
Michelle Obama made a daring decision to return to the same designer who created her Inaugural (就职)Ball dress four years ago --- and the risk paid off.
The First Lady looked extremely attractive in a thin, sweeping, and ruby-colored dress by designer Jason Wu. She teamed the dramatic dress with heels by Jimmy Choo and a diamond ring by Kimberly McDonald.
She surprised the fashion establishment by returning to a Wu design which had been the custom made for her.
Four years ago at her first Inauguration Ball, Michelle shimmered(熠熠生辉)in an off-white, one-shouldered floor-length dress by the designer.
Wu, who was 26 at the time and had only been working in fashion for three years, saw his career take off after the First Lady's surprise decision to wear one of his dresses.
He said at the time that he was unaware she had chosen the dress and had been watching at home on his couch and eating pizza when she appeared.
After her 2013 decision, Wu told Women's Wear Daily: “Mrs Obama likes to keep her secrets. She fooled me again.”
Wu released a women's clothing and accessories(装饰品)collection at Target last year and continues to be popular with the First Lady for official engagements.
The sleeveless, cross-halter neck dress with low-cut back flattered(突出)49-year-old Michelle's arms and neat waist.
It had been created especially for her by Wu and was a departure from the dark and plain colour tone she stuck to at earlier inauguration events.
Mrs Obama's new hairstyle -- she had bangs(美发沙龙)cut on her birthday last week  had been loosely tousled(蓬松的)for the special night.
Vice-President Joe Biden's wife Jill also looked attractive in a blue silk dress by Vera Wang at the Inauguration Ball.
小题1:What does the passage mainly talk about?
A.Michelle Obama’s inaugural ball dress.
B.Wu, a great designer.
C.The First Lady’s secrets.
D.Mrs Obama’s 2013 decision.
小题2:Michelle Obama’s brave decision proved to be a_________.
C. SurpriseD.success
小题3: According to the passage, which of the following is correct?
A.Mrs Obama’s inaugural dresses were made by the same designer.
B.Joe Biden’s wife Jill also had her dress created by Wu.
C.The colour tone at Michelle’s earlier inaugural events was not satifactory.
D.Mrs Obama had straight forehead hair as her new hairstyle for the special night.
小题4: Which of the following best describes Jason Wu?
A.Daring and gifted.
B.Unusual and cautious.
C.Careful and brave.
D.Talented and lucky.
小题5: From the 6th and 7th paragraphs we know that________.
A.Wu was aware that Mrs Obama had chosen his work again
B.Wu didn’t know Mrs Obama had chosen his creation again.
C.Mrs Obama told Wu to give away her secrets
D.Mrs Obama should have told Wu the truth


试题分析:本文主要介绍了米歇尔夫人的就职晚礼服是由设计师Jason Wu设计的,并介绍了晚礼服的式样。米歇尔夫人四年后仍然乐于穿Jason Wu设计的晚礼服,并经常出席一些重要的社交场合。
小题1:主旨题。本文第一段就可以知道中心Michelle Obama made a daring decision to return to the same designer who created her Inaugural (就职)Ball dress four years ago,所以本文主要讨论的是米歇尔夫人的晚礼服。故选A.
小题3:细节题。从第一段Michelle Obama made a daring decision to return to the same designer who created her Inaugural (就职)Ball dress four years ,可知,米歇尔夫人的就职晚礼服和她四年前所穿的晚礼服都是由同一个设计的,故选A
小题4:推断题。从第五自然段Wu, who was 26 at the time and had only been working in fashion for three years, 可知,他只有26岁,仅仅在服装设计公司工作了三年,可见他能够被奥巴马夫人看重说明他是有才华的也是很幸运的,故选D.
小题5:细节推断题。从第6,7段Mrs Obama likes to keep her secrets. She fooled me again.可知,Mrs Obama并未告诉Wu她又选择了他设计的衣服,所以Wu并不知道米歇尔夫人又选择了自己设计的衣服,故选B
How difficult change is depends a lot on your attitude towards it and your resistance to it. Your attitude to change can make the whole transformation process much easier.
