
"Gangnam Style" by singer Psy from Korea, is a popular song, but its extraordinary global success is really the result of its music video, which is a great piece of genius. On September 22nd, Guinness World Records listed "Gangnam Style" as the most-liked video in the history of YouTube. It's been performed at West Point (West-Point Style), and Google's CEO, has done the "Gangnam Style" horse dance at the company's office in Seoul. Even Samsung is trying to make Psy the new model for the latest type of fridge.

     The song's global popularity is such that the vast majority of people who enjoy it don't speak Korean, and have no idea what it is about. That's fine --- part of what makes "Gangnam Style" so fun is, like international pop music, the difficulty in understanding it. When we sing along, "Hey, sexy lady", we don't really know what we're singing about.

     The joy of incomprehensibleness is familiar to anyone who loves pop music from elsewhere. Anthony Lane, in his 2010 review of the Eurovision Song Contest, Only Mr. God Knows Why, used "Eurovision English" as one of its chief pleasures. It's "a complex tongue, spoken nowhere else, which raises the heartfelt poetry (???) but absolute nonsense to a level of what sci-fi writers could only have dreamed. " In similar ways, "Gangnam Style" is just an over-the-top video where a fat man does a funny dance and sings repetitive words that don't make sense to most of us.

     But on the other, the magic of the song also lies in its funny dance, which reflects not just cultural morals specific to Korea, but cultural values easily recognizable to western viewers. This song's words may be in Korean, but its scenes are in clear American. The dance moves are simple enough to copy.

     Nonsense, in other words, forces us to let down our guards. It makes us relax, and asks us to let in all sorts of feelings from which, otherwise, we might distance ourselves. "Gangnam Style" happens to be so interesting because of its incomprehensibleness.

1.Some complex languages are used in pop music because _______.

A. singers regard it as one of the chief pleasures at the concert

B. they make the music hard to understand but poetic and attractive

C. the music can sound more pleasant and beautiful to the audience

D. people like listening to the music which makes special sense to them

2.What is true about the popularity of "Gangnam Style"?

A. It was considered as the most popular video on the Internet.

B. It makes people amused and removes their emotional guards.

C. Its dance only reflects cultural and morals specific to Korea.

D. Psy, its singer, has been the new model for Samsung         .

3.What does the underlined word "incomprehensibleness" mean in Paragraph 3?

A. Being interesting to listen to.       B. Being simple enough to copy.

C. Being complex and repetitive.       D. Being difficult to understand.

4.The text is mainly about ________.

A. how "Gangnam Style" becomes popular among the youths

B. why "Gangnam Style" is popular even if few people understand it

C. how Psy gains worldwide success through his talent and hard work

D. what emotions and cultural morals Psy wants to convey with his song











1.细节题。由第三段The joy of incomprehensibleness is familiar to anyone who loves pop music from elsewhere以及a complex tongue, spoken nowhere else, which raises the heartfelt poetry (诗意) but absolute nonsense等文字可知,流行音乐中的歌词“完全无意义但富有诗意”。选择.B项。

2.细节题。第一段…listed "Gangnam Style" as the most-liked video in the history of YouTube提示排除A项;倒数第二段which reflects not just cultural morals specific to Korea,提示排除C项;第一段Samsung is trying to make Psy the new model for the latest type of fridge说明Psys尚未成为Samsung的new model,排除D项。由最后一段Nonsense, in other words, forces us to let down our guards.和"Gangnam Style" happens to be so interesting because of its incomprehensibleness.等文字可知,江南style之所以流行就是因为其不可理解性,这种不可理解性或无意义让人们身心放松。故选择B项。

3.词义推断题。由第二段the vast majority of people who enjoy it don't speak Korean, and have no idea what it is about.及后面的叙述可知,人们喜爱江南style是因为他们不懂其歌词的意思,这种因不懂歌词意思而获得的乐趣与其他地区的流行歌曲是相似的。故选择D项。





Last winter, when I was heavily pregnant, I was visiting my sister and brother-in-law's house and had to park in a nearby parking lot because they didn't have accessible parking. The snow was extremely heavy and there was lots of ice on the ground --- not many people had ventured out that evening!

