
【题目】 Audrey Randolph, who used to be a librarian, is a car mechanic in London. But she didn’t find it easy to become a car mechanic. She had to attend a Centre, where people can learn a new job for 20 weeks. We asked her why she decided to work with cars. “My first reason was independence,” she said. “I also wanted to learn about how things work, using my hands. Besides, I’ve come to the conclusion that many people prefer to have a woman repair their cars.”

When it comes to her experiences in the Center, she tells us about it, “I was the only woman among four hundred men. And some of them were rude to me, just because of my sex.” However, Audrey said she made the right decision.

One hundred years ago women were second-class citizens in Britain. Men controlled everything. Not only that, they really believed that women were “the weaker sex”. Women, they say, depend too little on cool reasoning and too much on intuition (直觉) to arrive at decisions, and sometimes are not even able to think clearly. But in the past century a lot has changed. Two women have become Prime Minister, and women can now compete as equals in every kind of job and profession. They also have more control over when to have a family and how many children they want. Nowadays both men and women go out to work. Consequently the traditional roles played by them in the family have changed greatly. Those times when the man was the major breadwinner and the woman stayed at home and looked after the house and the children are over. Most couples share the housework and in some homes it is now the man who stays at home with the kids and the woman who goes out to work.

1Why did Audrey go to the Centre?

A.To get trained in her job skills.

B.To prove she is more competent.

C.To show she isn’t challenging men.

D.To fight against sex discrimination.

2What do Audrey’s training experiences reflect?

A.Companies tend to employ more women.

B.Women undertake more social responsibilities.

C.Women can change jobs more easily than men.

D.Some men still look down upon women today.

3What was the argument men raised against women?

A.Women were serious about everything.

B.Women’s thoughts were often unclear.

C.Women’s decisions were unreliable.

D.Women were weak physically.

4What can be a suitable title for the text?

A.Men Are Carrying on a Sex-fight.

B.Women Are More Independent Now.

C.A Woman Made a Right Decision.

D.Men and Women Should Be Equal.








1细节理解题。根据第一段中She had to attend a Centre, where people can learn a new job for 20 weeks.“她必须参加一个培训中心,在那里人们可以学习20周的新工作。可知,Audrey区中心是为了训练她的工作技能。故选A项。

2推理判断题。根据第二段中I was the only woman among four hundred men. And some of them were rude to me, just because of my sex.“我是四百男人中唯一的女人。他们中的一些人对我很粗鲁,只是因为我的性别。可知,奥黛丽的培训经历反映了今天有些男人仍然看不起女人。故选D项。

3标题判断题。根据第三段中Men controlled everything. Not only that, they really believed that women were “the weaker sex”. Women, they say, depend too little on cool reasoning and too much on intuition (直觉) to arrive at decisions, and sometimes are not even able to think clearly. 男人控制着一切。不仅如此,他们真的认为女性是弱者。他们说,女人很少依靠冷静的推理,而过多地依靠直觉来做出决定,有时甚至不能清晰地思考。可知,男人反对女人的理由是妇女的决定是不可靠的。故选C项。


推理判断题。根据最后一段中Nowadays both men and women go out to work. Consequently the traditional roles played by them in the family have changed greatly.“现在男女都出去工作。因此,他们在家庭中扮演的传统角色发生了很大的变化。 Most couples share the housework and in some homes it is now the man who stays at home with the kids and the woman who goes out to work.“大多数夫妻共同承担家务,在一些家庭,现在是男人在家带孩子,女人出去工作。由此推知,BWomen Are More Independent Now.“现在女性更独立了。为最佳标题。

推理判断题要求在理解原文表面文字信息的基础上,做出一定的推理判断,从而得到文章的隐含意义和深层意义。推理判断题所涉及的内容可能是文中的某一句话,也可能是某几句话,所以,推理题的答案只能是根据原文表面文字信息一步推出的答案:即对原文某一句话或某几句话所作的同义改写或综合。推理判断题的题干中通常含infer,suggest,imply,conclude indicate等标志性词语。 这种题型主要包括细节判断题、态度观点推断题、写作意图推断题、文章出处判断题和猜测想象推断题。本题第2小题,根据第二段中I was the only woman among four hundred men. And some of them were rude to me, just because of my sex.“我是四百男人中唯一的女人。他们中的一些人对我很粗鲁,只是因为我的性别。可知,奥黛丽的培训经历反映了今天有些男人仍然看不起女人。故选D项。


【题目】July 20, 1969 is a day that will forever go down in the history books as a day that changed the world forever. That was the day when American astronaut and explorer Neil Armstrong was the first person to set foot on the moon.