Imagine change as a pair of shoes and this will help you understand change and how it works. I am sure that you have ever had a comfortable pair of shoes in your life. A pair of shoes is so comfortable that you really don’t want to get rid of them.
You know you need a new pair, and may even have them, but you don’t want to wear them because you are comfortable with your current pair. Besides, the new pair may hurt your feet, give you blisters(水疱) or be awkward to wear to start with. So, you resist the new shoes. However, you know that this new pair would be much better for your feet, and after the initial discomfort they would probably be even more comfortable, yet you still resist.
Do you know I’m doing this now? I’m wearing my comfortable shoes and they feel good. They have a hole in each heel, and the sole is starting to fall off, but I’m persisting in wearing them.
This describes change exactly; change of our habits, change of our thought patterns. We stick with the old patterns because they are comfortable. Yet once we get over the initial pain of the transformation, the new pattern will be comfortable and feel good until the time comes when we need another new pair of shoes.
小题1:Why do people prefer old shoes to new ones?
A.They have much emotion in the old ones.
B.They are more comfortable.
C.New shoes always harm the feet.
D.They look better than the new ones.
小题2: According to the passage, we know that people ______.
A.don’t realize the benefit of the new shoes very well
B.are positive and open-minded to accept new things
C.actually know the change will finally be good for them
D.don’t accept new patterns because they are not good
小题3: What can be inferred from the passage?
A.Once we form a habit, it’s difficult to change it.
B.Most people pay more attention to the future life.
C.One’s attitude towards something is usually traditional.
D.The more often we change, the better our life will be.
A “blogger” is a person who writes on an Internet website called a “blog”. The word “blog” is a short way of saying “web log”, or “personal website”. Anyone can start a blog, and they can write about anything they like.
There are millions of blogs on the Internet today. They provide news, information and ideas to the people who read them.They contain links to other websites.And they provide a place for people to write their ideas and react to the ideas of others.
A research company called Perseus has studied more than 3,000 web logs. It says that blogs are most popular with teenage girls. They use them to let their friends know what is happening in their lives. The study also says that more than 100,000 bloggers stopped taking part in the activity after a year.
However, some people develop serious blogs to present political and other ideas. For example, the Republican and Democratic parties in the southern state of Kentucky recently started their own blogs. And American companies are beginning to use blogs to advertise their products.
At thesame time, some long-standing blogs have ended. Last week, blogging leader Dave Winer closed his free blog service “weblogs.com”. He said the site became too costly to continue. He started the blog four years ago, and thousands of people had written on it. They are now upset because they did not know that the site was closed.
One blog that is still going strong is called Rebecca’s Pocket.Rebecca Blood created the website in 1999. She wrote about the history of blogs on the site.That article led to a book called The Weblog Handbook.It has been translated into four languages so far.
Miss Blood says Rebecca’s Pocket gets about thirty thousand visitors a month.She writes about anything and everything —— politics, culture and movies. She recently provided medical advice. And she wrote about how to prevent people from being stolen from online bank accounts.
小题1:The text is mainly written to _______.
A.introduce an Internet website called “blog”
B.introduce a short way of saying “web log”
C.tell readers about blogs
D.tell readers how to write blogs
小题2:From the text we can learn that blogs cover almost everything except _______.
A.different ideasB.medical advice
C.advertisementsD.account passwords
小题3:Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the text?
A.Politicians don’t use blogs at all.
B.A lot of bloggers no longer write or read blogs.
C.Those who like to use blogs are mostly teenage girls.
D.Dave Winer closed his “weblogs.com” because of the money shortage.
小题4:The reason why Rebecca’s Pocket is still going strong is that _______.
A.it was created by a woman
B.it is about the history of blogs
C.it provides useful information and advice
D.it has editions in atleast four different languages
Are you tired of the same old schedule on Mother’s Day? Well, here are some new ideas to help you enjoy that special day with your mother.
While it seems almost a tradition to take your mother out for dinner on Mother’s Day, perhaps this year you could try something else. You could invite her to a restaurant before or after the actual day. This way you don’t have to fight the crowds, and the prices will be lower.
