
Everyone has experienced trying, but failing to master a difficult book that was begun with the hope of increasing one's understanding. When that happens, it is ? 36 ?to think that it was a mistake to try to read it, but that was not the mistake. The mistake was in ? 37 ? too much from the first reading of a(n) ? 38 ? book. If you read it in the right way, no book written for the ? 39 ?reader, no matter how difficult, need be a cause for despair(令人失望).

What is the right method? The ? 40 ? is an important and helpful rule of reading that is either not ? 41 ? or often forgotten. That rule is simply this: when reading a difficult book for the first time, read it through without ever ? 42 ? to think about the things that you do not understand immediately.

Do not be stopped by what you ? 43 ? understand. Read through the difficult ? 44 ?,and you soon come to things that you do understand. Read these ? 45 ?.You will have a much better chance of understanding all of the book when you read it again, but that ? 46 ? you to have read the book through once ? 47 ?.

What you understand by reading the book through to the ? 48 ? will help you when you try later to read the places that you did not ? 49 ? in your first reading. Or if you never re-read the book, understanding half of it is much better than understanding ? 50 ? of it, which will happen ? 51 ? you allow yourself to be stopped by the first difficult part of the book.?

Most of us were taught to ? 52 ? the things that we do not understand. We were told to find the ? 53 ? of unfamiliar words, and to try to find an explanation in another ? 54 ? for anything that we did not understand in the book that we were reading. But when these things are done before the proper time, they only ? 55 ? our reading, instead of helping it.

36. A. necessary     B. useful C. natural       D. effective?

37. A. learning       B. wanting      C. accepting    D. expecting?

38. A. easy     B. difficult     C. important   D. correct?

39. A. ordinary      B. young C. serious       D. sincere?

40. A. method B. question     C. answer       D. problem?

41. A. taught  B. known       C. sure    D. perfect?

42. A. starting B. hesitating   C. Stopping    D. repeating?

43. A. can't     B. won't  C. mustn't       D. wouldn't?

44. A. words   B. articles       C. parts   D. points?

45. A. quickly B. immediately      C. clearly       D. carefully?

46. A. requires       B. causes C. advises       D. allows?

47. A. later     B. after   C. before D. again?

48. A. top       B. end     C. bottom       D. cover?

49. A. see       B. turn    C. Notice D. understand?

50. A. anything      B. everything  C. nothing      D. something?

51. A. if B. so that C. whenever   D. as though?

52. A. put away     B. put down    C. think of      D. think about?

53. A. uses     B. Meanings   C. Spellings    D. troubles?

54. A. thinking      B. reading      C. Book  D. way?

55. A. harm    B. increase      C. Improve     D. prevent??

36-40 CDBAC 41-45 BCACD 46-50 ACBDC 51-55 ADBCA


36.C 文章第一句指出每个人都有这样的经历,希望通过看懂一本难书来提高自己的理解力,但失败了。那么当这种情况发生时,很自然地就会认为试图读难书是错误的,natural自然的,只有这个词最符合此处语境,因此选C项。?

37.D 上文指出“but that was not the mistake.”即试图读难书不是错误,错在一开始对读难书的期望太高。expect意为“期盼,预料,期望”,所以选D项。?

38.B 文章第一句“Everyone has experienced trying,but failing to master a difficult book that was begun with the hope of increasing one' s understanding.”就有暗示。?

39.A 分析一下句子成分,这是一个含有条件状语从句的主从复合句。从句是If you read it in the right way“如果读难书方法正确”,主句是no book written for the  39 reader,no matter how difficult,need be a cause for despair(令人失望).主句的主语是no book,谓语是need be,a cause for despair是表语。written for the  39 reader是定语修饰book,no matter how difficult是状语。分析完句子成分,我们不难理解此句意为:“如果读难书方法正确,不管书有多难,没有一本为普通的读者所写的书会令人失望。”A项ordinary 意为“普通的,平常的”,B项意为“年轻的”,C项意为“严肃的,不开玩笑的”,D项意为“真诚的”。只有A项符合句意,所以选?A项。

40.C 因为前一句What is the right method?是特殊疑问句,所以此处应为answer(答案)。

41.B 由either...or是平行结构推出not 与后面的often forgotten是同义,所以此空应填known。?

