
Sometimes I really doubt whether there is love between my parents.They are very busy working to __36_ the family.They don’t act in the _37__ ways that I read in books or I see on TV.__38__ flowers to each other on Valentine’s Day is even more __39__.
One day,my mother was sewing a quilt.I __40__ sat down beside her and looked at her.“Mom,is there love between you and Dad?” I asked her in a __41__ voice.
My mother stopped and raised her head with __42 _ in her eyes.She didn’t answer immediately.Then she __43__ her head and continued to sew the quilt.At last my mother said:
“Susan,” she said,“Look at this thread.Sometimes it appears,but most of it __44__ in the quilt.The thread really makes the quilt strong and __45__.If life is a quilt,then love should be a __46__.It can hardly be seen anywhere or anytime,but it’s really there.Love is __47__.”
The next spring,my father suddenly got sick seriously.When they returned from the hospital,mother looked rather pale and it seemed __48__ of them had had a serious illness.Every day in the morning and dusk,my mother helped my father __49__ slowly on the country road.My father had never been so __50__.Along the country road,there were many beautiful flowers,green grass and trees.The sun gently glistened through the leaves.All of these __51__ the most beautiful picture in the world.
“Dad,how are you feeling now?” I asked him one day.
He said gently.“__52__,I just like walking with your mom.I like this kind of life.” __53__ his eyes,I know he loves my mother deeply.
__54__ I thought love meant flowers,gifts and sweet kisses.But from this __55__,I understand that love is just a thread in the quilt of our life.Love is inside,making life strong and warm.
A.holdB.supportC.live onD.keep
A.Taking B.PassingC.Buying D.Sending
A.no problemB.out of questionC.out of the questionD.in question
A.silently B.eagerlyC.peacefulD.anxiously
A.interest B.fear C.excitementD.surprise
小题9:.A.lost          B.turned out      C disappeared       D.came up
A.warm B.lastingC.longD.comfortable
小题11:.A.needle            B.cloth                C  thread         D.sheet
A.in the quiltB.out of the quiltC.outsideD.inside
A.either B.bothC.neitherD.every
A.came upB.turned upC.called up D.made up
A.In other wordsB.To tell the truthC.In my opinionD.On the contrary
小题18:.A.Seeing        B.Reading       C  Watching       D.Observing
A.OnceB.Though C.WhenD.Unless
小题20:.A.process           B.way                 C matter              D.experience


小题1:.B support是“抚养;维持”之意,keep是“保持”;hold意为“容纳”;而live on表示“以……为食”,都不符合句意。
小题2:.A 他们从未像我在书中读到,或在电视中看到的那样有浪漫的举止。
小题3:D 这句话意为“更不用说在情人节送花这样的事了”。send flowers是“送花”。
小题4:.C 根据句意,此处表示“不可能”,用out of the question;out of question是“没问题”。
小题5:.A 我静静地看着她。
小题6:.B 由上句中的silently,可以判断此处应是in a low voice,才能符合语境。
小题7:.D 听了“我”的问题,母亲应该是感到“惊讶”。
小题8:.A 上文是she raised her head,所以then she bowed her head and continue,bow表示“低下”;选项C的形式不对,应是hung;lower有“使……低下”之意,所以都可排除。
小题9:.C 由上文Sometimes it appears, but …,所以此处要用disappear。
小题10:.B 这些线使被子坚固耐用。lasting是形容词,表示“耐用的”。
小题11:.C 如果生活就像一床被子,那么爱就是其中的线。
小题12:.D 此处意为“爱是内在的”,已经由谈论线和被子升华的了“爱”上。
小题13:.B 两个人应该用“both”。
小题14:.A 母亲都会搀扶着父亲在乡村的小路上漫步。
小题15:.C 父亲从未如此温和过。careful只是表示“细心”,不符合句意。
小题16:.D 此句意为“这一切形成了一幅世间最美好的画面”,make up是“构成,组成”之意;come up是“出现”;turn up是“露面”;call up是“打电话”,都可以排除。
小题17:.B 说实话,我喜欢与你妈妈一块散步的感觉。on the contrary是“相反地”,不符合句意。
小题18:.B read有“读懂”之意,而watch和observe都表示“观察”,可以排除。
小题19:.A once意为“从前,曾经,一度”。
小题20:.D 此句意为“但是经历了这些后,我理解了……”,experience表示“经历;阅历”。选项中的matter表示“(抽象的)事情”,所以可以排除。
He lost his arms in an accident that claimed his father's life—who was the main  21  of support for the family. He had to  22  the arms of his younger brother. For the sake of taking care of him, his younger brother became his  23 ,never leaving him alone for years. Except for writing with his toes, he was completely unable to do  24   in his life.
