



Use cash. Instead of paying things with credit cards, use cash for non-bill spending such as eating out, gas and groceries. Spending cash makes the spending more real, and there’s an added advantage of knowing when you’re out of cash.


Small weekly savings transfers. I got this idea from my friend, who automatically deducts(扣除) $20 a week from his check to savings. I decided that I could live with the deduction of $40/week without really feeling it — it’s a relatively small transfer that I barely notice, and I save about $2,000 a year!


Stay at home. Going out makes you spend money unnecessarily. You eat at restaurants, go to the mall, and stop at the gas station for snacks. It’s hard to avoid spending when you’re on the road. Instead, stay at home and find free entertainment. It’s also a great way to bond with your family.


Don’t get catalogs(商品宣传册). Their announcements of sales or cool new products make it very tempting(引诱人的) to buy something you don’t need. Instead, stop getting the catalogs, and you’ll spend less.


Keep a 30-day list. If you have an impulse(冲动) to buy something you don’t absolutely need, put it on a 30-day list. You can’t buy anything but necessities — everything else goes on the list. When the 30 days are up, you can buy it — but most likely, the strong urge to buy it will be gone, and you can evaluate it more calmly.


Cook at home. I know it seems more difficult than eating out. But it doesn’t have to be hard. Make home-made pizza with a ready-made crust, some sauce, cheese and veggies. Put some spices on something and throw it in the oven while you cook some brown rice. Not only is this much cheaper than eating out, but it’s healthier.


1. Mr. And Mrs. Brown are a newly-married couple who work in the same company. They don’t earn much in their work, but they have to spend a larger part of their income to pay for their rent and daily necessities. Furthermore, they seldom eat at home because neither of them cooks well. Therefore, they have to pay a lot more extra money for food.

2. Mrs. Wang enjoys shopping very much because she is free all day long. Whenever she is wandering in the shops or stores, she will have a strong impulse and find it difficult for her to get back home with her hands empty. But it is quite often that she will find what she has bought is almost useless when she gets home.

3. Tony is a university student in New York, who is far away from his parents. He pays everything with his credit card. He finds it very cool for him to purchase with his credit card. However, he often finds his money has already run out in the middle of the month.

4. Miss Betty is a high school girl whose parents give her some money every week. As her parents don’t earn much money, she wants to save some money secretly so that she can buy a digital camera.

5. Miss Catherine is a young girl who is easily to be persuaded into buying something useless. She will get encouraged to buy something when she sees an advertisement. Her parents have warned her many times against doing such stupid things, but it doesn’t work much.


Bob: How to make use of part-time job experience to secure a position in a big company?

Olga: How to take advantage of family tradition and build a new brand?

Scott: How to discover market needs and build an online business?

Ann: How to run a business based on creativity and inventions?

David: How to start a small business based on special skills?



James Murray Wells founded Glasses Direct, which is now the biggest online seller of eyeglasses in the world. It sells a pair of frames every few minutes and employs 70 people in its two offices.

This English entrepreneur was still in college when he saw a great business opportunity. He saw that there was no UK online shop selling eyeglasses. He used his college loan money to start just such a business and it was successful enough to earn over $1 million during its first year in operation.

Richie Stachowski, 11, of Moraga, Calif., went diving with his dad during a vacation in Hawaii. Richie was disappointed he could not talk underwater about the many colorful and amazing things he saw.

When Richie got home, he started work on the equipment that would allow him to talk underwater. His invention — the Water Talkies — is basically a phone that allows sound wave to travel about 15 feet underwater. Water Talkies are now offered at toy stores around the country.



Fraser Doherty is an example of a young man with a more old-fashioned approach to business. At the age of 14, Fraser Doherty began making jams from his grandmother’s recipes (制作法) and selling them door-to-door in Edinburgh, Scotland. Developing the recipes and coming up with a name for his product, Doherty quit school at age 16 to work on Super jam full time. Now Super jam has an estimated worth of over $2 million based on current sales of $1 million annually.

Richard is an example of developing and using his skills to earn money. At the age of 15 he learned leather craft at a summer camp. He then made small items he could sell at the only shop in his village.

Because he was determined to produce the highest-quality work, his fame and his profit grew. Soon Richard could buy larger quantities of leather, which he made into handbags and purses. These he sold in a larger shop in the neighboring village.



Dorothy started her business at the age of 14, selling stick-insect eggs by mail order. Less than 20 years later, she is Great Britain’s biggest breeder (繁殖者) of stick insects. Because she had experience with insects and knew she wanted to make a career in the insect business, Dorothy studied applied biology at a university, designing the right kind of insect houses and researching proper feeding facilities for her insects. This greatly increased her ability to supply the whole package to her customers.

