

The Hawaiian Islands are situated(位于) about two thousand miles away from North   America, right in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Despite the distance the Islands actually make up the fiftieth state of the United States. The Islands were all formed by volcano(火山) eruption and on the largest of the islands, Hawai, or the Big Island, there are still two active volcanoes, the Mauna Loa and the Kilauea, which still erupt every few years.                                                                           

On the Hawaiian islands the natives have a particularly strange way of indicating(指明) directions. They don't use the north, south, east and west system common to the rest  of the world. They use the mauka and makai system. Mauka means "mountain".The mountains in Hawaii are always at the center of the islands, as these are volcanic is lands. Makai means "the sea". The islands are small and the system is simple. Wherever you want to visit, it can always be described in terms of where it lies in relation to the mountains and the sea. A typical conversation(谈话) between a native Hawaiian and a visitor might go as follows.                                                      

VISITOR: Excuse me! Could you tell me where the Sheraton Hotel is?            HAWAIIAN; Well ... Let me see ! From here it's two blocks mauka,and then one

block makai. You can't miss it!

1. This article would be most likely to appear in which of the following?     

A. A novel                          B. A collection of stories

C. A travel book                   D. a women's magazine

2. Choose the most suitable title for the article.

A. The Big Island                    B. Giving Directions in Hawaii

C. Volcanoes                        D. The Hawaiian Islands

3. In Hawaii the mountains are in the center of the islands because_____

A. of the weather                    B. of die geological conditions

C. the islands were created by volcanic eruptions

D. of the islands' location in the pacific

4. To find your way in Hawaii, you must _______.

A. refer to geographical directions      B. refer to well - known establishments

C. refer to the location of the mountains and the sea

D. refer to the earth and the sea






I really hadn’t meant to yell at them. But that grey afternoon saw it just as my son and daughter were making a terrible mess on the floor in the kitchen.

With a tiresome report to write, I felt bothered at my desk. Suddenly, it occurred to me that my kids were at fault. A voice inside me insisted that I do something quickly.

“Ok, you two here, but what an awful thing you are attempting!” I was shouting angrily. I made for them, while it became evident that the boy wanted no part of me. “Get away from us!” he shouted back, there being an expression of support from his sister.

All of a sudden, I found the fault in myself. Quickly I shaped my hands into pincers(钳子) and crawled towards them, “Crabby(暴躁的) Daddy is here. Ha, Ha, Ha, he likes to yell at children, and then eat them!” My son continued to keep me away, but now he was laughing and crying at the same time. My mission to repair the damage caused by my yelling seemed to work well. Still, I regretted not having controlled myself first in a right way.

Need I let them know how badly they were acting by blaming? This is a lesson that serves myself. It only shows just how to get rid of something (ill-feelings, responsibility…) by blaming others. It’s not my “best self”.

We have to search for our “best self” when with our children. They don’t need perfect parents, but they do need parents who are always trying to get better. Here, I am reminded of the words of a great thinker. “When a man lives with God, his voice shall be as sweet as the murmur of the book…” Then, in our lifetime, couldn’t we always speak to our kids in such a sweet voice since most of us consider them as the most precious in the world? And before we reach this level, what should we do when we come across various difficult cases with our children?

The author couldn’t help yelling at his kids this time probably because________.

A. the weather was so unpleasant         B. he was tired of his boring work

C. the kids didn’t ask him to join them     D. a Daddy has his right to do so

Which of the following made the author aware of his fault?

A. No obvious reason.              

B. The boy’s yelling back.

C. His self-awareness.              

D. The girl’s shouting back

According to the passage, the author will _____ in another similar situation.

A. play a crab again like this time  

B. apologize to kids in a sincere way

C. avoid blaming kids in a hurry   

D. beat them up about such things

What will the writer go on to write about in the next paragraph(s)?

A. How to behave ourselves properly when kids are at fault.

B. How to play with our children in a more interesting way.

C. How to deal with the housework with children around us.

D. How to persuade children to do what they are told to.

What does “the boy wanted no part of me” in the third paragraph mean?

