
7.Barack Obama has never been shy about comparing himself with Abraham Lincoln.He did so when he announced his presidential election in Illinois,where both he and Lincoln served in the legislature ( 立法机关)."The life of a tall,thin,self-made Springfield lawyer tells us that a different future is possible."Obama said."He tells us that there is power in words and that is power in conviction ( 信仰)."Such comparisons have continued on big and small occasions,but the most important similarity,in Obama's mind,is how he plans to govern if elected.
Obama says he admires Doris Kearns Goodwin's wonderful Lincoln biography,Team of Rivals."He talks about it all the time."says a top assistant."He is particularly interested in the idea that Lincoln successfully won the hearts of many people who had run against him for President; some of them even disagree with him firmly.""The lesson is that you shouldn't let your hatred get in the way of hiring absolutely the best people."says Obama."I think American people are practical and so I have an interest in casting a wide net,seeking out people with a wide range of expert knowledge,including Republicans,for the highest positions in the government."
"I don't want to have people who just agree with me."He says,"I want people who are continually pushing me forward and I'd be very interested in having those sorts of Republicans in my government. especially people who can speed up a responsible and logical conclusion to the Iraq war."

39.According to Barack Obama,the biggest similarity between Lincoln and himself inD.
A.they both lived in Illinois 
B.they served in the same office
C.both of them are black 
D.they have the same idea in governing
40.Obama is willing to cooperate with those who disagree with him becauseD.
A.he is interested in Republicans'ideas
B.he doesn't want to show his hatred to the public
C.they have the highest positions in the government
D.they may push him to make right decisions
41.The author wrote the passage toC.
A.compare Obama and Lincoln 
B.help Obama to win more support
C.tell us something about Obama 
D.announce Obama's political ideas
42.What can we infer from the passage?D
A.Obama is a member of the Republicans.
B.The passage was written after the presidential election.
C.Doris Goodwin is one of Obama's assistants.
D.In the end Lincoln was able to get the support of the people who once hated him.

分析 本文主要讲述了奥巴马的一些事迹,他不畏惧同林肯相比,而他和林肯在政治上也有很多相同点,他不希望所有人都能赞同他,有人反对他才能推动他前进,相处更好的帮助人们的办法.

解答 39.D 细节理解题,由第一段"Such comparisons have continued on big and small occasions,but the most important similarity,in Obama's mind,is how he plans to govern if elected.可知他们的相同之处在于他们对于政治有同样的看法,故选D.
40.D 理解推断题,由最后一段,"I want people who are continually pushing me forward and I'd be very interested in having those sorts of Republicans in my government,especially people who can speed up a responsible and logical conclusion to the Iraq war."可知奥巴马愿意与不同意他的人合作因为他们会推动他做正确的决定,故选D.
41.C 主旨大意题,通读全文可知本文主要向我们讲述了奥巴马的一些事迹,故选C.
42.D 理解推断题,由第二段"He is particularly interested in the idea that Lincoln successfully won the hearts of many people who had run against him for President; some of them even disagree with him firmly."可知一些曾经不支持林肯的人后来同样支持他,故选D.

点评 本文考查学生的记叙类阅读的水平,需要学生认真阅读原文,仔细查找文中细节,对文章脉络有整体的了解,能根据文章进行合理推断.

