
2.-I think I will give Bob a ring.
-You______.You haven't been in touch with each other for two weeks!(  )

分析 --我想我会给Bob打电话.

解答 答案是A.本题考查情态动词should的用法.情态动词should往往表示"按照道理应该…";根据句意,你们已经两周没有联系,"按理你应该给他打电话",所以答案是A.

点评 要在正确理解情态动词的基本含义的基础上,整体理解语境中的情感态度,做出合理的判断.

7.Charles Dickens is probably England's most popular author.He was born in Portsmouth,England in 1812.He started attending school at the age of nine,but was forced to leave when he was 12because his father had been put in prison for getting into debt after carelessly spending his money.Dickens worked in a shoe factory during his father's time in prison.Fortunately,his father was released from prison later the same year and Dickens was able to return to schooL
At the age of 15,Dickens started to work as a clerk.Then he was given a better-paid job as a law court reporter,because he could write quickly.
In 1836,he then decided to write his first book,Pickwick Papers,a kind of comic for adults.This book was followed by many more including Oliver Twist,Nicholas Nickleby,and so on.With these books,Dickens continued to describe the poor conditions that the working classes and poor people had to live under.He hoped that by doing so,things could change for the better but the situation just seemed to get worse.
In 1842,Dickens went to America and lectured in favor of international copyright,so that authors could get paid when their books were published in another country.By 1857,Dickens was famous for his writing and he had gained many international fans.He became very rich and was able to tour America and Europe to talk about his works.
In 1860,Dickens wrote one of his most popular stories,Great Expectations,the story of a young boy,with no money,who aspired to become rich one day.Perhaps Dickens was thinking about his own early life when deciding on the topic of the story.
On 8th June,1870,having spent the day working on what was to be his last novel,The Mystery of Edwin Drood,Dickens suddenly fell down at the dinner table and died the next evening.
21.What was the first job Dickens took in his life?A
A.A factory worker.
B.An office clerk.
C.A news reporter.
D.A writer.
22.What did Dickens mainly describe in his books?B
A.Comic adult life.
B.Common people living in hardship.
C.The transformation of people from poor to rich.
D.The better living conditions of the working classes.
23.What can we infer from the fourth paragraph?C
A.Nobody supported copyright in the 19th century in England.
B.Dickens gave speeches all over the world to support copyright.
C.Dickens benefited a lot from the law of copyright.
D Copyright was a familiar concept to most people in Dickens'time.
24.Which book do you think represents the early life of Dickens?D
A.Pickwick Papers                   
B.Nicholas Nickleby
C.The Mystery of Edwin Drood         
D.Great Expectations.
11.That summer an army of crickets(蟋蟀) started a war with my father.Dad cared for insects no more than Mamma,but he could tolerate a few living in the basement.Mamma was a city girl and she said a cricket was just too noisy.Then to support her point she wouldn't go to bed.She drank coffee and smoked my father's cigarettes and paced between the sofa and the TV.Next morning she threatened to pack up and leave,so Dad drove to the store and hurried back.He sprayed poison from a jug.When he was finished he told us that was the end of it.
For a couple of weeks we went back to find dead crickets in the laundry.He suggested that we'd all be better off to hide as many as we could from Mamma.I fed a few dozen to the cat who I didn't like because he scratched for no reason.
However,soon live crickets started showing up in the kitchen and bathroom.Mamma was upset because she thought they were the dead crickets coming back,but Dad said these were certainly new ones.He fetched his jug of poison and sprayed all over until the whole house smelled of poison,and then he sprayed the basement again.
A couple of weeks later,when both live and dead crickets kept turning up,Dad emptied the basement of junk.Then he burned a lot of old newspapers and magazines which he said the crickets had turned into nests.
While we ate supper that evening,the wind lifted some flames onto the wood pile.The only gasoline was in the lawn mower's(割草机) fuel tank but that was enough to create an explosion big enough to reach the house.Once the roof caught,there wasn't much anyone could do.
After the fire trucks left,Mamma took the others to Aunt Gail's.I helped Dad and Uncle Burt carry things out of the house and pile them by the road.We worked into the night and we didn't talk much,while all around the noise of crickets broke our silence.

56.What do we know about the author's mother?A
A.She didn't like insects at all.
B.She liked insects more than his father.
C.She cared for insects very much.
D.She could only tolerate a few insects.
57.The author's father drove to the store to buyB.
A.cigarettes for himself
B.some poison
C.more coffee for his wife
D.some gasoline
58.The author's father burned the old newspapers and magazines because he thoughtC.
A.they were no longer useful
B.the crickets were afraid of fires
C.they became the home of crickets
D.the dead crickets came back to life
59.We learn from the last paragraph thatA.
A.the author's family lost their battle against the crickets
B.the author's parents learned to put up with insects
C.the author's family didn't suffer much in the fire
D.the author's parents got divorced.
12.There was once a captain who loved money so much that he cheated his sailors at the end of every voyage and took their wages.
On the last day of one voyage,the ship was in a small port.It was winter time,and the sea was very cold,so the captain said to his sailors,"If one of you stays in the water during the whole night,I will give him my ship.But if he comes out before the sun appears,I shall get his wages."
The sailors had heard about the captain's cheating,so they didn't trust him.But then one of them,who thought that he was cleverer than the captain,said that he would do it.He got into the water,and,though it was very cold,he stayed in it.When it was nearly morning,some fishermen lit a fire on the shore about half a mile away.
"You are cheating,"the captain said to the sailor."The fire's warming you."
"But it's half a mile away!"said the sailor.
"A fire's fire,"answered the captain."I have won."
The sailor came out of the water,and said,"Perhaps you think that you are clever because you have won my wages,but you can't cook a chicken."
"I can,"answered the captain.
"If you cook this chicken,"said the sailor,"I shall work for you without wages for seven years,but if you can't,you will give me your ship."
The captain agreed,took the chicken and said,"Where's the fire?"
"There it is,"answered the sailor."On the shore."
"But it's half a mile away,"said the captain angrily.
"'A fire's fire,'you said,"answered the sailor."If it is enough to warm me in the water,it is enough to cook your chicken."
56.What is the meaning of the underlined word"wages"in paragraph\1?C
A.food             B.clothes          C.money        D.chicken
57.The captain got the sailors'wagesC.
A.to buy a chicken for himself            
B.and kept the money for future use
C.by cheating them                    
D.and said he would return the money soon
58.The captain insisted that the fire was warming the sailor because heA.
A.didn't want to fail
B.didn't believe the sailor's success
C.wanted to keep his promise              
D.wanted to show his cleverness
59.Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?B
A.The sailors didn't trust the captain.
B.In order to help the sailor in the water,the fishermen made a fire.
C.The captain failed to cheat the sailor this time.
D.The sailor didn't get out of the water before the sun appeared.
60.What is the title of the story?D
A.How a Captain Cheated His Sailor        
B.How a Sailor Got a Ship
C.A Brave Sailor                          
D.A Fire Is Fire.

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