
20.If Joe's wife won't go to the party,________.(  )
A.he will eitherB.neither will heC.he neither willD.either he will

分析 如果Joe的妻子不去参加晚会,那么他也不会去.

解答 答案:B.

点评 对于倒装句式要熟练掌握几种基本的结构,灵活运用部分倒装和全部倒装的用法.

10.Halloween Coming Out
"A man was shot in the face during a bank robbery."That was the news about me five years ago.From then on I never looked in a (36)A; it even scared myself when seeing my destroyed face.I lived in my house alone without outside contact.But one night I was making an (37)D.It was Halloween.
What a fitting night for me to (38)C!I longed for human contact.When my pumpkin lantern smiled a toothy welcome in my front door,I heard footsteps and giggling(咯咯的笑) as children came close to my house.
"Trick or treat,"they cried.
My hands started to (39)A.I opened the door and gave them a (40)B  smile through my damaged lips beneath a rough scar where my nose once (41)B.
"Do you want a trick,or do you want a treat?"My voice sounded more like a ghost.The (42)C  expression on the children's faces suggested everything.
"Treat!"They (43)D  picked a candy or two from my bucket,and ran to the (44)A  of their parents.
I closed the door,and pressed my back against it.I felt dizzy,but I (45)D  it.Then the bell rang."Trick or treat."a (46)A  voice came to me.I opened the door to find a small girl,wearing a Shirley Temple mask.
"Hi,Shirley."I spoke quietly not to (47)B  her."Aren't you beautiful tonight?"
She stared at her feet and shook her head,"No."
"Yes,you are.You're Shirley Temple,the most beautiful girl in the world."
She looked up at me,and pulled her (48)C to the side.Seeing her deformed(变形的) face,my heart missed a beat.
"Well,I think you are beautiful,darling."I said gently.
At the words,her eyes connected with mine.An uncertain hand reached toward my bucket and took one piece of candy."Thank you."Her voice was a (49)B.She turned and ran to her mother.I nodded my head to her mother and gave them both a (50)B.
I closed my door and turned off my gate lamp.My (51)D  life began again.
The next morning I heard my doorbell ring.I tried to ignore it,(52)C  it rang again.I went to the door and called out,"Who's there?"
"It's Shirley Temple and her Mom."
I opened the door in a few (53)C  and looked.It was the woman and her daughter without her mask.Before I spoke,the mother said,"My girl said she wanted to meet you."I watched tears start to (54)A  in the mother's eyes."This is her first time outside without her mask."
I pulled the door open and that was also the first time in five years for me to invite someone into my(55)D.

