

“Can I see my baby?” the happy new mother asked.When the baby was placed in her arms, she was .The baby had been born without ears.Time that the baby’s hearing was perfect.It was only his that was damaged.When he rushed home from school one day and himself into his mother’s arms, she sighed, that he would have many heartbreaks in his life.He grew up and became a(n) with his classmates.He might________have been class president, but for that.The boy’s father with the family physician in secret.“Could ________ be done?” the father asked.“I believed I could________on a pair of outer ears, if they could be got.” the doctor answered.So the ________ began for a person who would make such a ________ for a young man.Two years went by.Then the father said, “You are going to the hospital, son.Mother and I have someone who will give the ears you need.________it’s a secret,” said the father.The operation was very ________ , and a new person appeared.“But I must know!” he urged his father.“Who ________ so much to me? I could never do enough for him.” “I do not believe you could,” said the father.The secret was ________ for years till he stood with his father over his mother’s coffin(棺材).Slowly and ________ , his father raised his mother’s thick brown hair to ________that his mother had no outer ears.“Mother said she was ________ she never let her hair be cut,” he whispered gently, “and nobody ever thought she was less________ , did they?”

1.A.angry B.disappointed C.surprised D.curious

2.A.proved B.seemed C.told D.saw

3.A.figure B.face C.ear D.appearance

4.A.got B.put C.sent D.took

5.A.knowing B.guessing C.doubting D.wondering

6.A.enemy B.stranger C.favorite D.friend

7.A.ever B.also C.even D.still

8.A.asked B.spoke C.chatted D.said

9.A.something B.everything C.anything D.nothing

10.A.transplant B.operate C.set D.fix

11.A.operation B.search C.interview D.examination

12.A.devotion B.effort C.sacrifice D.contribution

13.A.Therefore B.But C.Though D.Otherwise

14.A.normal B.useful C.difficult D.successful

15.A.changed B.worked C.gave D.did

16.A.discussed B.hidden C.spread D.kept

17.A.carefully B.sadly C.excitedly D.tenderly

18.A.see B.find C.show D.tell

19.A.proud B.glad C.worried D.regretful

20.A.beautiful B.ugly C.respectable D.fashionable



Cheaters called “pirates” often use camcorders(便携式摄像机) and cell phones to make illegal copies of blockbusters in the local theater. These pirates then sell those recordings on the street or over the Internet for very low prices. Some share them for free.

“It’s unfair for people to pirate movies,” says 15-year-old Hadaia Azad Ezzulddin. Movie piracy “takes money out of the pockets of thousands of people in the movie industry,” she notes. Victims include famous actors and directors as well as local theater owners and their employees.

Hadaia came up with an idea that could help stop movie piracy. Hadaia’s idea uses infrared(红外线的) light. This range of light is invisible to the human eye. It is visible, however, to many types of cameras. Theater owners could place small infrared lights on their movie screens. The lights would not disturb people watching the movie. It would, however, distort the recordings made by many types of cameras.

To test her idea, Hadaia built a box with a movie screen inside. Then, she projected images on that screen through a hole in the box. She took recordings of those images, using nine different types of cameras. These included the types found in cell phones as well as camcorders. During some tests, she also turned on light emitting diodes(发光二极管), or LEDs. The LEDs were embedded(植入的)in a certain place behind the movie screen. They gave out infrared light.

Sure enough, she showed, a pirated movie included odd stripes or spots if it had been recorded while the LEDs were on. It might be possible to use the LEDs to flash the date and time on the movie screen. The information would then appear in the illegal recordings. Theater owners or police might use the information to track down the pirates.

Cutting down on piracy might get more people into theaters to watch the real movie instead of an illegal copy. Six out of every ten films now produced aren’t profitable. They don’t make enough money to recover how much was spent to make and market them. Such a poor payback can discourage filmmakers from producing anything but the types expected to become blockbuster hits. It might also keep smaller theaters from showing a wider variety of movie types.

1.From what Hadaia says in Paragraph 2, we can infer that _______.

A. most people spend less money on pirates moves

B. the pirates don’t have to pay for the movie tickets

C. theater owners will increase the price of movie tickets

D. she strongly criticizes those who video movies in the theater

2.Infrared lights are put on the movie screens to _______.

A. adjust the brightness of the movie screens

B. make sure the images of movies are dark

C. make illegal copies of movies unpleasant to see

D. protect the eyesight of viewers in the darkness

3.What is the correct order of the steps in Hadaia’s test?

a. She projected pictures on the screen.

b. She used cameras to record the pictures.

c. She turned on the LEDs placed behind the screen.

d. She made a special box with a movie screen inside.

A. d c a b B. d b a c

C. b a c d D. b c a d

4.According to the last paragraph, we can know that _______.

A. forty percent of movies now are profitable

B. small theaters often choose to show low-cost movies

C. more and more people go to theaters to fight movie piracy

D. filmmakers prefer to produce ordinary movies than blockbusters

Human beings have used tools for a very long time. In some parts of the world you can still find tools that people used more than two million years ago. They made these tools by hitting one stone against another. In this way, they broke off pieces from one of the stones. These chips of stone were usually sharp on one side. People used them for cutting meat and skin from dead animals, and also for making other tools out of wood. Human beings needed to use tools because they did not have sharp teeth like other meat eating animals, such as lions and tigers. Tools helped people to get food more easily.

