
"Tear’em apart!" "Kill the fool!" "Murder the referee(裁判)!"
They are common remarks one may hear at various sporting events. At the time they are made, they may seem innocent(无害的)enough. But let's not kid ourselves. They have been known to influence behavior in such a way as to lead to real bloodshed(流血).Books have been written about the way words affect us. It has shown that words having certain meanings may cause us to react in ways quite foreign to what we consider to be our usual humanistic behavior. I see the term "opponent" as one of those words. Perhaps the time has come to delete it from sports terms.
The dictionary meaning of the term "opponent" is "enemy":“ one who opposes your interests." Thus, when a player meets an opponent, he or she may tend to treat that opponent as an enemy. At such times, winning may control one's mind, and every action, no matter how bad, may be considered correct . I recall an incident in a handball game when a referee refused a player's request for a time out for a glove change because he didn't consider them wet enough. The player rubbed his gloves across his wet T-shirt and then shouted, "Are they wet enough now?"
In the heat of battle, players have been observed to throw themselves across the court without considering the consequences that such a move might have on anyone in their way. I have also witnessed a player reacting to his opponent's intentional and illegal blocking by hitting him with the ball as hard as he could during the course of play. Off the court, they are good friends. Does that make any sense? It certainly gives proof of a court attitude which is different from normal behavior.
Therefore, I believe it is time we promoted the game to the level where it is by setting an example. Replacing the term “opponent” with “ associate” could be an ideal way to start.
The dictionary meaning of the term “associate” is “friend”;“companion.” Think it over!You may soon see and possibly feel the difference in your reaction to the term "associate' rather than "opponent."
49. Which of the following statements best expresses the author's view?
A. Bad behavior in sports will always have serious consequences.
B. The words people use can influence their behavior.
C. Unpleasant words in sports are often used by foreign athletes.
D. Unfair judgments by referees will lead to violence on the sports field.
50. Rough words are spoken during games because the players________.
A. are too eager to win                   B. are usually bad-tempered  
C. can't afford to be polite in competitions    D. treat their friends as competitors
51. What did the handball player do when he was not allowed a time out to change his gloves?
A. He refused to continue the game.
B. He angrily hit the referee with a ball.
C. He claimed that the referee was unfair.
D. He wet his gloves by rubbing them across his T-shirt.
52. The author hopes to have the current situation in sports improved by_______.
A. changing the attitude of players on the sports field
B. raising the referee's sense of responsibility
C. calling on players to use clean language on the court
D. regulating the relationship between players and referees

49—52   BADC  

Without the atmosphere there would be no weather, no wind, rain, snow, or clouds. Air is all around us; we live at the bottom of a great ocean of air. It is invisible, but we can feel it when it moves. There are miles of air above us, pressing down with great weight on the earth and everything on it. Because air presses down on us from all directions at the same time, and because we are able to bear (忍受) this weight, we do not seem to feel it. But scientists have proved that air has this weight, and that anything that has weight creates(产生) a force called pressure. As changes in air pressure take place, they, make air move.
Air is a gas that expands(膨胀) when heated, gets lighter, and moves upward. When air is cooled, it gets heavier, sinks close to the earth's surface, and flows like water in a great river. As warn air rises, cold air rushes in to take its place. 'Thus winds originate (起源). The winds that blow high above us are caused by the warmer air running away from colder air. The wind we feel near the earth's surface is the heavy colder air trying hard to catch the warmer air. Changes in temperature cause the air to move. And of course there are many changes, so air movements are taking place practically all the time.
小题1:The first paragraph mainly tells us the causes of
A.why we don't feel airB.why atmosphere is important to us
C.why there is air surrounding usD.why there is air pressure
小题2:Air moves under such conditions that
A.there is air pressureB.the air is heavy
C.air pressure doesn't remain the same all the timeD.air comes up and down
小题3:Which of the following pictures best tells the movements of warm air and cold air?
小题4:According to the passage, in same areas if farmers who grow grapes (葡萄) light fires in the early morning, that is because the farmers want to________________.
A.drive away warm airB.prevent cold air from coming to harm their plants
C.cause more windD.stop warm air running away

