While Andrew was getting ready for work one Friday morning, he announced to his wife that he had finally decided to ask his boss for a salary raise. All day Andrew felt nervous.   16   Mr. Larchmont refused to   17   his request? Andrew had   18   so hard in the last 18 months.  19  , he deserved a wage increase.

The thought of walking into Larchmont’s office left Andrew weak   20  . Late in the afternoon he finally gathered the   21   to approach his superior. To his   22   and surprise, the ever-frugal (一贯节省的) Harvey Larchmont agreed to give Andrew a   23  !

Andrew arrived home that evening,   24   their dining table set with their best china, and candles lit. His wife, Tina, had prepared a delicate meal   25   his favorite dishes. Immediately he   26   someone from the office had tipped her off!

Next to his plate Andrew found a beautiful lettered   27  . It was from his wife, which read: “  28  , my love! I knew you’d get the raise! I prepared this dinner to show just how much I love you. I’m so   29   of your accomplishments!” He read it and stopped to   30   how sensitive and caring Tina was.

After dinner, Andrew was on his way to the kitchen   31   he observed a second card had slipped out of Tina’s pocket. He picked it up. It read: “Don’t worry about not getting the raise! You do deserve one! I prepared this dinner to show you just how much I love you   32   you didn’t get the increase.”

Tears   33   in Andrew’s eyes. Total acceptance! Tina’s support for him was not   34   upon his success at work.

The fear of rejection is often softened and we can undergo almost any setback or rejection when we know someone loves us   35   our success or failure.

1. A. What about        B. How come     C. How about            D. What if

2.A. grant          B. admit            C. submit               D. guarantee

3. A. managed       B. studied      C. worked           D. conducted

4. A. Finally           B. Absolutely       C. Successfully     D. Effectively

5. A. for the weight    B. at the knees     C. in the heart         D. for the leg

6. A. thoughts      B. force            C. strength         D. courage

7. A. shock         B. enjoyment        C. delight              D. amazement

8. A. praise            B. award            C. reward               D. raise

9. A. to find           B. to appreciate    C. to notice            D. to decorate

10. A. as               B. through      C. including            D. for

11.A. understood        B. recognized       C. figured          D. predicted

12. A. letter           B. note         C. envelope         D. mail

13.A. Best wishes       B. Good news        C. Congratulations      D. Wonderful job

14. A. cool         B. admirable        C. cheerful         D. proud

15. A. call on          B. reflect on       C. feed back            D. remind of

16.A. while         B. before           C. until                D. when

17. A. as though        B. even though  C. whether          D. unless

18. A. welled up        B. flowed over      C. rushed out           D. streamed down

19. A. qualified        B. restricted       C. conditional          D. concerned

20.A. despite           B. without      C. either               D. regardless of


  I first went to hear a live rock concert when I was eight years old. My brother and his friends were all ___36____ of a heavy metal group called Black Wednesday. When they ___37____ that Black Wednesday were going to perform at our local theatre, they all bought ____38___ for performance. However, at the last minute, once of the friends couldn’t go, so my brother __39_____ me the ticket. I was really ___40____!

    I remember the buzz (嘈杂声) of excitement inside the theatre as we all found our __41____ . After a few minutes, the lights went down and everybody became ___42____. I could barely make out the stage in the ___43____. We waited. Then there was a roar from the crowd, like an explosion, as the first members of the band ___44____ the stage. My brother leaned over and shouted something in my ear, but I couldn’t ____45___ what he was saying. The first song was already starting and the music was as ____46___ a jet engine. I could ___47____ the drum beats and bass notes in my stomach.

I can’t recall any of the songs that the band played. I just __48_ that I really enjoyed the show and didn’t want it to _ 49_. But in the end, after three encores (加演), the show finished. We left the  50_ and walked unsteadily out onto the pavement. I felt a little dizzy, as if I had just  51_from a long sleep. My ears were still 52_with the beat of the last song.

After the 53 , I became a Black Wednesday fan too for a few years before getting into other kinds of music. Once in a while, 54_, I listen to one of their songs and 55_I’m back at that first show.

1. A. members    B. friends      C. fans          D. volunteers

2. A. guessed     B. discovered   C. thought        D. predicted

3.A. flowers     B. drinks       C. clothes         D. tickets

4.A. booked      B. offered      C. returned        D. found

5. A. relaxed      B. embarrassed   C. excited         D. encouraged

6. A. seats        B. entrance      C. spots          D. space

7.A. comfortable   B. quite         C. serious         D. nervous

8.A. silence       B. noise         C. darkness        D. smoke

9.A.fell upon    B.got through     C.broke into     D.stepped onto

10.A.forget       B.hear            C. repeat         D. bear

11. A.loud         B.heard           C. sweet          D. fast

12.A.feel         B.touch           C. enjoy          D. digest

13. A.realize      B.understand      C.believe         D. remember

14.A.continue     B.delay           C.finish          D. change

15. A.party        B.theatre         C. opera          D. stage

16. A.escaped      B.traveled        C. benefited      D. woken

17. A.aching       B.burning         C. ringing        D. rolling

18. A.competition   B. performance     C. interview      D. celebration

19. A.through      B.otherwise       C. instead        D. besides

20. A.decide       B.regret          C. conclude       D. imagine


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