One late night, his younger brother accompanied him into the toilet and then went back to the dorm to  25 . But being so 26 , his younger brother fell asleep, leaving him on the toilet for two hours. As the two brothers grew up together, they had their share of problems and they would often  27 . Then one day, his younger brother wanted to live 28  from him, living his own life, as many normal people do. So he was  29 and didn't know what to do.
A  30  misfortune befell a girl, too. One night her mother, who suffered from mental illness,31 . So her father went out looking for her mother, leaving her alone at home. She tried to prepare a  32  for her parents, only to overturn the stove,  33  in a fire which took her hands away.
Though her elder sister who was studying in another city, showed her  34  to take care of her, she was determined to be completely 35 . At school, she always studied hard.
One day, the boy and the girl were both invited to appear on a television interview program. They both were asked to write something on a piece of paper with their toes. The boy wrote: My younger brother's arms are my arms;36   the girl wrote: Broken wings, flying heart.
Disasters can 37  at any time. How you handlemisfortune when confronted with it is the true test of your character. If you choose only to complain and  38  from the ordeal(磨难), it will always follow you wherever you go. But if you decide to be 39 , the hardship will turn out to be a(n)  40    on which new hopes will arise.
A.live onB.take onC.turn on D.depend on
A.somethingB.anything C.nothing D.everything
A.tired B.angryC.impatientD.unfair
A.heartlessB.heartbrokenC.kind-hearted D.hopeless
A.sinceB.whileC.as D.though
Happiness is for everyone. You don’t need to care about those people who have beautiful houses or those who have nice cars and a lot of money and so on. Why? Because those who have big houses may often feel lonely and those who have cars may want to walk on the country roads at their free time.
In fact, happiness is always around you if you put your heart into it. When you are in trouble at school, your friends will help you; when you study hard at your lessons, your parents are always taking good care of your life and your health; when you get success, your friends will say congratulations to you; when you do something wrong, people around you will help you to correct it. And when you do something good to others, you will feel happy, too. All these are your happiness. If you notice a bit of them, you can see that happiness is always around you.
Happiness is a feeling of your heart. When you are poor, you can also be very happy, When you meet with difficulties, you can say loudly you are very happy, because you have more chances to challenge yourself. So you cannot always say you are poor and poor and you have bad luck. If you take every chance you get, you can be a happy and lucky person.
小题1:Those who have big houses may often feel ________.
A.happy B.lonely C.free D.excited
小题2:What will your friends say to you when you succeed?
A.Oh, so do I. B.Congratulations.
C.Good luck. D.It’s just so-so.
小题3:Happiness is ________ according to the writer.
A. having a lot of money  B. having a big house   C a feeling of heart  D.having a car
小题4:Which of the following is this passage about?
A.Bad luck. B.Good luck. C.Life.D.Happiness.
小题5:Which idea is Wrong according to the passage?
A.People who have cars would never like to walk in the open air.
B.You can get help from others when you make mistakes.
C.You can still be a happy person even if you have little money.
D.Happiness is always around you though difficulties come towards you.
If you are human, you can’t help but experience times when everything seems to be going wrong. You must also _36__as if your life is completely out of control at times. It is during those “down times” that words of encouragement from family, friends, co-workers or __37_strangers can boost(增强)your spirits. It is also during those __38_that negative words can be devastating (毁灭性的) and sink you deeper and deeper into depression.
For example, consider this story about a group of _39__who were traveling through the woods when __40__of them fell into a deep pit(坑). All of the other frogs gathered around the __41__.When they saw how _42__the pit was, they told the two _43__frogs they would never get out.
