

你校英语角本周将就“夏天溺水事故 (drowning accidents) 频发”这个话题进行讨论。请你根据以下提示写一篇英语短文,并此次讨论做准备。

1. 我们应如何预防此类事故发生?

2. 如果看到有人落水,我们应如何施救?

3. 呼吁大家热爱生命,注意安全。


提示:80词左右,可适当发挥。文章的开头己给 出,不计入总词数。

Every summer,many students are reported dead from drowning accidents. How do we stop such accidents from happening?


One possible version:

    Eveiy suiqmcr,many students arc reported dead from drowhing accidents. How do we stop such accidents from happening? In my opinion first,we shouldn,t go swimming in dangerous places such as lakes or riveii Second we mustn't swim when we feel tired or hungry.

    We should save a drowning person in the proper way. If we swim well,we can save him or her and not get hurt. If not,we mustn’t jump into the water. We should shout as loudly as possible to get help.

    In a word,we must remember that safety should always come first.


Ⅵ. 完形填空(每小题?分,共10分)

先通读下面的短文,^握甚大意,然后从A、B、C、D 四个选项中选择可以填白处的最佳答案。


    Running is free,easy and now it's also becoming cool. Many people do not have enough time to play a team sport,so they start running 36 . In the past,people thought running in the streets was a little fUnny,but now things are different — it is becoming 37 . Lots of people choose to run in the streets in their free time 38 it is a simple way to keep healthy. Some of them even begin each day 39 a morning run. For them,it’s like a fresh start.

    Every year in April,London hosts the London Marathon. The race 40 a fantastic rat?e (路线) , and runners can 41 the beauty of London while running. People from all over the world join the London Marathon. In the past,people saw marathon running as a professional (专业的) 42,but now even common people are doing it. It's not because marathon is becoming 43 ; it's because people are becoming more and more interested in running. And they want to try it 44 .

All you need is a pair of running shoes,so what are you 45 ? Start running tomorrow.

() 36. A. perhaps   B. instead

C. halfway   D. once

() 37. A. strange   B. traditional

C. educational   D. popular

() 38. A. because   B. until

C. unless   D. though

() 39. A. on   B. of C. with   D. over

() 40. A. covers   B. misses C. rises   D. causes

() 41. A. forget   B. copy C. enjoy   D. guess

() 42. A. sport   B. opinion

C. sign   D. exam

() 43. A. cheaper   B. quicker

C. fresher   D. easier

() 44. A. ourselves   B. themselves

C. himself   D. herself

() 45. A. taking up   B. cutting up

C. looking for   D. waiting for 

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