
What is green food? Do you enjoy green food every day? The concept of “green food” was first suggested by the Department of the Ministry of Agriculture in 1990.

Green symbolizes life, health and energy. Nowadays, people demand healthy and fresh food. Having enough food to eat is only a basic requirement, and they need more than this. They want to enjoy unpolluted, safe and nutritious food and eat comfortably. So the government does this through a set of “from the land to the dinner table” quality controls. It requires to change China’s traditional agricultural structures and ensure the food of high quality.

Safe vegetables refers to products without substances harmful to humans. Growing such vegetables requires no strong poisons, thus guaranteeing vegetables fresh and clean. There are strict regulations in place for even applying fertilizer(肥料). The examination of vegetables should reach the state food hygiene(卫生) standard. The following conditions for green food are regulated by the China Green Food Development Center. Firstly, products or raw materials must reach the green ecological environment standard set by the Ministry of Agriculture. Secondly, crop planting, livestock raising, fish breeding and food processing must follow green food operating procedures set by the Ministry. Products must be up to the green food hygiene standard. External packing must be pasted with national standard universal labels, special green food packing decoration and tag regulations.

However, by now, our goal hasn’t been completely realized. When you return home with a full basket, you are still worried about whether what you have bought is green and healthy. Indeed, for the sake of our health, we still have a long way to go.

According to the passage, we know that green food __________.

A. means the color of food is green

B. mainly refers to green vegetables

C. doesn’t need to be fertilized

D. is examined by a series of standards 

Which of the following isn’t the required standard green food must reach?

A. Green food must not cause ecological destruction.

B. Green food should agree with green food operating procedures.

C. Green food itself should be labeled with special packing decoration. 

D. Green food should meet the green food hygiene standard.

According to the passage, we know the Ministry of Agriculture is a department ____.

A. which governs agriculture

B. which sells food and vegetables

C. which plants green food

D. which examines food standards

The best title for this passage probably is ___________.

A. Green food and health

B. The green food project

C. The future of green food

D. The regulations of green food






8. 【小题1】根据文章大意可知,绿色食品指的是健康食品,并不是说食品的颜色是绿色的,也不是特指蔬菜,故A项和B项错误;根据文章第三段“strict regulations in place for even applying fertilizer”,可知对绿色食品的施肥有严格的限制,并不是说不必施肥,故C项错误;根据文章第三段可知绿色食品需要经过一系列检验,故D项正确。

9. 【小题2】根据文章第三段可知,绿色食品不能造成生物破坏,需要符合食品管理程序,需要达到卫生标准,故A、B、D项都符合,根据第三段最后一句话可知绿色食品的包装上需要有特殊的标志,而不是说食品本身需要有标记,故C项说法错误。

10. 【小题3】根据全文可知,农业部应该负责农产品的生产,监督以及管理等,A项合适。

11. 【小题4】通读全文可知,本文主要讲述绿色食品工程,故B项最符合。


The modern mobile phone is a more complex version of the two way radio, which was a very limited means of communication. As soon as the users moved out of range of each other’s broadcast area, the signal was lost. In the 1940s, researchers began experimenting with the idea of using a number of radio masts (天线塔) standing around the countryside to pick up signals from two-way radios.

The first real mobile telephone call was made in 1973 by Dr Martin Cooper, the scientist who invented the modern mobile handset. Within a decade, mobile phones became available to the public. The streets of modern cities began to feature sharpsuited characters shouting into giant plastic bricks. In Britain the mobile phone quickly became synonymous (等于) with the “yuppie”, the new breed of young urban professionals who carried the expensive handsets as status symbols. Around this time many of us swore that we would never, ever own a mobile phone.

But in the mid-90s, something happened. Cheaper handsets and cheaper calling rates meant that, almost overnight, it seemed that everyone had a mobile phone. And the giant plastic bricks of the 80s had evolved into smooth little objects that fitted nicely into pockets and bags. Cities suddenly had a new, postmodern birdsong.

Alexander Graham Bell would be amazed if he could see how far the science of telephony has progressed in less than 150 years. If he were around today, he might say: “That’s gr8! But I’m v busy rite now. Will call U 2nite.”


60.Modern mobile phone technology is based on         .

       A.the “yuppie”                                        B.the Internet

       C.the two way radio                               D.global positioning system

61.More people bought mobile phones in the 1990s because          .

       A.they were bad at timekeeping

       B.they wanted to take photographs

       C.mobile phones became a lot cheaper

       D.traditional phones didn’t work anymore

62.The underlined word “evolved” in Paragraph 3 probably means         .

       A.broken                B.changed              C.cut                     D.taken

63.What does the text message “Gr 8! Will call U 2nite.” mean?

       A.Great ! I’ll call you tonight.

       B.Great! I’ll be two minutes late.

       C.Great! Please call William tonight.

       D.Great! Please call me sometime tonight.

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