In the future your automobile will run on water instead of gas! You will be able to buy a supercomputer that fits in your pocket! You might even drive a flying car!
Not all past predictions have been proved wrong. A few of them have been surprisingly accurate (正确无误). Some great thinkers predicted the arrival of the credit card, the fax machine and even the internet years before they happened. But for each prediction that has come true, some others have missed by a mile. Many of these predictions didn’t consider how people would want to use the technology or if people really needed it in their lives or not. Let’s look at some predictions from the not-too-distant past.
Robot Helpers
Where’s the robot in my kitchen? Nowhere, of course. And he’s probably not coming anytime soon. Robots do exist today, but mostly in factories and other working environments.
Back in the 1950s, however, people said that by now personal robots would be in most people’s homes.
So why hasn’t happened? Maybe because robots are still too expensive and clumsy(笨拙的). And probably the idea of robots cooking our dinners and washing our clothes is just too strange. At home we seem to be doing fine without them.
Telephones of tomorrow?
In 1964 an American company introduced the video telephone. They said by the year 2000 most people would have a video phone in their homes. But of course the idea hasn’t caught on yet.
Why? The technology worked fine, but it overlooked (忽略) something obvious: people desire for privacy. Would you want to have a video phone conversation with someone after you just stepped out of the shower?
Probably not — it could be uncomfortable! Just because technology doesn’t always mean people will want to use it.
And finally, how about that crazy prediction of the flying car? It’s not so crazy any more! But a flying car remains one of the most wonderful technology ideas to catch our imagination. Keep watching the news or perhaps the sky outside your window to see what the future will bring.
1. The passage mainly deals with______.
A. predictions that can catch our imagination
B. predictions that haven’t come true
C. new technology can benefit our life
D. predictions that have come true
2. According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true?
A. Technology doesn’t always mean people will want to use it.
B. Predictions don’t need to consider people’s practical use of the technology.
C. Not all the high-tech things people thought we’d be using by now are widely used.
D. High-tech things are not always convenient to people’s life.
3. Robot Helpers haven’t been used in most people’s homes because ______.
A. using the kind of robots at home is simply a waste of time and money
B. the kind of robots hasn’t been developed yet
C. people find it difficult to control the kind of robots
D. the kind of robots won’t bring people practical use
4. How does the writer find the flying car?
A. It is too difficult to imagine.        B. It is too crazy an idea to realize.
C. It is likely to appear in the future.    D. It has been the focus of the news.

U.S. airlines are seeing a major interruption because of hundreds of flights canceled due to the ash cloud from the Icelandic volcano, but European flight companies will face the biggest losses.
The airline business has been tough: The decline dramatically slowed traffic; February heavy snow forced U.S. airlines to cancel thousands of flights; and now the ashes from the volcano stopped all traffic in and out of northern Europe for days.
"For U.S. flight companies, it'll be a relatively short-term hit," said Michael Boyd, president of Boyd Group International, an aviation (航空学) consulting firm. "We think right now they're down about $80 million in terms of lost income, and they're down domestically about 80,000 passengers that would have been flying domestically but aren't because they can't get here."
Delta announced that volcano-related interruption grounded about 400 flights until Monday at a cost of $20 million in lost revenues. But compare that to the recent snowstorms, when the airline canceled 7,000 flights and lost $65 million in revenue.
The disruption has created uncertainty for customers, but analysts say U.S. airlines won't face as many costs as you might think. They are not flying in extra planes to handle the passengers in trouble because, airline analyst Robert Mann said, companies simply don't have them.
"Airlines run a very lean operation now," Mann said. "So, since there are no spare aircraft or crews, the airlines will attempt to maximize loads on every one of their aircraft that do fly. But it may take days, or in some cases a week or so, to get some of these customers to where they want to go."
46. Which negative consequences mentioned in the passage did the disasters cause?
A. coldness, pollution and airlines’ losses    
B. airport damage, pollution and slow traffic
C. passenger delay, coldness and airport damage   
D. passenger delay, airlines’ losses and slow traffic
47. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?
A. The fewest airplanes will fly the trapped passengers to their destinations.
B. All the customers are sure to be sent to their destinations in time.
C. The U.S. and U.K. airlines suffered the same losses in the natural disasters.
D. The volcano eruption reduced the traffic to and from northern Europe.  
48. What does the last paragraph mainly tell us?
A. the troubles that the airlines will face after the ash cloud disappears
B. the measures that the airlines will take to maximize their profit
C. the present situation of the airlines and their plan to deliver the passengers
D. the reasons why the airlines run a fine operation
49. Why will it take a long time for airlines to send the passengers to their different destinations?
A. Because the passengers enjoy staying in airports to talk with one another.
B. Because the airlines don’t have spare planes or employees to serve.
C. Because the airlines don't have enough financial support after the disaster.
D. Because the passengers are asking for full refund from the airlines.
50. The passage is most probably from_______.
A.a novel                                  B.a news report        
C.a magazine                               D.a thesis