The two frogs didn’t obey what other frogs said and tried to __44__ out of the pit. The other frogs kept telling them not to jump, _45__it was in vain. Finally, one of the frogs followed what the other frogs were saying and simply _46. He fell down and _47_. The other frog continued to jump as __48_as he could. Once again the crowd of frogs shouted at him to _49__ the pain. The more they _50__, the harder he jumped and finally he __51__to safety.
When he __52_, the other frogs asked him why he continued to jump when they were all __53__him to simply quit. The frog __54_to them that he was a little bit deaf. He thought they were _55__him all the time.
A.so B.just C.even D.ever
A.processesB.times C.coursesD.practices
A.frogs B.miceC.dogs D.cats
小题5: A. two            B. three        c.many        D. few 
A.holeB.pit C.water D.well
A.run B.walk C.climbD.jump
A.so B.as long asC.becauseD.although
A.gave outB.gave up C.gave awayD.gave off
A.died B.woundedC.destroyedD.damaged
A.fast B.hardC.easilyD.swiftly
A.cried B.spoke C.shouted D.read
A.get itB.forget it C.use it D.made it
A.turned outB.kept out C.got out D.held out
A.taking toB.shouting atC.throwing atD.speaking to
小题20: A. encouraging  B. helping      C. pulling      D dragging

For six hours we shot through the landscape of the Karoo desert in South Africa. Just rocks
and sand and baking sun. Knowing our journey was ending, Daniel and I just wanted to remember all we had seen and done. He used a camera. I used words. I had already finished three notebooks and was into the fourth, a beautiful leather notebook I’d bought in a market in Mozambique.
Southern Africa was full of stories. And visions. We were almost drunk on sensations. The roaring of the water at Victoria Falls, the impossible silence of the Okavango Delta in Botswana . And then the other things: dogs in the streets, whole families in Soweto living in one room, a kilometre from clean water.
As we drove towards the setting sun, a quietness fell over us. The road was empty -- we  hadn’t seen another car for hours. And as I drove, something caught my eye, something moving   next to me. I glanced in the mirror of the car; I glanced sideways to the right, and that was when I saw them. Next to us, by the side of the road, thirty, forty wild horses were racing the car, a cloud of dust rising behind them -- brown, muscular horses almost close enough to touch them, to   smell their hot breath. I didn’t know how long they had been there next to us.
I shouted to Dan: “Look!”, but he was in a deep sleep, his camera lying useless by his feet.   They raced the car for a few seconds, then disappeared far behind us, a memory of heroic forms   in the red landscape. When Daniel woke up an hour later I told him what had happened.
“Wild horses?” he said. “Why didn’t you wake me up?”
“I tried. But they were gone after a few seconds.”
“Are you sure you didn’t dream it?”
“You were the one who was sleeping!”
Typical, he said. “The best photos are the ones we never take.”
We checked into a dusty hotel and slept the sleep of the dead.
小题1: During their journey in Africa, the two travelers______.
A.made friends with local residents
B.complained about the poor living conditions
C.enjoyed the sunset in the Karoo desert most
D.recorded their experiences in different ways
小题2: What did Daniel think when he woke up and was told what had happened?
A.He always missed out on the best thing.
B.He had already taken beautiful pictures.
C.A sound sleep was more important.
D.The next trip would be better.
小题3: What is the passage mainly about?
A.How to view wildlife in Africa.
B.Running into wildlife in Africa.
C.Tourist attractions in southern Africa.
D.Possible dangers of travelling in the desert.
Have you ever been afraid to talk back when you were treated unfairly? Have you ever bought something just because the salesman talked you into it?  Many people are afraid to support themselves. Dr. Robert Albert, author of Stand Up, Speak Out, and Talk Back,thinks it’s because their self-respect is low. “There s always a ‘superior’ (长辈) around ˉa parent, a teacher, a boss—— who knows better.” But Albert and other scientists are doing something to help people help themselves. They offer “assertiveness(维护) training” courses——A.T. for short. In the A. T. Course people learn that they have a right to be themselves. They learn to speak out and feel good about doing so. They learn to be aggressive (进攻的) without hurting other people. In one way, learning to speak out is to get rid of fear. A group taking an A. T. Course will help the timid (懦弱的) person to lose his fear. But A. T. uses an even stronger motive (动机)——the need to share. The timid person speaks out in the group because he wants to tell how he feels. Whether or not you speak up for yourself depends on your self-respect. If someone you face is more “important” than you, you may feel less of a person. You start to doubt your answers to problems. You can get to feel good about yourself. And once you do you can learn to speak out.