When I returned to my car around 11pm, I noticed that I was the only car left. Nervously, I hopped into the car and let it warm up a bit. When I finally tried to drive away, my wheels began to spin. I was stuck! I spun and spun and wondered what to do.

All of a sudden, in my rear view mirror, I saw four teen-aged boys approaching my car. They were walking side by side in a line and dressed a bit like gang members --- at least I thought that's what they looked like. My car was in a very isolated area and I began to panic. I was certain they were coming to my car to harm me. Terrified, I just froze. One of the young men tapped on my window and said "Excuse me, Ma'am, can we help you? You seem stuck." Still afraid and fearing the worst, I said "I am stuck." And the young man said "It's okay, stay in your car and we'll push you out of the snow." And they did!

When they finally got me out of the snow, they smiled and waved. I rolled down my window and thanked them, embarrassed to have judged them so poorly.

1.Why did the author just freeze when the four young men walking toward her car?

A.Because she was afraid of being harmed.

B.Because she sat in her car for too long a time.

C.Because she was cold indeed in that freezing evening.

D.Because she knew they would rob her of the car.

2.Which of the following words can best describe the four young men?





3.Which of the following is true according to the text?

A.One of the four teenagers was a gang member.

B.The kids wanted to help the author out of trouble.

C.The author would have a baby in her car.

D.The young men enjoyed pushing cars out of the snow.

4.The best title for the text would be___________.

A.Every man has his faults

B.Fortune favors those who use their judgment

C.Don't judge a book by its cover

D.Think twice before you do.


When Chinese student Du Juan brought her American boyfriend home two years ago to use the toilet, her Japanese roommate became so upset that she shouted in English: "I hate you."

   Du, then 21 and an undergraduate at Bridgewater State College in Massachusetts, was shocked. So was her boyfriend.

"Later I realized that she didn't literally mean what she said and that she was not aware of the full meaning of the word 'hate' in English," said Du. "It was more a problem with translation," she added.

Cultural differences can cause confusion about what words or even actions mean, an issue that has come to the forefront recently following the arrest of a Chinese doctoral degree student in New Jersey.

Zhai Tiantian, who studied at the Stevens Institute of Technology, has been accused of trying to set fire to a campus building and of making threats to a professor who gave him a low mark. No physical altercation took place but Zhai reportedly said something along the lines of "at worst, I will risk anything on the line." The professor called the campus police.

According to the indictment sheet(起诉书), Zhai is facing the serious charge of making a terroristic threat.

For a few days, Chinese media mistranslated, or misunderstood, the charges and reported that Zhai was being charged with terrorism.

Some language experts have speculated(推测) that the disagreement between Zhai and the professor can also be chalked up to cultural and linguistic differences. "What Chinese people regard as acceptable speech may be regarded by Americans as threats," said Luo Gang, the Chinese Consulate's Overseas Chinese Affairs consul. "This is an unfortunate incident. Even though Zhai intended no harm, he has done himself a great deal of harm."

Du, now 23, said she supports Zhai's actions in fighting to save his academic career, but added he needs to learn more about communication in a foreign language.

"Chinese students in a foreign country must prepare more in terms of languages and conversation skills to avoid misunderstandings," she said.

1.What does the underlined word “altercation” mean?

   A. fight     B. check    C. education    D. experiment

2.By saying “It was more a problem with translation”, what does Du Juan mean?

   A. Translation was not the real problem, as Du Juan and her roommate can both speak English.

   B. Du Juan can not understand what her roommate meant at all.

   C. Her roommate didn’t know what “hate” really meant in daily conservation.

   D. Her roommate spoke such poor English that she felt angry.

3.Which of the following statements about Zhai Tiantian is true?