11.What is the single largest cause of sick leave in the UK?The answer is not the common cold or flu,but back pain.Back pain affects one in three British adults,cost the country over£5 billion every year and is obviously difficult to treat.
But now Britain's National Health Service (NHS) will be offering a new solution:acupuncture (针灸法).
The ancient Chinese needle therapy has been around in the UK for many years,but for the first time it has been officially supported by the NHS'advisory body,the National Institute for Clinic Excellence (NICE).
Traditionally,doctors in the UK have advised back pain sufferers to stay active,do stretching exercises and take painkillers when necessary.In more serious cases some people are given X-rays treatment or injections with therapeutic substances.
NICE,however,says there is evidence that acupuncture may be more effective than expensive X-rays or injections,to patients who have been suffering for over six weeks should be given acupuncture treatments.
As an alternative to acupuncture,patients will be able to choose either a course of spinal manipulation (脊柱推拿) or a series of special sessions.
In the UK,acupuncture is classified as a complementary (辅助的) therapy,which is the term given to a medical procedure which hasn't been subjected to the strict trials by which scientists prove some treatment work.
While many experts have welcomed the move to make acupuncture available on the NHS,some are still skeptical about its effectiveness.
Research from the US earlier this month found that simulated acupuncture using toothpicks which do not pierce the skin could be as good as using real needles.
So while some are yet to be convinced,back pain sufferers will be hoping that acupuncture helps them feel healthy and mobile again.Employers,on the other hand,will be hoping it gets them back to work.
64.What can be the best title for the passage?A
A.Acupuncture m the UK
B.The largest cause of sick leave.
C.The ancient Chinese medicine
D.Different ways to treat back pain.
65.According to NICE,which of the following ways is more effective to treat back pain?B
A.To take painkillers                                                 
B.To use the Chinese needle therapy
C.To take X-ray treatment or injections
D.To stay active and do stretching exercises
66.Which of the following statements about acupuncture is TRUE?C
A.Doctors can use needles or toothpicks to perform acupuncture.
B.Patients taking acupuncture have to take a course of spinal manipulation.
C.Patients suffering back pain for a long time are more advised to use acupuncture.
D.Acupuncture costs less money and has lower effects than X-rays or injections
67.Why is acupuncture classified as a complementary therapy in the UK?D
A.It is not strict in the treatment
B.Some British don't have trust in it
C.The main British treatment is very effective
D.Its medical procedure hasn't been strictly tested scientifically.
8.Why is setting goals important?(71)E Instead of just letting life happen to you,goals allow you to make your life happen.
Successful people imagine how their life should be and set lots of goals.(72)F It's like having a map to show you where you want to go.Think of in this way.There are two drivers.One has a destination in mind which can be found in a map.She can drive straight there without any wasted time or wrong turns.The other driver has no goal or destination or map.She starts off at the same time from the same place as the first driver.But she drivers aimlessly around.Never getting anywhere,just using up gas.Which driver do you want to e?
(73)BThey decide what they want in life and then get there by making plans and setting goals.Unsuccessful people just let life happen by accident.Goals aren't difficult to set,and they aren't difficult to reach.(74)CYou are the one who must decide what to achieve and in what direction to aim your life.
(75)AWritten goals can be reviewed regularly,and have more power.Like a contract with yourself,they are harder to neglect or forget.Also when you write your goals in a particular way you are able to make yourself continuously aware of situations that will bring you nearer to your goal.
A.Research tells us that when we write a goal down we are more likely to achieve it.
B.Winners in life set goals and follow through.
C.It's up to you to find out what your goals really are.
D.It's difficult for a driver to reach his destination without a map.
E.Because goals can help you do,be and experience everything you want in life.[F.By setting goals you are taking control of your life.
G.Because everybody should have a goal in his mind.
15.It's not Christmas Day yet.But wherever I go on the streets,I see shops selling Christmas trees and all kinds of beautiful decorations,waiters wearing Christmas hats; I hear children singing Christmas songs on broadcast; I get messages of Christmas's best wishes from friends.
I just got quite confused again,since when have Chinese begun celebrating Christmas Day?What do these people celebrate it for,the birth of Chris?But we all know that most of Chinese are not Christians,they don't even know the origin of Christmas Day,and they celebrate it for no reason.
I don't celebrate Christmas Day or any other western holidays since I'm not a Christian and nor am I a westerner.I don't know what Christmas really means.Anyway I can't get reasonable answers from my friends.Some of them think they would like to just take this chance to enjoy themselves regardless of the meaning of the festival.Some of them think I'm an old-fashioned girl,a bigot who doesn't appreciate the spirit of Chinese cultural tolerance(宽容) and understanding of other cultures.Well,if it is about cultural tolerance,why don't we ever celebrate the month of Muharram,or festivals of colours in India,or Fiestas Patrias in Mexico?
I really appreciate cultural exchanges and communications with all nations,but I don't think this is what it's about.People are celebrating more and more western festivals while ignoring our traditional ones.
Is it part of globalization(全球化)?Do people in other non-western countries also celebrate Christmas?

24.It can be inferred from the passage that the writerD.
A.is an old-fashioned girl
B.doesn't like festivals at all
C.prefers western festivals to Chinese festivals
D.prefers Chinese festivals to western festivals
25.According to the writer,many Chinese people celebrate ChristmasA.
A.for no reason
B.for the birth of Chris
C.because most of them are Christians
D.because they don't like Chinese festivals
26.The underlined word"bigot"in Paragraph 3meansB.
A.a very brave person
B.a very stubborn person
C.a very careful person
D.a very popular person
27.We can learn from the passage thatA.
A.more and more Chinese people celebrate western festivals now
B.Chinese people pay enough attention to our own festivals
C.no Christmas celebration means one lacks cultural tolerance
D.the writer doesn't like cultural exchanges and communications with other countries.

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