11.Marie Kondo is an expert on organizing and cleaning.She is considered all expert on clearing away unused or unnecessary things,better known as clutter.Actually,she did write a book on the issue,which is called"The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up".Her book is a best-seller around the world.It has sold more than 2 million copies.
Marie Kondo says people can improve their lives by changing the way they think about all their stuff-everything from books,documents and photographs to clothing and personal  mementoes."Her book is a best-seller around the world"And this is pretty good."Ms.Kondo  writes.
This is not the first time an organizing expert has written a book on clutter.Other books  suggest wonderful things will happen when you organize your home.One book says that if you  throw out 50 things from your home,you will actually find your life.Another book says that if  you make clutter disappear,you will also lose weight.And still others promise a better job,more money and a perfect family if you simply organize the things that fin your life.Marie Kondo makes some of the same claims.She told the Business Insider website that some of her clients have lost weight."Your self-perception is impr oved by living in a clean and neat room,"she said."This can change lifestyles and,in turn,appearances."
Marie Kondo teaches a method of organizing she calls KonMari.It is more of an event or  ceremony.This is the part that followers say makes it more lasting.Ms.Kondo says KonMari    creates a different relationship between you and your possessions.If the object meant something to you or served you well,you thank it for its service before throwing or giving it away.In her book,Ms.Kondo suggests that you touch the item and ask one simple question:"Does it bring me joy?"If it doesn't,you give it away so that it may give joy to someone else.
28.What does the word"clutt er"in the first paragraph refer to?B
A.expert on organizing and cleaning     
B.unused or unnecessary things
C.Marie Kondo                                   
D.the best-seller
29.The text is especially useful for those who care aboutD.
A.their body shape                              
B.their healthy diet
C.their home buying                              
D.their home environment
30.According to the passage an organized home can help peopleC.
A.make more friends                           
B.educate kids
C.improve self-perception                      
D.eat less
31.What can be a suitable title for the text?B
A.How can you live a better life?
B.Could organizing your home change your life?
C.A popular and useful book for you
D.Ways to find your life.
12.At 10:35a.m.on December 17,1903,two brothers from Ohio flew the first successful airplane for 12seconds and 120feet along a beach in Kitty Hawk,North Carolina.With Orville flying first,the brothers took turns as pilot,and they flew three more times that day.On their fourth try,they managed to go 852feet in 59 seconds--an amazing feat at the time.The two brothers had invented powered flight.
Orville and Wilbur Wright owned a bicycle shop in Dayton,Ohio.Although they had not gone to school to learn about airplanes or engineering,they were good mechanics.By repairing bicycles,they had learned how gears and pulleys worked.They also learned to take careful notes about what they saw.Each time they made a new design and tested a machine,they took notes and made drawings.They would study these to figure out what they could do better the next time.
Before the Wright brothers flew,they did many things to prepare for this extraordinary achievement.They read everything they could find about air,balloons,and kites.Then they made careful sketches of what they wanted to build.They began by making model kites to learn how air flowed over wings.They made them bigger and bigger until they had a glider-a kite that is big enough to hold a person,but with no engine.The Wright brothers made three gliders before building their first airplane.Each time they made a glider,they would test it,make careful observations,and then improve their design.
When they made a glider that flew well,they added an engine.This step was harder than it sounds,because they had to find an engine that was both light-weight and powerful.The engines that they could buy were either too heavy or too weak,so they asked their friend Charlie Taylor to help them build one.The first engine that Charlie built broke almost immediately,but the second one worked well.
After Orville and Wilbur installed the engine in their plane,they were almost ready.They simply had to wait for the perfect day with just the fight amount of wind.On the morning of December 17,1903,they had their chance.And the airplane flew into history.

36.What was the speed of the first flight?A
A.10feet per second.  B.120feet per minute.
C.12feet per second.  D.1200feet per hour.
37.What can we learn about the Wright brothers from Paragraph 2?C
A.They had little formal education.
B.They owned a successful business.
C.They were very thorough in their work.
D.They had experienced many failures.
38.The brothers constructed a number of kites in order toD.
A.test the materials they would use for their plane
B.prove that building a flying machine was possible
C.see which shape could support the most weight
D.improve the design of their plane's wings
39.Which of the following is true according to the passage?B
A.The Wright brothers built all the parts of their first plane.
B.Wilbur Wright flew 852feet on December 17,1903.
C.There was no wind on the day the Wright brothers flew.
D.Orville Wright went on to become a professional pilot.
40.In what order did the following events occur?C
a.The Wright brothers started reading about balloons.
b.The Wright brothers ran a bicycle repair shop.
c.A suitable engine was built.
d.Orville successfully flew for the first time.
e.Charlie Taylor was asked to help.
f.Three gliders were built.
A.c,f,e,b,a,d          B.b,c,a,f,d,e
C.b,a,f,e,c,d          D.d,e,a,f,c,b.

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