The moon is located almost 240,000 miles from the Earth. Armstrong and his crew, which included fellow astronauts Michael Collins and Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin, began their journey into space on the Apollo 11 Lunar Module (登月 ) on July 16, 1969. Armstrong was the commander of the mission (任务) and he was the one who piloted the aircraft to the surface of the moon. At almost 11 pm on July 20, 1969, Armstrong exited the craft and set foot on the moon, saying the now famous words, “That’s one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.”

Aldrin later exited the Apollo 11 Lunar Module as he and Armstrong collected samples (样品) from the moon that they could bring back to the Earth with them and study. Also, they took photographs of the moon and its surroundings as well as their footprints on the moon. Michael Collins, the third member of the crew, remained in the command module during this time.

The mission began its return from the moon on July 24, 1969, four days after its historic landing. The Apollo 11 returned, landing just west of Hawaii in the Pacific Ocean. The three-member crew was kept away from others for three weeks just to be sure they were not carrying any unknown diseases or illnesses. After all, it was the first time the moon had been explored, so nobody really knew what to expect. Following that, they were treated as heroes.

1What do we know about the mission?

A. It ended on July 16, 1969.

B. Michael Collins piloted the craft.

C. Three astronauts were in the craft.

D. Edwin Aldrin was the commander.

2What does the underlined part “giant leap” refer to?

A. The first time man has landed on the moon.

B. Three members’ successful cooperation.

C. Mankind’s first time to know the unknown.

D. The shortening distance between the moon and the Earth.

3What did Michael Collins do as the others were collecting samples?

A. He studied the samples. B. He also collected samples.

C. He took some photographs. D. He stayed in the command module.

4Why were the astronauts kept away from others after their return?

A. Because they had become ill.

B. Because they needed to take a good rest.

C. Because they carried unknown diseases on them.

D. Because they might have brought back hidden dangers.

【题目】We all wish we had just a bit more time. Just think what you could do with an extra hour or two each day: you could finally stick to an exercise routine, or springclean the house, or write your novel, or learn the guitar and so on.

1 But I can help you find more hours in your day for the things that really matter.

Get Out of Bed Earlier

If you normally get up at 7:30 a.m., try getting up at 7:00 a.m. That halfhour might not sound like much, but it could be time that you use to exercise, to read that book you've been meaning to finish. 2

Do the Important Tasks First

Once you get to work, get the important ones done first (not the easy ones, or even the urgent ones). You can afford to spend at least an hour working on big, important tasks rather than on all those little urgent ones.

3 The urgent tasks will still get done, and you won't miss the important ones.

Reduce Interruptions

If colleagues have a habit of hanging around your desk to chat, or if the phone is constantly ringing, you might find that it takes you half the day to finish a simple task like writing a letter. Constant interruptions don't just eat up time, they also break your concentration.

When you've got a big task to focus on, let your calls go to voicemail. 4 Wearing headphones makes it less likely that people will try to strike up a conversation.


A few minutes' chatting, browsing the web, and so on, can easily turn into hours of wasted time over the course of a day.

When you're working, work. If your concentration is slipping, take a proper break: go and get a glass of water, or stretch your legs a bit. And if you're facing a difficult task, try breaking it into small steps or stages so that it's easier to deal with.

A.Stay Focused on Your Work.

B.Take Breaks When Necessary.

C.If you have an office door, close it.

D.If you work like this, you'll usually save time.

E.Would you want me to make your day longer?

F.I can't magically make all your days 25 hours long.

G.Or simply to get your day off to a calm and organized start.

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