完形填空:共20题 每题2分 共40分

With his leg lame(瘸的)and his teeth uneven, the boy almost thought of himself as the most unfortunate child in the world. He played with his classmates, and when asked to answer questions, he always his head without a word.

One spring, his father brought home some saplings(树苗). of his children would plant a sapling and he promised, "Whoever his sapling best shall get a favorite gift." The boy certainly wanted to get the gift. seeing his brothers and sisters watering the trees, an idea him: he hoped the tree he planted would die soon. So after watering it once or twice, he never it. A few days later, he was to find it not only didn't die, but also grew some fresh . Compared with those of his brothers and sisters, his appeared greener. His father kept his , bought the little boy a gift and said he would surely become an outstanding when he grew up.

From then on, the little boy slowly became and confident. One night, he suddenly his biology teacher once said that plants grow at night. Why not go to see his tree? When he came to the courtyard, he found his father was working near his tree with a ladle(长柄勺). All of a sudden, he : his father had been secretly his small tree! He returned to his room, tears his eyes.

Decades passed. The little boy didn't become a botanist. he was elected President of the United States. His name was Franklin Roosevelt is the best nourishment (滋养品)of life. it is just a bucket of water, it can make the tree of life grow well.

1.A.ever B.seldom C.still D.often

2.A.held B.raised C.lowered D.covered

3.A.Both B.None C.One D.Each

4.A.likes B.protects C.grows D.watches

5.A.And B.So C.Before D.But

6.A.cared for B.got rid of C.occurred to D.put forward

7.A.appealed to B.took care of C.adapted to D.turned to

8.A.surprised B.frightened C.disappointed D.amused

9.A.roots B.leaves C.branches D.seeds

10.A.word B.balance C.agreement D.opinion

11.A.teacher B.gardener C.president D.botanist

12.A.satisfied B.certain C.optimistic D.independent

13.A.believed B.recalled C.repeated D.knew

14.A.generally B.hardly C.recently D.voluntarily

15.A.remembered B.understood C.wondered D.admitted

16.A.cutting B.decorating C.watering D.fertilizing

17.A.filling B.falling C.dropping D.crying

18.A.Therefore B.Besides C.Moreover D.Instead

19.A.Love B.Water C.Disability D.Father

20.A.So long as B.If only C.Now that D.Even though

I used to be a very self-centered person, but in the past two years I have really changed. I have started to think about other people I think about myself. I am happy that I am becoming a person.

I think my started when I was at Palomar College. At first, I just wanted to get my and be left alone. I thought I was smarter than everyone else, so I hardly ever to anyone in my classes. By the end of my first semester, I was really .It seemed as if everyone but me had made friends and was having fun. So tried a(n) .I started asking people around me how they were doing, and if they were having trouble I to help. That was really a big for me. By the end of the year, I had several new friends, and two of are still my best friends today.

A bigger cause of my new ,however, came when I took a part-time job at a Vista Nursing Home. One old lady there who had Alzheimer’s disease became my .Every time I came into her room, she was so because she thought I was her daughter. Her real daughter never her, so I took her place. She let me .That making others feel good makes me feel good, too. When she died, I was ,but I was very grateful to her.

I think I am a much person today than I used to be, and I hope I will not these experiences. They have me to care about other people more than about myself. who I am today, and I could not say that a few years ago.

1.A. since B. before C. or D. unless

2.A. famous B. simple C. different D. skilled

3.A. education B. career C. tour D. change

4.A. balance B. homework C. degree D. interest

5.A. talked B. wrote C. lied D. reported

6.A. careful B. lonely C. curious D. guilty

7.A. argument B. game C. experiment D. defence

8.A. dared B. offered C. hesitated D. happened

9.A. dream B. problem C. duty D. step

10.A. us B. which C. them D. whom

11.A. attitude B. hobby C. hope D.luck

12.A. friend B. partner C. guide D. guest

13.A. polite B. happy C. strange D. confident

14.A. bothered B. answered C. visited D. trusted

15.A. explain B. guess C. declare D. see

16.A. homeless B. heartbroken C. bad-tempered D. hopeless

17.A. quieter B. busier C. better D. richer

18.A. forget B. face C. improve D. analyze

19.A. forced B. preferred C. ordered D. taught

20.A. miss B. like C. wonder D. expect

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