   A. He set fire to a campus building.

   B. He argued with a professor because he received a low mark.

   C. He has received a doctor’s degree at the Stevens Institute of Technology.

   D. He is facing a serious charge because he murdered the professor.

4.What is the main idea of the passage?

   A. Du Juan’s unpleasant experience abroad.   

   B. Confusion caused by translation.

   C. Conservational skills in a foreign country.   

   D. Cultural differences between China and America.




The naive fellow has never met a thief and firmly believes that he lives in a world without thieves. And, the female thief fights against other thieves only to protect this guy's "daydream". Sound strange? Then go to the cinema to see what happens in "A World Without Thieves" (Tianxia Wuzei). It's the latest offering from Chinese director Feng Xiaogang. The film will hit mainland cinemas on December 9, 2004.

Adapted from the book of the same name, it tells the story of a couple, both of them skillful thieves, who find their consciences on a thief-filled train.

Wang Bo (Andy Lau, or Liu Dehua) is a master pickpocket from Hong Kong. Wang Li (Rene Liu, or Liu Ruoying) is a "talented" cheat from Taiwan. They're partners in crime and passion, and cheat their way across China, until one day they run into Shagen (Wang Baoqiang) at a railway station.

An orphan since birth, Shagen spends more time with wolves than with men. He believes in the basic goodness of human nature and is convinced that he lives in a world without thieves. Having saved up 60,000 yuan after five years of hard work, he decides to go back to his hometown, build a house and get married.

However, the train Shagen boards is full of thieves. Besides Wang Bo and Wang Li, there is a gang of highwaymen under the control of Uncle Bill (Ge You). While Bill's men are trying to get Shagen's savings, Wang Li takes it on herself to be his protector.

Feng Xiaogang has become a supplier of New Year's movies in China. For four consecutive years, he has caused a nationwide media excitement at the end of each year. That started with 1998's "The Dream Factory" (Jiafang Yifang) and ran to last year's "Cell phone" (Shouji).

With "A World without Thieves", Feng tries his hand at something beyond his standard humor. For the first time, he employs a lot of special effects.

"I do like comedy, but I also want to know where my limits lie," said Feng, "The film is an experiment. It has special skills, love between thieves, as well as the rediscovery of conscience."

Feng says the film is more like a fairy tale: It's two thieves trying to protect someone's "daydream". "You see, a fairy tale may expose more about life and human nature than another story. You don't change the world with a film, but you make people see and feel innocence, and that's my power. "

46. The underlined word “naive” means _________.

   A. lovely            B. interesting                             C. innocent               D. smart

47. Which of the following films is not directed by Feng Xiaogang?

A. Red River Valley                                          B. A World Without Thieves

    C. The Dream Factory                                           D. Cellphone

48. It can be inferred from the text that _________.

Feng Xiaogang has directed more than three films since 1998.

This film was first on show on December 9, 2004.

Wang Bo and Wang Li are in the charge of Uncle Bill.

Feng Xiaogang likes fairy tales.

49. Which of the following statements best expresses the main idea of the passage?

Introduction of Feng Xiaogang

Introduction of Liu Dehua

Brief introduction of Feng’s film — A World Without Thieves

Feng’s opinion about his film — A World Without Thieves

50. What’s Feng’s opinion about this film?

All the World is peaceful and perfect objects.

The power of the film is to make people see and feel innocence.

It’s only a fairy tale.

Let people rediscover their consciences by this film.


请阅读下列应用文及其相关信息,并按照要求匹配信息。请在答题卡上将对应题号的相应选项字母涂黑。(选E时,同时涂AB; 选F时,同时涂CD)


A. I Will Hold You 'til You Sleep           B. Two Finger Puppet Magnet Books

C. I SPY TREASURE HUNT            D. Disney's Little Einsteins




E. The Wonderful Wizard of Oz         F. Learn About Math With Bert & Ernie  


1.Based on the new hit animated show airing on the Disney Channel, this new series takes preschoolers along on the thrilling adventures of Leo, June, Quincy, and Annie, whose missions are illustrated with beautiful, full-color photos. Emmy-Award winner Susan Ring specializes in writing for children, and has written for all types of media. Her books for Disney Publishing Worldwide include boxed sets of Pixar’s Fun with Phonics, featuring Nemo and Toy Story characters and the Baby Einstein books.