Attitude is an internal(内在的)state that influences the choices of personal action made by the individual. Some researchers consider that attitudes come from differences between beliefs and ideas; others believe that attitudes come from emotional states. Here, we focus on the effects of attitudes upon behavior, that is, upon the choices of action made by the individual.
The kinds of actions taken by human beings are obviously influenced greatly by attitudes. Whether one listens to classical music or rock, whether one obeys the speed limit while driving, whether one encourages one’s husband or wife to express his or her own ideas-all are influenced by attitudes. These internal states are acquired throughout life from situations one is faced with in the home, in the streets, and in the school.
Of course, the course of action chosen by an individual in any situation will be largely determined by the particulars of that situation. An individual who has a strong attitude of obeying laws may drive too fast when he is in a hurry and no police cars in sight. A child who has a strong attitude of honesty may steal a penny when she thinks no one will notice. But the internal state which remains unchanged over a period of time, and which makes the individual behave regularly in a variety of situations, is what is meant by an attitude.
Attitudes are learned in a variety of ways. They can result from single incidents, as when an attitude toward snakes is acquired by an experience in childhood at the sudden movement of a snake. They can result from the individual’s experiences of success and pleasure, as when someone acquires a positive attitude toward doing crossword puzzles by being able to complete some of them. And frequently, they are learned by copying other people’s behavior, as when a child learns how to behave toward foreigners by observing the actions of his parents. Regardless of these differences, there is something in common in the learning and modification(修正)of attitudes.
72. According to the passage, attitudes _______ .
A. come from different situations in one’s life    
B. are largely affected by one’s behavior
C. remain unchanged in one’s daily life                                  
D. could be chosen according to one’s will
73. The author uses the examples in Paragraph 3 to show _______ .
A. people often make mistakes when they are not noticed
B. people with good attitudes may sometimes do bad deeds
C. particulars of a situation may influence an individual’s action
D. an individual may change his or her attitude fairly easily
74. Which of the following is TRUE about the learning of attitudes?
A. Attitudes are only learned through one’s success.
B. Attitudes learned in danger will last longer.
C. Copying others’ behavior is not a good idea.
D. Attitudes can be learned from one’s parents.
75. What would be the best title for the passage?
A. Differences of Attitudes.   B. Nature of Attitude.
C. Choices of Attitudes. D. Modification of Attitude.