Take your mother out for a picnic lunch if the weather is nice. You and she can enjoy the cool breeze under the shade of a tree while having a nice meal that you have made for her. Be sure to pack some of her favorite foods.
Another idea would be to invite your mother to go bowling(打保龄球). Even if she has never bowled in her life, trying something new is always interesting.
You could treat her to a movie she is dying to see, and make sure you buy her all the popcorn and candies she can eat. If you are a male, the chances are you won’t like the movie she wants to see, so instead you could go to the mall and get your picture taken with your mother, which she can proudly display in her house.
Take her to a spa on Mother’s Day. She has been working so hard and needs a way to release her stress.
If she doesn’t want to go to a spa, buy her special soaps and oils so she can relax herself in her own tub. There are various types of soaps and oils with delicious flavors available. You could also buy her some scented (芬芳的) candles that she could light by her tub to make the atmosphere peaceful.
No matter what you choose, make sure you do something special for the woman who took care of you for so long.
Title: Special ideas for Mother’s Day
Be tired of the same old schedule on Mother’s Day.
1) _______
Go out for dinner before or after Mother’s Day
Avoid the (2) ______
Have lower prices
Go out for a (3) ______ lunch
Enjoy the cool breeze under the shade of a tree
Enjoy a nice meal that you have made for her
Invite her to go bowling
Something new is always (4) ________
See a (5) ______ or take a photo with her
She can proudly display the (6) ______ in her house.
Take her to a (7) _____
She needs a way to release her stress.
Buy her special (8) _____ and oils and scented candles
She can relax in her tub and enjoy the (9) ______ atmosphere.
Make sure you do something (10) ____ for your mother.
Mrs. Blake teaches English in a large school in the inner area of a big city on the west coast. Even since she was a young girl, she has wanted to become a teacher. She has taught eight years now and hasn’t changed her mind. After she graduated from high school, she went on to college. Four years later, she received her bachelor’s degree (BA) in English and her teaching certificate(证书). Then she went to teach in the secondary schools of her state. In the summers, Mrs. Blake takes more classes; she hopes to get a master’s degree ( MA ). With an MA, she will receive a higher salary and if possible, she hopes to get a doctor’s degree as well. The school day at Mrs. Blake’s high school, like that in many high schools in the United States, is divided into one hour each. Mrs. Blake must teach five of these periods. During her free period, which for her is from 2 to 3 P.M, Mrs. Blake must meet with parents, make our examinations, check assignments at all, Mrs. Blake works continuously from the time she arrives at school in the morning till the time she leaves for home late in the afternoon.
小题1:How long is it since Mrs. Blake graduated from middle school?
A.four yearsB.eight yearsC.twelve yearsD.twenty years
小题2:According to the article, which is the right order of the degrees a person can receive after going to university?
A.a doctor’s degree – a bachelor’s degree – a master’s degree
B.a bachelor’s degree – a master’s degree – a doctor’s degree
C.a master’s degree – a bachelor’s degree – a doctor’s degree
D.a bachelor’s degree – a doctor’s degree – a master’s degree
小题3:How many degrees has Mrs. Blake achieved so far?
小题4:Which of the following sentences is not true?
A.Mrs. Blake teaches in the inner area of big city on the east of the United States.
B.Mrs. Blake has turned her wish of becoming a teacher into reality.
C.Mrs. Blake is still studying in her holidays in order to get higher degree.
D.The working hours in the school where Mrs. Blake works are similar to those of may other high schools in the states.
To: "The Shoe People" <inquiries@shoepeople.com>
From: "John Trimbald" <jtconstruction@img.com>
Subject: Customer Complaint
To Whom it May Concern,
I have trusted the Shoe People to protect the feet of my employees for over ten years now. I recently purchased a few pairs of boots from your company for my crew. Though my men were initially satisfied with the boots, the soles began to fall apart on them after just twelve weeks. This was extremely surprising considering they came with a six year warranty. The boots are unsafe to wear because my men are pouring hot concrete. Please respond as soon as possible with instructions on how I can return the boots and receive a refund.
