
 Bob thought he couldn’t go to the party because he had too much homework, but persuaded by his friends, he went _________.

A. above all         B. in all          C. after all           D. first of all





试题分析:句意:鲍勃原来认为他不能去参加聚会了,因为他有相当多的作业要做,但是在他朋友的说服下,他终究还是去了。persuaded by his friends,这里非谓语动词短语作状语,persuad与逻辑主语he之间是被动关系,故用过去分词;above all首先,重要的是; in all 总共; after all毕竟,终究; first of all首先。根据句意故选C。




Bob and Annie had not known each other long before they became eager to get married:Bob because he wanted Annie and she because she could at least lead a life away from her1_____. When Mrs.Thompson 2_____ that they marry and live with her until they could get a 3 _____ of their own, Annie hesitated. Her idea of 4_____ had been something which 5 _____her a husband and an orderly, well-furnished home all at once. 6_____ she soon saw the 7_____  of this arrangement. She would, first of all, 8_____ from her present life into a house which was quiet and well run, not 9_____ her own; and she would be able to go on walking so that she and Bob could 10____ up all the more quickly for their own house. She would also get Bob, a good enough husband for any working-class 11_____:good-natured and 12_____ to be bent her way whenever it was 13 _____for her ends.

Things went well until her mother-in-law’s 14_____, when Annie had to give up her 15_____ and was at home all day. Her father-in-law became just a 16_____ figure in the house and 17____Bob became used to him, Annie began to find the old man’s constant 18_____in the house a source of growing annoyance(烦恼).

“He gets on my nerves, Bob,” she said. “And he hardly says a word all day.”

   “Well, I suppose he has a 19_____ to do as he likes,” Bob said mildly. “It’s his house not ours.” But to Annie, now looking after the house 20_____ it were her own, it was beginning to seem the other way about.

1.A.city           B. family         C. room          D. company

2.A.learned        B. thought        C. heard          D. suggested

3.A.stay           B. child          C. house          D. world

4.A.marriage       B. life           C. future           D. expectation

5.A.give           B. found         C. brought         D. searched

6.A.But            B. So           C. Instead          D. Besides

7.A.difficulty       B. advantage      C. trouble         D. result

8.A.leave          B. make          C. change         D. escape

9.A.of            B. on             C. like            D. for

10.A.earn          B. save           C. build           D. set

11.A.home        B. character        C. custom         D. girl

12.A.easy         B. ready           C. kind           D. lovely

13.A.necessary     B. right            C. important       D. helpful

14.A.illness        B. arrival          C. death           D. appearance

15.A.job           B. idea           C. decision          D. dream

16.A.active         B. funny          C. strange          D. silent

17.A.until          B. although        C. before           D. when

18.A.rest           B. work           C. presence         D. cough

19.A.right            B. way           C. wish           D. freedom

20.A.because         B. if             C. even though      D. as if

The people below are all looking for books to help themselves. After the description of these people, there is information about six books A---F. Decide which book would be most suitable for the person mentioned in questions 61---65 and mark the correct letter (A---F) on your answer sheet. There is one extra paragraph which you do not need to use.

_____ Jim bought a home computer earlier this year and he’s become very enthusiastic about it, spending hours each evening ‘playing’ with it as his wife says. Unfortunately, he’s

getting a bit forgetful about things he’s promised to do!                             

___ Freda prefers action to reading or watching TV. She is planning to redecorate the

living room and she isn’t expecting any help from others!                             

____ Susan Laughton is taking ‘A’ Levels in English, History and Art next year and if she passes, she’s hoping to become a teacher.                                   

____Tony is very interested in animals and at the moment he wants to be a vet (a doctor for animals) when he grows up.                                   

___ Jessica loves flowers, though, as her family lives in a second floor flat, there’s no

garden for her to grow anything in.                                        

A: Book One

By Rachel Lawson

Over 100 color photographs, $ 22.00

Written to accompany an exciting new 13-part ITV television series, Nature Watch, this book describes the people who spend their lives working with the birds, animals and plants in various parts of the world. Their enthusiasm is brought to life with their own outstanding color photographs. Hints on nature watching for the amateur are found throughout.

B: Book Two

By Bob Dillard

150 color photographs and 490 color pictures, $ 16.50

Just the book for the job! With over 600 color photographs and pictures it covers the most popular DIY tasks around the home---painting, wall coverings, finishing furniture and woodwork, and putting up shelves. Full of handy tips and clear instructions

C: Book Three

By Will Smith, $ 7.5

Week to a page. A truly delightful family science magazine, each issue brings to light new software to make time before the screen interesting. This pocket diary provides a wide range of information for the enthusiast. Try it for 3 weeks for just 6.6. You can save 0.9.

D: Book Four

By Martin Ferguson

Color throughout, Paperback $ 9.5

Another title in the popular and practical Learn to Paint series, this beautifully illustrated book show you how to paint animals, birds, fish and butterflies in the studio and in the field. Every issue contains plenty of usable samples and provides a free photography page.

E: Book Five

By Cynthia Wildman

12 double-page color paintings 170 line drawings, $ 17.8

A fresh and useful approach to indoor gardening. A month-by-month guide to jobs to do, plants to look for, planning ahead and enjoying seasonal variations — to give year-round color in the home. Illustrated by original paintings for each month.

F: Book Six

By Conrad Ellis & Richard Hopkins, Paperback $ 9.8

A guide to success in written work, study and examinations for students in all subjects at colleges, and universities. Topics covered include: grammar, punctuation, and spelling; sentence and paragraph structure; research and library work; charts and diagrams; essays, reports, and exams; letters and application forms; listening and note-taking; talking and reading skills.

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