Ben’s family helped him turn an after-school job — cleaning swimming pools and mowing lawns — into a successful and valuable service. Because of the skills he developed through hard work, he landed a position with a large company, which paid his college fees, provided him training in a career and guaranteed him a job after graduation.

The company was not looking for a high-powered businessman; it wanted someone who had learned financial knowledge and the value of customer satisfaction — all very important entrepreneurial skills.

Here are five letters from readers listed in 1-5. All the greetings and signatures are left out. Suppose you are a secretary of the magazine CR (Crazy English Reader), for each one find a suitable reply from A-F. Mark the correct letter (A-F) on your answer sheet. There is one extra reply which you don’t need to use.

   1. I am a reader of CR. Recently I found students translate some articles of CR. I appreciate your offering an opportunity to us beginners to practise using English. So I want to ask how they can obtain these articles and translated them for you, and what qualities you require. Thank you.

   2. I love your Crazy English Reader magazine! It provides valuable data for work in our English teaching. My wife and I are teaching Conversational English so I’ve been giving you a bit of a plug at our middle school. I told the students to “get a copy!” It’s good stuff! Fantastic!

     3. I’m one of Yao’s fans from Guangzhou. I have read the Yao Ming articles in No.7 Crazy English Reader. I want to know his correspondence address and the official website. Could you please tell me? Thank you very much indeed.  

     4. First of all, I must say thank you very much to all the CE Reader editors who gave us a really good English magazine. Secondly, I want to give you a piece of advice. In each passage, you gave us some new words with their Chinese translation. However, as far as my knowledge, I think you should give us not only the Chinese meaning but also the English meaning so as to know the words more accurately. Thank you!

     5. I am an editor of the English Monthly of our school. I have a question that is how to say the position of the paper e.g., 总编 责任编辑 and so on. I hope you can help me to tell me the word in English. The more the better. Thank you so much! I love the book very much. Now, I do this work, I need study more information about this work, if you have time, please email me. Thank you.

Thank you for your suggestion. We may try that in some future issues of CR. I think the best way to improve your reading vocabulary is to be able to guess the meaning of the word from the other words around it. Also, if you have an English dictionary, it’s good to look up the words and then mark them down in a notebook and review them later on. Then if you really want to learn how to use the words, try using them in conversation or in writing. Hope this helps.

The best way for you to learn the different positions in a newspaper or magazine is to get a copy of an all-English magazine or newspaper and then copy down the different positions. There are also titles such as Managing Editor, reporter, Copy Editor, Photo Editor and Layout Editor. I hope this helps. If you have some more specific questions, you can send them to me and I’ll try to answer.

C.The best way to reach Yao directly is through his home team, the Shanghai Sharks. You can write him at 2570 Xietu Road, Shanghai. For more information on Yao, you can look at the sports section in sina. com. I hope this helps. Another idea is that you can try to write Yao while he’s living and playing in Houston. You can try to reach Yao in the US at:   Yao Ming   Compaq Centre 10  Houston, TX 77046

Thank you for being such a careful reader of CR. Yes, you’re right we made a mistake in the writing of that Chinese word. Each issue we try to read very carefully each article and its translation to make sure there are no mistakes, but unfortunately a few mistakes always get by. But you encourage us to keep improving, so thank you.

Yes, we do have several students who help us translate some of the articles in our magazine. We contact these translators directly after interviewing their translation work. Afterwards we assign the articles to them for translation. If you are interested in being one of our translators you can send us some information about yourself and a sample of your translation work.

Thank you for helping us to promote CR. We’re glad it’s helpful to your students. We always try to include articles that reflect real life. It’s our hope that CR will not only improve student’s English but also open up a different worldview.

