
The chickens will provide us _______ feathers, ______ we can make use for cleaning the table and benches

  1. A.
    with; with
  2. B.
    with; of which
  3. C.
    of; which
  4. D.
    of; from which
考查短语及定语从句。提供给某人某物provide sb with sth,第二空为定语从句,从句中有短语make use of 利用。所以用of which ,根据题意选B。


I grew up in a small town. I was only ten years old when my dad gave me the responsibility of feeding the chickens and cleaning up the stable (马厩). He believed it was important for me to have those jobs to learn responsibility. Then, when I was 22, I found a job in Natchbill at a country music club called the Natchbill Palace. I washed dishes and cooked from 4:00 pm to 9:00 pm and then went on stage and sang until 2:00 in the morning. It wasn’t long before I became known as a singing cook. I had been rejected so many times by record companies that it was hard not to be discouraged.

One night, a woman executive (董事) from a company named Warner Brothers Records came to hear me sing. When the show was over, we sat down and talked and after she left, I said to myself it was one more rejection. A few weeks later, my manager received a phone call — Warner Brothers wanted to sign me to a record deal. Soon after, I had my first record in June 1986. It sold over 2 million copies. My best efforts had gone into every job I’ve ever held. It was the sense of responsibility that made me feel like a man.

68. Why was the writer once known as a singing cook?

A. He was a cook at a country music club.

B. He sang for guests while he worked as a cook.

C. He often sang while cooking.

D. He liked singing better than cooking.

69. Who first recognized the writer’s talents and helped make him successful?

A. His brother.      B. His manager.     C. His father.            D. A businesswoman.

70. It can be inferred from the passage that the ______.

A. writer’s success is partly due to his father     B. writer’s family was very poor

C. writer succeeded easily                   D. writer’s first record was a total failure

第二节 完形填空 (共20小题, 每小题1.5分,满分30分)
Many years ago, when I was a man in my twenties, I worked as a salesman for a piano company.
We   36   our pianos all over the state by advertising in small town   37 .Every time we advertised ,we   38   receive a reply on a postcard ,which said , “ Please bring me a new piano for my little   39  .It must be mahogany ( 红木 ).I can pay $10 a month with my egg money.” Of course ,we could not sell a new piano   40    $10 a month .   41   her cards kept on coming.
A couple of years   42   , I owned my own piano company, and when I   43   in that area, the postcards started coming to me.For months, I ignored   44  .What else could I do?
But then, one day I   45   to be in the area and have a mahogany piano on my little truck.I decided to look the old lady up. Though I knew that I was about to make a    46   business decision, I took the new piano in the house and placed it   47   I thought the roof would be least likely to let in rain on it.I told the old lady and the little barefoot girl to try to   48    the chickens off it, and I left sure I had just   49   a new piano!
But the   50   came in, all 52 of them as agreed, sometimes with coins.It was incredible! One day years later, I was in Memphis on other   51  .As I was sitting at a bar having a drink, I heard the most beautiful piano music.I looked around, and there was a lovely young woman playing a very nice grand piano.She   52   at me , and when she took a   53   , she sat down at my table.
“Aren’t you the man who sold my grandma a piano a long time ago?”
My Lord, it was her! It was the little barefoot girl! I   54   remembered.I did have to go as soon as possible because men don't like to be seen   55   in public.
36. A. made       B. sold       C. fixed         D. delivered
37. A. books      B. villages      C. shops          D. newspapers
38. A. would      B. may       C. must          D. can
39. A. son          B. child      C. granddaughter    D. baby
40. A. with        B. for         C. to                  D. on
41. A. And         B. So         C. Therefore      D. But
42. A. ago         B. later       C. before         D. past
43. A. worked     B. went      C. advertised      D. succeeded
44. A. it         B. them      C. this           D. that
45. A. happened     B. decided      C. started         D. wanted
46. A. great       B. wise       C. good          D. terrible
47. A. when       B. there       C. where         D. that
48. A. feed        B. keep      C. leave          D. drive
49. A. given away  B. put off          C. sold           D. thrown away
50. A. payments     B. money          C. possessions      D. postcards
51. A. time        B. chance          C. business        D. matter
52. A. looked     B. stared     C. laughed         D. smiled
53. A. break           B. bread     C. drink         D. list
54. A. slowly     B. suddenly    C. carefully       D. excitedly
55. A. exciting          B. talking          C. crying         D. speaking

I grew up in a small town. I was only ten years old when my dad gave me the responsibility of feeding the chickens and cleaning up the stable (马厩). He believed it was important for me to have those jobs to learn responsibility. Then, when I was 22, I found a job in Natchbill at a country music club called the Natchbill Palace. I washed dishes and cooked from 4:00 pm to 9:00 pm and then went on stage and sang until 2:00 in the morning. It wasn’t long before I became known as a singing cook. I had been rejected so many times by record companies that it was hard not to be discouraged.
One night, a woman executive (董事) from a company named Warner Brothers Records came to hear me sing. When the show was over, we sat down and talked and after she left, I said to myself it was one more rejection. A few weeks later, my manager received a phone call — Warner Brothers wanted to sign me to a record deal. Soon after, I had my first record in June 1986. It sold over 2 million copies. My best efforts had gone into every job I’ve ever held. It was the sense of responsibility that made me feel like a man.
68. Why was the writer once known as a singing cook?
A. He was a cook at a country music club.
B. He sang for guests while he worked as a cook.
C. He often sang while cooking.
D. He liked singing better than cooking.
69. Who first recognized the writer’s talents and helped make him successful?
A. His brother.      B. His manager.    C. His father.           D. A businesswoman.
70. It can be inferred from the passage that the ______.
A. writer’s success is partly due to his father     B. writer’s family was very poor
C. writer succeeded easily                   D. writer’s first record was a total failure