小题1: The problem the writer talks about is that…    
A.some people buy things they don t want
B.some people are afraid to speak out for their rights
C.there are too many superiors
D.some people don t think enough of themselves
小题2:The cause of the problem talked about in this passage is that .
A.some people have a low self-respect
B.there is always someone around who “knows better”
C.salesmen talk people into buying things they don’t want
D.people don t share enough
小题3: The A.T. Course often                     
A. make people distrust their own answers        
B. make things more favorable for “superiors”     
C. help people know as much as their “superiors”         
D. help people become more important          
小题4:One thing the A . T. Course don t do is to .        
A. share the need of people                      
B. show they have a right to be themselves         
C. help people overcome fear                      
D. help people to help themselves even if others suffer            
小题5:A good title for this passage could be .          
A.The Need to Share
B.Talk Back When Necessary
C.One Way to Build Self-Respect
D.One Way to Train Speaking Ability
As the price of a college degree continues to rise, there's growing evidence that the monetary(货币的) payoff isn't quite as big as often advertised. The best estimate now is that a college degree is worth about $300,000 in today's dollars--nowhere near the million figure that is often quoted.
"That million number has driven me crazy!" says Sandy Baum, a Skidmore economist who studied the value of a college degree for the College Board last year.
Baum's research showed that college graduates earn, on average, about $20,000 a year more than those who finished their educations at high school. Add that up over a 40-year working life and the total differential is about $800,000, she figures. But since much of that bonus is earned many years from now, taking away the impact of inflation means that$800,000 in future dollars is worth only about $450,000 in today's dollars.
Then, if you remove the cost of a college degree--about ,$30,000 in tuition and books for students who get no aid and attend public in-state universities--and the money a student could have earned at a job instead of attending school, the real net value in today's dollars is somewhere in the $300,000 range, a number confirmed by other studies.
But, especially these days, that still makes a college degree one of the most lucrative investments a person can make, Baum notes.
 Better yet, college graduates can go on to earn advanced degrees, which return even bigger payoffs. The average holder of a bachelor's degree earns about$51,000 a year, Baum calculates. But those who've gone on to earn MBAs, law degrees, or other professional degrees earn about $100,000 a year.
 In addition, Baum found that there are plenty of other rewards for a degree. The quality of the jobs college graduates get is far better, for example. College graduates are more likely to get jobs with health insurance. And it is easier for them to find and hold jobs. The unemployment rate for college graduates was just 2.2 percent last year, half the unemployment level of those with only high school diplomas.
There are lots of other nonmonetary benefits as well. College graduates are healthier, contribute more to their communities, and raise kids who are better prepared academically, studies show.
Other researchers have found that the payoff of a degree is especially lucrative for students from low-income families, since the education and degrees give them a chance to break out of low-paying careers.
小题1:What can be inferred from Para 1 ?
A.The payoff of a college degree is still big enough to match the advertised.
B.It’s more and more difficult to get a college degree.
C.The return of a college degree is less than often quoted.
D.A college degree is worth about one million dollars.
小题2:Which of the following is closest in meaning to the underlined word “lucrative” in Para.5?
A.attractive B.worthlessC.approachable D.balanced
小题3:How can a college graduate increase his or her yearly income according to the passage?
A.By getting jobs with health insurance immediately.
B.By going on for higher degrees.
C.By breaking out of low-paying jobs.
D.By contributing more to his or her community.
小题4:Which of the following statements can be learned from the text ?
A. According to Baum's research, high school graduates earn more than those who have college degrees.
B. College education is enough to ensure you a good life.
C. Nonmonetary benefits from the degree attract students more than monetary ones.
D.Students from low-income families still think degrees are profitable to change their life.
