
   I have been interested in art and crafts(工艺品) for as long as I can remember. I studied art at GCSE level and 4       the highest possible grade and then went on to 5       art and interior design(室内设计) at A level. 6       I enjoyed these courses,I never enjoyed studying or linking other artists’work to mine. 7      

I just loved to 8       something and not to really think how or why I 9       it onto canvas. It was for this 10       that I never thought of art as a(n) 11      ,and realized that it would always be a hobby for me.

  After college I 12        3〜4 years without creating 13       but over the past few years I have gradually returned to art and have really 14       putting paints onto canvas again.

  I don’t like many popular artists. I 15       like in-dividua(个人的) paintings and artworks. Many of the pieces I have created have an obvious 16       from Andy Warhol. I am a big 17       of modern pop art,and I suppose I would classify most of my work as 18       pop art. I like to create pieces of artwork using portraits,but 19       portraits in a way that the item will fit into modern surroundings. I love Scott Hansen’s print work and I like the way he 20       a natural element (元素) to his creations. I love some impressionists’(印象主义者的) artworks 21       Van Gogh’s Starry Night and the heavy brush strokes in some of my modern works are a reflection of it. I also love Banksy,and I am 22       by his ability to express the 23       of existing images.

4. A.  lost   B. learned

   C.  achieved   D. knew

5. A.  study   B. teach

   C.  revise   D. practise

6.  A. So   B. And

   C.  However   D. Although

7. A.  In that case   B. In fact

   C.  In addition   D. Above all

8.  A. create   B. invent

   C.  make   D. produce

9. A.  drew   B. painted

   C.  designed   D. coloured

10. A.  excuse   B. cause

   C.  reason   D. sense

11. A.  interest   B. affair

   C.  business   D. profession

12. A.  took   B. cost

   C.  spent   D. invested

13. A.  everything   B. anything

   C.  something   D. nothing

14. A.  disliked   B. enjoyed

   C.  hated   D. failed

15. A.  suddenly   B. sometimes

   C.  generally   D. seldom

16. A.  importance   B. excellence

   C.  popularity   D. influence

17. A.  fan   B. creator

   C.  artist   D. founder

18. A.  classical   B. folk

   C.  modern   D. western

19. A.  use   B. manage

   C.  apply   D. employ

20. A.  reduces   B. joins

   C.  increases   D. adds

21. A.  so as   B. such as

   C.  as to   D. as of

22. A.  amazed   B. expected

   C.  disappointed   D. annoyed

23. A.  sense   B. idea

   C.  meaning   D. feeling

4. C achieve the grade 意为“取得分数”。

5. A根据前半句内容和下段中“After college…”可知此处指学习。

6. D根据后半句never语境可知此处表示让步关系。

7. B根据后面的内容可知作者在这里介绍自己实际喜欢的东西。

8. A invent 发明;make 制造;produce 生产;create 创作。根据全文可知,作者为一名画家,所以创作作品用create。

9. B根据下段内容可知此处指作者在帆布上画画,故选B.

10. C excuse 借口 ; cause 起因;reason 原因,理由;sense 感觉。结合上句内容和本句可知,作者要表示自己将绘画作为一种兴趣正是由于“这个原因”。

11. D根据前文内容和下文中提到的hobby可知此处应指职业。

12. C

13. B 根据前半句中的without和后半句“…but over the past few years... ”可知此处表示“任何东西”。

14. B 根据“…putting paints onto canvas again. ”可知作者喜欢在帆布上绘画。

15. C

16. D根据下文可知,作者的艺术风格受到很多名家的“影响”。

17. A根据下文可知,作者认为自己是现代流行艺术的 “支持者”。

18. C根据上文中提到的“I am a big…”可知作者将自己的作品列入现代流行艺术之中。

19. A

20. D add…to为固定短语,意为“增加到”。

21. B根据后半句可知此处表示举例,such as意为“例如”。

22. A amazed意为“惊讶的”,表现出作者对艺术家崇拜的心情。

23. C express the meaning 表达含义。


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