42.C 此处语意是:“当第一次读难书时,要一次读完,不要停下来思考那些你不能马上理解的东西。”下一段的第一句也有暗示。?

43.A 上一段最后一句“That rule is simply this:when reading a difficult book for the first time,read it through without ever stopping to think about the things that you do not understand immediately.”有暗示。此处同时考查情态动词,强调能力用can't。?

44.C 此处句意为:“读完难的部分,那么你很快就到了你能理解的地方。”下一段最后一句“if you ?allow? yourself to be stopped by the first difficult part of the book.”也有暗示。?

45.D 由下一句“You will have a much better chance of understanding all of the book when you read it again”推出此处应为认真阅读。?

46.A 这句话的意思是:“当你再读一遍时你将会有机会对整本书有更好的理解,但那就要求你先通读一遍这篇文章。”require sb. to do sth.意为“要求某人做某事”。?

47.C 从文中不定式的完成式可以推出,书已看完,所以应是在此之前看,即在read it again 之前先通读一遍这篇文章,所以选C项。?

48.B 由read the book through(读完这本书)推出此处应为to the end从头到尾通读一遍这本书。?

49.D 此处句意为:“从头到尾通读一遍这本书所理解的东西将对你以后再读你第一次没看懂的地方很有帮助”,所以选D项。?

50.C 由much better than说明前面understanding half of it要比后面understanding  50.C  of it强多了,即能理解一半要比一点不懂强多了,nothing最符合题意,所以选C项。

51.A 句意为:“如果你让自己在第一次读到难的地方就停下来,那你将会一无所知。”which指代前面understanding nothing of it。由主句...will happen推出这里应是条件状语从句,所以应该填if。?

52.D 此处句意是:“我们被教要思考那些我们不懂的东西。”put away意为“处理,收拾起来,把(钱等)留存起来”;put down 意为“放下,使(乘客等)下(车)”;think of 侧重于“想到,想起”;think about侧重于“思考,考虑,熟虑,研讨”,所以选D项。?

53.B 对不熟悉词,我们自然要查出它的意思,所以选B项。?

54.C 此处句意是:“我们被告知要查出不熟悉词的意思,并且对那些在我们正读的书上看不懂的东西要在另外一本书上找到解释。”in the book we were reading 与in another book结构相对应,所以?选C项?。?

55.A 由连词but和后面的短语instead of helping it推出这里应该是贬义词,所以填harm“伤害,对……有害”。D项prevent的结构是prevent sb. from doing sth.,与本句our reading结构不符合,所以选A项。



     A .drive      B. absolutely    C. construct    D. leadership     E. Policies

F.realization  G. Pressures     H.Definition    I.Challenging    J. particularly                                                               


Leadership is a difficult concept to explain because everyone defines it differently. From my personal experiences as a student leader, I can tell you that there is no single ___1.___of  leadership, ___2.___with students leaders. You are a leader, a student and a peer, so this role can be especially difficult to manage. As a student leader,you deal with academic__3.___,as well as added pressure of leading group of your peers. As, the president of  Fuse, the contemporary dance group  at Colgate University, I experienced  many ups-and-downs with___4.__. Thankfully, my passion for this dance club gave me the ____5.___to lead my fellow dancers.

Finding an activity that is both enjoyable and __6.___is the first step. In order to be a good leader, you must be personally interested in what you are leading, whether it's debating,cooking or robotics. In my case, dance has always been of interest to me, from my grandfather teaching me salsa to early childhood training with ballet, and so I always that dance would be part of my life. Once I arrive on my college campus, ready for my college adventure, I had a sudden ___7.___: wandering around the Student Activities Fair, I saw no contemporary or modern dance clubs I panicked.

After meeting a fellow dancer at Freshmen Orientation, we found that we shared the same passion and desire to start a club. We held auditions,created club____8.___and held practices. The process of creating the actual club was both fun and challenging because we had to figure out school club regulations, __9.__many club rules, obtain 60 signatures of supporters and overcome other obstacles. As it turns out, this process was not a walk in the park for us.


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