
12.What are the students doing?
A.Volunteering at a discount store.
B.Helping prepare for an emergency.
C.Practising teaching at a primary school.
13.Why is Sophie the group leader?
A.She is more mature.
B.She is better with children.
C.She is experienced in emergency aid.
14.Where did they get the information they needed?
A.From the parents.
B.From the teachers,
C.From the Internet.
15.What did they buy yesterday?
A.Batteries,canned food and blankets.
B.Flashlights,blankets and medicine.
C.Canned food,bottled water and candles.




    A Dutch artist and environmentalist has brought a project that shows how tiny smog particles(雾霾颗粒)can be made into jewellry like rings to China.
   Dann Roosegaarde is attempting to raise public awareness of cleaning the air.He has made a Smog Free Tower,which began to operate in September,2015,in Rotterdam,the Netherlands,and he brought it to China in September,2016.The pollutants are collected from the 7-meter-high tower before being processed and condensed into cubes (压缩成立方体) measuring 4 mm to 5mm.The cubes,which can be used to make rings,are not for sale but have been presented as gifts to supporters at Kickstarter,a large crowdfunding site where Roosegaarde  collected more than 110,000  curos for his tower project.
"I bring the project to China because Beijing is Where I got the inspiration,"he said.He said he visited the city years ago and saw the huge difference in environmental conditions on good days and smoggy days,which gave him the inspiration for the project.
"But it is more than just cleaning the air,I hope the project develops public awareness of environmental protection."He said his tower project would travel around the world,visiting cities such as Paris,Los Angeles and Mexico City.
    Roosegaarde said his tower would suck in(吸入)polluted air like a huge vacuum cleaner,before removing the pollutant particles and returning clean air."It has performed well in reducing air pollutants by 75 to 80 percent in a surrounding area."Roosegaarde said.
    Liu  Guozheng,secretary-general of the China Forum of Environmental journalists,said."The Smog Free Tower is designed to be abandoned eventually,because the ultimate goal is to improve air quality to the extent that the tower will be useless."
"The tower works as a warming and reminder for people to take part in smog control efforts."Liu said.

71.What's the main purpose of Dann Roosegaarde's tower project?(Not more than 7 words)
To raise/Raising public awareness of cleaning the air.
72.What's the importance of Beijing,China to Dann Roosegaarde?(Not more than 13 words)
It's where he got the inspiration for his Smog Free Tower project.
73.What will the Chinese government do with the Smog Free Tower in the end?(Not more than 2 words)
Abandon it.
74.What is the meaning of the underlined part in the second last paragraph?(Not more than 5 words)
The air is clean.
75.What do you think about Dann Roosegasrde?Put it in your own words.(Not more than 20 words)
He's not only a creative artist but also a respectable man who has a strong sense of social responsibility..

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