothing get close to a lighted fire. Make sure that there is a suitable guard for the room heater.
Keep aerosol-type containers (喷雾器)away from heat and NEVER burn or puncture(刺穿)them.
Don’t dim a table lamp by covering it: buy a low-wattage bulb(灯泡).
Pajamas (睡衣)and nightdresses, especially for children and elderly people, should be made from flame- resistant material.
Close the door of the room and any fanlight or other opening and block up any cracks (缝隙)with bedding, etc.
Go to the window and try to attract attention.
If the room fills with smoke, lean out of the window unless prevented by smoke and flame coming from a room below or nearby. If you cannot lean out of the window, lie close to the floor where the air is clearer until you hear the fire brigade(队).
If you have to escape before the fire brigade arrives, make a rope by knotting together sheets or similar materials and tie it to a bed or another heavy piece of furniture.
If you cannot make a rope and the situation becomes intolerable(难耐的),drop cushions or bedding from the window to break your fall, get through the window feet first, lower yourself to the full extent of your arms and drop.
If possible drop from a position above soft earth. If above the first floor, drop only as a last resort.
1. According to the instructions, fires in the bedroom can be caused by ________.
A. one appliance, one socket
B. smoking in bed
C. underblankets, of the low- voltage type
D. all of the above-mentioned points
2. In the bedroom, you are told _______.
A. not to use an electric underblanket or an electric overblanket.
B. to use an underblanket of the low-voltage type
C. to switch off an underblanket of the low- voltage type
D. not to use an electric underblanket over you
3. You should keep furniture or clothes away from a lighted fire because ________.
A. the fire is too low
B. furniture or clothes block light
C. there is no guard in the room
D. furniture or clothes catch fire easily
4. If you are cut off by fire, you should first ______.
A. try to stop smoke from coming into the room
B. lie down and wait for the fire brigade
C. escape by jumping immediately out of the window
D. close the window and call for help

One day a doctor was starting his morning works. Suddenly                         81. _______
a man ran his room. His face was red and he could                             82. _______
only say"Quick! Quick!"The doctor thought he can be                              83. _______
very ill. His assistant helped to get the poor man sit in                            84. _______
a chair. The doctor gave the man some medicine to make                          85. _______
him to sleep. Then he looked into the man's mouth and                            86. _______
pulled out all the bad tooths. As soon as the man woke                           87. _______
up, he said"Quick, doctor, Quick,"with a low voice.                                88. _______
"It's all over now,"the doctor told him."You don't understand,"                    89. _______
said the man."I came to tell you your house is on the fire."                         90. _______

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