In summer, millions of people will head for the beach. And while the ocean can be a great place to swim and play, it may also be useful in another way. Some scientists think that waves could help make electricity.
“Have you ever been on a surfboard or boat and felt yourself being lifted up by a wave? Or have you jumped in the water and felt the energy as waves crashed over you?” asked Jamie Taylor of the Wave Energy Group at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland.“There is certainly a lot of energy in waves.”
Scientists are working on using that energy to make electricity.
Most waves are created when winds blow across the ocean.“The winds start out by making little ripples (波纹) in the water, but if they keep on blowing , those ripples get bigger and bigger and turn into waves, ”Taylor said.“Waves are one of nature’s ways of picking up energy and then sending it off on a journey.”
When waves come towards the shore, people can set up dams or other barricades to block the water and send it through a large wheel called a turbine (涡轮) .The turbine can then power an electrical generator (发电机) .
The United States and a few other countries have started doing research on wave energy , and it is already being used in Scotland.
The resource is huge.We will never run out of wave power, besides, wave energy does not create the same pollution as other energy sources, such as oil and coal.
Oceans cover three quarters of the earth’s surface.That would make wave power seem perfect for creating energy around the world.There are some drawbacks, however.
Jamie Taylor said that wave power still cost too much money.He said that its effects on animals in the sea were still unknown.Plus, wave power would get in the way of fishing and boat traffic.
With more research, however, “many of these problems might be overcome,” Taylor said.“Demand for energy to power our TVs and computers, drive our cars, and heat and cool our homes is growing quickly throughout the world.Finding more energy sources is very important, for traditional sources of energy like oil and gas may run out some day.”
In the future, when you turn on a light switch, an ocean wave could be providing the electricity!
68.Which of the following is NOT true?
A.Wave power costs too much money.
B.Wave energy creates the same amount of pollution as other energy sources.
C.Wave power affects fishing and boat traffic.
D.Wave power may affect marine animals.
69.We can infer from the passage that ______.
A.finding more new energy sources is not necessary because of wave energy
B.wave energy is a resource that will never run out and is used all over the world
C.wave power is perfect for creating energy around the world
D.wave power doesn’t create any pollution
70.The underlined word “drawbacks” probably means ______.
A.regrets      B.adventures       C.disadvantages          D.difficulties
71.What can be the best title for the passage? 
A.How to Get Electricity by Waves.       B.The Advantages of Wave Energy.
C.Can Waves Make Electricity?  D.The Disadvantages of Wave Energy.

Sometimes you make a wish, but when it comes. you decide you don’t want it. That’s what happened with Micky’s “birthday wish”.
Our family tradition is that you make a wish before you blow out the birthday candle.  After he blew out the candle. Micky told us that his wish was to win a prize in the Pine Ridge-match. We quickly told Micky, “If you tell people your wish. your wish won’t come true.” So we lit the candle again, and he made another wish.
Micky and Paul were both supposed to start playing at 5:30.
When Micky reported to the check-in table, the game organizers told him his opponent (对手) had phoned and said he was coming late. The officials told Micky he could choose not to play and be declared the victor of the first round of competition.
But Micky said he didn’t want to win by not playing. He wanted the experience of playing a great player.
Finally, the beast showed up. He was tall, smiling and relaxed. His serve (发球) was like lightning.
Micky had some good returns, but he lost quickly, 6-1, 6-0.
We congratulated Micky on having some good returns and a few great serves. And we noted that he had won the first game.
“I didn’t win that game,” Micky said. “I think he just gave it to me at the beginning because he arrived late.”      
“It was a birthday present.” I said, smiling.
“No, I refused my birthday present,” Micky said. In his eyes, his “birthday present” had been the chance to win by his opponent’s being late.
Micky ended up winning the “consolation prize(鼓励奖)” a small prize that we didn’t know existed until Micky earned it by being undefeated in the consolation bracket (档次).
We’ll’ never know what Micky’s second wish was - the wish he didn’t share with us.
It seems to me that no matter how many birthdays you celebrate, as long as you enjoy challenges, you will never be “old”.
56. What kind of person is Micky?
A. A person who always gives up.          B. A person who is afraid of challenges.
C. One who enjoys challenges.               D. One who is selfish.
57. Why did Micky lose the match?
A. Because he gave up a good chance.           B. Because he let the others know his birthday wish.
C. Because he was proud of himself.       D. Because his opponent played much better than him
58. The prize Micky won was ______.
A. one he had expected                                B. not a well-known one
C. a famous one                                  D. one he thought meaningless
59. It can be inferred from the last paragraph that ______.
A. enjoying challenges is helpful for one to keep “young”
B. one will become old as he celebrates his birthdays
C. one will stay young by continuously celebrating his birthdays
D. challenges can make one never get old
 If you are in charge of a project, the key to success is getting everyone to want to help you. As a director, I point, I suggest. I gently push the actors in the direction I want them to go. In the 1986 movie, “Nothing in Common”, Jackie Gleason’s character, Max Basner, gets fired from his job as a clothing salesman. The scene, shot on a boat, shows Max’s despair about being out of work. I was looking for some gesture that would allow Max to show his feelings.
Jackie had far more experience at everything than I did, and at first I was frightened. What could I possibly tell “The Great One” about acting? Finally I decided to direct by suggestion, and sat down with Gleason to talk about the scene. “So Max is sad, right?” I said.
Gleason nodded.
“And he’s probably still carrying his pens with name on them—the ones he used to hand out to his customers, right?”
Gleason nodded.
“So what would you want to do with the pens after you were fired?”
He was silent for a moment. “Why don’t I throw them overboard?”
I stood up and turned up and turned toward the crew. “Hey, everybody, Jackie has a wonderful idea. Let’s shoot it.”
After filming the scene, Gleason called me over and said with a smile. “Garry, what kind of wonderful idea am I going to have tomorrow?”
You and your team can discover the answers to problems together. When there are no prizes or gold stars for who gets the solution first, you’ll all benefit when everything turns out right.
61.According to the writer, to succeed in a project you are in charge of , you should______.
A. make everyone work for you          B. get everyone willing to help 
C. let people know you have the idea     D. keep talking to them
62. “The Great One” in Paragraph 2 refers to______.
A. Gleason     B. the director himself    C. Max   D. Max’s boss
63. After filming the scene, Gleason called the director over and smiled at him. That’s because Gleason________.
A. thought the director gave him a good idea 
B. formed the habit of thinking of ideas while talking
C. was not confident about his acting
D. appreciated the director’s directing skill
64. The most suitable title for the passage is “_______”.
A. Directing a Film              B. The Key to Success
C. A Wonderful Experience        D. Working with Film  