Arthur Miller was born in New York City in 1915. He died in 2005 at his home in Roxbury, Connecticut. For sixty years, he created one dramatic work after another. Miller won many awards for his plays. Among them were a Pulitzer Prize, New York Drama Critics’ Circle Prizes and Tony Awards. In 1984, the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington, D.C. honored him for his lifetime work in drama.
Arthur Miller grew up in New York. His father, Isidore Miller, made clothing and operated a store. But the father lost his money in the great economic depression in the 1930s. So Arthur worked at many jobs to earn money for college. Miller won an award for writing plays while at school.
Miller returned home to New York after completing his studies. In 1944, Arthur Miller’s first major play was performed on Broadway. It was called The Man Who Had All the Luck. However, the play did not bring him good luck. It had only four performances. But his second Broadway play, All My Sons, was a major success. It won several awards in 1947.
Miller ‘s great play, Death of a Salesman, opened on Broadway in 1949. He was thirty-three years old when he wrote it. The play tells the story of the failure of a salesman, Willy Loman. The action opens on the last day of Willy’s life. He has been dismissed from his jobs as a traveling salesman. He also recognizes that he has failed as a father. He kills himself before the play is over. Death of a Salesman had a big influence on the American public. Many people saw their own lives in Willy Loman, the victim of broken dreams. It has been translated into about thirty languages and performed around the world.
Arthur Miller once wrote that when he was young he imagined that with the possible exception of a doctor saving a life, “Writing a worthy play was the most important thing a human being could do.” Theater owners on Broadway agreed. On the day after he died, the lights of Broadway theatres darkened for a minute in honor of him.
63. Miller began to show his talent in writing plays _______ .
A. in his teens                        B. when he was at school
C. after his marriage                   D. in New York
64. Which of the following is TRUE about Arthur Miller?
A. When he was young, Arthur Miller worked hard to be a doctor.         
B. The Man Who Had All the Luck brought Arthur Miller neither fame nor fortune.           
C. All My Sons was the first major work of Arthur Miller ever performed on Broadway.            D. The John F, Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts honored Arthur Miller for his great play, Death of a Salesman.
65. The play Death of a Salesman ________.
A. won several awards in 1947          B. made the public know Miller first    
C. is thought highly of                 D. made Miller rich  
66. Death of a Salesman’s success lies in that______.
A. it has been translated into about thirty languages          
B. it has been performed around the world
C. although not all Americans are salesmen, most of them share Willy’s dream
D. theater owners on Broadway respected Arthur Miller



________ 61. Wang Gang, who majors in the arts, wants to enter a world-famous university with a long history. He wants to find a job in England after graduation. And he hopes the cost of living there is not too high.

________ 62. Chen Fang hates the changeable weather. And she wants to enter a university where there are many kinds of social activities for her to take part in.

________ 63. Hu Die’s dream is to become an excellent teacher. And she wants to choose a university whose proportion (比例) of local students is high.

________ 64. Yang Hai, senior consultant (高级顾问) of a famous company, is intent on going abroad for advanced studies. And he wants to enter a university which can offer him practice chance.

________ 65. Li Ming wants to receive higher education in a famous Britain university with a long history. And he wants to enter a university whose proportion of overseas students is high. What’s more, his girl friend is studying at Oxford Brookes University. He wouldn’t like to be too far away from his girl friend.

A. Cardiff University is one of Britain’s major teaching and research universities. Located in the centre of the capital of Wales, it has an international reputation for the quality of its work which attracts staff and students from around the world.

The cost of living: £7,520

Employment rate: 70.1

The proportion of overseas students: 2.1

B. Cambridge University is one of the oldest instruction universities in the world, and one of the largest in the United Kingdom. Located in Cambridge, England, it has a world-wide reputation for outstanding academic achievement and the high quality of research undertaken in a wide range of science and arts subjects.

The cost of living: £7,000

Employment rate: 87.9

The proportion of overseas students: 6.5

C. Queen’s Belfast University is founded as Queen’s College Belfast by Queen Victoria in 1845. Located in Northern Ireland, it gained its independence in 1908. It is widely seen as Northern Ireland’s premier university. The university is known for its arts and social life. Clubs, pubs and bars abound, and there are abundant societies to join.

The cost of living: £6,000

Employment rate: 73.2

The proportion of overseas students: 4.1

D. Oxford University is the oldest university in Britain and one of the world’s most famous institutions of higher learning. It was established during the 1100’s. It is located in Oxford, England.

The cost of living: £9,250

Employment rate: 78.6

The proportion of overseas students: 6.8

E. West of Scotland University has a rich, diverse history inherited from the various institutions that preceded it. It carries out research and consultancy work for industry. Many courses at this university have an emphasis on vocational skills (职业技能) and offer students the option of spending a year working in industry at home or abroad.

The cost of living: £6,200

Employment rate: 70.1

The proportion of overseas students: 5.1

F. Oxford Brookes University is based at sites on the outskirts of Oxford. It is one of Britain’s leading new universities in terms of the courses that it offers. The quality of teaching is impressive and employment rates among graduates are high.

The cost of living: £8,520

Employment rate: 60.1

The proportion of overseas students: 5.9


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