Thank you,
John Trimbald, Foreman, JT Construction
To: “John Trimbald” <jtconstruction @ img. com>
From: “The Shoe People” <inquiries @ shoepeople. com>
Dear Mr. Trimbald,
Thank you for your e-mail concerning the poor quality of our rubber soled black workboots. A representative will be by your office next week to pick up the damaged boots. We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused you and your crew.
Along with five new pairs of workboots for your crew (we included one extra pair), we have enclosed a free year's supply of sole protector spray. In our retail stores, this spray is always recommended to buyers who work on heated floors. This should have been brought to your attention at the time of your initial order. Please excuse our oversight.
To date we have had no complaints about these workboots from customers who have used the protector spray. However, should you use the spray and find that you are still unsatisfied with the boots, please return the boots and spray for a full refund. Thank you for supporting The Shoe People. Have a Happy New Year.
Stan Mason, President
小题1:The first email is basically an email of        .
小题2:What’s wrong with the boots John Trimbald bought?
A.The soles of the boots began to fall apart.
B.The color of the boots had shaded a lot.
C.The boots didn’t fit the workers well.
D.The patterns of the boots didn’t satisfy the workers.
小题3:What is the underlined word “spray” used for according to the passage?
A.To repair the damaged boots.B.To protect the soles from heat.
C.To prevent the crew from danger.D.To protect the boots from concrete.
小题4:According to the president of The Shoe People, John Trimbald        .
A.can exchange the damaged boots with new ones at any time
B.must return the damaged boots to any of the retail stores
C.will get new pairs of boots and a free year’s supply of spray
D.can return the damaged boots and spray for a full refund now
Moving to a new city and state was difficult for me, especially in winter. Little did I know that a Colorado snowstorm would greet me after I had been in my new home for only a week.
I just missed home. But more than the old house and the beach, I missed Stacey, my best friend. And I missed our lovely tea. Going to a sweet little tearoom, we had discovered was a special treat for us. The place was a Victorian dream, with delicate teacups and tablecloths with flower prints. The hat shelf near the front door swept us back to childhood. Stacey and I became little girls, trying on different hats until we found the perfect one for our dress-up tea party. We would then choose a lovely table and order our tea. That was a precious time, filled with laughter between scones(煎饼) and sharing our lives between tiny cucumber sandwiches.
Springtime descended upon Denver, and the sun lightened my heart. But I still fought loneliness almost every day. I decided to explore the Denver area. While my husband went to the office, I took time to see what our new area had to offer.
One day, I was walking along the street when suddenly the words "Tea Leaves" caught my eye. A tea room? Here, in the land of loneliness and pain?
I walked through the doors, and tears came to my eyes. It was a beautiful room, not Victorian, but simple and lovely.
I sat down and ordered a pot of tea, a cucumber sandwich, and some scones.It felt silly and wonderful --- and it felt like home. For the first time since moving, I felt as if this new city and state could be, would eventually be, my home. I would come back here and bring new friends. When Stacey visited, we would come here.
I lifted my cup and made a silent toast. I toasted Stacey, whom I missed  ly, and I toasted the sweet little tearoom that lessened my pain.
小题1: The author's hometown ______________.
A.never snows
B.is still warm in winter
C.has a long history
D.is in an area by the sea
小题2:  The underlined word "treat" in Paragraph 2 probable means ____________.
A.delicious foodB.something pleasant
C.serviceD.a kind of tea party
小题3: We can know from Paragraph 3 that the author ______________.
A.didn't adapt to the new life
B.felt comfortable in the new environment in spring
C.didn't feel lonely any more in spring
D.wanted to actively adapt to the new environment
小题4:Which of the following about "Tea Leaves" is true?
A.It made the author recall her childhood.
B.It looks silly and wonderful.
C.Cucumber sandwiches and scones are its specialties.
D.It touched the author.
小题5:We can infer from the text that the author would probably ____________.
A.open her own teahouse
B.ask the owner of the teahouse to decorate it like a home
C.make new friends in Denver
D.go back to her hometown to visit Stacey
Lakes, ponds, and beaches mean summer fun and cool relaxation from hot weather. But water also can be dangerous for kids if you don't take great care. Nearly 1,000 kids die each year by drowning.