Whether rich or poor, we all have problems: that unfaithful mate, that annoying colleague, that persistent(持久的) disease, and the investment that is turning into a huge loss.
How can we remain calm, positive and even elegant in the face of all these difficulties of
The following suggestions may help.
It comes with the pay. I have a friend who used to complain about her dead-end job and
unreasonable boss. Sounds familiar? One day I told her, "Look at it this way. You are getting
paid for the annoyance as well as the work. It comes with the pay. "
This has become my favorite saying for work-related frustrations. "Take every day as a bo-
nus. " When we learn to treasure every moment of what we have, we begin to see life in a whole
new attitude.
It's all in the mind. Sure, the psychologists tell us it is important that we work at resol-
ving problems. But they also say if you try to resolve a problem that would not go away, it would
only compound(使更复杂) the frustration.
If you tell yourself there isn' t a problem, there won' t be one. It is all in the mind.
Stop thinking about your own problem-help others instead. A lady who is struggling a
life-threatening disease showed she coped with her illness by making herself useful, by offering
help to others in a similar situation.
She has spoken to at least five other women with breast cancer. She says that the sharing
has helped her to find fresh meaning in her own life.
Never give up on your dream. Why do we give in or give up when we meet difficulities?
ls it because we have no confidenee in our cause and no commitment (承担义务)for what we
One strong-hearted lady was the late head of the tragic Kennedy family, Rose Kennedy.
She said this on nationwide television one week after losing yet another son to assassin's( 暗杀者) bullet--Boddy Kennedy:"And we go on our way with no regrets not looking backwards to
the past, but we shall carry on with courage. "
Not the end of the world. Do you know something else? I' ve learned that care as you
might, love as,you might, some people don't care back.
And it is not the end of the world. After all, it's not the event that makes a person, is it?
It's what we do about what happens to us.
It was said that Albert Einstein' s last request on his death bed was to be given his equa-
tions(方程式) and his unfinished statement. Einstein first picked up his equations and lament-
ed(悲叹) to his son, "if only I had more mathematics!" What a great persistent spirit!
45. All of the followings are wrong EXCEPT_____.
A. some people have many problems while some have none
B. Albert Einstein pursued his dream till the last minute of his life
C. Rose Kennedy must be a timid (缺乏自信的) woman
D. we shouldn' t love those who don' t care about us
46. The passage is intended to inform the readers_____ .
A. how to face problems                       B. how to resolve problems
C. how to hold on to your dreams              D. how to help others
47. By saying "Take every day as a bonus", the author is trying to tell us __.
A. we should get a bonus every day     B. we should treasure every day in our life
C. we should make advances every day  D. we should enjoy ourselves every day
48. The last paragraph of the passage is out of place; it should be put under the subtitle of_____.
A. It comes with the pay                      B. It' s all in the mind
C. Never give up on your dream               D. Not the end of the world

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