Writing a long book seemed to be too much for me. So, for a long time, I just wrote short articles. One day, inspiration(灵感) for an article hit me and, as I started writing, paragraphs began flowing out fast. It turned out to be too long to be an article. I thought it would not hurt to try self-publishing a booklet(小册子). The first printing of this 32-page black and white booklet sold out within a week. Here is something that I have learned through my experience.
1.Start small.
Don’t try to have a 400-page work as your first publication. I suggest you publish a booklet under 50 pages to launch your career as an author.
2.Ask for advice.
If you know some people who have published something, ask them for advice and help. You will gain useful information from them and save yourself many problems.
When you put your heart into something only to hear“We’re not interested”,you may get hurt. But you must remind yourself that this is quite common. Every“yes”you receive comes after at least five“noes”,especially at the beginning. You need to revise your book many times to reduce the chances of being turned down.
4.The more you market, the more you sell.
You can publish an excellent book. But if no people know about it, you cannot expect many buyers. Send out an e-mail to friends, family and business partners, telling them your book’s publication date. Ask them to help sell your book.
Do not be afraid to try novel ideas.
小题1:What does the underlined word“launch”in Point 1 there mean?
小题2:What’s the best title for Point 3?
A.No one will like what you wrote at first.
B.You will get hurt by what you wrote at first.
C.Prepare for a“yes”rather than a“no”.
D.Be prepared to deal with“noes”.
小题3:According to the passage, if you want to have more copies of your book sold, you should      .
A.advertise your book in newspapers
B.try to make more people know your book
C.ask your business partners to buy your book
D.write something that people are interested in
小题4:About self-publishing a book, the writer would most probably agree that       .
A.one usually makes no money out of self-publishing a book
B.one should never self-publish a book longer than 400
C.self-publishing a book is impossible for most people
D.asking advice from people who have published a book is helpful
I have a friend named Monty Roberts who owns a horse ranch (大牧场) in San Isidro. He lets me use his house to hold events to raise money for youth at risk programs.
The last time I was there he greeted me by saying, “I want to tell you why I let you use my house. It all goes back to a story about a young man who was the son of a poor horse trainer who would go from stable (马厩) to stable, farm to farm, training horses. As a result, the boy’s high school was continually interrupted (打断). One day in the last year of high school, he was asked to write a paper about what he wanted to do when he grew up.
“He wrote a seven-page paper about his goal of owning a horse ranch in great detail. He put a great deal of his heart into the project and even drew a detailed floor plan for the dream ranch. Then the next day he handed it in to his teacher. Two days later he received his paper back. But he got a low mark with a note that read, ‘See me after class.’
“The boy went to see the teacher after class and asked, ‘Why did I receive a low mark?’
“The teacher said, ‘This is an unrealistic dream for a young boy like you. You have no money. You come from a poor family. Owning a horse ranch requires a lot of money. There’s no way you could ever do it, your dream couldn’t come true . ’Then the teacher added, ‘If you will rewrite this paper, I will reconsider your mark.’
“The boy went home and thought about it long and hard. He asked his father what he should do. His father said, ‘Look, son, you have to make up your own mind on this. However, I think it is a very important decision for you.’
“Finally, the boy turned in the same paper, making no changes at all. He wrote, ‘You can keep the low mark and I’ll keep my dream.’
“I was that boy twenty years ago.” My friend said, smiling.
小题1:Which of the following statements is TRUE about Monty Roberts?
A.He was born in a poor family.
B.He received a good education.
C.He is raising money for the poor.
D.He is a horse trainer who works from farm to farm.
小题2:From Paragraph 3, we know Monty Roberts _____.
A.was just a daydreamer
B.decided to follow his father’s example
C.expected the teacher to praise him
D.had a great plan for his future
小题3:The teacher thought Monty Roberts’s dream was _____.
小题4: From the end of the text, we can infer that Monty Roberts was very _____.
小题5: The purpose of the text is to tell readers that _____.
A.seeing is believing
B.knowledge is power
C.all roads lead to Rome
D.where there is a will, there is a way

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