A. The boy was happy because I loved them.

B. The boy was curious because I wanted to help them.    

C. The boy was very happy for I was angry.    

D. The boy didn’t want me to join them.

Three blondes (金发碧眼的女人) were being trained to become detectives by a policeman. To test their skills in recognizing a suspect (嫌疑犯), the policeman showed the first blonde a picture for five seconds and then asked how she could recognize him. She thought it easy, for the suspect had only one eye. The policeman felt disappointed at this funny answer. He showed the second lady the picture for five seconds and asked her how she would recognize him. The second blonde giggled, flipped her hair, and said, "Ha! It’s easy to find the one-eared person!" Her answer also made the policeman angry. Turning to the third lady, he asked, "This is your suspect, and how would you recognize him?" He added quickly, "Think hard before giving a stupid answer." The third blonde looked at the picture carefully for a moment and said, "HMMMM ... the suspect is wearing contact lenses (隐形眼镜)." The policeman was surprised and speechless, because he really didn't know himself if the suspect wore contacts or not. "Well, that is a good answer. Wait here for a few minutes while I check his file." He left the room and went to his office, checked the suspect's file in his computer and returned with a beaming smile. "Wow! I can't believe it ... it's TRUE! The suspect does in fact wear contact lenses. Good work! How were you able to make such a wise observation?" "That's easy," the blonde replied, "he can't wear glasses because he only has one eye and one ear!"


56. Which of the following cannot conclude from the passage that detectives should have?

   A. They must be charming.

   B. Their observation must be keen.

   C. They must be humorous.

   D. They must be good at thinking.

57. According to the passage we can infer that ________.

  A. the suspect was easy to be recognized

  B. the picture was just a side of the suspect

  C. the suspect must be a disabled person

  D. the suspect was caught by the policeman

58. What will probably happen to the three blondes after this test?

  A. The first blonde may be accepted as a detective at once.

  B. The second blonde may be accepted as a detective at once.

  C. The third blonde is good at thinking and needn’t any training.

  D. All of them may be given more training courses or fired.

You are standing under the most famous neon lights in the centre of London, waiting to cross the road. Suddenly the traffic stops. You hear the distant sounds of cheering, clapping and shouting. Then, like a multi-colored train, 2, 000 people with wheels on their feet zoom past you. You have just witnessed the London Skate, a twice weekly roller-skate(溜旱冰) event that attracts people in their hundreds and thou-
sands London. Skate is a completely free tour of the streets of London -the only condition is that you go along on roller-skates. It lasts between two and three hours and by the end of it you have skated between 10 and 12 miles. The skate snakes round the streets of London along several different routes. Many of the routes pass by tourist attractions such as Buckingham Palace and Big Ben. Marshals (交通协调员) go ahe-  of the group, stopping the traffic so that people can skate as safely as possible. Everyone is welcome to take part and people from the age of 4 to 63 years old join the fun. "I love it very much, it is amazing. It feels just like a carnival (狂欢节)," said Celeste Beverage regular skater.
Roller-skating is really taking off across Europe and America. It is a very good way to keep fit and can be practised anywhere there is a smooth surface. Many big cities in Western Europe and in the US now ha- ve a regular group skating event. The biggest skates take place in Paris and Munich and tens of thousands of fans show up on warm evenings. "Roller-skating is taking over the world," said Julian Grenoble, a 25-   year-old ski shop employee from London. Grenoble went to the Paris-Roller (Paris skate) regularly until he moved to Britain.
"It's so exciting to skate in Paris. Everyone skates so fast and puts in their best efforts!" he said. The Paris Roller is well known because of the huge attendance, the presence of marshals and the police protection. Paris is a great city for roller-skating because of its long wide streets and smooth surfaces. Roller-skating is also becoming more popular in China among young people and children. Skating fans' favorite places to practise in China are big squares.
60. We can infer from the passage that London Skate Event ________.
A. is probably supported by the city government
B. attracts a great many tourists from all over the world
C. usually causes a lot of traffic problems
D. draws people of all ages into the sport
61. The underlined phrase "taking off " in the passage means________ .
A. rising from the ground
B. becoming popular
C. setting out
D. getting exciting
62. Paris is regarded as one of the most suitable places for roller-skating because ________.
A. a large number of roller players attend it
B. the police protect the roller skaters
C. the streets are safe, wide and smooth
D. the event usually takes place on warm evenings
63. This article mainly talks about________ .
A. places and streets for roller-skating
B. roller-skating in big cities
C. London Skate Event
D. roller skaters in different countries

My first most vivid and broad impression of the identity of things seems to me to have been gained on a memorable raw afternoon towards evening near my parents’ tomb in the churchyard.