2. Here is the rare book that not only expresses a parent's love for their child, but offers a hope for what that love will become. It begins with a wish at bedtime, as parents hold their children tight and hope their love will cradle them, safe and sound. It continues through the day their children have grown up, proud and strong, and can pass that love on to someone else. This is a book that goes beyond a parent's "I love you" to the generous wish that our children will make the world a better place.

3.This bestselling book features riddles that send readers searching for hidden objects in 12 photographs with treasure hunt themes. Children will love to pursue the mystery of the pirate's hidden treasure, narrowing their search with every delightfully cluttered page. Looking for an additional challenge? Try the extra-credit riddles.

4.Pooh, Piglet, and the gang from the Hundred-Acre wood are here to guide you through some amazing activities. Just slip one of the pointing puppets (木偶)onto your finger, and see if you can solve the puzzles inside. Your puppet will be drawn to the solutions, and your heart will be hooked by the colorful crew! This book includes 2 magnetic finger puppets.

5. This exciting new workbook from Sesame Workshop and Learning Horizons is designed so your child can have fun learning right along with Big Bird and the other friends from Sesame Street! In this workbook, your child will learn to recognize numbers, count and match sets of like items. Your child will even begin to add and subtract! A special “think icon” feature calls attention to activities that are challenging and more advanced. A special Explore More feature provides several easy-to-do home activities to extend learning in practical and fun ways.


Two Chinese living in South Africa were killed in a robbery (抢劫) on February 5, bringing the total number of Chinese killed in the country to four in less than a month.

Chen Jianqing, 35, from Southeast China's Fujian Province, who ran a shop with her husband in a small town 45 kilometers away from South African capital Johannesburg, was shot dead.

"One of her business, partners died later in the hospital," the Chinese consulate (领事馆) officials in Johannesburg said yesterday. "Local police are trying to find more information about the case. And we have told the victims' (遇难者的) relatives and are helping them come to Johannesburg,". consul Wu Gang told China Daily. Chen's husband was injured during the robbery but did not suffer seriously, said Wu.

The robbery happened at about 5:45 pm local time and the armed robbers ran away after taking more than 50,000 South African rand (US $8,200). and some jewellery,  Xinhua News Agency reported.

The killing happened just three days after Chen Jingmin, a 23-year-old man from Qingdao, Shandong Province, was shot dead north outside Johannesburg by armed robbers. On January 10, a Hong Kong businessman was attacked and robbed at his home in Johannesburg and died the next day in the hospital.  All these happened just in less than a month.

According to records, there were more than 40 robberies attacking Chinese in South Africa last year, in which eight were killed.  More than 100,000 Chinese are doing various kinds of businesses in South Africa, according to a Chinese official in the country.  An increasing number of them are becoming targets( 目标) of robbers after buying big houses or luxury cars,  the official said.

1.The passage is probably ______.

A. a business story           B. a scientific article

C. a newspaper report         D. an official document

2.Who were killed on February 5 in a small town near Johannesburg?

A. Chen Jianqing and her husband.

B. Chen Jianqing and one of her partners.

C. Chen Jingmin and a Hong Kong businessman.

D. Chen Jingmin and one of his relatives.

3.How many Chinese were killed in South Africa since January ?

A. 2         B. 4.         C. 5.           D. 8.

4.______________ are more likely to be robbed in South Africa.

A. Those Chinese who depend too much on local police

B. Those Chinese who live near the capital of South Africa

C. Those Chinese who open shops selling Chinese goods

D. Those Chinese who leave others the impression of being rich


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