Here are some tips to keep your kids safe in the water:
At the Lake or Pond
·Don't let little kids swim alone without adult supervision— lakes or ponds may be shallow near the bank and are suddenly deep sharply further out from shore.
·Ponds and lakes may hide jagged rocks, broken glass, or rubbish.
·Make sure kids wear foot protection; even in the water, they should wear socks or water shoes.
·Watch out for weeds and grass in the water that could trap a leg or arm.
·Most boating accidents, particularly among teenagers, are related to alcohol(饮酒). Be sure teens know about the dangers of alcohol, on and off the water.
At the Beach
·Teach kids to always swim when and where a lifeguard is on duty. Unlike the calm waters of a swimming pool, the beach has special dangers like currents and tides(暗流). Check with the lifeguard when you arrive to find out about the water conditions.
·Tell kids never to stand with their back to the water because a sudden wave can easily knock a child over.
·Teach kids that if they're caught in a dangerous wave, they should swim parallel(顺行地) to the shore or should tread (踩)water and call for a lifeguard's help.
Whether at the lake or at the beach, teach your child to get out of the water during bad weather, especially lightning.
小题1:Which is the right behavior when swimming at the beach?
A.Go off the water without a lifeguard on duty
B.Go on swimming in a heavy rain
C.Go off the water before checking the water conditions
D.Call for help if caught in a dangerous wave
小题2:A child should_________ at a lake.
A.swim on his/her own
B.be careful about weeds and grass
C.swim without shoes on
D.drink only a little wine
小题3:Swimming at a beach is more dangerous than in a pool because          .
A.there are no lifeguards at a beach
B.there are currents and tides at a beach
C.the waters of a beach are more calm.
D.the waters of a pool are warmer
小题4:The passage is probably written for          .
A.students at schoolB.kids who want to learn swimming
C.parents with little childrenD.coaches who teach kids to swim
小题5:In which column(栏目) of a magazine can you find this passage?
“How was school, Ben?” I asked my grandson after he began kindergarten(幼儿园) this year. “The work is too long… and there’s not enough time to play,” he replied.
I couldn’t help but remember Ben’s own mother, my daughter, Jane, and her reaction(反应) to the first day of school. Julie was also disappointed with the first day of school and so was her little sister. My three-year-old daughter announced angrily after her big sister got on the big yellow school bus, “I want to go ‘sool’ and you not let me!”
When Julie returned home that afternoon, I asked her the same question that I asked Ben, “How was school, Julie?” Julie replied, “I didn’t learn to read today.”
This year as the school bus passed my house, my mind went back to those school days again. I could almost smell the chalk dust in the air. I also wonder what the children these days manage to get chosen to do in order to get out of school for a few moments since there are no erasers to clean. It was fun to be “chosen” for eraser cleaning duty. This was a task finished by going outside and beating erasers together while sneezing and coughing. No wonder so many babies now have allergies(过敏症), and it’s simply because we all have chalk dust in our lungs!
On the first day of school, the expectation was so great that I would be ready long before it was time to leave for school. We didn’t have backpacks because we had cigar boxes. We carried our small supplies inside a cigar box from one of the local stores. We saved the cigar boxes and used them from year to year until they fell apart.
The first day of school was exciting. It was a new beginning. The doors of knowledge had been opened. The first day of school is an event in our lives that most of us remember. It’s a big step for a small child toward leaving babyhood and so “there isn’t enough time to play”.
小题1:Why did Jane become angry according to the passage?
A.Because she didn’t learn to read on the first day of school.
B.Because there was too much work for her to do at school.
C.Because she had no time to play at school.
D.Because she was not allowed to go to school.
小题2:The underlined sentence in Paragraph 4 suggests that       .
A.the author was thinking of her school days jokingly
B.the author warned students against the harm of chalk dust
C.the author suffered from an allergy because of chalk dust
D.the author doubted whether her lungs had chalk dust
小题3:In the opinion of the author, the first day of school is        .
A.a day when a child is the happiest
B.a day when a child does much work
C.the beginning of great learning
D.the end of childhood full of toys

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