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More and more Chinese middle school students have gone abroad to study since the 1990s£®As many language learners say, spending a time abroad is the best way to study a language£®Studying abroad may have a lot of advantages£®
More and more Chinese middle school students have gone abroad to study since the 1990s£®As many language learners say, spending a time abroad is the best way to study a language£®Studying abroad may have a lot of advantages£®The students usually become fluent in the language and can make friends with people from different backgrounds and have a good knowledge of another culture£®They can also broaden their horizons and improve their understanding of their own culture while studying abroad £®Besides, they have to learn to depend on themselves£®
Of course, studying abroad may have its disadvantages as well£®It is possible that some of them may fall behind in their studies£®On the other hand, some students may feel it unsafe to stay abroad on their own£®Moreover, their parents may be concerned about the cost£®
In my opinion, the students had better finish their college education in China and then go abroad to experience another education and culture£®If parents do hope to send their children to study abroad, I advise them to look before they leap£®