
In June 2013 a five-year-old boy, Toby, was walking home from school thinking about the long summer ahead. Money was tight that year and Toby’s parents had told him they would not be able to afford a holiday.

Instead of dreaming about foreign travel, he had been reading a book, Letter to New Zealand, where the author explains what happens in an envelope’s journey from England to the other side of the world. As they neared their house, Toby asked his mum, Sabine, if he could write a letter to New Zealand. After a few more steps he was struck by an even better idea. “Can I write a letter to every country in the world?”

Sabine says she often wonders what would have happened if she had replied differently that day. “It was just one of those typical questions that five-year-olds have,” she says. “ If he had asked me in the evening when I was tired, I might have refused. But as parents you realize there’s a lot of power in just allowing kids to have a go. Also, it seemed a nice way to do some armchair exploration. So I told him” Let’s see how far you get.”

The answer was very far indeed. Toby has since written and posted letters to all 193 UN mumber states, as well as numerous other bad-conditioned areas with comforting ones.

To date he has written 681 letters- the best of which have been selected to appear in a new book called Dear World, How Are You?- although so productive is Toby’ pen that the number will have risen by the time you read this.

“Writing these letters has made me realize that the world isn’t actually all that big,” he says with a grin.

In the future, part of him would like to be a musical director to turn his beloved Star Wars into a ballet. Of course, he also hopes to travel the globe in person to see some of the countries where his letters have ended up.

“We’re so lucky to have this wonderful world, and I hope we can live on planet Earth in peace.”

1. Why did Toby want to write letters to other countries?

A. He was good at writing.

B. He was eager to go abroad.

C. He got inspired by a book.

D. He wanted others to help his family.

2.From Toby’s mother’s words, we know that at first____.

A. she thought her son’s idea was of no value

B. she got tired of her son’s request

C. she believed her son would succeed

D. she thought she should give her son a try

3.What’s the influence of writing letters to Toby?

A. He has traveled to 193 UN number states.

B. He understands more about the world.

C. He becomes productive in writing stories.

D. He has to put his letters into a book.

4.How can we describe Toby?

A. Clever and persistent.

B. Ambitious and kind-hearted.

C. Hardworking and humorous.

D. Brave and strong-willed.



Cell Phones: Hang Up or Keep Talking

Millions of people are using cell phones today. In many places, it is actually considered unusual not to use one. 1. They find that the phones are more than a means of communication – having mobile phone shows that they are cool and connected.

The explosions around the world in mobile phone use make some health professionals worried. Some doctors are concerned that in the future many people may suffer health problems from the use of mobile phones. Mobile phone companies are worried about the negative publicity(负面报道)of such ideas. __2.__

On the other hand, signs of change in the issues of the brain and head can be detected with modern scanning equipment. In one case, a traveling salesman had to retire at a young age because of serious memory loss. 3. This man used to talk on his mobile phone for about six hours a day, every day of his working week, for a couple of years.

4. The answer is radiation(辐射). High-tech machines can detect very small amounts of radiation from mobile phones. Mobile phone companies agree that there is some radiation, but they say the amount is too small to worry about.

As the discussion about the safety continues, it appears that it’s best to use mobile phones less often.

___5. Use your mobile phone only when you really need it. In the future, mobile phones may have a warning label that says they are bad for your health. So for now, it’s wise not to use your mobile phone too often.

A. They will possibly affect their benefits.

B. In many countries, cell phones are very popular with young people.

C. What do the doctors worry about?

D. What is it that makes mobile phones potentially harmful?

E. They say that there is no proof that mobile phones are bad for your health.

F. He couldn’t remember even simple tasks.

G. Use your regular phone if you want to talk for a long time.


It amazed me—every time I saw Joe, he was smiling. It didn’t _ ___ whether he had to stop at a stop light, or if he were the seventh person in __ __ at the bank, and the service stopped just before he got there. Joe __ _ smiled. It made me wonder why he seemed so __ __ every day.

Having observed Joe with other people, I __ __ something else also. Joe asked people how they were doing, and really seemed to listen to their __ __. If someone were hurting, he had __ __ for him and kind words, and offered to __ __ in any way he could.

It made me think...What if I tried to smile more? A(n) __ __ of sorts began when I went to the grocery store. I smiled as I went up and down the aisles...and people I didn’t even _ __ smiled back at me. Some even __ __! The little kid in the cart(购物车) who was giving his mother a __ __ time saw me smile and _ ___ talking...and, you guessed it. He made a shy little attempt at a smile. The man in the handicapped(残疾的) cart __ __ a person to reach something...I could get that for him. The smile even transferred over to him, and he __ __ me.

As I drove home, I was smiling. I _ ___ what I had just learned, and when someone passed me and gave me a(n) _ ___, I smiled at him. He looked puzzled.

Now I know a smile is a small thing, but what if we were all to try to smile a few more times each day? I couldn’t believe how _ __ I felt. Nothing in my life had changed, _ __ maybe it had. For what I learned was that such a small thing could __ _ not only my spirits, but those around me as well.

1.A. workB. happenC. matterD. last

2.A. orderB. debtC. handD. line

3.A. always B. eventuallyC. immediatelyD. still

4.A. naughtyB. happyC. activeD. humorous

5.A. decidedB. judgedC. noticedD. considered

6.A. answersB. complaintsC. excusesD. comments

7.A. guidanceB. respectC. sympathyD. protection

8.A. performB. attemptC. botherD. help

9.A. experimentB. lifeC. projectD. program

10.A. meetB. touchC. knowD. contact

11.A. glaredB. greetedC. approachedD. escaped

12.A. spareB. longC. hardD. great

13.A. stoppedB. triedC. keptD. enjoyed

14.A. persuadedB. acceptedC. supportedD. needed

15.A. thankedB. changedC. encouragedD. invited

16.A. worried aboutB. thought about

C. talked overD. looked over

17.A. gestureB. addressC. callD. ticket

18.A. normalB. greatC. reasonableD. complicated

19.A. soB. forC. butD. till

20.A. releaseB. admireC. displayD. lift

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