The moon is made of ice-cream.Little green men live in the center of the earth.Nearly everyone tells lies.Only the third statement is true.Or at least that is what Dr.Robert Feldman of the University of Massachusetts says.Dr.Feldman conducted an experiment in which he asked 240 students to talk to each other for minutes.He filmed the conversations and then asked the students to watch themselves to confirm if all that they had said was true.
It turned out that nearly all of them had lied at least once.It seems that we not only lie, we do it naturally and without thinking.
“It's so easy to lie, ” said Dr.Feldman “We teach our children to be honest, but also to be polite and avoid offending people.Kids get a mixed message and that affects how they behave as adults.”
According to Dr.Wendy Gamble of the University of Arizona, kids don't need any instructions in lying.It comes naturally to them.Dr Gamble, a psychologist, has identified four different types of lies that both children and adults tell.The “pro-social” lie is told to help or protect other people.The “self-enhancement” lie is told by someone who wants to look good to other people.The “selfish lie” protects the speaker by harming someone else.And worst of all, the “anti-social” lie is told for the pleasure of getting someone else into trouble.
According to Dr.Feldman, men and women lie in different ways as well.“Women are more likely to lie to make the person they are with feel good.Men lie to make themselves look better, ” he says.The husband tells his wife he's due for a promotion at work.“Of course you are, ” she replies.
“Honesty is the basis of healthy relationships, ” says Dr.Gamble.“But rather than dismiss all lying as bad, we should reflect that deception is common and often socially acceptable.”
Perhaps we already do.In the English language, the word liar is usually only used to describe the person who tells selfish or anti-social lies.The rest are referred to as “white lies” .These are joke words which show that we can tolerate people who don't tell the truth all the time.If people did not make up stories, there would be no literature, poetry or films.
Some psychologists argue that the lies people tell each other help hold society together.They make us feel good about each other and ourselves and encourage tolerance and trust.Just think what the world would be like if everybody said exactly what they thought all the time.
Yet there are times when people also need to hear the truth.It would be wrong to say that lying makes the world go round.It's the little green men in the center of the earth who do that.
It is ________, according to Dr Gamble, that makes people lie.
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parents’ instructions
school education
social experiences
human nature
Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
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The little green men in the center of the earth make the world go round.
Lies are actually common and acceptable in daily lives but not all are bad.
We should always tolerate people who don't tell the truth all the time.
The world would be lovely if everybody told exactly what they thought.
In paragraph 5, the wife said “Of course you are” to ________.