    “Hold your noise!” came a terrible voice, as a man started up from among the tombs at the side of the church. “Keep still, you little devil(小鬼), or I’ll cut your throat!”

     A fearful man, all in coarse grey, with a great iron on his leg. A man with no hat, and with broken shoes, and with an old rag tied round his head. He seized me by the chin(下巴).

    “Tell us your name!” said the man. “Quick!”

    “Pip, sir.”

    “Show us where you live,” said the man. “Point out the place!”

    I pointed to where our village lay, on the flat in-shore among the alder-trees and pollards, a mile or more from the church.

    The man, after looking at me for a moment, turned me upside down, and emptied my pockets. There was nothing in them but a piece of bread.

    “You young dog,” said the man, licking his lips, “what fat cheeks you ha’ got. Darn me if I couldn’t eat em, and if I han’t half a mind to’t!”

I earnestly expressed my hope that he wouldn’t, and held tighter to the tombstone on which he had put me; partly, to keep myself upon it; partly, to keep myself from crying.

“Now then lookee here!” said the man. “Where’s your mother?”

“There, sir!” said I.

He started, made a short run, and stopped and looked over his shoulder.

“There, sir!” I timidly explained, pointed to the tombstone. “That’s my mother.”

“Oh!” said he, coming back. “And is that your father alonger your mother?”

“Yes, sir,” said I; “him too; late of this parish(教区).”

1. The “voice” in the second paragraph came from______.

A. the church           B. the man          C. the bank         D. the boy

2.The boy probably lived  _____.

A. in the parish        B. in the valley        C. in the city      D. in the country

3.We can infer from the passage _____.

A. the boy was very calm and smart

B. the man hit the boy in the face

C. the boy would forever remember the raw afternoon

D. the man was very kind and considerate

4.The passage is most probably adapted from________.

A. a news report        B. a science fiction        C. a novel      D. a review



I really hadn’t meant to yell at them. But that grey afternoon saw it just as my son and daughter were making a terrible mess on the floor in the kitchen.

With a tiresome report to write, I felt bothered at my desk. Suddenly, it occurred to me that my kids were at fault. A voice inside me insisted that I do something quickly.

“Ok, you two here, but what an awful thing you are attempting!” I was shouting angrily. I made for them, while it became evident that the boy wanted no part of me. “Get away from us!” he shouted back, there being an expression of support from his sister.

All of a sudden, I found the fault in myself. Quickly I shaped my hands into pincers(钳子) and crawled towards them, “Crabby(暴躁的) Daddy is here. Ha, Ha, Ha, he likes to yell at children, and then eat them!” My son continued to keep me away, but now he was laughing and crying at the same time. My mission to repair the damage caused by my yelling seemed to work well. Still, I regretted not having controlled myself first in a right way.

Need I let them know how badly they were acting by blaming? This is a lesson that serves myself. It only shows just how to get rid of something (ill-feelings, responsibility…) by blaming others. It’s not my “best self”.

We have to search for our “best self” when with our children. They don’t need perfect parents, but they do need parents who are always trying to get better. Here, I am reminded of the words of a great thinker. “When a man lives with God, his voice shall be as sweet as the murmur of the book…” Then, in our lifetime, couldn’t we always speak to our kids in such a sweet voice since most of us consider them as the most precious in the world? And before we reach this level, what should we do when we come across various difficult cases with our children?

1. The author couldn’t help yelling at his kids this time probably because________.

A. the weather was so unpleasant         B. he was tired of his boring work

C. the kids didn’t ask him to join them     D. a Daddy has his right to do so

2. Which of the following made the author aware of his fault?

A. No obvious reason.              

B. The boy’s yelling back.

C. His self-awareness.              

D. The girl’s shouting back

3.According to the passage, the author will _____ in another similar situation.

A. play a crab again like this time  

B. apologize to kids in a sincere way

C. avoid blaming kids in a hurry   

D. beat them up about such things

4.What will the writer go on to write about in the next paragraph(s)?

A. How to behave ourselves properly when kids are at fault.

B. How to play with our children in a more interesting way.

C. How to deal with the housework with children around us.

D. How to persuade children to do what they are told to.

5.What does “the boy wanted no part of me” in the third paragraph mean?

A. The boy was happy because I loved them.

B. The boy was curious because I wanted to help them.    

C. The boy was very happy for I was angry.    

D. The boy didn’t want me to join them.


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