The vitamins necessary for a healthy body are normally supplied by a good mixed diet, including a variety of fruits and green vegetables. It is only when people try to live on a very restricted diet, say that when trying to lose weight, that it is necessary to make special provisions to supply the missing vitamins.
  An example of the dangers of a restricted diet may be seen in the disease known as “beri-beri”, which used to make large numbers of Eastern people who lived mainly on rice suffer. In the early years of last century, a Dutch scientist named Eijkman was trying to discover the cause of beri-beri. At first he thought it was transmitted(传播)by a germ(病菌). He was working in a Japanese hospital, where the patients were fed on polished rice which had had the outer coverings removed from the grain. It was thought this would be easier for weak and sick people to digest.
  Eijkman thought his germ theory was proved when he noticed the chickens in the hospital yard, which were fed on remains from the patients’ plates, were also showing signs of the disease. He then tried to separate the germ, which he thought was causing the disease, but his experiments were interrupted by a hospital official, who ordered that the rice without coverings, even though left over by the patients, was too good for chickens. It should be recooked for the patients, and the chickens should be fed on cheap, rough rice with the outer coverings still on the grain.
  Eijkman noticed that the chickens began to recover on the new diet. He began to consider the possibility that eating unmilled rice(糙米)somehow prevented or cured beri-beri — even that a lack of some ingredient(成分)in the coverings may be the cause of the disease. Indeed this was the case. The element needed to prevent beri-beri was shortly afterwards separated from rice coverings and is now known as vitamin B. The milled rice, though more expensive, was in fact causing the disease the hospital was trying to cure. Nowadays, this terrible disease is much less common thanks to our knowledge of vitamins.
【小题1】According to the passage, a good mixed diet ________.

A.is suitable for losing weightB.should be only fruits and vegetables
C.normally contains enough vitaminsD.is often difficult to arrange
【小题2】What do we know about the disease beri-beri?
A.It killed large numbers of people.B.It resulted from lack of vitamins.
C.It was transmitted by milled rice.D.It was caused by diseased chickens.
【小题3】What can be the best title of the passage?
A.A Good Mixed Diet       B.New Discovery
C.The Dangers of Beri-beri     D.The Importance of Vitamins


I have a friend who had a stammer (口吃) in his childhood, but he dreamed of becoming a missionary(传教士). When he told his own desire to his friends and relatives, some of them laughed at him, and some even held down his enthusiasm      .

"I must change it." said the boy angrily, “I believe I can speak very    , I will do!"

When it was possible, he would spend an hour      to chickens. He viewed the chickens as living persons,     himself to be the person in the speech.

"In the beginning, the chickens looked so        , then they watched me curiously, putting down the food in the mouths and listening to my words. It seemed as if they had been        by my powerful and effective language. Sometimes they seemed to be listening to me       . Gradually, the effect of this practice became more and more    and I had a better understanding of the exact      of my stammer, so I found the ability to speak more."

"You may not know that my father was always tyrannical(专横的). He        believed in the old saying: 'Young man should be more knowledgeable, but should not      much.' During the whole childhood,    I spoke or commented, he criticized me seriously, which     my shy personality. I used to worry about being   at, so I became a stammerer. From then on, I kept      in front of everyone because they didn't want to see my embarrassment. But later I found myself talking in front of chickens, stammers disappeared      , therefore I regained my   ."

Now, the previous boy is the best at speaking and one of the most    missionaries. You can hardly imagine he used to have a serious language     . So when you come across disadvantages, you should believe you can     them by yourself.

1.A. sincerely            B. impolitely              C. strangely            D. privately

2.A. frequently          B. fluently       C. obviously            D. completely

3.A. contributing      B. seeing                  C. turning     D. speaking

4.A. imagining            B. considering C. declaring            D. finding

5.A. satisfied                      B. pleased                C. frightened  D. surprised

6.A. attracted                   B. beaten             C. bothered          D. influenced

7.A. casually             B. carefully              C. luckily               D. cautiously

8.A. obvious                     B. slight                 C. crucial               D. common

9.A. effect                       B. benefit             C. cause      D. harm

10.A. originally                  B. personally          C. doubtfully  D. stubbornly

11.A. think                          B. listen                     C. play                      D. talk

12.A. since                        B. before                     C. whenever            D. unless

13.A. applied to    B. led to                C. referred to           D. owed to 

14.A. amazed                     B. studied        C. laughed              D. looked

15.A. silent                          B. active                    C. noisy                    D. upset

16.A. logically      B. typically            C. equally       D. naturally

17.A. strength                    B. dream                     C. confidence           D. freedom

18.A. successful            B. intelligent              C. modest             D. responsible

19.A. gift                    B. barrier                   C. ability      D. study

20.A. arrange                      B. exchange                C. reduce     D. change


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