Working with tools also helped to develop human intelligence. The human brain grew bigger, and human beings began to invent more and more tools and machines. The stone chip was one of the first tools that people used, and perhaps it is the most important. Some scientists say that it was the key to success of mankind.

Since 1960 a new kind of tool has appeared. This is the silicon chip -- a little chip of silicon crystal. It is smaller than a finger nail, but it can store more than a million "bits" of information. It is an electronic brain. Every year these chips get cleverer, but their size gets smaller, and their cost gets less. They are used in watches, calculators and intelligent machines that we can use in many ways. In the future we will not need to work with tools in the old way. Machines will do everything for us. They will even talk and play games with us. People will have plenty of spare time. But what will they do with it?

Human beings used stone chips for more than two million years, but human life changed very little in that time. We have used silicon chips for only a few years, but life is changing faster every day. What will life be like twenty years from now? What will the world be like two million years

from now?

1.From paragraph,we can know .

A. why early human beings cut skin from dead animals

B. how early human beings discovered the tools

C. what early human beings used the tools for

D. what food early human beings stored

2.The stone chip is thought to be the most important tool because it ______.

A. was very important to the development of mankind

B. led to the invention of machines in the early time

C. developed cooking abilities of mankind

D. was one of the first tools of mankind

3.The silicon chip is mentioned in the passage to________.

A. show the changes of tools

B. introduce a new kind of tool

C. give an example of using tools

D. compare the effects of two kinds of tools

4.At the end of the passage the author seems to suggest that life in future is ______.

A. Out of order B. Less colorful

C. hard to predict D. full of meanings



1.______ People traveled in search of food and shelter or in order to flee from their enemies.Sometimes they were looking for gold or silver in order to become rich.On other occasions they were searching for rich farmland.

This is not to say that no one ever traveled just for fun.Even in ancient times,some pleasure travel occurred.During a typical season,700,000 tourists would crowd into the ancient city of Rome,where animals performed and magicians entertained them.2.______

3.______ International tourist arrivals alone reached as many as 546 million in 1994 and are forecast to rise to 937 million in 2010,according to the World Trade Organization.

4.______ Probably the most common reason for traveling is related to our physical wellbeing.Actually,traveling to sports events is one of the fastest growing types of travel.In our fast developing society where stress has become part of people's life,people can rest and relax by having a change of environment and activities.

5.______ No one seems to doubt that travel broadens the mind.In 18th century Europe,young men would go on a Grand Tour to various countries in order to complete their education.Today the desire to travel to different countries is encouraged by modern mass media.People who travel to other countries can at the same time learn more about their own country and culture.

A.Throughout history,most travel was not for pleasure.

B.But why do people like traveling so much?

C.So they travel to a lake for a swim or a park for a bike.

D.The improvement in transportation has also encouraged people to travel.

E.Wealthy Romans made trips to Greece to take part in the Olympic Games.

F.The growth of tourism has become a modern phenomenon experienced by all countries in the world.

G.Another important reason for traveling is to satisfy our curiosity about different places and cultures.


According to legend, a young man while wandering the desert came across a spring of delicious crystal-clear water. The water was so sweet, he ________ his leather container so he could bring some to a tribal elder who had been his teacher.

After a four-day journey he ________ the water to the old man who took a deep drink, ________ warmly and thanked his student lavishly for the sweet water. The young man returned to his village with a happy ________ .

Later, the teacher let another student ________ the water. He spat it ________ , saying it was awful. It ________ had been no longer fresh and ________ unpleasant to drink because of the old leather container.

The student challenged his teacher: “Master, the water was smelly. Why did you ________ to like it?”

The teacher replied, “You only tasted the water. I tasted the _______ . The water was simply the container for an act of loving-kindness and nothing could be ________ .”

I think we understand this lesson best when we receive ________ gifts of love from young children. ________ it’s a tray or a bracelet, the ________ and proper response is ________ and expressed thankfulness because we love the idea within the gift.

Gratitude doesn’t always come naturally. ________ , most children and many adults value only the thing given ________ the feeling embodied in it. We should remind ourselves and ________ our children about the beauty and purity of feelings and expressions of gratitude. ________ , gifts from the heart are really gifts of the heart.

1.A. packed B. filled C. took D. carried

2.A. in B. away C. back D. up

3.A. presented B. mailed C. delivered D. showed

4.A. said B. laughed C. smiled D. nodded

5.A. heart B. mind C. moment D. occasion

6.A. smell B. watch C. taste D. feel

7.A. away B. out C. off D. on

8.A. apparently B. still C. sadly D. quickly

9.A. however B. instead C. nevertheless D. therefore

10.A. change B. pretend C. determine D. agree

11.A. sweat B. sense C. promise D. gift

12.A. clearer B. fresher C. sweeter D. purer

13.A. simple B. innocent C. worthless D. meaningless

14.A. Whether B. If C. Whatever D. Whichever

15.A. pretended B. lovely C. abnormal D. natural

16.A. devotion B. comfort C. imagination D. appreciation

17.A. Unfortunately B. Frankly C. Strangely D. Possibly

18.A. other than B. rather than C. better than D. more than

19.A. persuade B. teach C. improve D. advise

20.A. In a word B. Otherwise C. Thus D. After all

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